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June 10, 1945 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-10

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Annual Hopwood Awards To
Be Made Friday at Rackham
Struthers Burt, American Author, To Speak;
Over $7,000 Will Be Given to Winners


Robbery Added'
To Charges -I"
Hooper Case
Warrant Names Three
Accused of Conspiracy
PONTIAC, Mich., June 9--()-An

Tw imd G.J.'s Are Now at Percy Jones

By The Associa ted Pre!,,s
BATTLE CREEK, Mieh., June 9
Two of the six CTI's who have lost
three limbs in this war' are now pa-
tients at Percy Jones hospital, one of
the Army's largest amputation cen-

Iltat. it had to be amputated.
,try, ,ed To Texas Hospital
I sure said my prayers, I thought
that was the end all right," he re-
lates. But 20 minutes later he was
receiving first aid and by April 15th
was in a Texas hospital.

More than $7,000 will be awarded
to winners of the Annual Spring
Hopwood Contest at 4:30 p.m. EWT
(3:30 p.m. CWT), Friday, in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall when Struthers
Burt, prominent American author,
will speak.
Burt was a judge in the 1943 con-
test and is the author of "The Delec-
table Mountain," "The Diary of a
Dude Wrangler," "Festival," "The
'Russian Night' Will
Be Given Tonight
Featuring a program of songs and
dances, a Russian Night will be pre-
sented at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m.
CWT) today in Rm. 316, the Union.
The entertainment, presented by
students in Russian classes, will in-
dlude an anecdote acted in Russian
by Martha Bradshaw and Helen Hal-
Directed by Bill Layton, a student
chorus, with Violet Misekow as solo-
ist, will sing.

Other Side," "Powder River," which

was one of the Rivers of America additional charge of robbery armed

Don't start feeling sorry for then Overseas eight months, he wears
yet; listen to what these fighting men F eea nCu rnd the

series, "Along These Streets," and
"Philadelphia, Holy Experiment." A
contributor to the Saturday Review
of Literature's "Strictly Personal"
column in three issues in 1944, Burt's
work is also seen in the Saturday
Evening Post, Harpers, the Ladies
Home Journal, Colliers, and McCall's.
Burt's career as a writer began in
1897 when, at the age of 15, he be-
came the youngest city-desk reporter
on the Philadelphia Times. Two years
later he entered Princeton and tried
out for the Daily Princetonian but
was turned down because he was "not
a good reporter." Before he graduat-
ed, however, he was editor of the
Princeton Tiger.
From Princeton he went to Oxford
where he attended Merton College.
Later he taught English at Princeton
and then left to go out west where
he became a rancher and a writer.
At present he makes his summer
home at Jackson Hole, Wyo., and
winters at Southern Pines, N.C.

was placed today against three men
accused of conspiring to murder the
late State Senator Warren G. Hoop-
Today's warrant named Harry
Fleisher, Mike Selik and Pete Ma-
honey, Hooper case defendants, along
with Sammy Chivas, former Detroit
boxer, and William (Candy) David-
son. It charged them with the arm-
ed holdup here last Dec. 1 of the
Aristocrat Club.
Conviction of robbery armed would
subject the men to prison terms that
might range up to life. On the Hoop-
er conspiracy charge, the maximum
penalty on conviction is five years
Harry Fleisher and Mahoney are
free under $15,000 bond in the Hoop-
er case. Selik is serving a 60-day
contempt sentence imposed by Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr following his
refusal to answer questions before
Carr's one-man grand jury.

have to say. It's admiration, not pit-
ty, they deserve.
Wounded Three Months Ago
They are Sgt. Carl E. Winzeler,
26, of Toledo, Ohio, and Pfc. Asa .E.
Bauer, Chicago, Ill.
Bauer, a heavy set man of 30, was
wounded just three months ago Sat-
urday. Member of the Fourth Arm-
ored Infantry, he was rising on top
of a Sherman tank near the Rhine
River when a mortar shell struck
him, blowing off his left leg and
arm and shattering his right leg so

