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VOL. LV, No. 166
Meeting Today To
Organize NewAIi-
Campus Program
World Youth Council Delegates' Plai nts
For United Action To Be Carried Out
How Can We Help
World Peace?
Marines Capture Naha
Airfield in Closing Phase
Of 68 Day-Old Campaign
HAT CAN WE DO to plan the peace which we, the youth
of America, will inherit?
We want a world on which no bombs will fall, but first
we must rebuild that part of the world which has been
devastated by bombs.
We want a world in which men can live without fear
of hunger or cold, but first we must relieve those who are
now cold and hungry.
We want a world of just and lasting peace, but first
the nations of the world must unite for action toward that
The all-campus organizational
meeting will be held at 4:15 EWT
(3:15 CWT) today at Lane Hall.
As an outgrowth of the program
submitted by the World Youth Coun-
cil delegates, this meeting has been
called to unite students in a program
Big Five Veto
Power Issue Is
Still Deadlocked
Reds Call Meeting,
Rule Out Any Break
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, June 6-The big
five met on Russia's call today, but
Soviet sources ruled out any 'break
here, so far as they are concerned,
on the veto power issue which has
the United Nations Conference tight-
ly deadlocked.
Despite American hopefulness that
Moscow would modify the stand
which has sharply divided Russia on
one side and the United States, Brit-
ain, France and China on the other,
it was learned from officials in a posi-
tion to know that:
Her Interpretation Correct
1. Russia considers that the Yalta
Agreenent gives any of the big five
'the right to veto even discussion of
an international dispute in a world
security council. Despite urgings of
the other big four, she is standing on
her interpretation as the only cor-
rect one.
2. Consequently, Russia ruled out
any talk of the veto issue at today's
suddenly called meeting and brought
up, instead, lesser matters.
Expects No Rteply
3. The Soviet delegation expects
no reply here to the request sent
Moscow for reconsideration of the
Russian interpretation of the Yalta
4. This no-retreat attitude pres-
ents, in effect, a decision against any
modification of the Russian stand
which, by conflict with the view of
her big five colleagues, has.stalemat-
ed the conference. Unless the four
give way, it apparently passes the is-
sue to President Truman, Prime
Minister Churchill and Premier Sta-
lin for settlement.
Dane Tells of
Swedish Aid to
Sweden, with the approval of the
Allies, secretly armed the Danish un-
derground army-in defiance of possi-
ble German aggression, a Danish del-
egate to the United Nations Confer-
ence disclosed today.
The story of Sweden's contribu-
tion to the fight against the Nazis
was told by 43-year-old Erik Hus-
feldt, one of Denmark's most promi
nent underground leaders.
Manufactured Ammunition
The tall Professor of Surgery at
Copenhagen University gave a de-
tailed account of how Swedish ships
met plucky little Danish fishing
boats in the dark hours before dawr.
off the Swedish coast with cases o
automatic pistols and ammunition.
He said Sweden manufactured th(
arms and ammunition under an
agreement with the United States
and Great Britain. Husfeldt person-
ally made arrangements for the ship-
ments during a 14-day visit to Stock-
holm last summer.
Secretly Helped Allies
This was the first disclosure tha
Sweden, which kept an outward pose
of strict neutrality carefully turned
to overwhelming German force, hack
secretly helped the Allies in the onl
way she could without declaring wai
on the Nazis and being invaded.
The Swedes explained to the Ger-
mans and anybody else who asked
where the arms were being shipped
that they were going to Switzerland,
another neutral country.
of action for a just and lasting peace.
The agenda for the afternoon has
been announced by Jack Gore, speak-
ing for the temporary committee of
the organization.
1.. Consideration of amendments
to the proposed constitution which
was formulated yesterday by a
committee of the sponsoring or-
ganizations, and final passage of a
permanent constitution.
2. Preparation for election of del-
egates from every campus organ-
ization to membership on the Execu-
tive Council of the all-campus group.
3. Formulation of plans for the
selection of delegates to the Wash-
ington Youth Conference to be held
June 25 and 26. Representatives of
approximately 46 American youth or-
ganizations will attend this meeting
to formulate plans for the World
Youth Conference to be held in Lon-
don this fall. University delegates
would be entitled to attend all con-
ference sessions and voice an opin-
ion in discussions, although their ca-
pacity would be that of observers.
4. Selection of a permanent name
for the organization.
5. Formulation of plans to set
up the structure for a working
council which will begin to func-
tion at the start of the summer
Relationship will be established
with the American Youth fora Free
World, which serves as a clearing
house between American youth or-
ganizations and European Universi-
Every recognized campus organ-
ization will be entitled to one vote at
today's meeting. Unaffiliated per-
sons are urged to attend in order to
help in the formulation of the or-
ganization, Gore said, and anyone
may sign up for committee work.
