THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESD Army Geologists Are Necessary To American World War Effort ity to go into and understand ter- rain studies and prepare them for military use was a natural. No one can interpret the terrain from aerial photographs better than the geol- ogist." One of the most important jobs the Unit does is selecting possible airfield sites. Such features as the underground foundation, drainage, gravel deposits for use in construc- tion, how the soil behaves in wet weather, etc., are considered. Speech Group Addressed by GM Attorney Contest Awards Winners Reported Stating that "the post-war era will see the retiring of old and obsolete things and probably people," in an address to the 16th Annual Sigma Rho Tau Tung Oil Banquet last night, Daniel C. Wilkerson, General Motors Corp. patent attorney and inventor, cautioned against expecting too many dazzling new things to replace them. Inventions Adapted GRADS WANTED I I Adaptations of the known in finer, 1 more useful and lower priced form Return t China should be expected, he stated. Point- Rling out that it "takes 40 years for a Is Planned by einvention to becomepublic prop- crty through use"and giving the D r. A. Cooke propulsion plane as an example (the German version, he said, is al- "When I return to China I'd like most identical with a 30 year old to take about ten of our medical grad-I patent). Wilkerson said that, "the uates back with me," Dr. Alma Cooke post-war iivention world will be put- of the University Health Service de- clared.Lting to work adaptations of discov- Invited in 1920 to take charge of eries made during the war."I Linting N ital 950 mil p utho f The inventor revealed a little-pub- I I I1 GERMANS BEGIN TO CLEAN UP BERLIN WAR DAMAGES-German civilians, including women, man shovels as work of cleaning up wide-spread damage to the city of Berlin gets under way. Romh-damaged vehicles still line the streets. This view of Unter De r Linden in the heart of the capital. s11g1,5111 , es sUI oeV1114 W U1V C n o ain Is Peking, Dr. Cooke traveled to the Orient to be the first doctor the hos- * pital had had in three years. T Iof nLt e D~l"Our main difficulty was gaining the confidence of the patients who "Primitive Pharmacy and Magic" were accustomed to the practices of was the topic of a talk delivered by the Chinese herb doctors, men who Dr. Harley H. Bartlett of the Botany had had no medical training," she Department at an all-pharmacy con- said. "We do owe something to these vocation and dinner held yesterday in 'herb doctors' because they have the League. found some useful drugs such as At the affair sponsored by the Pres-- ma huang, which we know as ephe- cott Club, Dr. Bartlett related his drine, and rhubarb serving as a laxa- experiences in the jungles of Suma- tive. However, their drugs are not tra where he lived for some time purified, and it takes a tremendous among the only so-called literate can- dosage to do any good. nibals of today. "I had one patient with a tumor on Dr. Howard B. Lewis, director of her arm that was so big she had to the College of Pharmacy, awarded hold it up with the other arm. She the Lehn and Fink medal to Jeanette told me that she had had it for 15 Drouillard, the senior with the high- years, and when I asked her why she est scholastic standing. Two Rho hadn't come in sooner she replied Chi prizes were awarded to Cecilia that she didn't know about the hospi- Kuenzig and Joanne Worrill. tal. SAROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG licized survey of centers of inventingN activity now under observation that shows the north-east Mnpited States and the west coast to concentrate in- venting activity. "Before the war," he said, "the United States out-in- vented the world three to one." Contest Winners Announced At the banquet, winers of the national speaking contests held at the national convention recently'were announced. The local Alpha chapter won the contests with first places in every event. Winners, who were awarded gavels as prizes were: Pro- ject Speaking, Marvin Shafer; Hall of Fame, Rudy Habermann; Racon- teur, George Spaulding; Impromptu, James Stelt; and Tall Story, William Blakely. Officers-elect are President Margaret B. Carroll, Vice-president James Stelt, Home Secretary Rudy Habermann. Chinese Visitor To Inspect Jail Kwang Shee Chu, Inspector of Police in Chungking, China, and Capt. C. J. Scavarda of the Michigan State Police, will visit Ann Arbor to- day to inspect the Washtenaw Coun- ty jail. Inspector Chu is in this country to study American law enforcement methods. Capt. Scavarda is head of the state police safety, traffic and radio divisions. The tour will begin at 9:30 a.m. EWT 18:30 CWT). BOW TO US., TROOPS: Five Named To Goonev Birds on Midway Add Probe Eire S 4t To 'eneral Interest of Island By 'lio Associated Press MIDWAY ISLAND - This is the place where birds dig holes in the ground, bow gravely at visitors, lay eggs in tree, and act generally like the man who thought he was