FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Clark Drcws 'Brass Ring - ., 1' 31 _ - =" '_ --: 'a. - - - - ..~ r~r - --.a - x Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer [Lay Dixon . Paul Sislin . 'Hank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schut . Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee Editorial Staff + + Managing Editor S . . Editorial Director . C . . . .City Editor . + . Associate Editor SSports Editor + + . Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor S usiness Staff . . Business Manager . + . Associate Business Mgr. . . Associate Business Mgr- Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. RPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. a NEW YORK N. Y. IIICA0 - " OSTON -LO ANGLE5 " SA FANCISC Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Proposed Federation TWO Central American presidents, elected to succeed dictators who were overthrown, met recently to make a fresh attempt at an old pro- ject-federation of the five Central American Republics. They were Juan Jose Arevalo of Guatemala and Salvador Castaneda Castro of El Salvador. The two presidents announced that the setting up of a temporary Federal Council in Santa Ana, El Salvador would be the first move and would be followed by the appointment of technical commissions to work out the details. Removal of customs barriers, creation of a single banking system and aboli- tion of immigration restrictions are the primary matters to be settled, but it is hoped that even- tually political federation will evolve. However, both governments declared that they would preserve their political sovereignty. The success of this venture depends upon the attitude of the other Central American coun- tries. President Somoza of Nicaragua is re- ported to have said. he would resign his of- fice if necessary to bring about union, but the Honduran Government is expected to label the plan communistic. Costa Ricans fear the loss of the real democracy they have now and may resist for that reason. It is always encouraging when a movement for reform is instigated and supported by the people concerned. This effort on the part of two, possibly three of the Central American powers, is encouraging to those who have long held the ideal of a united Central America. Even if complete federation is not achieved, mutual adjustment of those economic prob- lems which they share will be advantageous. The United States, as the largest of the Ameri- can republics, cannot and must not force Central American federation, but it is our responsibility to use our influence to direct these peoples towards closer harmony and cooperation. A. good start is being made. -Alice Jorgensen Recip rocal Trade TfHE administration-backed Trade Agreements Act extension has been passed by the House of Representatives and is awaiting action by the Senate. This bill, which gives the President a great deal of latitude in negotiating reciprocal trade agreements, is of the utmost importance. Not only does it manifest that the Good Neigh- bor Policy is more than a meaningless term to be bandied about, but it indicates that the Unit- ed States does cooperate in commercial rela- tions with foreign nations for mutual benefit. News commentators have predicted that the Trade Agreements Act will have a rough time in the Senate. It is unfortunate that some of our illustrious Senators have apparently failed to notice the value of the Trade Agreements Act to the United States, and the respect and By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-Today, Drew Pearson awards the brass ring - good for one free ride on the Washington Merry-Go-Round - to Tom Clark, new attorney general of the United States. When Tom Clark was called to the White House and told by President Truman that he was to be the next attorney general, he was so surprised that he stared to walk out one of the big French windows in the executive office. "I guess you're a little flustered," laughed Truman, "The door's over there." Only 46 years old, Clark had been planning to step out of the Justice department for more than a year and go back to Dallas, his home town, to practice law. His elder brother was killed in an airplane crash and the family wanted Tom to come home to carry on the family law firm. Long Line of Lawyers OF THE FOUR cabinet appointments Tru- man has made, public attention unques- tionably has focused more on this than any other. The new attorney general happens to come from a long line of lawyers beginning with his great grandfather, William I. Clark, solicitor of the British government of Ireland, who came to this country in 1737. The next William H. Clark was chancery judge in Jack- son, Mississippi, and a Confederate general, killed in the Battle of Altoona, Ga. His son, another William H. Clark, was treasurer of Mississippi for 40 years. Despite this impressive line of ancestors, Tom himself is an easy-going, unpretentious person whom, when you first meet him, you wouldn't suspect of being one of the'most important mem- bers of the Truman cabinet. He talks as if he had all the time in the world and as if nothing worried him at all other than getting home to go sledding with his two children - where you will always find him on snowy Sundays. Politicians Lick Chops UNQUESTIONABLY, Clark's appointment is the most important shift in the Truman cabinet. The attorney general of any administra- tion can make or break it - as Harry Dougherty once demonstrated. Anti-trust cases, affecting the dividends of great corporations and the pros- perity of little business, can either be started or smothered in the Justice department. Income tax cases, affecting the powerful city machines of Chicago, New York, Boston, Jersey City - the machines which nominated Truman at Chicago -can be prosecuted or protected in Justice. Along with the Interior department (in charge of public lands and oil), it is the greatest poten- tial boodle-bag in the government. Already some of the politicians are licking their chops and sniffing the boodle. For in- stance, W. T. Burton, Louisiana