Wyvern Taps
Eighteen Coeds
In Ceremony
Wyvern, Junior women's honorary
society, tapped 18 new members last
night, recognizing their outstanding
achievements in activities, and good
The new members, who will wear
the traditional yellow and brown to
Mlasses tomorrow, are Betty Lou Bid-
well, Betsy Barbour, Jean Brown,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mary Brush,
Newberry, Olive Chernow, Day House,
Virginia Councell, Kappa Kappa
3amma, Elaine Greenbaum, Tappan
House, Shirley Hansen, Martha Cook,
llen Hill, Martha Cook, and Jean
Louise Hole, Pi Beta Phi.
The list continues with Estelle
Klein, Sigma Delta Tau, Ann Lippin-
sott, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alice Mill-
r. Alpha Phi, Carolyn Newberg,
Martha Cook, Judy Rado, Newberry,
Barbara Raymer, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Jo Simpson, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Ann Wallerstein, Betsy Barbour, and
Joan Wilk, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Initiation will be at 1 p.m. EWT
Saturday in the League Chapel. Pres-
ent members of Wyvern are Ann
Schutz, Claire McCauley, Nora Mc-
Laughlin, Betty Hendel, Jean Hotch-
kin, Jane Arner, Fran Goldberg,
Barbara Osborne, Beverly Wittan,
Jean Pines, Rudy Bales, Jean Gaff-
aey, Harriet Pierce, and Betsy Perry.
Returns To City
Clinton B. (Pat) Conger, who was
a Daily editor in 1936, returned to
Ann Arbor yesterday after covering
the war in Europe for the United
Press from D-Day until the uncon-
ditional surrender,
Connected with the United Press
since leaving the University, Conger
was interned by the Germans in the
Bad Nauheim prison camp when the
United States first entered the war.
He returned to this country on the
first trip that the Gripsholm made
in 1942.
After resting, he returned to Lon-
don shortly before D-Day in June,
1944 and served as foreign corre-
spondent for the UP throughout the
Allied campaigns on the continent.
We know what we want, but
act to realize our wants. We have
others plan the peace. Yet that
want to help make it.
One of us alone is powerless.
we have not been able to
had to sit back and watch
peace is our peace. We
United, we can act to
make our wants a reality.
The first step toward a united youth is to organize on a
small scale. Today a meeting is being held to form all-
campus groups into one organization for the purpose of
taking measures to bring to actuality the program outlined
by the World Youth Council delegates last Monday night.
An all-campus organization can work to help the youth
of other nations in rehabilitation.
An all-campus organization can send delegates to the
world-wide youth conferences planned for the future.
An all-campus organization presents an opportunity for
University students to take an active interest in world
This is our chance to share in the making of the peace.
The meeting will be held at 4:15 EWT (3:15 CWT)
today at Lane Hall.
Army Discloses Jap Pilotless
Balloon Landed m Michitgan
Chinese Retake
South. China
Bomber Base
Former American
Air Field Is Captured
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, June 6-American
and Chinese reports said tonight that
veteran Chinese troops today recap-
tured the big former American
bomber base city of Liuchow in South
China. There was no confirmation
from the Chinese High Command.
The reports, if true, meant that
one of the most important Japanese
bases in China had been reoccupied
after seven months of Japanese oc-
Armies Advance
The Chinese High Command re-
ported that Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek's Armies were advancing
on Liuchow on a 180-mile arc from
the north, west and south, but was
silent on the exact position of Chi-
nese troops moving toward the
Kwangsi province rail hub.
U. S. Reports Fall
Americanrquarters reported the fall
of the city after Gen. Yang Sen gov-
ernor of Kweiyang (Kweichow) told a
Chinese engineers' conference that
the town had been seized. Chinese
Army headquarters said it had re-
ceived no direct report from the
front, and that the report should be
accepted with reserve.
Liuchow, 400 miles southeast of
Chungking, is the biggest rail and
road center in South China. It lies
astride the Japanese overland cor-
ridor fromKorea to Indo-China, al-
ready shattered by a 170-mile wide
breach torn in enemy lines by Chi-
nese forces.
Allies Honor
D-Day Landing
PARIS, June 6 -(P')- Victorious
Allied soldiers honored the memory
of their fallen comrades today in
simple ceremonies observing the first
anniversary of D-Day and the storm-
ing of the beaches of Normandy.
On famous Omaha and Utah
beaches, where a year ago Allied
troops fought and died in their suc-
cessful invasion of Hitler's European
fortress, Allied soldiers who survived
that day and the 11 months of war-
fare that ended in the final defeat
of Germany paid tribute to the
In response to Gen. Eisenhower's
orders that June 6 be observed as a
soldier's holiday there were no big
parades, no blaring bands and no
long speeches.
