Saturday, March 10, 1945 TE M IC H IGAN D AILY Page Twenty-One Patrons isted For Annual ictory Ball Gov. Kelly, Pres. Ruthven, Regents, Professors Named Patrons for this third V-Ball in- clude Governor and Mrs. Harry F. Kelly, President and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Vice-President and Mrs. 4. P. Adams, Vice-President and Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Vice-President and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, Vice-Pres- Went and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Re- gent Vera B. Baits and Mr. S. G. Baits, Regent and Mrs. R. S. Bish- op,-Regent and Mrs. A. B. Con- nable, Regent and Mrs. R. A. Hay- Tard, Regent and Mrs. J. J. Her- Bert, Regent and Mrs. H. G. Kipke, Regent and Mrs. J. D. Lynch and Regent and Mrs. E. C. Shields. The list continues with Profes- sor C. G. Brandt, Professor and /Mrs. L. M. Gram, Doctor F. E. Robbins, Secretary and Mrs. H. G. Watkins, Dean and Mrs. W. I. Bennet, Dean and Mrs. R. W. Bunting, Dean J. A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. I. C. Crawford, Dean and Mrs. L. T. Dana, Dean and Mrs. J. B. Edmonson, Dean and Mrs. A. B. Furstenberg, Doctor and Mrs. L. A." Hopkins, Dean and Mrs. E. H. Kraus and Director and Mrs. H. B. Lewis. List Continues Additional patrons are Dean Al- ice C. Lloyd, Director and Mrs. E. V. Moore, Director Rhoda F. Red- dig, Doctor and Mrs. W. G. Rice, Doctor and Mrs. C. A. Sink, Dean ,and Mrs. E. B. Stason, Dean and Mrs. R. A. Stevenson, Dean and Mrs. H. F. Vaughan and Dean and Mrs. C. S. Yoakum. The list concludes with Asst. ,Dean Mary C. Bromage, Asst. Dean and Mrs. W. J. Emmons, Asst. Dean C. T. Omstead, Asst. Dean Jeanette Perry, Asst. Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea, Asst. Dean and Mrs. E. A. Walter, Registrar and Mrs. I. M. Smith and Miss Ethel A. McCormick. Guests' Names Told V-Ball guests include Professor and Mr. S. W. Allen, Doctor Mar- garet Bell, Professor and Mrs. H. 0. Crisler, Professor and Mrs. H. M. Dorr, Professor and Mrs. D. L. Dummond, Captain and Mrs. G. R. Horn, Lt.-Comm. and Mrs. C. A. Hoyt, Professor and Mrs. H. C. Koch, Captain W. V. Michaux, Lt.- Col. and Mrs. R. C. Miller, Pro- fessor and Mrs. W. C. Olson, Pro- fessor and Mrs. J. A. Van den Broek,- Professor L. G. Vander Velde, Major and Mrs. J. P. Wil- bern, Professor and Mrs. H. O. Whittemore and Professor and Mrs. E. S. Wolaver. Additional guests are Lt.-Comm. .and Mrs. J. J. Branson, Assoc. Professor and Mrs. G. B. Brigham, Assoc. Professor W. W. J. Gores, Assoc. Professor and Mrs. A. Ma- ' Say it with FLOWERS and you will be sure that you are giving the finest . . . no matter what the oc- casion. CHELSEA A FLOWER SHOP 203 East Liberty O ->< ->< <> I ->< rin Sci C. ARNABY _ - turd.y- March 1, 1945,THE M1:HIAN DAILY PanITI tv-f -,I 4 By Crockett Johnson Oh, it's you again. Jim Fisk. And I suppose you want me to float another bond issue on that Erie Railroad of yours.. .Well,I won't! Not until I finish feeding these little birdies. ,'m Barnaby- 7 32* Trying to fool old Dormant, are you? It can't be done, Jim. And tell Jay Gould- But here comes another pigeon! A big fellow! Looks hungry, too- '2 ii It's Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather. And he wants to borrow a hundred million dollars ... Hello, m'boy. Am I in the right place? i CROW-KE'C-r 1 l \ 1 1 / 1 I (.l ( I ] " - "" 7 _ CoWight, 1445, The N&*Vo K P Inc , Lt.-Comm. and Mrs. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Norton, Mr. *tt, Assoc. Professor and Mrs. and Mrs. P. A. Ostafin, Mr. and F. Wells. Assoc. Professor and Mrs. W. B. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Hamuel Graft Lays Down Law to Slack-Wearing Coeds Mrs. Bennett Weaver, Asst. Pro- fessor and Mrs. R. C. Boys and Doctor William M. Brace. Additional Guests Other guests are Asst. Professor and Mrs. F. O. Copley, Asst. Pro- fessor and Mrs. D. B. Gooch, Asst. Professor and Mrs. A. H. Hawley, E. N. Riskey, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Towe. Concluding the list are Mr. and Mrs. E. G. John, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Heidgen, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. H. Loeser, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Loewenberg, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McConnel, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Mixer, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Schol- nick, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Sorice and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wick. Hitler Comes f. f i t : f t t c 2 To Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.,-March 9- Adolphus (Hitler) Schikelgruber, one-time wall-paperer and gov-a ernmental official in Germany,k today registered for admittance to the College of Literature and Arts,t at the University of Michigan. 