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June 10, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-10

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C-iil.I Vty i th Showers

VOL. LV, No. 169



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Clubs Select Delegates
For Executive Council

Mass Student Meeting
Will Be Held Tuesday
Campus groups will select repre-
sentatives for the summer session
to sit on the Executive Council of
the all-campus organization and to
attend the first Council meeting to
be held at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT)
tomorrow at Lane Hall.
A mass meeting for all students will
be held at 4:15 p.m. EWT (3:15 p.m.j
CWT) Tuesday at Lane Hall, at
which time the constitution will be
ratified, the date for the first sum-
mer term meeting will be set, officers
will be announced and committees
will be organized.
The organizations which will be
invited to send representatives to the
first Executive Council meeting have
Male Chorus
To Be Featured
At Campus Sing
Will Present Concert
Numbers on Thursday
An all-campus sing featuring the
Men's Varsity Glee Club, under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, will
be held at 7:15 p.m. EWT (6:15 p.m.
CWT) Thursday on the library steps.
Singing three concert numbers,
Sullivan's "The Lost Chord;" Fred
Waring's arrangement of "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic" and the Ne-
gro spiritual, "Set Down Servant,"
the Glee Club will present what Prof.
Mattern called "a fling before the
finals, which should see every student
join in on the good old songs of
Plans have been made, he said, to
hold the all-campus sing in Hill Au-
ditorium if it rains Thursday eve-
Students attending the tradi-s
tional all-campus sing wil also hear
several stunt numbers by members
of the Glee Club. Three soloists,
Jerome Horwitz. Harold Kulbarsh
and Raymond Buntaine, were an-
nounced by Prof. Mattern. IvorE
Gothic will serve as accompanist.
At the final business meeting of
the Glee Club on Tuesday, officers
for the coming year will be elected
and the Glee Club keys will be pre-
Subscribers to the 1945 Michi-
ganensian who will be out of town
this summer should leave their
addresses at the Student Publica-
tions Building between 2 p. m. and
5 p. m. Monday through Friday.
Receipts must be shown.

been chosen arbitrarily by the plat-
form committee, which has empha-
sized that groups not contacted may
secure membership by presenting a
petition at the first summer term
meeting of the Council.
Those organizations who will be
asked to send representatives are
the Union, Women's War Council,
the Daily staff, Panhellenic, Assem-
bly, Hillel, Inter-Racial Association,
Inter-Cooperative Council, Post-War
Council, Student Religious Associa-
tion, Inter-Fraternity Council, En-
gineering Council, Graduate Council,
Veteran's Organization, World Stu-
dent Service Fund, All-Nations Club,
Inter-Guild, Newman Club, Michi-
ganensian staff and Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action.
The agenda for Monday's meeting
1. Present the constitution which
has been drafted by the platform
committee. The constitution will re-
ceive final ratification at the mass
2. Elect officers for the summer
3. Elect a delegate to attend the
Washington Youth Conference June
25 and 26.
4. Prepare a petition to present to
the University Student Affairs Com-
mittee in order to gain University
GUAM, Sunday, June 10-(P')-
Between 150 and 200 Superfort-
resses struck five Japanese indu-
strial plants and repair bases on
Honshu Island in daylight this
morning in the second consecutive
day of precision raids on key enemy
Chutists Land
In 'Shangri-La'
HOLLANDIA, Dutch New Guinea,
June 9 -(R)- Filipino parachutists,
refreshed by parachuted American
beer, labored to build a glider landing
strip in marshy ground in New Guin-
ea's isolated valley of "Shangri-La"
today so that three survivors of a
U.S. Army plane crash can be res-
Squadron Leader Michael J. Leahy
of the Royal Australian Air Force,
a glider expert who is well acquaint-
ed with the New Guinea jungles, is
acting as aerial advisor in the rescue
Leahy is expected to pilot the glid-
er which will land when the strip
is completed, take aboard a U.S.
WAC corporal and two army men,
and then be snatched into the air
by a i transport plane.

