F THE 1TICHIGAN DAILY u-NDA , JUNE 10, 19 I S'IJNflAY, JUNE 1@, 1i~ Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Kaiser Cars To Be Out Soon Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications'. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee.. Editorial Staff * . . . Managing Editor S . . . EditorialDirector . . . . . .City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor .- . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY ROTH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Nisei Rights AN EDITORIAL which appeared in The Daily of April 10 commended Canadians for their treatment of their citizens of Japanese descent. The writer stated that the Canadian'government will allow those who so wish to be repatriated to Japan after the war. The writer was not being ironic. She was actually patting the kind Canadian government on the head for allowing its citizens of Japanese descent to move to Japan. The writer added that "those who wish to become Japanese cit- izens will be paid the expenses of returning to Japan and will be compensated for their prop- erty in Canada." The Canadian government is also taking an- other measure which might easily conyjnce Japanese-Canadians that deep down in their hearts their loyalty is to Japan. The forced evacuation of Japanese-Canadians from the West Coast will continue indefinitely, while the War Relocation Authority in this country has already taken steps to reinstate Nisei to their West Coast homes. Their property in British Columbia has been confiscated. By action of the British Columbia Security Commission, the agency in charge of Japanese-Canadian affairs, those Japanese-Canadians who wish to return to their former homes in British-Columbia (and 95 per cent of the Japanese-Canadians have lived there all their lives) may be thereby judged disloyal to Canada and issued their passports. "Failure to agree to resettlement outside of British Columbia by those evacuated Jap- anese-Canadians not wanting to sign appli- cations for voluntary repatriation to Japan may be regarded by the proposed Loyalty Tri- bunal, when it is established, as evidence of lack of cooperation with the government of Canada," stated the Security Commission in its March 16 announcement. Still other means exist whereby the Canadian government and certain Canadians may succeed in convincing their citizens of Japanese descent that they wish "voluntary" deportation. Jap- anese-Canadians cannot enter any profession or business in many areas, where the government agencies concerned will not issue licenses to these refugees from the West Coast. Also, Japanese-Canadians, except for the few who were in Ontario before the war, have no fran- chise rights. Thus, anyone who believes that the United States should follow the model set by the Can- adian government, as suggested by the editor- ial to which I have referred, is either un- democratically-minded or dangerously mis- informed. -Myra Sacks Picture Banned ONE OF THE less well-known motion picture companies (Artkino-Irvin Shapiro) has made a film entitled "We Accuse." The picture, which deals with the Kharkov war criminal trials, shows photographs of the assorted heinous crimes for which the men on trial pleaded guilty. The picture "We Accuse" has been banned by the Hays office because it shows atrocity shots more than once and employs the word "damn" once. The semi-documentary picture, the con- text of which should be familiar to every Amer- ican, will not be shown at any of the regular theatres for two of the stupidest reasons on record. If an atrocity shot may be shown once, By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Auto workers union president R. J. Thomas pleaded with production genius Henry J. Kaiser during a recent West Coast conference to break the back of the automobile monopoly by going into the auto industry. Thomas pointed out that the country was just begging for a good low-priced car, and that the Detroit manufacturers had no desire to pro- duce. Kaiser, despite his enthusiasm for making automobiles, pointed out there are a number of hurdles which even a man with his organization would have to overcome. "For example," Kaiser said, "we'll need lots of first class auto engineers. Won't they be hard to hire?" "Nonsense," replied the auto workers chief, "Detroit is full of engineers 'who are fed up with the lack of progress. They would go to work for enybody who would give the Detroit magnates a little competition." Kaiser reviewed his personal experience in reconnoitering the auto industry, explaining how parts manufacturers had agreed to produce for the Kaiser car, but turned around the next day and said "no" after they talked to their regular customers. "There is a monopoly back in Detroit that ought to be looked into," Thomas said. "I talked to Truman about it and he said he'd look ihto it." But Thomas also pointed out that thousands of small producers would jump at the chance to become subcontractors for Kaiser. Kaiser then asked Thomas why the industry only planned to produce 200,000 cars in the last half of 1945. "Two hundred thousand cars is nothing," replied Thomas. "But by stalling on produc- tion they hope to steal the plants the govern- ment built for them. They want to buy those plants for peanuts. "That's why I think Ford announced he's clos- ing down Willow Run." In the end Kaiser drove Thomas to a secret factory to show his latest experimental car. It it the 20th car Kaiser has developed, gets 45 miles on a gallon, is just as roomy as other low-priced