European Theatre Ribbon with stars'
for six Major engagements. His ser-
vice record must read like a story
book-among other things he had six
half tracks, most of them loaded with
ammunition, shot out from under
him. In a ward with half a dozen
other men, Bauer thinks he's getting
along very well, especially now that
he can travel around the hospital in
a wheel chair.
Bauer Has Offer of Jobs
A new book on learning trades was
beside his bed. "I was a machinist


In'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~_ T-- ______________ _____________________________


SUN., JUNE 10, 1945
Eastern War Time
8:05-Organ Music.
8:15-Salvation Army.
8 :34-Frankie Masters.
9:05-Ralph Ginsburg.
9:30-Ava Maria Hour.
10:15--Music & Verse.
10:30-Charlie Barnett.
10:45-Jesse Crawford.
11:05-Church Service.
12:05-Mario Morelli.
12:30-Stories for Children.
12:45-Paul Baron.
1:15-Lawrence Quintet.
1:15-Lawrence Quintet.
1:30-Jerry Sears.
2 :00-News.
2:05-Les Brown.
2:15-Charlie Spivak.
2:30-Wiadimir Selinsky.
2:45-Baseball Brevities.
2:55--Baseball (Chi. at
5:15-Johnny Long.
5:30-Imperial Male Chorus
5:45-Dance Music.
6:05-Fred Feibel.
6:15-The Bible Hour.
6:30-Concert Hall.

7:05-Let's Dance.
7:15-Andrews Sisters.
7:25s-Band of the Week.
7 :30-Music for Sunday.
8:05--Dance 'rime.
:15 --Concert in Miniature.
8:30 -Daniel Leiberl'el(L
IM'.ON., JUNE 11, 1l45
Eastern War Time
7:00 ---News.
7:05 --Morning Ro-uii'p.
7:30--Musical Reveille.
8:15-1050 Club.
8:30--Breakfast Melodies.
8:45--Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Musical Interlude.
9:05---Music Boy.
9:30-- Comnu mity Calendar
1):45-Mus- (lfor Millions
10:05 MuIIsic for Reyof-m-
10:15--What Do You Know.
10:30--Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Women Today.
10:45-Waltz 'Time.
11:05--Popular Vocalist.
11:15-Parson's. Grist Mill.
11:30-Farm & Home H"lour.
12:15-Milt -erth.
12:30-Trading Post.
12:45--Luncheon Melodies.

1:05-Hollywood Reporter.
1:15-Salute To The Hits.
1:30--Charlie Barnett.
1:45-Voc. B. Hannon-G.
2 :00-News.
2:05--Bob Conley & Orch.
2:15--Ray Sinatra & Orch.
2:45-Delta Rythm Boys.
: 00---News.
3:05--Wilson Ames.
3:15--Charlie Spivak.
3:30--Band Music.
3:45--Vic Arden & Phil
4:05-Leo Erdody.
4:30---Ranch Boys & Bet-
ty Lou.
4:45-Misch Borr & Orch.
5:05--Campus Ballroom.
5:45--Sports Revue.
6:15-Harry Horlick.
6:30--Telephone Quiz.
6:45-Piano Interlude.
6:55-Flashes From Life.
7 :00-News.
7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
7:25-Band of the Week.
-7:30-Dorothy Ornest.
7:45-Evening Serenade.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Put & Take.It.
8:30-Across the Footlights.
8:45-Do You Remember?