1 Schikelgruber, who is intending to major in Surrealistic Painting,s was visibly impressed with theN University. He was also quite en-t thusiastic over the rug exhibition,j held in the Islamic Art Depart- ment of Angell Hall. Said he Asst. Professor and Mrs. 0. M. when asked about the kind of men Stanley, Asst. Professor and Mrs. who smoke cigarettes, "Well, these A. H. Stockard, Asst. Professor and beautiful rugs remind me of an Mrs. L. C. Stuart, Asst. Professor ancient parable. 'Many men and Mrs. R. E. Townsend, Asst. smoke, but only Fumanchu'. Professor and Mrs. A. Van Duren, Schikelgruber then retired to Jr., Asst. Professor and Mrs. E. his quarters, a magnificent man- Weddige, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. And- sion overlooking Ann Arbor's busi- erson, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker ness district. He sent down for a and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Brunson. couple of cases of beer, and we two The list continues with Doctor settled down to a nice long chat and Mrs. A. W. Coxon, Mr, and on world affairs, sex, and the Mrs. L. F. Etter, Mr. A. R. Favreau, future of the horse in thermo- Mr. G. Kiss, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. dynamics. When I left he ad- Kuenzel, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Lag- monished me with this little re- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mann, joinder, "You drink too much!" (Continued from Page 20) flattering piece of clothing that a female can wear, and they know it. Women hate dungarees, but they are willing to suffer the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" with the knowledge that at the end of the long arduous trail of abuses and indignities, their reward, the universal habit of female trousers, will more than amply satisfy the sacrifices. The women have just about achieved their goal; slacks, trou- sers, pants, shorts, and any other imaginable thing with two legs, are firmly in the feminine grasp, a grasp too vise-like to be broken by ordinary methods. Women now wear slacks at will, and Will writhes in agony along with mil- lions of other men. I will admit, that on about one girl in a thou- sand, slacks are becoming, but I will also say that that one girl in the thousand, never got into the University of Michigan. You can see them walking to classes, walking from classes, sitting in classes, standing in front of you in acigarette line, or in any other of the innum- erable positions, which they can assume. -Slacks-- (Why they ever called them slack, I'll be darned if I know). They bend, they crease, they strain to such a point that one has to look away and place one's hands over one's ears; they are horrible but milady loves them. The women now wear slacks on any occasion. They go swimming U in them, they go to class in them, they go out on dates in them, and it is even rumored that Adrian has come out with a pair of formal trousers for women, affectionately called Slackays. Slackays are made of cross-stitched broadcloth, with a baby-pink flange of courdoroy running down either leg. Slack- ays are said to have frilled cuffs with puffed-up hip joints. As you can easily visualize-a formal fit for a queen. Men! This must be stopped be- fore it goes any farther. I will leave you with just one thought from which you men must make your decision. If slacks go any further, while skirts go out of fashion, Who'll wear the pants in the family, and who'll give whom the smashin'? Spcelia Dliay Meteing Called It is importatn htat eveyr emm- ber of hte Michiagn Daliy staff aeppar promtply at a pcelia prf- oorrdeagni meteing which will be hide in the Sudtent Publiciations Biulding nxet Wendsay at $ p. m. Proffreadgni is an essentail fro eveyr nwespapre adn the Dliay stands fro acuraccy at lla timse. Frsehmna dna sofmores aer rqe- uirded to attend. -City Eidort t .. A Q 0 * . v t B I L L L O N " 3 (J 4NM 14 r . 1 H I S B N D