I SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1945 ,THE', MICT.H.GAN - DAILY A ' 1 T.. _IC_ __DA _ I"AGE THREE FEATURE PAGE Appointment BureaU Handles Plaenent Requesls, Offers Union Operas Gone from Campus; Pearl Harbor Ended Old Tradition FORESTRY PROJECT: Saginaw Forest's 80 Acres Planted, Cared for by Students By ANN KUTZ The days of Union Operas are not only gone, but almost forgotten. Few but seniors can remember having seen any of these gay and spectacu- lar musicals, the last of which was presented in December, 1941. Even the 1941 production, the last of a three year attempt at revival of the traditional opera, was but a shadow of its predecessors of 1915 to 1920. The first Union Opera, "Michigenda" was presented in the old Whitney Theatre on Main Street in February of 1908. It, like all succeeding operas, was produced by the Mimes, a sub- -->_ - -._. the traditional favorite Night Falls, Dear." "When By BINNA RULLMAN As the end of the semester grows near, the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information con- tinues to be as busy, if not busier, than it has been in job placement at any time during the year. In. its unimposing, though pleas- ant, offices on the second floor of Mason Hall, the Bureau handles an amazingly large load, even for war- time, of job calls and placements in all types of work. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, the Bureau's director, takes it all in his stride, although he says that he and his staff often work twelve hours a day. Interviews, Phone Calls In addition to the great amount of correspondence that is carried on by the Bureau, many contacts are being made by telephone, and most importantby interview. Dr. Purdom estimated a few weeks ago that more than 250 persons had signed the office 1. I t . f l A CAREEft with a register in one week and that all of these were concerned either with fill- ing positions or offering them to be filled. The Bureau has departments deal- ing with personnel and vocational counseling, with teacher placement, and with industrial and business placement including calls from fed- eral, state and military units, such as signal corps work. Teacher Placement. The division that is extremely act- ive in placing University students who are about to graduate with teaching certificates is the Teacher Placement Division, of which Mrs. Jessie H. Cribbs is assistant to the director. The large demand and diversity within this one field is illustrated by the fact that in one Monday morn- ing's mail 57 calls for teachers came in by letters, augmented by at least fifteen more than reached the Bu- reau by way of telephone. These calls ask for both experi- enced and beginning teachers, de- pending upon the subject to be taught. Everything from bandlead- ers to an assistant professorship in clothing and textiles were on the list, along with a constant demand for languages and sciences to be taught both in elementary and sec- ondary schools. Distant Areas Besides representing many parts of- Michigan and other midwestern states, the calls in one typical mail may range from Juneau, Alaska to Istanbul, Turkey. Several candie dates have been placed in teaching positions in the Hawaiian Islands this year, to mention one among the many unusual placements. The staff has not been swept off its feet by the huge number of offers that it now manages. It emphasizes standards of care and skill in seeing that qualified students receive the best opportunities for future work. Bond Sales Pass WASHINGTON, June 9 -- (P) - Sales to individuals passed the $5,000,000,000 mark in the 7th War Loan TDrive .today. With three weeks to go sales re- ported through yesterday totaled $5,022,000,000. B-Bond sales, which are included in the individuals' total, amounted to 57 per cent of the $,000,000,000 E-Bond goal. Secretarial or Accounting, training will qualify you for specialized war service and a permanent post-war ca- reer. Streamlined courses. In- dividual advancement. Free Placement Service. SUMMER TERM OPENS JUNE 18th Air-Cooled Classrooms Hamil ton BUSINESS C0LLEGE William at State Phone 7831 or 4627 sidiary organization of the Union. The plot of "Michigenda" dealt with the efforts of a group of stu- dents to keep a fabulously rich old Lecture Series Dates Back to Civil War Days Emerson, Greeley, Mann Early Speakers j By MARJORIE MILLS Those who attended Oratorical As- sociation lectures last winter followed an Ann Arbor custom more than ninety years old. Founded as the Student Literary Association in 1854, the Oratorical Association is the oldest of its kind in the country. Celebrities speaking here under its auspices range from Oliver Wendell Holmes to Eleanor Roosevelt. Early History In the first decade of its history, the lectures concerned themselves largely with moral and ethical