Exercises To
Be On June 23
Ruthven To Speak
At Commencement
Approximately 1,042 students will
be graduated at the annual com-
mencement exercises td be held at
10:30 a. m. EWT (9:30 a. m. CWT)
June 23 in Hill Auditorium.
Introduced by President Ruthven,
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law
School will give the commencement
address after the playing of the na-
tional anthem by Prof. Palmer Chris-
Following several numbers by the
Navy Chorus, the dean of each de-
partment will present his candidates
for degrees to receive their token
diplomas. - Dean Clarence Yoakum
will present the remaining degree
groups of the Graduate School.
After an address by President
Ruthven to the Naval graduates,
Capt. Michaux will commission them
in the Naval Reserve.
Seniors are to assemble for the
traditional procession at 9:30 a .
EWT-(8:30 a. m. CWT) on the diag-
onal of the campus. The line of
march will proceed along the diag-
onal to S. University, turning on to
State St. and then N. University, end-
ing at Hill Auditorium.
Of the 1,042 graduates approxi-
mately 418 will receive degrees from
the School of Literature, Science, and
the Arts. The School of Education
will present 42 candidates; Architec-
ture and Design, 12; Engineering, 94;
Law, 9; Pharmacy, 5; Dentistry, 61;
Business Administration, 18; Fores-
try, 15; Music, 44; Public Health, 60;
Nursing, 67; and the Graduate School
will present degrees to 197.
Forty-three NROTC men will be
commissioned as ensigns of the line.
Seyenteen dental students will re-
ceive commissions as Assistant Den-
tal Surgeons.
Hitler Married
Braun Before
Fall of Berlin
BERLIN, June 9-(P)-Adolf Hit-
ler married his sweetheart, Eva
Braun, two days before Berlin's fall
and the lovers might have escaped
from the German capital by plane,
Marshal Gregor K. Zhukov, Rus-
sian conqueror c the city, said to-
"We have found no corpses which
could be Hitler's" Zhukov said in
the first authoritative report on the
Hitler mystery.
Zhukov said the German Fuehrer
and his bride had good opportunities
to get away from Berlin after one
of history's most macabre marriages.
Cites Chance To Escape
"He could have taken off at the
very last moment for there was an
airfield at his disposal," said the
head of the Red army's occupation
forces in Germany.
The Soviet commandant of Berlin,
Col. Gen. Nikolai E. Bezarin, also
said that Russian soldiers had not
yet found Hitler's body.
"My personal opinion is that he
has disappeared somewhere into Eu-
rope," Bezarin said. "Perhaps he is
in Spain with Franco. He had the
possibility of taking off and get
Believed 'Somewhere in Europe'
(NBC broadcaster Robert Magidoff
attributed to Zhukov the statement
that Hitler might be hiding in Eu-

rope and said that Zhukgv added:
"Now it is up to you British and
Americans to find him.")
Ward To Take Case
To Supreme Court
CHICAGO, June 9-MP)-Montgom-
ery Ward and Company served notice
today of intention to carry its legal
fight against government seizure of
properties in seven cities to the U. S.
Supreme Court.
Company counsel asked a stay of
mandate from the U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals, which yesterday in a 2 to
1 decision held the seizure was legal.
A Ward's lawyer said this action
informed the appellate court the com-
pany intended to ask the high court

Claim Landings
Of Borneo Coast
AIlied Blasting of Brunei Bay Area
Reported by MacArthur Comm unique
By The Associated Press
MANILA, June 10, Sunday-The Japanese reported Saturday an Allied
invasion of Labuan Island off the northwest coast of rich Borneo.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur did not confirm the enemy radio report but
his communique today announced heavy air raids for the eighth consecu-
tive day on Labuan and the Brunei Bay area in which Labuan is situated.
Allied light naval forces also shelled the northeast coast of Borneo,
MacArthur announced.
U. S. 13th Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force and U. S. Seventh
Fleet heavy, medium and fighter-bombers dealt the Borneo blows as the
air war in the East Indies reached( - -