before the war," he said. "I can't go
back to that, but three Chicago busi-
ness men have told me I can have
jobs with them.
"Been thinking about it lately," he
went on. "Maybe I could get a little
place on a lake where I could rent
boats, raise chickens and be my own
boss. I've been in the army quite
a while and it'd be nice to be my
own boss for a while. Haven't made
up my mind yet, but there's lots of
Only Survivor of Six
Winzeler, who is still confined to
his bed, was the only survivor among
six men in a 26th Division company
command post hit directly by a Ger-
man artillery shell last Jan. 7. A
shell landed near him and the explo-
sion blew off one leg and his right
hand. His other leg was so badly
maimed it was necessary to amputate
at the aide station.
At first he lost his hearing as a re-
sult of the deafening blast, but he
now has fully recovered that faculty.
Winzeler wears the bronze star,
awarded for meritorious service.
"Forget it," he says, "I didn't do any-
Winzeler Was Brick Mason
Before the war he was a brick
mason. Now he may go back to the
University of Teledo where he has
put in one year as an engineering
student. However, his future isn't
worrying him right now; he's too
Cabin 1Beiii g Buil
lBy Student Group
The Roger Williams Student Group
is building a cabin at Pinebrook Farm
on a 180 acre plot nineteen miles
north of here.
The group has agreed with Mrs.
Rachael Rose, head of the Detroit
Council of Social Agencies, and the
Rev. Owen Geer of the Olivet Metho-
dist Church, Dearborn, to construct
the building on the property owned
by Mrs. Rose and Rev. Geer.
In the summer time this property
will be used as a camp for Dearborn's
underprivileged children. Other
church student groups on campus
may also build cabins.

happy to be near his pretty wife and
their two-year-old daughter Sharon.
So far he's had five big shell frag-
ments removed from his body and
now is about ready for his new arti-
ficial arm. "Don't worry about me,"
he said in parting, "when they give
me some new legs and that arm, I'll
get around all right."
These are the first "triple ampu-
tees" to arrive at Percy Jones. Medi-
cal officers at the hospital say that
thus far in the war no servicemen
has lost all four limbs.
L A. Welcomes
Pitton, Doolittle
LOS ANGELES, June 9-U(P)-Los
Angeles all but blew the lid off the
town today in a tumultuous welcome
for Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., and
Gen. James H. Doolittle and their
fellow heroes of the land and skies
of Europe.
Cheering throngs variously esti-
mated at from 750,000 to more than
a million turned out to accord the
distinguished party the reception ac-
corded conquerors-a heart-warming
spectacle that started when they
landed at municipal airport and
mounted in volume as they rode tri-
umphantly through the streets of
Los Angeles.
Happy, smiling, yet sometimes
touched almost to tears by the ova-
tion, the 50 ribbon-bedecked mem-
bers of the entourage thus reached
the final point of a cross country
The signal for the homecoming of
Patton and Doolittle came when their
fleet of skymasters taxied to a stop
at the airport and the door opened.
Patton, stepping, from the plane
exclaimed: "How do you do-I'm
damned glad to be here."
Our Hair Styles are blended
to your Personality.
The Dascola Barbers
Between Mich. and State Theatres

Youthful Beauty and Bright Color are inseparable.
FRANCES ' DENNEY applies her supreme skill
to the Luscious Look of Young Beauty..



6' 2



v -wommonow

/ ~ /
$ I0 ,each
plus tax

OVER-TONE-The new cake-form
Make-Up-gives luscious Beauty-
instantly . . . does not 'crack' or
'shine' through powder. Seven
lovely shades.
. brings to your lips bright, exciting
color . . . gives the inviting Look of
Luscious Young Beauty ... twelve
joyously youthful shades.

2:30 1. m.
2:45 p. m.

"A Child's Education Begins at Home."
"The Boy and His hobbies."
Marshall L. Byrn, Assistant Professor of Vocational. Education
and Head of the Department of Industrial Arts in the Univer-
sity High School
"Community in Action."
Prepared and presented by members of the Adult Education
Staff of the School of Education

Monday-Station WKAR:

Headquarters for

On State at the Head of North University

lip:- ----

sponsibility that .rests on
its shoulders." "Czech
youth, too, has hopes for a
world peace," said Maria
Michel, who was a student
at Prague during German
occupation and "cultural
blackout" which existed at
the time. "America has no
idea of what has happened
in Europe and the Far East
for she has not been ex-
posed to the horrors of
war" declared Svend Ped-
ersen, officer in the Dan-
ish navy, who added that
"only through exchange of
students can there be un-
derstanding which will
make possible the lasting
peace that our forefathers
failed to accomplish."
In response to the lead-
ing question, "What can
we do?" Svend Pedersen,
Danish representative,
spoke for the group at an
all-campus organizational
meeting, outlining a four-
point plan in which Amer-
ican youth can work with
continental youth organiz-
ations to ensure a just and
lasting peace for the world.
Theessence of the pro-
gram as described by Ped-
ersen is: 1. University stu-
dents should adopt a for-
eign university which

