PAE FO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Hopkins Settles Polish Dispute Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student.Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer a Dixon . Paul Sislin Rlik Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay Mcpee s Editorial Staff . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director S . . . tEditor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff N' Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 2.241 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatchs credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper Ai rights of re- publication of all other matters: herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail,$5.25. "RPIRSENTE 'O r NATIONMl. A0VE T*,ldi RY National Advertising Service, In. College PblishersRepresentative 420 MADiso nAVE."* NEW YORK, N.YY. CHICASO ".OSTON . ""O.1 -AIRS *"SA FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944.45 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The. Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. FEPC Necessary THE FAIR Employment Practices Commis- sion will lose all its power to act as soon as war plants are reconverted unless it is put on a permanent statutory basis now. Against the bill providing for a permanent FEPC are not only the reactionaries, the advocates of "white supremacy" and those who specialize in stirring up racial and religious hatred, but also a few sincere individuals who maintain that prejudice is an emotion .and that emotional control cannot be legislated. Education, they say, is the only remedy. Our schools have been teaching the theo- retical equality of the Negro ever since the Civil War. We have come through $0 years of 'race riots, lynchings and brutal results. We have no reason to believe that the next century will produce anything resembling a change for the better. Are our universities free from preju- dice, signifying that they have reached the last rung in the educational ladder? It is an ac- cepted fact that in the great majority of the nation's institutions of higher.learning the race and creed, as well as the ability of a man is considered before he is appointed to the faculty. There are students who are at this univer- sity today because they were refused entrance to colleges which have enrollment "quotas." And there are students at other schools today who are there because they were refused admis- sion to special divisions of this university for that same reason. Education alone can never solve the prob- lem of racial and religious discrimination. While it may be true that prejudice brings about discrimination, it is equally true that discrimination breeds prejudice. The vicious circle can only be broken when discrimina- ion is outlawed -Annette Shenker Today's Meting FIVE young people who were here last week have caused a minor 'sensation on campus. They have inspired a long-sought-for inter- campus organization. They have instilled us with some of the en- thusiastic fire.I They have mapped out strategy for us to follow. And we are carrying out that plan of action. Few people imagined that five previously in- significant persons .would have such n effect on us. They asked for a united world youth front and Michigan is playing its part to achieve that goal. Organizations and individuals have joined willingly. Over 175 attended the initial meet- ing last week, and another such all-campus meeting will be held' at 4:15 . m.-today in lane Hall. The purpose of this group, as a small part of the giant front, will be to protect the peace. That is the task of the youth of the world. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Unless something unforeseen happens to upset it, Harry Hopkins has won a resounding victory for improved relations with Russia by ironing out the main points of the Polish dispute. The agreement, hammered out in several intimate talks between Hopkins and Stalin, provided for an immediate meeting by three groups 'of Polish leaders in Moscow to set up a new Polish government representing all factions. This will include ex-premier Mikola- jezyk of the London government, who has been kept closely informed of all phases of the Kremlin discussions and has approved them. An invitation to this Moscow meeting will be issued by the representatives of Great Britain, the United States and Russia almost immediate- ly. Four of the Polish leaders who will meet in Moscow will be from the Lublin government, including President Bierut. Two will come from the London government, including Premier Mik- olajezyk and labor minister Jan Stanzyck. Details Worked Out . . DETAILS regarding the coming Polish confer- ence already have been worked out, and the seven Poles now outside the Lublin govern- ment will doubtless be brought into the new government, which will then be recognized by both Washington and London. The details of the Hopkins-Stalin conversa- tions inside the Kremlin, considered an import- ant milestone in -American-Russian relations, can now be told. They started on the question of the 16 miss- ing Poles, Hopkins pointing out what great dis- tress the Russian action in arresting them had caused in the United States. Stalin admitted that not all were guilty but said that the Soviet Union could not counten- ance any group which came to Moscow in "good faith" bringing with them a secret radio which was being used to transmit messages to London or any other place especially when ample British and American transmission fa- cilities were available in Moscow if the Poles did