A BRITISH ARMY CAPTAIN orders a German women back into a
British garrison theater at Burgsteinfurt to see a second showing of a
film recording conditions in the Nazi prison camps at Belsen and
Buchenwald. The captain acted when he saw the woman laughing
after viewing the film once. This is a British official photo.
U. S. ToKep Nazi Prison
R eich To B eDeIndts trialized

Allies Will Remove
Enemy War Plants
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, PARIS, June 9-A repara-
tions program to strip Germany of its
war plants and avoid the unsuccess-
ful post-war world, one plan of at-
tempting to recover war damages in
dollar value by revitalizing German
industry was outlined today by Am-
bassador Edwin W. Pauley.
"Our primary policy is to de-
industrialize Germany, to destroy
its war potential in the future,"
said Pauley, who is president Tru-
man's personal representative on
the allied reparations commission.
"With that in mind there is con-
siderable material for reparations."
Pauley did not outline all German
industries that would be permitted to.
operate if Britain and Russia adopt
the United States view that all those
of war nature should be removed or
However, the first to be dismantled
would be armament plants followed
probably by aircraft, shipbuilding
and machine tool industries.
Presumably all manufacture of
consumer goods will continue to
help feed and clothe the German
people. The same goes for the mak-
ing of medical supplies.
Pauley told a press conference the
United States realized mistakes were
made in reparations policies after the
last war and "we don't intend to,
make the same ones this time."
"It would be futile for us to seek
repayment for the total cost of our
war effort," he asserted. "Both the
money and the lives are gone."
He contrasted this view with that!
following the last war when the vic-
torious Allies laid down a program
of monetary repayment.
He declared the United States will
assert a claim, "although as to what
it will be I am not prepared to say."
The German gold hoard, uncovered
by the American Third Army in a
Merkers, Germany, salt mine, will be
considered by the reparations com-
mission as a means of restitution.

~Germans To Wor~k
e Rebuild Europe
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, PARIS, June 9-- United
States armies, which held 2,852,000
German prisoners in Europe when
Victory came, will keep 600,000 of
them as- laborers, Cal. Robert J Gill
disclosed today.
Anotherr200,000 to 225,080 Ameri-
can-held troops will be handed over
to France" for labor in this country,
said Gill, chief of the prisoner of
war division in the European theater
provost marshal's office.
With nearly 500,000 prisoners in
the United States and another 25,000
in Britain, Gill estimated it would
take at least nine months to cut the
total figure to 600,000 by various
means, some of which still have not
yet been decided upon.
Gill reiterated previous state-
ments of high American military
authorities that German prisoners
would be "permitted" to remove
land mines but declined further
comment on that subject.
He emphasized, however, that all
plans for employment of prisoners
in the rehabilitation of battered
Europe were based on rules of the
Geneva convention despite the fact
the German Government-which was
a signatory of the convention-has
ceased to exist.
About 160,000 Germans now held
by Americans in three prison camps
north of Cologne will be turned over
to the British when occupation zones
are definitely established, Gill said.
The captives to be turned over
to France now are held in seven.
enclosures in France, he said, add-
ing they will come under 'complete
charge of the French just as if
French armies had captured them.
Gill also disclosed that about 18
per cent of the total bag of prisoners
would be discharged and sent home
under a plan to turn loose all miners,
farmers, transport workers, women
prisoners and men over 50 years of
age who are not suspected of war

