X395~tot,550 worth of war bonds has been credited tend officially until June 30, but the disruption of week would help getly to mE Bond Drive s h University total in the Seventh War Loan routine during exam week and the closing days of those bonds purchased throng drive, figures announced yesterday indicated. This the term make it imperative that the quota be filled groups having no definite quo Short $10 000 is still more than $10,000 short of the campus goal before the end of the week. Any half-filled stamp the cashier's office now, there of $100,000 in bond sales. The campaign will ex- books that could be completed and turned in this ficulty in going over the top. VOL. LV, No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1945 eet the quota. If all gh banks and other tas were reported to would be little dif- WEATHER Cloudy with Light Showers. PRICE FIVE CENTS Aussies Seize. Strategic Island of Muara Advance on NW Borneo; * * * * * * * * * * * * New Student Bookstore To Open for Summer Ter I Constitution Approved at Mass Session All-Campus Group Gets Temporary Title Students unanimously ratified the constitution as presented at yester- day's mass meeting of the all-campus organization, temporarily named "Student Organization for Interna- tional Cooperation." This name was chosen at the first mass meeting held last week, but it must be approved by the University administration before it may become permanent. It was announced at the meeting that the Executive Council had elect- ed Jack Gore as representative to the Washington Youth Conference to be held June 25 and 26. In the event that Gore is unable to attend, Ethel Shirwindt was elected the alter- nate representative. The delegate will return to campus and report the results of the conference, which is being held by youth groups from all over the United States to make plans for the coming youth conferences to be held in London and Prague this fall. The organization has been formed, as stated in the preamble to the constitution, "to promote world youth cooperation and understanding." The constitution provides for an Executive Council composed of rep- resentatives from campus organiza- tions (at present 19 are represented. but other groups may petition for representation) and chairman of the organization's committees. This body will formulate the policies of the organization. An Executive Board, made up of the officers of the Executive Council and committee chairman will serve as a liason between the Council and the committees. It is a coordinating body which directs policy into action through the committees. All students, regardless of affilia- tion, may work on or become chair- man of one or more of the commit- tees which at present are publicity' finance, correspondence, public rela- tions, expansion and arrangements. Organizations which desire repre- sentation on the Executive Council may submit a petition at the first summer term meeting of the Coun- cil to be held July 5. Future plans of the organization in- clude the adoption of a foreign Uni- versity which has been destroyed by the war, and establishment of rela- tions with other youth groups throughout the world. Congressmen Told To Raise Salary WASHINGTON, June 12 - (A) - President Truman told members of Congress today they are underpaid "by any measuring trod," and invited them to grant themselves an imme- diate raise in line with the Littie Steel Formula. This would mean a salary increase of 15 per cent, and addition of $1,500 a year to the $10,000 drawn by mem- bers of both the Senate and House. Cash Rebates To Be Offered Book-Buying Club Members Membership Drive Begins Today; Students Can Order Books Monday Organized to save students money in the purchase of books and other school supplies, the Michigan Book-Buying Club, a newly-organized coop- erative association offering rebates on purchaises by its members, is now conducting a campus-wide membership campaign in preparation for its summer term opening. Anyone, member or non-member, will be able to purchase or order their texts, other books and supplies through the Club when it begins operation the first week of the sum-<* mer term at Book Club headquarters in Lane Hall. Those who join through the purchase of a three-dollar cap- ital stock certificate will' receive a rebate, voted by the members, at the end of each semester. Members may withdraw from the Book-Buying Club only at the end of the semester, or session, or by a special vote of the membership. Ac- cording to the Club's constitution, each member will have one vote and there shall be no voting by proxy. The Michigan Book-Buying Club FINAL FLING: Campus Sing, Concert To B HeldThursdayr Highlighting the traditional pre- finals "fling," an all-campus sing and band concert at 7:15 p. m. EWT (6:15 p. m. CWT) .tomorrow on the library steps, several stunt numbers and Michigan songs will be perform- ed by members of the Varsity Glee Club and University