cars, weighs half as much and will sell for several hundred dollars under its near- est competitor. Kaiser promised to speed up his plans for auto production and turn out the new streamlined car on the West Coast soon. Women WPB Chiefs . WHEN top war production executives met for a recent staff meeting, WPB chairman "Cap" Krug was amazed to find half a dozen women sitting among the top 150 staff members. This was the first time he had seen any members of the fairer sex at his meetings, so he quickly im- provised some appropriate remarks. "It is especially gratifying to address this gathering today," Krug said, "because of the presence of a sprinkling of women. I must say that I am pleased that WPB officialdom has finally come to its senses and raised at least a few women to positions of responsibility high enough to mean their inclusion at this session of division chiefs. I think it a fine thing. "I have observed that the Russians have had excellent results with women in executive pos- itions-positions of trust both in military and civilian life. I am sure our experience will be the same"'' A curious press agent checked up on the women present-found two of them were members of WPB's information staff assigned to write summaries of the meeting for the rest of the information office. The other four were stenographers brought in by their bosses to take notes of the proceedings. Battle of Textiles... IN THE BATTLE of cotton which has been raging backstage between the Army and civilians, Judge Vinson has finally succeeded in getting the Army to cut its requirements for cotton cloth. This will mean more shirts, under- wear and cotton dresses for civilians. So far, however, the Army is sticking to its demand for all worsted cloth that can be turned out. It is already receiving all U.S. worsted production since January and will continue to do so through September. This means that already low stocks of men's clothing will go much lower and will be wiped out unless the Army is finally persuaded to take less worsteds. The Army intends to issue new summer and winter uniforms to every soldier going from the O N SECOND 4 THOUGHT... By Ray Dixon WE'VE BEEN real happy lately, what with the House approval of Bretton Woods and the successful solution of the veto problem in San Francisco, but now a Senate committee comes along and blocks the reciprocal trade exten- sion n. * * * What a tariff let-down. "Jap Diet Called Into Emergency Session" says a headline. The American diet is not doing too red hot either. European theater to the Pacific, since the battle uniforms used in Europe are almost all worn out. But textile men believe the Army is plan- ning to build up a greater inventory that it needs, and based on this, War Mobilizer Vinson is trying to persuade the Army to take less. Capital Chaff . . . BECAUSE no Negro fighters are seen in the Navy's film of Iwo Jima, even though Sec- retary Forrestal had seen 2,000 Negro Marines on the island, Forrestal has ordered his film makers to prepare a special film showing Negroes in various Naval services... Broadcasting Mag- azine-a radio trade journal--blames newspaper reporters covering the White House for the re- moval of Leonard Reinsch as White House press secretary less than a week after his appointment. Publisher Sol Taishoff claimed the newsmen didn't want a radio man in the job for fear he'd give radio more news breaks than the press. He gives the newspaper reporters credit for a job they might have done if they could have, but actually Reinsch's removel was urged by higher quarters. (Copyright, 1945. Bell Syndicate) CONFORMIST, heretic and reconstructionist constitute the three types of reaction within any religious constituency. The first keeps the tradition vigorous, the second discovers discrep- ancies between the goal and the present status, criticizes the tradition, and renews a vision of the ultimate, and the third struggles to fuse values conserved by the first with the energy and vision introduced by the second. What of the intellectual in that constituency? What of the immediate reconstruction? Two statements in the book. The Gospel That Jesus Preached, by A. T. Cadeaux, arrest at- tention: "The unmistakably clear teaching of Jesus on the matter is that God forgives men who ask forgiveness, provided they are willing to forgive their fellow men" and "Jesus undoubted- ly looked for a future consummation of the kingdom of God, but it is quite as certain that he thought of it as a present factor in the world." These statements bring every religious person face to face with some of the most chal- lenging questions in human history. We have been partners in stopping tyranny of sweeping breadth and solemn depth, and in doing so our strategists believed we had to take the sword, including annihilation from the sky, precision bombing of great cities, destruction of the very civilization we have helped create and have come to love. How shall we practice our Christianity now? Shall we be conformists, kneeling at the familiar altars, keeping the customary hours of fast, proceeding as usual to worship in safety and comfort while millions face starvation as a fate over and above the death of their own youth plus the loss of their homes, businesses and fu- tures? The radical will warn us that no Christian dares to so worship. It is necessary for him to become a crusader for the good God whose suffering exceeds that of which his children are capable. Men dare not do less than ap- proach this social pathos with an inventive- ness equal to the need. For