ques- tions. Speakers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Mann, Wendell Phillipps and Horace Greeley lec- tured in the local churches during the Civil War period. Subject matter broadened as the years passed. Literature, travel, his- tory, politics, foreign affairs, humor, science, drama and journalism have become topics for the speeches. In recent years, movies have sometimes been used to supplement the lec- tures. The variety of interests is reflected" in the speakers. Artemus Ward, Mark Twain and Bret Harte reflected the early appreciation of humor. Jane Murdoch and Mrs. Mary F. Scott Siddons were among the first of a series of dramatic artists. Winston Spencer Churchill, Josiah Holland, and Presidents Harrison, McKinley, Cleveland and Wilson were also among the speakers. Moved to 'U' Hall In 1889 the Association was reor- ganized in its present form. The lec- tures had moved into the University Hall Auditorium after it was opened and are now being held in Hill Audi- torium. Variety is still a feature of the list of lectures. Dorothy Thompson, Alex- ander Woollcott,tCornelia Otis Skin- ner, Ruth Draper, Admiral Byrd, Julien Bryan, Martin and Osa John- son, Burton Holmes, Frances Perkins, Eve Curie, Thomas Mann, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Will Rogers and Will Rogers, Jr., have all been presented in the lecture course. Although it is operated as a non- profit organization. The Association has saved enough money to establish the Thomas C. Trueblcod Scholar- ship Fund. man, Mr. Moneyfeller, from discov- ering his nephew, to whom he grant- ed a generous allowance, was not a member of the faculty. During the course of the show the "faculty" was imprisoned in tunnels under the campus, genie led students to the fabled land of Michiganda and the faculty, now released, came on hands and knees to beg the return of the students on the most fantastic terms. (Unlimited cuts was one of the most sober!) The libretto for this first opera was written by Donal H. Haines, T9, who is now an assistant pro- fessor of journalism at the Uni- servity. The music, written by Ray Dickinson Welch, '09, included ceaith Service _ ecord File d E Aid :X- (u Onts The three night performance was given before a capacity audience. Profits, amounting to almost $2,000, were used to raise the mortgage on the old Union clubhouse. The second opera, given in Decem- ber, 1908, centered around the gift of a Greek temple to the University on the condition that football be aban- doned. Students in 1908 were little different than they are today. The outcome must be apparent. Most of the early operas were farces on college life. Through the years this remained the most popular theme, but other ideas and settings were often used. Costumes and scenery became more and more elaborate, the productions at their height taking on all the sophistocation of a New York stage show. In 1914 the seventh Union Opera, "A Model's Daughter," was taken to Chicago by the Alumnae Associa- tion after four performances in Ann Arbor. This was the begin- ning of yearly out-of-town tours, climaxed in 1923 by performances in Buffalo, New York City, Toledo, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The opera, "Cotton Stockings," at that time'established the record of receiving the largest box office re- ceipts of any amateur show ever produced in New York Metropoli- tan Opera House. The tour netted the Union some $30,000. The tradition of an all male cast was broken but once, and this be- cause of the exigencies of war. In 1917 women joined the cast of "Let's Go." By 1920 the scope of the opera had broadened to include seven Ann Arbor performances and 15 out-of- town performances. The opera was usually scheduled so that the cast could make the out-of-town tours during Christmas or Spring vaca- tion. But from this peak of success the operas unaccountably declined. Audiences grew smaller with each succeeding year. Early in 1930 the Union Board of Directors, un- able to defray expenses, voted to discontinue them. The last opera until the revival in 1939 was given in February of 1930. The operas of 1939-41 were pro- duced on a much smaller scale than the earlier ones, which on the aver- age had a budget of some $60,000. The opening performance of "Full House" on Dec. 9, 1941, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was before a small audience, possibly because Pres- ident Roosevelt was scheduled to ad- dress a joint session of Congress on the war situation that night. i I By DORIS WEST In the fire proof vault of the Uni- versity health Service are preserved the confidential health records of all persons who have attended the University of Michigan since 1913. The records of approximately t77.000 ex-students may be found here. At least 90 per cent of these records indicate that while in the University the students had medical