a crescendo.
Liberators Bomb Labuan
Liberators of the 13th air force
cascaded a heavy tonnage of bombs
on Labuan and on a nearby airfield,
while delayed reports showed the
RAAF on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday smashed the nearby main-
land town of Brunei in a succession of
raids, destroying many Japanese
buildings. These strikes were follow-
ed by another 13th Air Force raid on
the same area.
Tokyo had said that Allied invad-
ers went ashore on Labuan after
Japanese positions on the isle were
battered by battleships, cruisers, de-
stroyers and 50,small warships.. ,
American Planes Set Fires
MacArthur reported American
planes set fires in harassing raids on
Taihoku on Formosa, caused a large
explosion with a direct hit on the
Woosung.docks near Shanghai, China
and bombed a small arms plant near
Canton, besides doing extensive dam-
age to railways on Hainan island and
in Indo-China.
In the Philippines cleanup cam-
paign, he announced that the U. S.
27th Infantry Division, in an eight-
mile advance along the winding road
leading towards the Cagayan valley
of northern Luzon, had liberated the
town of Solano and reached within
four miles of the Bagabag highway
Medium and attack bombers drop-
ped 330 tons of explosives on the
Japanese in that area and destroyed
a grounded enemy plane, while light
naval forces shot up Japanese posi-
tions on Luzon's north coast.
Other Fronts
GUAM - (P) - Adm. William F.
(Bull) Halsey's U. S. Third Fleet sent
courier planes on a return visit to
Japan Friday, attacking Kanoye air
base on Kyushu. They destroyed 28
planes on the ground and two in the
air at a. cost of four raiders.
Fleet headquarters announced the
strike in a communique today. Pilots
of all four American planes were
Halsey's planes had hit Kyushu on
two days last weekend, marking the
return of the "Bull" to the Pacific
* * * .
OKINAWA-(P)-Fierce last stand
Japanese resistance on the southernj
tip of Okinawa Saturday temporarily
stalemated the drive of the Marines
and soldiers to finish the 4-day old
campaign, the Navy announced. Jap-
anese casualties through Friday total-
led 67,703 killed.
On Friday, while carrier planes of
Adm. William F. Halsey's Third Fleet
attacked a Japanese base on Kyushu
used by the enemy's special attack
(suicide planes), the Nipponese sent
over more raiders against American
shipping at Okinawa.

Jap Cabinet To
Rule by Decree
Hirohito Directs Diet
To Support Holy War
By The Associated Press
Emperor Hirohito directed the Jap-
anese Diet yesterday (Sat.) to hand
over virtually all its power to the war
cabinet, which will rule by decree in
an effort to cope with what Premier
Kantaro Suzuki called "the most crit-
ical situation in the history of our
Opening of the two-day emergency
Diet session in bomb-ravished Tokyo
with a prediction that the unprece-
dented war powers would be granted
quickly was reported by the Domei
agency in a series of broadcasts re-
corded by the Federal Communica-
tions Commission.
Forecasts Invasion
Addressing both houses, Premier
Suzuki forecast an American inva-
sion of Japan and warned of new
shortages of food, munitions and
transport, but rejected unconditional
surrender and declared that Japan's
only choice was "to fight to the last."
In a brief imperial rescript, which
was read before Suzuki spoke, Hiro-
hito called on the people to "fulfill
the purpose of the holy war" and
ordered the Diet to "do your duty of
deliberating and supporting the war
emergency measures "in accordance
with our imperial will."
Called 'HolyWar'
Suzuki, who quoted the emperor on
the "Holy War" angle, lashed out at
what he called "the tyrannical atti-
tude" and "evil designs" of the Unit-
ed States and Britain, and declared:
"Japan is fighting a war to up-
hold the principle of human justice,
and we must fight to the last."
Suzuki contended that Japan would
have the advantage in supply and
concentration of troops in American
invasion of the homeland, and "we
certainly will be able tohrepulse the
enemy and crush his fighting spirit."
'Critical Time'
Repeatedly he mentioned the diffi-
culties ahead, however, and warned
that "it is truly a critical time."
Gen. Korechika Anami and Adm.
Mitsumasa Yonai, Ministers of War
and Navy, who also addressed the
Diet, uttered similar defiance but
likewise portrayed Japan's military
situation as grim.
Praise Suicide Tactics
Anami also praised the suicide
tactics, which he called "a unique
way of fighting which no other na-
tion than the Japanese is capable of
employing, and which I believe will
certainly open the way for victory,"
Student Play
Will Be Given
'Girl's Best Friend'
Is Written by Comins
Louise Comins' play, "Girl's Best
Friend," this season's second student-
written production, will be presented
by the Laboratory Theatre at 8 p. m.
EWT (7 p. in. CWT) tomorrow in
the elementary school auditorium of
University High School.
Sorority life on a campus titled
"the Vassar of the Middle-West" pro-
vides the plot for this three-act com-
edy dealing with the "sisters' "efforts
to romanticize the life of the hero-
ine, Corrinne Essig. Other members
of the cast will be John Momeyer,
Glenna Baratta, Connie Schwartz,