not trust the Russians. Stalin also pointed out the group had been caught red-handed sending other than dip- lomatic messages over the radio and that the arrest of the entire group had followed. Hopkins pressed the point that it was unfair to punish all the men for the sins of a few. Finally Stalin agreed that all would not be tried and that some were to be released. Hopkins pointed out that the press and radio in the U. S. were waging tremendous political warfare on the Russians and that this made any pro-Soviet foreign policy extremely difficult to carry out. Marshal Stalin agreed that the situation was quite bad in the U. S., and in Britain as well. However, he stubbornly maintained that the reason behind the campaign was that big in- terests in the U. S. hate Russia and will at- tack her on any pretense. Stalin did agree it was high time the Rus- sians made some gesture toward the United States. However, lie asked that release of the Poles not be made a condition to re- sumption of negotiations on the Polish issue. Truman's Approval Obtained .. . - OPKINS and Averell Harriman, U. S. ambas- sador to Moscow, agreed with Stalin and promised to use their influence with Churchill and Truman to obtain approval of this tentative procedure. Truman readily agreed, and the next night Hopkins and Stalin went into session again. Hopkins then proposed that ex-Premier Mikolajczyk be brought to Moscow and sit in on DRAMA THE DEPARTMENT of Speech's experimental theatre held forth last night in the Univer- sity High School auditorium with a production of a student-written play, Louise Comins' "A Girl's Best Friend." The play is a diverting one, suggesting, as have the other productions of this group, that there is considerable talent for dramatic writ- ing i" the student body. "A Girl's Best Friend" is a farce comedy about sorority life. While the play concerns itself with a rather tepid love affair fraught with mother-in-law trouble, it is really a vehicle for kidding college life. It delves into such sub- jects as cab service, the Arboretum, hired help, laundry service, month-late themes and men, men, men. Loaded with amusing dialogue, it brought last night's audience to a point of great enthusiasm. The play contains an absolutely magnificent swipe at house-mothers. One feels Miss Comins must be rather bitter on this sub- ject, since her Mrs. Roper is painted in pure vitriol. She lacks only a whip and moustache to play Simon LeGree. T1'he performance badly mangled the third act. which I suspect is slightly tedious any- way. Otherwise the cast gave a good account of themselves, Harriet Robr, Leona Landy, .and Henry Kaminski deserve a special round of applause in an evening which proved all over again the value of the experimental theatre and its work. -Barrie Waters the negotiations. Also he proposed that Mikola- jczyk be asked to submit a group of Poles who were to be added to the Lublin regime. Stalin said this was consistent with the way in which he and President Roosevelt understood the Yalta agreement, namely enlarging the present War- saw government, using the original Lublin group as its base. He approved this proposal and gave Hopkins a list of acceptable Poles. These were reported to Mikolajczyk who worked over the list in cooperation with some of his British government friends. . Finally Hopkins agreed to send a personal message to Prime Minister Churchill asking that he, too, appitove the entire formula worked out by himself and Stalin, including the fact that this agreement not be made conditional on the release of the 16 Poles. Hopkins told the State Department and Churchill that Stalin had prom- ised to give their release serious consideration and that he, Hopkins was confident this would be done. Under the Hopkins formula, consultations will be started in Moscow immediately among the Poles themselves with Mikolajczyk speak- ing.for the group outside Poland and the Lublin-Warsaw group being represented by President Bierut, head of the Lublin organ- ization. The Big Three will watch over the. meetings, but will do no negotiating on be- half of the Poles. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT:f Inflated Economy By SAMUEL GRAFTON EGGS ARE hard to get, but strawberries (says the Wall Street Journal) are being flown daily from the Ozarks to Chicago. One has no objection to the air-borne strawberry, long may it fly, except that it is a kind of symbol. One of the earmarks of a period of beginning infla- tion is a brisk trade in luxuries, while necessi- ties grow scarce. It is easier to buy a $150 suit of clothes in New York than a chicken; it is easier to buy lace than denim, and there are far more floozy nightgowns on sal than honest shirts, 161/2, 34 sleeve. An economy in which inflation is beginning looks different from one in which it is not; one has only to walk down the street to see the signs of it. It is not solely a question of shortage of materials; there are more fancy clothes on dis- play to play golf in, than plain things to work in. An inflated economy is one in which ketchup is scarce and perfume isn't. There are other signs, too; one is that we are running out of any devices with which to fight inflation, except inflationary devices. We are trying to solve the problem of how to keep the meat industry going, at current prices, by turning a quarter of a billion dol- lars in additional subsidies' over to packers and feeders. That is justified, and it is far better than a general price increase, but it is a quarter of a billion dollars, and it is inflationary; it amounts