care. Some of. the records are thick and dog-eared, indicating that their own- ers spent many days in the Health Service infirmary or the University Hospital. While glancing over the names on a few of these records, the reporter came across the record of Gov. Thomas Edmund Dewey, 1944 Republican presidential candidate, who graduated from the University in 1923. The health records of num- erous: other now famous Michigan alumni can be found in these files., Although the files are not open to the oublic, former students or their physicians can write to the Health Service for information contained in them. The Health Service now re- ceives an average of one inquiry a day for such information. Veterans of this wtr who attended the University will find this informa- tion of value in determining whether they are entitled to government com- pensation. Evidence that a man had or did not have certain disabilities before he entered the service may make all the difference in the world when he seeks a pension. Furthermore, ex-University stu- dents may find facts in this file that will make a big difference when they seek to take out life insurance. Cer- tain conditions which may appear to be dangerous at the time will not seem so critical if it can be shown that they existed 20 or 30 years ago. I By JEAN ENGSTROM Few of us realize that only three miles outside of Ann Arbor an 80 acre wood, known as the Saginaw Forest, was planted and is cared for by forestry students. What is a tall forest today was little more than gravel in 1904 when the land was first taken over by the forestry school. Planting the trees was back-breaking labor for forestry students in those early years and it was not until 1910 that the first plantings were finished. But the students seeing the land now would feel their work well rewarded, for where in 1910 trees barely six feet tall stood, there are now trees more than sixty feet in height. Field Laboratory Saginaw Forest is used as a field laboratory where students learn to apply classroom knowledge. In early years it was used exclusively for teaching silviculture and for re-' search. About 1927 courses in wild life were first offered and wild life development in Saginaw Forest was encouraged. In an article in "The Michigan Forester" in 1925, Prof. L. J. Young expressed thanks that most of "the plantation had passed the age of greatest susceptibility to rodents-namely rabbits." Species of Trees The tract has been used for purely experimental purposes. Over 35 dif- ferent species of trees are found there including Douglas fir, catalpa, sugar maple, Scotch pine, and balm of Gilead. Later plantings included Japanese red pine, Corsican pine, and Russian mulberry abong others. A large planting of Norway pine was made in 1921. Careful records have been kept of the development of the trees from the 'first planting to the present. Records show that a few varieties of trees have been unable to survive in the poor soil. They show that trim- ming every five years results in a larger diameter and greater height. Valuable Records These records are, of great value to Michigan timber growers for they show them what timber to plant, what management and protection is necessary and what volume the stands will yield. The importance of these records is increasing as each year passes: The forest's value does not stop with purely educational merit though. Since the first field day in 1910 near- ly all the forestry social events have been held there. After the annual field day was discontinued, Saginaw Forest became the scene of the an- nual campfire. A recent event was a venison roast given in the wilds of this student-made forest. No Mile-A-Minute Rides DETROIT, June 9-VP)-Mayor Edward J. Jeffries told the police de- partment to cease escorting visiting celebrities on mile-a-minute rides on Detroit streets. o r t Summer Store Hours Saturduj yr 9:00 iAJI-I:00 P.M Mondlay-Fridmy .9:00 iI.M.-5:-30 P.M. The VanBuren Sho Phjone 2-29 1.4 It Nickeis Arcade ___ T _. , i i r xDA9 1yHERE :. Day TahE yaod ea, OF II U I BErDSIIIs TOILET1IES roR MEN WHO hAVE UITICHlASED A 4 /5 uNIANd -and who will not be on campus this summer, [ _' l(f ( IcV(Jf: V( )lI._. I I I IE I I CJ HId -)aIIllI 17j oddi-et cs 4, "DO&9.OU'lIt1^; Correct, FOR HIM! cii K'ic [3t isi I2CSf) CD icc on I he seCwn fHoor A GIFT HE WILL APPRECIATE AN& REMEMBER ALWAYS! TOILETRIES SNUFF by Schiapare1 2 (()5 on Monday, Jtie 11, t-hrough Fri doy, June 15 Also EVERSHARP PEN AND PENCIL SET . . . $125,00 iicords fr'omiwarping, 'scrsa 1 cbg mdll Icakinag. Rccj- hem stored in a convcnicnt record c~abinct ! I'lcR adlio &Record Shop brings you a scIcal on of zi nc cabinets that make smart-looking furmnre pices, too! Stur'd ily constructed, bcautifiillv finished. Li-,k)u ['iiL t deICI ve 1 (1(2 le, fhc 1 )ersion, i to 1,11l]i .1 copICes of if $1050 4EK 50 11