oil operator who was mixed up with the old Governor Leche-Huey Long gang, has been under indict- ment on his personal income tax for $578,958 and on his corporate taxes for $135,839. After a mistrial, Burton, together with two other defendants, S. W. Maxwell and L. Brown, last year offered to plead nolo contendre - in other words not contest the case and with no strings attached. However, present attorney gen- eral Francis Biddle recommended jail sentences, the judge also let it be known he intended to impose jail sentences; so the defendants with- drew their nolo contendre plea. However, on May 30, just seven days after Tom Clark's appointment as attorney general, the tax-troubled gentlemen from Louisiana moved to continue their trial beyond June 4, and in so doing made this extraordinary state- ment indicating the politicians' faith in Tom Clark. loodle Hopes liang igh THEY SAID: "On May 23, 1945, President Truman appoint. ed the honorable Tom Clark of Texas as Attorney General of the United States, to succeed the honorable Francis Biddle of Philadelphia, effec- tive June 30; that Mr. Biddle has been the in- cumbent of that high office during most of the period of this case and your defendants feel that he has acquired perhaps unconsciously a point of view about this case and about conditions in Louisiana generally which make it very hard to obtain from him an impartial and unprejudiced attitude looking to a fair and reasonable solution of this six-year-old controversy. .hd Defendants further feel that with a new ad- -ON SECONDI By Ray Dix" xj THE VETO POWER issue has finally been solved by the Big Five at the San Fran Clan and people all over the world are happy that the issue is not going to mean vetomaine poison- ing for world peace hopes. e e : ministration coming into that high office, there is now a reasonable expectancy that during the next several months a reinvestigation by the Justice department of the whole Burton affair can be applied for and obtained .. . However, in the oinion of this observer, who has watched Clark close-up and carefully during a period of years, the "friends" are going to be bitterly disappointed. Somewhat like Harry Truman, from whom nobody ex- pected much, Tom Clark has real ability to accept heavy responsibility when it comes, and handle it with honesty, forthrightness and vision. That is what Washington has needed recently-more diversification of responsibility and more building up of new men. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syidiete. Hi, c) I'D RATTHER BE RI(GHT: San Franciso Notes By SAMUEL GRAFTON NOTES ON SAN FRANCISCO: 1. Is there any argument at all for the Russian position that members of the Big Five on the security council ought to have a veto power over discussions? It seems absurd to Americans that a single nation should have the right to forbid the security council to talk about a given issue. What sort of security council will it be if its members must keep mum on any question that has been made taboo by one nation's vote? It is easy to pile up the eloquent arguments; one nation should not have the right to censor the whole world, etc. 2. This is a typical Anglo-American approach it is moral, it is constitutional, it is theoretical; it is preoccupied with questions of form; it has everything in it that has made us great con- stitution-writers. But (as nearly always) we forget that the Russians view these questions in terms of content, not form. In terms of content, the Russians are keenly aware of Senator Vandenberg's idea that the new world organization ought to be allowed to review any existing situation, even old settlements, and ancient faits accomplis. The new world organ- ization might alr6ost at once find itself pre- sented with demands for a review of the cases of Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, etc.; if the original Vandenberg idea were carried far enough, the organization might very quickly become a court in which Russia was on con- tinuous trial. The Russians, as I say, view these matters operationally, not theoretically. We regard the' veto on discussions as a moral issue. The Rus- sians are fighting Vandenberg. :3. The Russians believe that organization of the world for peace may easily degenerate into organization of the world for war. They foresee a possible future time when there may be rightist governments in Britain, the United States, France and China, and when the world organiza- tion may become not only a continuous anti- Russian forum and court, but also a power in- strument, mobilizing anti-Russian sentiment on a world scale under the head of morality. Capture of the world organization by anti- Russian forces is at least theoretically possible. The Russians do not forget that they were the only nation ever thrown out of the old League. The world organization, thus captured, would be more valuable than an army to the anti-Russian forces of the world, for a decision of the security council-is the only conceivable moral basis which the people of the west might accept as justifying the war against Russia. E VIEW the world organization as an or- ganization, period. The Russians look at it functionally and wonder what it could be used for. A veto on discussions limits the possibility that the world organization could become anybody's power instrument. The key fact here is that Russia is the only com- munist country in the world; that bare fact equips her with a certain set of fears, which she cannot give up. It is idle to tell her to stop being afraid; that is like telling a red- headed man to go brunette; he can't even though he be disposed to cooperate. The re- sulting situation, and impasse, are not solely of Russia's making, they are part of the common predicament of mankind in our day. 4. The problem i as pervasive as the weather, and as inescapable, and an easy taking of sides does not solve it. Russia's fears are, in a sense, our problem, too, because they stand in the way of world organization. We have never accepted this universal view, and the history of