Concert Band. The Men's Glee Club under the di- rection of Prof. David Mattern, will sing three concert numbers: "Sulli- van's "The Lost Chord," "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" (Fred War- ing's arrangements) and a Negro spiritual, "Set Down Servant." Solo- ists Harold Kulbarsh, Raymond Bun- taine and Jerome Horwitz will also be featured. Conducted by nine students. the Concert Band will open its program at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) with the National Anthem to be followed by Wood's "Manx Overture," a Gold- man march, "Shenandoah," Strauss' "Perpetual Motion," March from Holst's "Suite in E-flat" and "Italian Polka" by Rachmaninoff. Rollin Tuttle, Lois Parker, Mar- garet Ruby, graduate students, Don- ita Crossley and Barbara Litchfield, head librarian of the band, will di- rect these selections. A Sousa march, "King Cotton," will be conducted by Anthony Desiderio; Ketelby's "In A Monastery Garden" will be directed by Anna Choate, and Mary Lou Nigro will conduct a Mexican composition by Texidor. Final numbers on the band pro- gram, Morton Gould's "American Le- gion Forever," conducted by George Murthum, a medley of service tunes, "Varsity' 'and "Victors" will be under the direction of Henry Busche, assist- ant to Prof. Revelli. was organized last month by a group of students, many of them leaders in other campus organizations, who, ac- cording to Gloria Rewoldt, member of the temporary executive board, "decided to buy their own school sup- plies and still save money." As in- terest grew, these students formed a temporary executive board, contact- ed University authorities, book sup- pliers and student groups. The exec- utive board then formulated exten- sive plans aimed at including the en- tire student body and interested townspeople in the Club's member- ship. Most of the funds derived from the sale of stock certificates will be used to purchase a wide range of books and supplies through book dealers, the balance of the capital to be laid aside for future purchases and as re- funds for any member wishing to re- tire his membership. A list of textbooks to be used for summer courses will be posted in the Book-Buying Club's Lane Hall office, which will be open from 2 to 5 p. m. EWT (1 to 4 p. m. CWT) Monday. Students, not otherwise contacted, may purchase membership stock cer - tificates at that time. They are ad- vised, by an executive board spokes- man, to order their textbooks as soon as possible to assure prompt and cer- tain delivery by the start of the summer term. The present need of the organiza- tion is for personnel, who are able to work a few hours a day for the first few weeks of the summer term at the Book Club. Those interested are requested to notify immediately Miss Rewoldt (24516). Arthur Kraft 'z3 2- 41 or 6282) or any other board exec-f utive or membership solicitor. HIopkins Reports OnStainTlks WASHINGTON, June 12-()- Harry Hopkins returned from Mos- cow today and reported immediately to President Truman on his talks with Marshal Stalin which have been credited with improving Russo- American relations. The president's emissary is sched- uled to discuss Russo-American rela- tions at his news conference tomor- row. Publication of The Daily will cease for the semester on Friday and will be resumed Tuesday, July 3. FEPC Killed In Cominittee By Six-Six Vote Southern Democrats Seal Doom of Measure By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, June 12-Presi- dent Truman's request for a perma- nent FEPO was turned down flatly today by the House Rules Committee, with a Democrat from the Presi- dent's home state casting the decid- ing vote. By a six-to-six count, the commit- tee at a closed door session refused to send to the floor for a vote legisla- tion to make permanent the Fair Employment Practices Committee created by the late President Roose- velt to prevent employment discrim- ination because of race, creed or color. Legislation Killed The action virtually killed the leg- islation, since it will stand as long as none of the six committee oppo- nents changes his mind, and there was no indication that this would happen. The House could take the bill from the committee if 218 mem- bers signed a discharge petition, but such a petition has been in circula- tion more than a month and still is far short of the necessary signa- tures. Michener Supports Motion It was learned from committee members that the- four Republican committeemen, Halleck of Indiana, Michener of Michigan, Allen of Illi- nois and Brown of Ohio, were joined by Sabath and John J. Delaney of New York, a Democrat, in support of the motion to send the legislation to the floor. Against them were Slaughter, Smith of Virginia, Cox of Georgia, Bates of Kentucky, Colmer of Mis- sissippi and Clark of North Carolina, Democrats. Marines Gai On Soitlierii O)kiiaaFront GUAM, June 13 (Wednesday)-(P) -American troops launched heavy ground attacks