example, in a church recently where twenty students were discussing justice and relief, a European boy said, "Every congregation in Christendom might well merge its budget completely in that relief for at least a whole year, for every denomination could thus finance hundreds of trained persons to supplement UNNRA with its Allied millions for the people in distress in Europe." Here is where the reconstructionist, flanked by the conformist at ease in Zion, and the rebel who cannot rest until something definite is done, will find a constructive attack upon the situation. Religious bodies, in spite of their seeming fragmentariness, compared to a sweep- ing governmental unit within the victor nations, have afoot some strong drives in behalf of the victims of those sad sister countries. One drive made by a denomination, chiefly American, set a goal of $25,000000 and in record time not only subscribed it but over subscribed by $1,000,000 and more than $11,000,000 of payment of those pledges have reached the Chicago treasurer. Every ecclesiastical unit, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant and the co-ordinating agencies are ingeniously alert. That is one answer. A more basic reply, ideologically, will be made by those who, like Justice Jackson, must deal with war guilt and international punish- ment. Every good mystic will pray daily for such officers, for upon this action will turn that deep eternal question of mutual forgive- ness without which an orderly world at peace can scarcely come to pass. Francis J. Spellman prays: Oh God of Justice! Repent not making of us an instrument of right, Spending our blood, spilling it freely, curb- ing mad nations; But grant that in Victory we not offend thy justice. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor Religious Education Preserves Freedom Beveridge Plan' FULL EMPLOYMENT IN A FREE SOCIETY by William H.Beveridge. New York, W. W. Norton & Co., 1945. $3.75. DURING the next few years it will be determined whether a free democratic society can intelligently plan its economic life in order to provide basic minimum standards of living for its people and yet maintain its characteristic liberties which we cherish so highly. It is possible that our present institutions are intrins- ically too weak to cope with such deep rooted economic questions. Only the passing of time can give us a final answer. But if a solution can be found in a free society like our own, that solution will be the results of plans and policies like those pre- sented by William Beveridge. Mr. Beveridge proposes a plan which is designed to give the peo- ple the necessary minimum stand- ard of living which they are en- titled to and yet preserve the es- sential liberties of our society. The basic problem to be solved, ac- cording to Beveridge, is the unem- ployment problem. Closely following the analysis of John Maynard Keynes, Beveridge points out that unemployment is the result of de- ficiency of demand for goods on the market. He proposes to augment the demand for goods by a planned program of government spending. The basic plan can be stated in five general points. 1. There should be communal out- lay on roads, hospitals, defense, etc. Construction of these necessary in- stitutions would cause fuller employ- ment and would increase the wealth .of the community materially. 2. There should be public business investment in socialized sections of industry, like utilities. In order to prevent this investment from com- peting with private investment, Bev- eridge says the government should only invest if private business de- clines to do so. Thus the govern- ment investment would be a net ad- dition to total investment outlay of the community. 3. There should be regulation of private investment. By this it is meant that the .government should assist industry by means of low in- terest date loans in such a way as to stabilize private investment as much as possible. 4. The collective demand for es- sential consumption goods should be supplied through ordinary channels. The price of basic goods may be low- ered by subsidy if necessary. 5. Increase of private consump- tion outlay both as the automatic result of an increase in income and by redistribution of incomes through Social Security and progressive tax- ation. Thus, by insuring an adequate demand for goods, it is claimed that further government inter- ference with society would be un- necessary. For while our capital- istic system sometimes is incapable of giving people the necessary buy- ing power to purchase that which is already produced, it has gen- erally been very capable of produc- ing goods for which there is a de- mand. Therefore, Mr. Beveridge proposes to insure demand and al- low the economy to supply that de- mand with a minimum of regula- tion and a maximum of freedom. -Martin Shapero Words Erased AFTER A PROTEST from the Nat- ional Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, the publishers of Roget's Thesaurus have agreed to omit the list of synonyms for the words "Negro" and "Jew." A reader speculates how long it will take Americans, in this age of progress, to "follow through" on this step toward better racial re- lations and erase the words from their active vocabulary and elim- inate the meanings and implica- tions of such words from their minds and life. -Pat Cameron SS Prisoners THE LONDON Evening Standard recently reported that 700 sur- rendered SS prisoners in Lambach, l Austria, had formally petitioned the Third Army colonel commanding their camp to allow them to join