Many who fought through Ger-
many's powerful beach defenses were
already back in the United States.
Others were enroute. But those who
were still on the continent or in the
United Kingdom, observed the day
Senior Announcements
Seniors who have ordered com-
mencement announcements must
call for them between 9 and- 12
a. m. EWT (8-11 a. m. CWT) and
1:30-4:30 p. m. EWT (12:30-3:30
CWT) today in Rm. 2, University
Hall today or they will be put on
public sale, according to Pat Coul-
ter, president of the senior class.
By The Associated Press
GUAM, June 7, Thursday-The Sixth Marine Division captured all of
Naha airfield, biggest on Okinawa, as advances were scored on all sectors
Tuesday and Wednesday in the closing phase of the 68-day old campaign,
Fleet Headquarters announced today. The announcement broke a 48-hour
old silence on ground operation.
The drive by five divisions into the southern thirteenth portion of
the island left to an estimated 15,000 or 20,000 survivors of a garrison once
totalling 85,000 was achieved despite
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, June 6-For the first
time since the Japanese began send-
ing pilotless balloons over the United
States nearly three months ago, it
was disclosed today that Michigan
has fallen within range of such po-
tential weapons.
The disclosure was made in an an-
nouncement by the army's Sixth Ser-
vice Command, which said only that
"a Japanese ballr.Li has fallen in
Michigan within the past few
months." No details were given as
to the time or place it landed or to
the possibility that other balloons
might have descended on the state.
Similar incidents, including one in
which a woman and six children were
killed by a bomb balloon explosion
near Lakeview, Ore., May 5, had been
reported in western states, but none
previously had been revealed as far
east as Michigan.
State Balloon Had No Bomb
Capt. Donald S. Leonard, state
civilian defense director, said no
bombs were attachedto the balloon
which came into Michigan. He warn-
ed, however, that such objects should
not be touched and that they should
be reported immediately to police,
who will notify the proper military
A Japanese propaganda spokesman
Daily Columnist
Students interested in trying out
for the position of Daily column-
ist for the 8-week summer ses-
sion should submit their names
and, if possible, three sample col-
umns to the Editorial Director by
Thursday, June 14. If necessary,
arrangements can be made to turn
in sample columns after the final
examination period.
announced several days ago that the
first pilotless balloons were launched
against this country March 10, Japa-
nese Army Day, and that several
hundred had been released daily since
Discoveries Should Be Reported
Discovery of any .of the balloonsj
or bombs in Michigan should be re-
ported to the nearest civilian defense
official, police agency or the United
States Army Intelligence at Detroit,
Lansing, Grand Rapids, Paw Paw or
Flint, Leonard stated.
Leonard said that when an object
resembling a balloon or bomb is dis-
covered, a guard should be placed at
the site pending the arrival of army
officials. No unauthorized persons
should be permitted at the scene.
Leonard also said the army inform-
ed the OCD that some of the balloons
may be carrying incendiaries which
have failed to explode. They may be
ignited, he said, if they are molested.
Vet Hosptrals
WASHINGTON, June 6-()-Col.
John H. Baird, Assistant Medical Di-
rector of the Veterans Administra-
tion, told a House Committee today
he is "not completely satisfied" with
the standard of doctors in veterans
Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers (R-
Mass.) asked him whether he would
concede that much of the criticism
written by Albert Deutsch, reporter
for the New York newspaper PM, was
"Yes," said Col. Baird, "but these
published articles struck us at our
weakest time and didn't mention our
better points."
Americans Advance in All Sectors
Of Okinawa in Land-Based Operations
Ensian Delayed by
War-tine Printing
Because of unexpected war-time
printing delays, the 1945 Michi-
ganensian will not be ready for
distribution before the end of the
semester, it was announced yester-
Ensians will be mailed as soon
as possible to all subscribers who
will not be in Ann Arbor during
the summer months. Subscribers
may leave their summer addresses
between 2 and 5 p. m. EWT at the
Student Publications Building to-
morrow or any day next week. Re-
ceipts for the Ensian should be
Red Newsniaps
Show Russians
In Half of Reich
By The Associated Press
LONDON, June 6-Moscow n ws-
papers published maps today indicat-
ing that Russia would occupy ap-
proximately half of Germany on a
line running well west of Berlin and
including large areas now in Amer-
ican and British hands,. the Soviet
radio announced.
A British foreign office spokesman
said the American, British and
French occupation zones were "under
discussion" by the European Advis-
ory Council, but there was no indica-
tion when their boundaries would be
decided upon.
Would Include Leipzig
The zone of Russian occupation, as
outlined by the Moscow maps, would
take in the cities of Leipzig, Gotha
and Erfurt and all of Thuringia
province in central Germany now
held by American forces. At its far-
thest western bulge in Thuringia the
Russian zone would reach within 60
miles northwest of Gen. Eisenhower's
present headquarters at Frankfurt
on the Main.