throughout the south- ern Okinawa front yesterday and by nightfall had made substantial gains into high ground of the Yaeju-Dake escarpment despite fierce resistance. The first Marines, working inland from the southwest coast, occupied positions on Kunishi ridge against light resistance in a pre-dawn man- euver - then held their gains despite heavy artillery, mortar and machine- gun fire. Heavy fighting developed around Kunishi, most strategic height on the western end of the Yaeju-Dake es- carpment, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said in today's communique. However, the Marines not only were holding their positions but were bringing up reinforcements under in- tense fire. Nimitz said a Japanese aerial as- sault Monday inflisted "some dam- age" on a light unit of the fleet. Ten Japanese attackers were shot down. At the eastern end of the line, the Seventh Infantry Division, in a sur- prise attack, placed forward elements on top of the escarpment at a point northwest of Hanagusuku. Southwest of Hanagusuku - east- ern anchor of the enemy's fortified Yaeju-Dake line - other seventh division troops attacked high ground. The 96th Infantry Division, which made the previous two days' most spectacular gains to capture a pla- teau in the center of the line, seized all of Yuza town. It captured high ground south of Yuza and secured some terrain on approaches to the escarpment in the center of the island. 0 '~'~ BEAU FORT LABUAN M.mpak *itoi sQ Town _ Weston --ig ungan Brune, BooySto ipitang NORTH * -BORNEO BRUNEI Mu* ° BRUNEI: -- -f Punang _ -. LABU Trusan LIMB NG e. SARA WAK SARAWAK BRUNET- AUSTRALIAN NINTH DIVICION TROOPS today seized all of Muara Island (lower arrow) at the mouth of'Brunei Bay, and have driven two miles south toward Brunei. Troops which landed Sunday on Labuan Island (arrow) advanced two miles north of the captured air field. Reprfe sentatives ofBigf Thee Poland Will Meet MeetingTo Be Held June 15 in Moscow To Seek Settlementof Polish Problem By The Associated Press LONDON, June 12-A meeting will be held in Moscow June 15 by rep-I resentatives of the Big Three, the Warsaw Provincial Government and democratic leaders from within and without Poland to seek a settlement of the Polish reorganization problem, it' was announced today. A statement released simultaneous- ly in London, Washington and Mos- cow said that U. S. Ambassador to Moscow W. Averell Harriman, Rus- sian Foreign Commissar V. M. Molo- tov and British Ambassador Sir John Archibald Clark Kerr would confer with leaders of the three Polish groups "about reorganization of the provisional Polish government on the Board Appoints SPorts Editor Appointment of Bill Mullendore as Daily sports editor for the summer term was announced yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations. Mullendore, a junior in the depart- ment of journalism, has been a night editor on the Daily sports staff for five semesters and has also served on the edit staff of the Daily. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, honor- ary journalism fraternity. He will succeed Hank Mantho, Daily sports editor for the past three semesters. broad democratic basis provided for in the Crimea agreement on Poland." Among the top Polish leaders who are to meet with the representatives of the Big Three are. Boleslaw Beirut, president of the provisional govern- ment; Wincenty Witos, aged former premier whose disappearance about, the same time 16 other Polish lead- ers were arrested by the Sovietson sabotage charges caused wide specu- lation; and Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, former premier of the exiled Polish government in London and leader of the Polish Peasant Party. The announcement said that in addition to Beirut other members of the provisional government who will go to Moscow for the conference are Premier Edward Usubka-Morawski, Wladyslaw Kowalski and Wladyslaw Gomulka. Accompanying Witos as represent- atives of democratic elements inside Poland not associated with the provi- sional government will be Zygmund Zulawski, Stanislaw Kutrzeba, Adam Kryzysanowski and Henry Kolod- zeiski. Mikolajyczyk will take with him Jan Stanczyk and Julian Zakowski. Announcement of plans for the meeting brightened prospects for an early solution of the tangled Polish problem.j Near Brunei Troops Move Ahead 2 Miles on Labuan By The Associated Press MANILA, June 13 - Australian troops have seized all of strategic Muara Island at the mouth of Brune Bay and on the mainland hae fought on two miles southward toward Bru- nei, capital of the British Protecto- rate of Northwest Borneo, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced to- day. On the larger island of Labuan, which commands the entrance to Brunei Bay, the seasoned Australian troops who landed Sunday drove two miles north of the captured air field. Bomb Jungle Trails Heavy, medium and fighter bomb- ers continued to smash at the enemy