this con- ference has been a history of the hot and hasty taking of sides, and then of later regret, for nothing shows up an error faster than for it to win a victory. It is when we try to put the error triumphantly into operation, that its weak- nesses show up, and the hour of dismay arrives, as in the case of the admission of Argentina. I join in Mr. Walter Lippman's suggestion that we by-pass this issue, let the security council, like any other deliberative body, create its own rules of procedure, and let us get on with the business of living together. No ab- stract moral argument can solve this problem; for this is a case in which the more easily and completely we win the victory, the more thor- oughly will be convince the defeated that he was quite right in his fears. A really thump- ing triumph will remove his last doubts on the point. (Copyright, 1945. N. Y. Post Syntdifnate) NEXT STEP: Federation O MATTER how successful the world security conference 'at San Francisco turns out to be, the suc- cess of it will be limited by the type of government that is being proposed The proposed government will be that of a confederation, with states retaining absolute sovereignty, and the "supreme" government will not have the power to act upon the citi- zens of the various states. The out- come of all confederations is prac- tically the same: they dissolve. No confederation in history, including that of the American colonies, lasted more than a comparatively few years. The basic reason why the Ameri- can confederation failed was the lack of central authority to control the states. The chaos was eliminated only by the present constitution. This central authority will be lack- ing in the proposed world govern- ment. But almost no one proposes that the world adopt a federal form of government. It is not that the merits of it remain unknown, but that the world is not ready for such a form of government. The world is not ready for many reasons. However, the basic reas- on is that every nation, fromrthe all-powerful United States to the weakest of the weak, guards its right as a sovereign state. Each nation regards this power as its in- herited right. Each nation will protect that right regardless of price. The classic example of this occurred during the last days of France, when, being -overrun by the Nazi war machine, she completely refused an offer by Great Britain to unite into a single nation with com- mon citizenshin. It refused the of- fer, even though the country was rapidly disintegrating, because it regarded too highly its sovereignty. Other factors for the refusal of nations to band together include such things as pride, prejudice, fear of business competition, fear of losing freedom, various other fears and be- liefs. While these fears may at first appear as minor handicaps that might be overcome by rational think- ing, they are as deep as man's belief in God. If you think that you are one of thbse few individuals that does not hold any of these. beliefs, ask your- self a few questions like these: Would you allow every man- including the Japs and Germans- to hold common citizenship with you? Would you be willing to eliminatea1 all tariffs? Would you be willing to have unrestricted immigration? Would you be willing to have all boundary lines eliminated? Would you be willing to risk the1 fall of the American standard of living?k No, you probably wouldn't. There is the whole case in a nutshell. The k American people, like all other peoples of the world, are simply not ready for a federated type of world government-and the peace that goes with it. Yes, the world is not ready for peace. Peace cannot be established in this world until all the political subdivisions combine into one poli- tical unit, a world federation. Onef need not look very far to see why peace and federation come hand in hand. The history of the United States shows only too well. States, when loosely banded together under a confederation soon found them- selves in an almost hopeless mess. Then they formed a federation- with the amazing results still going down on the pages of history. How- ever for a short time, the United States allowed the issue of states' rights to show its ugly face. A civil war resulted. Since the last shot of that war was fired, the United States has enjoyed peace and the hopes of internal peace will remain as long as our constitution is the law of the land. Bt the hopes of world peace should not be thrown aside. For the proposed worldsgovernment is only a baby. It must Le given time to grow up, to attain maturity. Ex- perience will teach the men of the world what not to do and what to do to maintain a world federa- tion. This change into a federation, which is a natural one, will not fol- low a smooth course. Wars, bigger and better, will be fought. But the experiences of the past will teach the future. Somewhere, in the dim fu- ture, lies the government-a world federation and, above all, peace. But since this will take years, probably centuries, the San Fran- cisco Conference is one of the many steps to the eventual. And as a step in a required step-pyra- mid of progress leading to a world government, it is our obligation to our future 4generations that they might know the blessings of peace, that we stick by the conference as proposed with all the might that we command. -Phil Elkus By Crockett Johnson . s G . . t i t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Russia claimed that the China were calling a halta U. S., Britain and to Yalta. But then Hopkins hopped over to Moscow, had a little talk with the Premier and succeeded in ameliorating the peace de resistance. Now that Stalin has stopped stalin' the delegates can get to work. * * * * Meanwhile all Germany was divided into four parts on D-Day plus 365 and the Nazis finally got what they wanted--a separated peace. BARNABY Cotton Mather and I had Yeah! And everybody golve hirm the x p. a. - s 1horse ulaCh! And that ruined MY - T he poinMrs. Schwartz is making, m'boy, is embodied in the Hegelian You don't mind if! look at it, do you, dearie? V