the American Army. Reason: They wanted to fight the Japs. Result: The request was refused. Patriotism has many faces, it seems, and the task is to decide which is the cleanest. -Bettyann Larsen ANY BONDS TODAY? By Gracie Allen and George Burs Illustrated by Eric Ericson "' ' "Sorry, boys, I just remembered I hadn't bought a War Bond today." - I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - Publication in the Daly Official Bul-I letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 169 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to alumni, members of the graduating classes and their friends, on Friday afternoon, June 22, from 3:00 to 5:00 CWT. Attention June Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make up grade not later than 4:00 p. in., June 27th. Grades received after that time may defer the stu- dent's graduation until a later date. Admission: School of Business Ad Iministration: Applications for ad- mission to the School of Business Administration for the Summer Term or Summer Session should be filed at 108 Tappan Hall prior to June 15. Fall Term enrollees should also apply now if they are not to be in residence during the summer. To Members of the University Sen- ate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, June 11, at 3:15 p. m. CWT (4:15 EWT) in the Rackham Amphitheater. The program includes: Recommendations of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Report on Provisions for Veterans by Clark Tibbitts. Report on International Relations by L. A. Hopkins. Identification Cards which were issued for the Summer, Fall and Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated for the Summer Term 1945 and must be turned in at the time of registra- tion. The 1944-45 cards will be used for an additional term because of the shortage of film and paper. League Housemothers are notified by the Office of the dean of Women that no guests should be accepted from June 11, through the end of the term. This is due to the coming examination period. Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend tenta- tive June graduates from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, by noon of June 25th. Life Saving - Women Students: Students who completed the life saving class which was offered the first semester by the Women's De- partment of Physical Education should call for their emblems and certificates at Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium as soon as possible. Lectures Hopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burt, American novelist, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the subiet "The Unreality of Realism" CWT in the Natural Science Audi- torium. Makeup examinations in Geology 65 will be given on June 13th at 9:00 CWT in the Natural Science Audi- torium. German Department Room A- signmerits for final examinations, 1:00-3:00 p.m. (CWT) Monday, June 18, 1945: German 1-All sections: 25 Angell Hall. German 2-Gaiss, Willey, Eaton, and Philippson; 101 Economics Building; Aeichart, Nordmeyer, Striedieck, Pott, Meisel: C Haven Hall. German 31-All sections: 2231 An- gell Hall. German 32-All sections: 2003 An- gell Hall. Doctoral Examination for Ernest Bert Christiansen, Chemical Engin- eering; thesis: "The Effect of Part- icle Shape on the Free Settling Rates of Isometric Particles," Monday, June 11, 3:00 C.W.T., at 3201 East Engineering. Chairman, R. Schneide- wind. By action of the Executive Board the-Ghaiman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examin- ation, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts Stud entRecital: Richard Sokatch, a student of piano under Professor Joseph Brinkman, will be heard at 7:30 (CWT) tonight in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, in a recital given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. His program will include compositions for piano by Bach, Tansman, and Beethoven, and will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Jean Frances Scott, soprano, will present a recital in partial fulfilment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 7:30 p.m. (CWT), Tuesday, June 12, in Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. A pupil of Thelm Lewis, Miss Scott has arranged a program to in- clude groups of Italian, German, French and English songs. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Mary Louise Nig- ro, flutist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Music Education, at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Monday, June 11, in Lydia 'Mendel- ssohn Theatre. She is a pupil of OttonKrueger, and will be assisted by Audrey Unger and Jean Morgan, violinists, Bernard Mason, violist, Mary' Oyer, cellist, and Lynda Peltz, pianist. The program is open to the general public. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Commencement. Events Today T h e . Congregational - Disciples Guild will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard, at 4:30 p.m. (CWT) and proceed to Riverside Park for the last out-door meeting of the semester. The Evening VesperdSer- vice will be led by Hall Osgood. In case of rain the Guild will meet as usual at the First Congregational Church STheLutheran Student Association I BARNABY 'X X X Here's your book, dearie ... Can't say ~~x I think much of it. But then,iC only -~ 0o for stories with happy endings- - Not for the Witch. . . But excuse me. I've got something on the gas range- You're clos chaud froid By Crockett Johnson e, O'Malley. It's the veloute for the 'd sauce for Frogs Legs aI l'Aurore.