Britain Shipped Gold Overseas-
At Threat of German Invasion

LONDON, June 9-(P)-Flowing
back to England today was some of
Britain's gold supply, virtually all of
which was shipped across the oceans
when a German invasion threatened,
a Bank of England spokesman dis-
closed today.
Every type of ship, from tramp.
stetamers to big liners-some run-
ning through U-boat infested wat-
ers without an escort-carried the
gold to secret hiding places and left
virtually empty the vast vaults of
Today Russky Kruzhok (Russian
Circle) will present a pro-
grain of songs and dances
at its Russian Night cele-
bration at 7:30 p. m. CWT
in Rm. 316, Union.
Today Richard Sokatch, pianist,
will give a recital at 8:30
p. m. at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
June 11 Mary Louise Nigro, grad-
uate student in music
education, will present a
recital at 8:30 p. m. at
Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
June 11 The second student-writ-
ten production this seme-
ster "Girls Best Friend,"
by Louise Comins, will be
nresented at R v m. in the

the Bank of England during the
blitz years of 1940 and 1941.
This greatest gamble in financial
history was revealed as the British
treasury announced it would pay four
shillings and three pence more per
five ounce for gold in the sterling area
as the shipping risk had been "sub-
stantially reduced."
An official announcement said that
the readjustment of the price from
168 shillings per fine ounce to 172
shillings and three pence was made
merely in line with changing wvar con-
ditions and should not be regarded as
a gold point nor as made ih antici-
pation of Bretton Woods. It has "no
bearing on any questions of exchange
policy or exchange rates," the state-
ment said.
During the entire war, the
spokesman for the Bank of Eng-
land said, movements of gold
amounted to roughly $4,000,000,000
with losses totaling hardly more
than $20,000,000.
Some of the lost gold was recov-
ered even after gold-laden ships were
sunk. In one case, Australian divers
retrieved from the ocean bed 423 feet
down all but $325,000 worth of a
gold cargo of $8,000,000.
Great stores of gold were concen-
trated in naval bases and other stra-
tegic spots throughout the world.
Huge shinments were moved to New


Soong To Copy ChiOng


Po litics

* * *

Claiming that the recent change in
the Chinese government, which saw
T. V. Soong replace Chiang Kai-
Shek as premier portends no change
in Kuomintang attitude toward Yen-
an (communist) China, Rev. George
W. Shepherd, political adviser to
Chiang and other Kuomintang lead-
ers for many years, interpreted
Soong's appointment only as one of
"Soong's integrity as Minister of
Finance, his competence as a banker
and his influence in Washington,"

administration. Such an overwhelm-
ing influence," he added, "is not
probable in China unless imposed
with outside military force; in which
case its permanency would be ques-
tionable. At present, the Chineseuare
one hundred per cent for Russia, but
also, one hundred per cent against
interference from Russia, Great Brit-
ain and the United States." He call-
ed attention to the little-known fact
that Russia has a token air force in
China operating against Japan.
Emphasizing the strong current of
traditionalism which guides China,
Rev. Shepherd stated that Russian

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