to shovelling more money on to the pile, in an effort to drag the goods out, A number of Congressmen are trying to force the Office of Price Administration to guarantee to every manufacturer a profit on every item he makes, regardless of his over-all profit picture; they say that would make it possible for manu- facturers to produce more of the scarce items, but that', too, is an inflationary solution for an inflationary problem. It is characteristic of a certain stage of inflation that one tries to solve it by more inflation. Actually, the Office of Price Administration and Congress are heading in the same general direction, except that the Office of Price Admini- stration too is doing it reluctantly, and more or less scientifically, while a number of Congress- men want to throw incendiary bombs on the fire. That is the worst of it; a lust to speed the inflationary process is developing. A hungry yearning for inflation is a standard article in American politics, and has been since the in- ception of the republic. But the odd thing is that it is the Republican party, the party of sound money, which has fallen chief current victim to this disease; it has got its love for sound money somehow subordinated to its hat- red of government controls. The anger Which several Senators directed against the Office of Price Administration in last week's debate would have been much more ap- propriate if directed against the black market, which is really sapping the strength of the great American djollar- The same degree of passion and real honest feeling, bent to the latter pur- pose, might do the black market in. The black market really couldn't live, if it were denounced as often as the OPA is. Remember the flying strawberries, inino- cent little things, delicious with cream; but a useful minor symbol, too. We are heading towards a curious period, in which there are going to be 200,000 new automobiles made and sold this year. but maybe nothing for lamb stew; more radio tubes and more employ- ment; an economy kind of pulled out thin, more orchidaceous at the luxury level, and more frayed at the bottom. And the war is still on, as the man in the store says; and it is worth a measure of control to keep our economy from wearing its hat blowsily on one side. What shall it profit a people if its strawberries fly, and its hopes do not? (Copyright. 1945. N. Y. Post Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINJ PublicationInthe Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAIL TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 170 Notices President and Mrs. Rutliven will be at home to alumni, members of the graduating classes and their friends, on Friday afternoon, June 22, from 3:00 to 5:00 CWT. The University Commencement will be held in Hill Auditorium, Sat- urday morning, June 23. The doors open at 8:45 a.m. (CWT) Audience should be seated by 9:20 a.m. when procession enterĀ§ the Auditorium. In case of rain the power house whistle will be blown at 8:30 a.m. to notify all concerned that the Commence- ment Procession has been abandoned. Automobile Regulation. The Uni- versity Automobile Regulation will be lifted at 12:00 noon EWT (11:00 a.m. CWT) on Saturday, June 23, 1945. The Ruling will be resumed for the Summer Term at 8:00 a.m. EWT (7:00 a.m. CWT) on July 2, 1945. Attention June Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public. Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make up grade not later than 4:00 p. in., June 27th. Grades received after that time may defer the stu- dent's graduation until a later date. Identification Cards which were issued for the Summer, Fall and Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated for the Summer Term 1945 and must be turned in at the time of registra- tion. The 1944-45 cards will be used for an additional term because of the shortage of film and paper. Seniors: The firm which furnish- es diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in the average cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored in- side them resulting in seriously dam- aging the diplomas." Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of busi- ness on the last day of classes will ANY BONOS TODAY? ?By Bing Crosby Illust ratedby Hilda Terry R --- a - ---- -.1'~~7 ~iII% I-0h, ugjle l is really a swell driver! Il ejust cuts a notch In that fender every time he buys a War Bond." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semes- ter or summer session just completed will not be released, and no tran- script of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made:" The Summer Session of the Grad-. uate Curriculum in Social Work, which is given at the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit, will open for registration Friday and Satur- day, June 15 and 16, classes begin- ning Monday, June 18. The session will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a change fro moriginal dates set. Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend tenta- tive June graduates from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, by noon of June 25th. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for the following exam- inations have been received in our office. School Research Supervisor IV, $360 to $420 per month, Market- ing Enforcement Inspector A, $150 to $170, Barber Inspector A2, $140 to $160, and Property Sales Clerk B. $125 to $145 per month. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Student Social Worker: DetroitCivil Service are in Student Social Workers. City of need of Salary CURRENT MOVIES By BAiJIE WATE1(S $1735 per year. For further infor- mation stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Detroit Civil Service announcements for the following have been received in our office. Junior Stenographer, $1952 per year, Junior Typist, $1734, Intermediate Typist, $1886, Junior Clerk, $1734, Intermediate Clerk, $1886, Sr. Social Ebonomist, $3750 to $4260, Prin. Social Economist, $4830 to $5451, Transportation Safety En- gineer, $7500, Posting Machine Oper- ator (AFB&TM $1952, Calculating Machine Operator, $1952, Trans. Equip. Operator (Fem.), .97c per hour, Coach Service Man, .70c per hour, City Plan Effectuator, $4761, Sr. City Plan Effectuator, $6230, Social Case Worker, $2100, Animal Keeper, $57.20 per wk., Medical At- tendant (Female) $1734, Messenger, $1226 per year. Further information regarding these examinations may be obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Federal Civil Service announce- ment for Training Officer, $3163 to $4428 per year, for employment in Veterans Administration Facility, Dearborn, Michigan. For further in- formation stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Lectures Hopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burtf American novelist, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the subject "The Unreality of Realism" at 3:00 p.m. CWT Friday, June 15, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. An- nouncement of the Hopwood Awards for the year 1944-45 will be made at the conclusion of the lecture. The public is cordially invited. A cadenic Notices Make-up examinations in teology 13 will be given on June 13th at 8:00 CWT in the Natural Science Audi- torium. Makeup examinations in Geology 65 will be given on June 13th at 9:00 CWT in the Natural Science Audi- toriun. Final Examination Schedule: English 1 Abel ....... ..............~. NS Aud Bader .................... NS Aud Bromage N................. NS Aud Davis ..................... NS Aud Peterson ................. NS Aud English 2 Bertram ................ C Haven Boys ..................... C Haven Calves .........G 'Haven Eisinger ................ C Haven Engel ................... 229 All Everett.................... 18 All Fletcher B Haven Fogle....................231 AH Greenhut...............2231 All Hawkins ....... ....231 AH Hayden .................. B Haven Helm .......... ........... 18 All Morris ...................2235 All Nelson ..................2203 All Ogden ................... 2203 All Pearl .................... 2003 AH Rayment ................2029 All Rowe ..................... 2225 All Taylor ....................35 All Vanderbilt. . . ............6 All Walker .................. 2093 AH Weaver ................... 2225 All Wells..................B Haven Williams................2003 All German Department Room As- sign"ents' for final examinations, 1:00-3:00 p.m. (CWT) Monday, June 18, 1945: German 1-All sections: 25 Angell At the Michiganr INTO EVERY tragedienne's life some slapstick must fall. Thatisa bit of philosophy dear to the heart of Hollywood, In the past we have been treated to Katherine Hepburn smoking a cigar, Bette Davis sitting on a cactus and Garbo doing the rumba. Now it is Ida Lupino's turn. Miss Lupino, who has heretofore specialized in neurotic murderesses, is on view in a farce comedy called "Pillow to Post." How well you like the results will probably depend on how much you like Miss Lupino. I've admired some of her past work, but the day has gone when I could be vastly amused by people being hit over the heads with ironing boards, and quadruplets being born for the grand finale. Nevertheless, "Pillow to Post" is ra ther consistently amusing farce and Miss Lupino really works for her salary. The piece is about a travel- ling saleswoman who is stranded at one of those towns ad joining army posts. To get a roof over her head she must produce a husband. She persuades a lieutenant to do the favor, but the results backfire when everyone misunderstands the situa- tion. Aside from a more or less in- evitable intoxication.scene, indis- pensable to this type of thing, Miss Lupino plays a breathless bagpack- ing scene that is among the nicer comedy bits of the year. Leading man William Prince, a stranger to me, is chiefly notable for being able to wear a blanket with the air of a Roman senatorslipping into his toga. Sydney Greenstrect is present also but fortunately is not called upon to pack bags, or any- thing else too strenuous for his immense weight. At the St fa t . Y THE Hollywood yardstick, lr- rol Flynn, despite his historic shortcomings, is as good a movie personality as has been turned out in recent years. However, his associa- tion with "Objective, Burma" may possibly be unfortunate. After assuring a friend of mine who knows his 'movie stars that the objective of the title referred solely to the geographical location, it oc- curred to me that Mr. Flynn's presence, in this respect, may de- tract from what is one of the year's better films. "Objective, Burma" is another in the excellent series of' service films turned out by Warner Brothers. Fol- lowing in the footsteps of "Action in' the North Atlantic," "Air Forc" and "Destination, Tokyo," it is a study of the paratroopers and more partic- ularly of -jungle warfare. In the- last ]respect, the film is unusually successful. Considerable heights of suspense' are achieved in the jungle' We talk of peace so tome to do something That time is now. much that a time has about it. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson -- O- - c w I ~ I- -. . . I 17 i