positions along the jugle-tangled trails leading inland. Light naval units on night patrol attacked shore targets in the Brunei Bay area and at Sandakan on the northern tip of Borneo. The advance on Brunei city plac- ed the Australians about 14 miles from the. capital and 38 miles from Seria oil field, one of the prime ob- jectives in this strike at one of the richest of all prizes seized by the Japanese in their drive toward Aus- tralia. Naval Forces Hold Bruner Bay American and Australian naval forces firmly held Brunei Bay itself, where the Japanese warships used to refuel when they were roaming vir- tually unchecked southward. On this fourth day of the Borneo invasion Japanese opposition con- tinued almost negligible but Austral- ian commanders predicted "some strife" as their forces move through mangrove swamplands and jungle- tangled wooded areas on the road to Brunei, capital city. On Labuan Island engineers work- ed like beavers to ready the 3,600- foot airstrip, near bomb-ruined Vic- toria City, for Allied planes. Aussie ground troops met their main oppo- sition at the airfield, They liquidat- ed stubborn pockets of resistance ,in a cleanup that required several hours. , S Provisions for Security Council Are Approved SAN FRANCISCO-()-The heart of a new world charter - provisions for a security council to enforce peace and back up its decisions with armed might - was approved unan- imously late yesterday by a United Nations Conference Commission. They empower a tightly-knit coun- cil of 11 members to take over for all the United Nations the responsibility for stepping into any situation or dispute which threatens to embroil the world in conflict in the future. Council membership is restricted to the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China permanently, plus six smaller powers on a rotating basis. The Council could take whatever measures it considers necessary to erase the threat of war. It could make recommenidations, draft terms for peaceful conciliation of quarrels, and apply military and economic sanctions. Still to be decided, however, is the voting procedure by which the Coun- cil will make its decisions and the question of whether each of the Big Five will have the right they demand to veto peace-enforcement action. A conference committee i working toward a critical ballot on the issue. Students Must Close Accounts An urgent reminder has been is- sued to all treasurers of societies, clubs. residence halls and other stu. CAR PERMITS EASED: Recreational Driving Allowed Durin gSummer Session, Term CAMPUS EVENTS Today The Ann Arbor Civic Or- chestra will present a concert at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. in. CWT) in the West Park Shell. Today V-12 Unit will present Navy Olympics at 7 p. m. EWT (6 p. m. CWT) at Ferry Field. June 14 The Men's Glee Club and the University Concert Band will present an All- Campus Sing at 7:15 p.m. EWT (6:15 CWT) on the CHOSEN MONDA Y:f Petitions f-or Men ' d I ic iiry Council Offices Due Friday Men students seeking to become officers of the Men's Judiciary Coun- cil for the fall term, 1945-46, should submit their petitions to the Student Offices of the Union before noon Friday. Any man who satisfies University eligibility qualifications may petition for the Council offices of president and secretary. To petition now, men must hold eligibility cards for the c 4-nn term. fn -11i f rmf- iii +VI the Student Offices between 3 and 5 p.m. EWT any day this week. In their petitions candidates should in- dicate their qualifications and expe- rience in extra -curicular activities and their reasons for seeking the offices. No member of the Council may be an officer of his class in school. Duties Listed The Men's Judiciary Council su- -,r'"''a ca otIi cm pr nrc a an i Students will be permitted to drive their own automobiles for recrea- tional purposes during the summer term, it was announced yesterday. A permit must be obtained by stu- dents who have cars on campus dur- ing the summer months. This type of permit does not grant complete personal use of a car, according to Walter B. Rea, assistant dean of stu- dents. It limits driving to transpor- tation for outdoor athletic recreation such as golf, tennis and swimming. Limit Social Driving Passengers may be carried in con- nection with these activities, but mixed company in a car will not be nirimittdr after 9n ~m- 'WwT (8 nm. reational permits may do so at the Dean of Students Office, Rm. 2, Uni- versity Hall. A letter of approval from parents and evidence of prop- erty damage and, public liability in- surance on the care must accompany each application. Recreation Regulations Students who now possess driving permits may secure the additional recreational privilege by bringing their permit cards to the Dean's Office. In such cases, no additional letter or evidence of insurance will be required. Dean Rea emphasized that in all cases a permit must be obtained and