The Russian zone delineation,
which was not authenticated by any
Allied source, came after the first
meeting of the four-power Allied
Control Council in Berlin yesterday,
which issued a declaration reducing
German to the status of a beaten
prisoner nation.
Anxiety in London
There was some anxiety in London
over the report by a Pool correspon-
dent that the session "ended abrupt-
ly" when the American, British and
French representatives learned that
the Russian delegate, Marshall Zhu-
kov, was not empowered to do any
more than sign the declaration of
supreme Allied authority.
Gen. Eisenhower and Field Mar-
shall Montgomery, the British rep-
resentative, flew back to their head-
quarters immediately after the meet-
Speech Group
To Give Honor
Awards Friday
Annual presentation of the Eleanor
Clay Ford Awards and initiations for
Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary
speech fraternity, will take place at
the final meeting of the Graduate
Study Club of the Department of
Speech at 3:30 p.m. EWT (2:301
CWT) tomorrow in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
Joyce Siegan, '46, of Benton Har-
bor, Mary Ellen Wood, '46, of River
Forest. Ill., Margaret Farmer, '46, of
unfavorable weather.
Completely Captured Naha
The leathernecks reduced enemy
caves and strongpoints around the
Naha airfield Tuesday and completed
its capture Wednesday.
The mud and rain were such a
handicap that planes had to para-
chute supplies to the sloshing ground
forces. Guns of the United States
Pacific Fleet poured shells in support,
Cutting Enemy Remnants
Spearheads of the five divisions
were driving toward junctures, cut-
ting up the enemy remnants. On the
east coast, the Seventh Infantry Di-
vision completed the occupation of all
the Chinen peninsula Tuesday on the
arm of a fleet anchorage already in
use by American warships.
Amphibious Landing Made
On the west coast, the Sixth Ma-
rine Division spread out over Oroku
peninsula, where an amphibious land-
ing was made Monday and which in-
cludes, the fallen Naha airfield.
Today's communique disclosed that
airfields built on Okinawa and ad-
jacent le Shima already are sending
ground-based planes against other
enemy islands in the Ryukyus and
the Japanese homeland. Previously
the Japanese homeland had been
under attacks of B-29s in the Mar-
ianas, ground-based fighters on Iwo,
carrier-based planes and search
planes of an air wing at Okinawa.
Bretton Woods
Wins Test Note
House Passes World
Bank, Fund, 120-18
WASHINGTON, June 6--P)-The
Bretton Woods Agreements, describ-
ed by two presidents as a keystone in
the economic foundation for world
peace, won a 120 to 18 test vote in
the house today, presaging over-
whelming passage tomorrow.
The agreements propose to set up,
with 44 or more nations cooperating,
a $9,100,000,000 world bank for re-
construction and development loans
and an $8,800,000,000 fund for in-
ternational currency stabilization.
A large group of Republicans join-
ed with Democrats in the initial vote,
following through on the bi-partisan
support that caused President Tru-
man yesterday to praise the "states-
manship and non - partisanship"
shown in consideration of this most
far-reaching postwar international
measure yet to reach the congress.
Play Production
P"resents Three
One-Act PlaysU
The amusing Cartwright couple,
with Byron Mitchell playing Toby
and Dorothy Murzek as his wife,
Stella, will show you a way of liv-
ing beyond your means in "Tonight
at 8:30" at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) tonight through Satur-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
The Cartwrights appearing in
"Ways and Means," the first one-act
play to be shown, are surrounded by
an assortment of the idle rich with
their servants. The list of charac-
ters include a Russian countess, a
versatile English butler, and a French
Appearing in "Fumed Oak" are
Mitchell, as Henry Gow, Babette
Blum as his loquacious wife, Annette
Chaikin as his nerve-racking child,
and Mary Wood as the proverbial
The last play "Family Album" in-
Chinese Inspector Kwang Shee Chu Visits
Jail in Study of American Police System
Declaring that the rate of crime
in China had decreased since the
beginning of the war, Kwang Shee
Chu, inspector of police, in Chung-
king pointed out that in his home-
land, murder, juvenile delinquency,
and forgery are practically non-ex-
Chinese capital," Inspector Chu said,
"I cannot recall a single murder case.
Juvenile delinquency is also practic-
ally unheard of."
"It is virtually impossible to
forge a document because personal
seals, exceedingly difficult to du-
plicaite, are used on all checks,
law of my country with that of the
United States, he said. "Just two
years ago, the jury system was
inaugurated for the first time in
one city--Chungking. Before that
time, criminal cases were heard by
a single judge."
Although the inspector has toured