Maria Michel, former med-
ical student at a university
in Prague.
2. Plans should be made
for the conference, spon-
sored by the American
Youth for a Free World,
which will be held June 25
and 26 in Washington,
3. A program should be
formulated to s-xnd the 25
American delegates who
will attend the World Youth
Conference to be held in
London August 31 to Sept.
6. An equal number of rep-
resentatives from France,
Russia, China, and Great
Britain in addition to pro-
portionately smaller dele-
gations from other coun-
tries will also participate
in the conference.
4. Prepare an agenda for
an International Youth
Conference which tenta-
tively will be held Nov. 17
in either Paris or Prague.
*t, * *
BALL TEAM gave Coach
Ray Fisher a present to
commemorate his 25th an-
niversary as coach by win-
ning their 16th Western
Conference title. It came
as a result of a double vic-
tory over Purdue with

more times in the seventh,
once in the eighth, and
twice more in the final
frame. By winning this
game the way it did, the
team lived up to the repu-
tation it had made for
itself when Coach Ray
Fisher called it "my best
hitting club." Lefty Bo
Bowman also annexed his
fourth Big Ten win of the
season in the second con-
test of the doubleheader.
The Boilermaker pitchers
were unable to stem the
tide of Wolverine base hits
as they were nicked for 12
blows, while their team-
mates were getting eight
off Bowman. This was a
much closer game than the
first with Purdue getting
off to a two run lead in
the first inning. However,
in the third frame, Bow-
man started a three run
rally with a sharp single to
center field. The winning
run came in the fourth
with Bowman again singl-
ing, this time driving in
the run. "Bo" allowed a
single tally in the sixth and
then bore down to bring
about the victory. He also
helped disprove the theory
that pitchers can't hit as
he brought his batting av-

aao-.bA & 1e ....for America's Sunspots
.. Certain to retain its glamour when showers surprise you
the super-twill rayon gabardine by Belding
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S 4
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History of Ancient.
History of Medieval,
History of Music

History of English Lit. Pts. I & II
English Lit. 17th Cent. Pts. I & II
English Lit. 18th.Cent. Pts. I & II
Poetry 19th Century Pts. I & II
Prose 19th Century Pts. I & II
Restoration and 18th Cent. Drama
Drama to 1642 Pts. I & II
Shakespeare (Complete)
Chaucer (Complete)
The English Novel Pt. I
English Novel of the 19th Cent.
American Literature Pts. I & II
American Government
Leading Constitutional Cases
American Constitutional Law
Political Theory Pts. I & II
General Economics
Money and Banking
Labor Problems

European History Pts. I & II
History of Renaissance & Ref.
History of United States Pts. I&II
History of England Pts. I & II
History of the Tudors
History of the Stuarts
English Constitutional History
Homer's Iliad
Homer's Odyssey
Plays of Sophocles
Plays of Aristophanes
Plays of Aeschylus
Plays of Euripides
History of French Lit. Pts. I & II
French Lit. 17th Cent. Pts. I & II
French Lit. 18th Cent.
French Drama of the 19th Cent.
French Novel of the 19th Cent.
Plays of Corneille
Plays of Moliere
Plays of Racine
General Biology (Zoology)
General Biology (Botany)
Structural Geology
History of Geology
General Anthropology
Qualitative Analysis
Elementary Chemistry
Plato, Republic and Dialogues
Philosophy of Descartes
Philosophy of Hume
Philosophy of Berkeley
Philosophy of Spinoza

& Modern Art

The Old Testament
The New Testament
General Psychology
Plane Analytic Geometry &
Questions & Answers in College


SPIRIT - The United
Seamen's Service chose
Rae Caldwell of Bald-
win, N. Y. as "Miss War
Bond Spirit."
five hits. It was the big

for your



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