THE MIFCHIGAN DAILY Mam Dewey Asks Early Settlement Of All Lend-Lease Oblgaions Suggests Cancelling World War I Debts By The Associated Press NEW YORK, June 7-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey called tonight for cancella- tion of World War I debts and early settlement of lend-lease obligations arising out of this war. He also urged, in a speech prepared for a War Finance Committee dinner, that the United States take the lead in reducing tariffs and accept the U.S. Judg~es May Be, Givent liaise in Salary Endorsement by the American Ju- dicature Society of salary increases for federal judges now pending in Congress was announced today by George E. Brand of Detroit, chair- man of the Society's board. Increases of $5,000 a year for the entire federal judiciary, including dis- trict and circuit judges and the justi- ces of the Supreme Court, are pro- posed in bills introduced in the House by Rep. Hobbs (D., Ala.) and in the Senate by Sen. Wagner (D., N. Y.) The Hobbs bill is soon to come up for consideration before a subcommit- tee of the -House Judiciary commit- tee. Society's Support Unanimous The announcement of the Ameri- can Judicature Society's support fol- lowed a nearly unanimous vote of the Society's officers and directors, representing every state in the Un- ion. The society itself is composed of 6,000 lawyers and judges in all parts of the country, organized to promote the efficient administration of jus- tice.- "A dozen states," said Mr. Brand, "pay their state supreme court judges more than the federal district judges are paid, and in nearly as many states there are trial judges in the state courts receiving more than the $10,- 000 a year drawn by the federal dis- trict judges.' Salaries Taxed Both Ways "Since the present salary scale was established in 1926 the purchasing power of the dollar has greatly de- creased and the salaries of judges have been subjected to both federal and state income taxes. The judges have had no way to offset these dras- tic reductions in actual compensa- tion, except in some instances by ac- eeptance outside employment as writers and teachers, and good judges have resigned because they could no longer afford to remain on the fed- eral bench., Bretton Woods proposals, despite "imperfections," as a step toward solving postwar economic problems. Meats Can't Be Paid "The 25-year-old foreign govern- ment debts to the United State, aris- ing from World War I will never be paid because they cannot be paid," Dewey said. "We should be honest and intelligent enough to say so offi- cially and cancel them. "Along with this should go an im- mediate repeal of the Johnson Act, which forbids private loans to gov- ernments and nations now in default on these debts." Urging that efforts begin "at once" to settle Lend-Lease obligations, the 1944 Republican Presidential candi- date said "It may well be that we shall have to cancel a major part of the financial obligations," adding: Must Eliminate Trade Barriers "We are entitled to ask in return that our partners shall fully live up to the other part of their obligations by eliminating barriers to commerce and promoting the bettermen of world-wide economic and social rela- tions, as well as the cause of free- dom of the individual, for which this war is being fought." Dewey. said the United States not only hould lower its tariffs but also should "initiate a world conference for general tariff reductions" and should seek, with Great Britain, "the long-term stabilization of the all- important, dollar-sterling rate." "We must begin now to pick up at. least part of the pieces from the wrecked London economic confer- ence of 1933," he said. Engine Councl Elects elmick Engineering Council elected Charles Helmick, Jr., '47, president for the summer terms at a recent meeting in West Engineering Building. Other officers elected were S. John Soricie, '47, vice-president; George N. Spaulding, '47, secretary; and Ru- dolph Habermann, '48, treasurer. Dinner for Counicil Is Held by S.R.A. The annual Student Religious Association dinner for the Lane Hall Student Council was held Wednesday at Hotel Allenel. Poetry anthologies were presented to outgoing Assistant to the Director Doris Muehl and to graduating for- mer Chairman of the Council Martha Taylor. The gifts were presented by Joyce Siegan, chairman, speaking for the S.R.A. U a c I. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to this column should be addressed to the Military Editor, Michigan Daily, 420 May- nard Street.) CLELANH, GRAHAM, 1942 grad- uate in the College of Architecture and Design and art editor. of the Michiganensian for that year, re- cently was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Lt. Graham received his commis- sion on completion of the Navy's language training course at Boulder, Col. ' ,~ * 1' Aboard a destroyer escort of the Atlantic Fleet FRANK F. CLEVER, another former student, has been ad- vanced to the rank of yeoman, sec- ond class. Clever has also seen ser- vice at Great Lakes Training Center and storekeepers school at Bain- bridge, Md. WARREN G. I1OR14KOHL, pharmacist's mate, second class is serving aboard the USS Relief, which has been standing off Oki- nawa to receive casualties. A former University student, Hornkohl has been aboard the Re- lief 28 months At the Naval Air Training Bases at Pensacola, Fla. ROBERT BRAUN- FELD recently was commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve and des- ignated a naval aviator. Before entering the Navy, Ensign Newman attended the University for two years and was a member of the varsity football and swimming teams. WILLIAM J. DISALVATORE, Fif- teenth AAF Liberator navigator, has been promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. Before he enlisted in October, 1942, Lt. Disalvatore was an engineering student at the Uni- versity. Awarded the Air Medal, he also wears the Distinguished Unit Badge with two Oak Leaf clusters and the European-African-Middle East Theatre ribbon with two cam- paign stars. * * * Recently commissioned a second lieutenant with the AAF Engineer Command in Italy was WILLIAM K. HUSKEY, another former student. Lt. Huskey wears two battle parti- cipation stars on the European Thea- tre ribbon and the Good Conduct Medal ribbon. First Lieutenant JOHN LEMISIlI has bebn awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement" on bomb- ing attacks against German targets. A pilot with the 490th bombardment group of the Eighth Air Force, he is a former student. Corporal MILTON C. PICARD, who holds a B. A. degree from the University, is taking mart in the air movement of a war half way around the world. He is stationed at Casa- blanca Air Base, the hub of the North African division through which flow the fighting forces of Europe enroute to the United States and the Pacific, * * * PETER HON KLAPHAAK, anoth- er former studenit, recently was com- missioned an ensign in the USNR and designated a Naval Aviator at the Naval Air Training Bases, Pensacola, Fla. IL }1/cA ,ah I ten at flapr 13IG FOUR. GENERALS AT BERLIN-At their first meeting as the Allied Control Commission convenes in Berlin are: (left to right) Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, Great Britain; Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, U. S.; Marshal Gregory Zhukov, Russia; and Gen. De Lattre de Tassigny, France. UNNAMED HEROES: ub A cks Conuoy inlap Port By The Associated Press PEARL HARBOR, June 7-Jap- anese Navy officials still may be muttering things not fit for print about a certain American submar- ine- which potted their cargo and warships right among a hotbed of their own patrol boats. This American boat, which cannot now be named, moved out of port when Japanese submarines were at the height of their activity, and Pacific waters were whipped by the screws of enemy warships and mer- chant craft. The sub headed toward a harbor which was bottlenecked by a small channel and prepared to give the enemy a bad time. The Japanese were firmly entrenched in the area and were busy putting in cargo and troopships. There was no way to get inside the carefully guarded harbor. It was like trying to shoot ducks through a fence. At dawn the sub commander de- cided on a daring and delicate plan. While the Jap patrol ship made a wide sweep, the sub moved into crys- tal clear water, between it and the shore. Suddenly, over the horizon, ap- peared a string of Japanese ships in convoy. They were making for the harbor channel. The convoy hove into range and the American sub let go. A Japanese destroyer blew up and another heeled over, badly hit. With depth charges pounding the waters all around, the command- er took the sub to a precarious safety, The next day the determined submarine skipper was back on the job in dangerous waters. The pa- trol ship was back again tco, this time with a couple of friends. One of them was a swift torpedo boat which covered the waters like a bloodhound. Another convoy ap- proached. The patrol craft vainly tried to shepherd the convoy into the channel, then slammed its tor- pedoes away. Two cargo ships blossomed into flame and a small warship exploded in a blaze of fireworks. The enemy was. scattering depth charges and the submarine quivered with their explosions. A plane added its bombs to the probing, but again the sub slipped away from the dan- ger area. The sub sighted a large warship and and took aim. In a matter of seconds torpedoes sped toward the vessel and two violent explosions were heard. Yellow smoke spilled from the ship. Because the need for Sokatch To Play In Piano Recital Richard Sokatch, pianist, will high- light his recital at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) Sunday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with selections by Bach, Beethoven and Tansman. A pupil of Prof. Joseph Brinkman in the School of Music, Sokatch for- merly studied in Joliet, Ill. and is the recipient of a four-year scholarship awarded by the Croatian Fraternal of America. He is manager and stu- dent director of the Varsity Glee Club. escape prevented witnessing of theZ carrier's sinking she was listed offi- cially only as damaged. Crewment believe she sank. Despite a general attack by depth charges the subcontinued patrol and polished off another cargo ship.1 Finally the determined command-_ er set sail for home. He had to. There were no more torpedoes. Ypsilanti Strike Cuts Off Water City Employees Agree To Accept Arbitration YPSILANTI, Mich., June 7-V)- A seven-hour strike today of some 90 city employes ended before the in- terruption of gas, water and sewage service caused hardship. Settlement of the strike was ar- ranged by Robert Lomasney, con- ciliator for the State Labor Media- tion Board. The strikers, members of Local 269, State, County and Municipal Workers of America (CIO), returned to the jobs so that their dispute 'could be studied by an impartial five-man board. The workers, whose walkout tied up the city-operated gas plant and other community service, demanded a 10- cent an hour wage increase, closed shop and the checkoff of union dues system. Lomasney said the board probably would make its recommend- ation to the city council tomorrow, The gas supply to industrial plants was cut off during the strike, city officials intending to conserve the gas to maintain service to house- holders. None of the plants were shut down, although spokesmen said continuation of the strike would have forced the plants to close. I i TF)O Sr-UDENT% WillHAVE U'RClIASED A "45 'ENSIAN and who will not be on campus this summer. AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG REMEMBER FATHER FRI., JUNE 8, 1945 Eastern War Time 7:00-News. 7:05-Morning Round-up, 7 :30--Musical Reveille 8:00-News. 8:15-1050 Club. 8:30-Breakfast MelodIes. 8:45--Bouquet for Today. 8:55-Musical Interlude. 9:00--News. 9:05-Music Box. 9:30-Community Calendar 9:45-Music for Millions. 10:00-News. 10:05-Music for Remem- brance. 10:15-What Do You Know. 10:30-Broadway Melodies. 10:40-Women Today. 10:45-Waltz Time. 11:00-News. 11:05-Book Review. 11:10-Al & Lee Reiser. 11:15-Parson's Grist Mill. 11:30-Farm & Home Hour. 12 :00-News. 12:15-Lani McIntire. 12:30-Trading Post. 12:45-Luncheon Melodies. 1:00-News. 1:05-Hoilyw(Jod Reporter. 1:15-Salute To The Hits. 1:30-Johnny Messner. 1:45-D. Lamoui' & D. Mc- Intire. 2:00-News. 2:05-Hal Saunders. 2:15-Victor Young. 2:45-Ray Bloch's Orch. 3:00-News. 3:05-Arthur Chapman. 3:15-Frankie Masters. 3:30-Band Music. 3:45-Lawrence Quintet. 4:00-News. 4:05-Wladimir Selinsky. 4:30-Ranch Boys & Betty Lou. 4:45-Minch B3orr & Orch. 5 :00--News. 5:05-Campus Ballroom. 5:45-Sports Review. 6:00-News. 6:15-David Rose & Orch. 6:30-Telephone Quiz. 6:45-Piano Interlude. 6:55-Flashes from Life. 7:00-News. 7:15-Fireside Harmonies. 7:25-Band of the Week. 7:30-Leo P. Meyers. 7:30-Evening Serenade. 8:00-News. 13:05-Dance Time. 8:15-Put & Take It. 8:30-Pan Americana. o Please leave your name cndi ma i irg odd ress at the Business Office on the second floor BEER - WINES of the Student Pub ica tions Building Hours: MIXERS GROCERIES - MEATS 2:00-5:00 on Friday, June 8th, and Monday, r T I FATHER'S DAY 1 SportShirs A complete selection of fabrics and colors, Long or short sleeves. $2.00 to $10.00 2.Pipe andTobacco Pouch Smoothly-styled genuine Briar pipes. $5.00 to $7.50 Leather pouch for tobacco, $3.50 3. Cordovan Leather Set for Men Pocket Billfold, $4.00 to $6.50 Watch Strap, $2.00 Cigarette Case, $2.75 to $3.00 4. McGregor All-Wool Sweaters $6.00 to $7.95 s. Nunn Bush Ankle-fashioned Shoes JUNE 17th SUGGESTIONS June 1I, through Friday, June 15. Due to late delIvery date, it will be necessary the 'Ension. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES to mail copies of Brown and White, $1000 Plain Brown, $11.00 L-'! 11 11 1 II I