Na- poleon. If you go in for bird life -- and it's required on a Midway visit -- the Gooney birds take top spot. Techni- cally the Gooney is an Albatross. They are black and white, about the size of a goose and apparently share the same I.Q. Young Goonies s end their youth just sitting around all over the place waiting for a sort of thick peach fuzz to drop from their wings. The drop-off process, inci- dentally, makes them look like bat- tered seats in an old day coach. When fall comes and the young Goonies try for their take-offs a very violent period ensues. F.W. (Cable Station) Smith of Palo Alto, Calif., came to Midway in 1931 and perhaps is the best Gooney authority on the island. First flight for a gooney comes a,. a hazard to them," he related. "They get off the ground after a long run- ning start, fly up to about 20 feet and get dizzy. When a young gooney finds himself that far off the ground the surprise apparently gets the bet- ter of him and he gets panicky, so he folds his wings and goes into a spin." Casualties of a serious nature rarely occur. Quite often a na ure gooney cemes in for a landing, hits tail first and then skitters along end cver end. TheV always act insulted when this occurs, arise gravely and bow to no one in particular. The gooney dance, a set pattern of nonsense which takes place whenever a couple of gooneys feel in the mood to cut a ancldunc, has fine enter- I ainment valu6 for the men sta- tioned here. It is rumored that two sailors who have been on Midway for a long time have the routine per- fected and when bolstered by suffi- cient quantities of malt brew, do the dance for their pals. "Them guys better watch out," a sailor remarked darkly. "First; thing they know they'll be growing feath- Gooney dancing is done in groups of two and three and fea- tures a great clacking of beaks, stretching of necks and plaintive cries heavenward. Bowing, how- ever, is required gooney etiquette and is done any old time. City Co un-il member appaved the appointmcnt of a special com- mittee to meet with University au- thorities for discussion of action to be taken in the fire protection suit brought against the city and Board of Regents by William A. Lucking. Resulting from a request by Wil- ham M. Laird. city attorney, the committee includes Ald. Ben E. Pryer, Mark M. Mayne, Bernard E. Harkins, Mayor William E. Brown, jr., and Laird. The group was also empow- ered to offer recommendations to Laird. 14 I"I NO W 10:30-Broadway Melodies. 10:40-Women Today. 10:45-Waltz Time. 11:00-News. 11:05-Popular Vocalist. 11:15--Parson's Grist Mill. 11:30-Farm & Home Hour. 12:00--News. 12:15-Milt Herth. 12:30-Trading Post. 12:45-Luncheon Melodies. 1:00-News. 1:05-Hollywood Reporter. 1:15-Bing Crosby. 1:30-Lawrence Welk. 1:45-Ellen Mitchell-Al. & Lee Reiser. 2:00-News. 2:05-Bob Chester, 2:15-Johnny Green. 2:45--Baseball Brevities. 2:55-Baseball (St. Louis at Det.) 5:00--News. 5:05-Campus Ballroom. 5:45-Sports Review. E 6:00-News. 6:15-Albert Wallace. 6:30-Telephone Quiz. 6:45-Piano Interlude. 6:55--Flashes from Life. 7:00-News. 7:15-Fireside Harmonies. 7:25-Band of the Week. 7:30-Evening Serenade. 8:00-News. 8:05-Seventh War Loan. 8:10-Piano Interlude. 8:15-Put & Take It. 8:30-Concert Hall. t. Il MICHIGAN MEN AT WAR ,I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY II WANTED . WANTED: 4 waiters for eight week summer session and boys for work in kitchen. Please call Mrs. Rowles, Sorosis, 2-3279. WANTED: To rent or sublet fur- nished apartment or room with cooking facilities by teacher and wife. $40.00 or less. Call Mrs. Thu- min. 2-3531. WANTED: Cook and second for sum- mer camp, 50 to 175 1eople, June 14 thru Labor Day. Michigan, 100 miles from Chicago. Indicate ex- perience and salary expected. Re-1 ply Box 5, Michigan Daily. WANTED: Army medical student and wife desire small furnished apt. from July 15 or Aug. 1st to Sept. 15. Call.Alex Peat. 9187. WANTED: To buy or rent, miniature enlarger. Contact Sgt: Mancoronel, room 342 Hinsdale, East Quad. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold locket with initials S.F. Heirloom, sentimental value. Re- ward. Call 3001 Stockwell. LOST: White brocade evening ba with watch and coinpact initialed ER.T. Call Ethel, 21347. APPRECIATE GREATLY return of Schaeffer pen and pencil set. Bones. LOST: Light tan billfold with money. Owner is broke! Aw kids, please return! Reward. Call Marilyn (pov- erty-stricken) Hale. 2-2591. LOST: Collegiate Sorosis pin. En- graving on back. Isabel Sellof. Phone 2-3279. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Boy's hIke. salir e s,-. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to this colun should be addressed to the Military Editor, Michigan Daily, 4?0 May- nard Street.) Lieutenant (j.g.) DON. L. NIXON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nixon of 416 South Main Street, is returning to the United States for leave and reassignment under the navy's rota- tion program. A University graduate of 1940, Lt. Nixon is a member of Chi Phi fraternity. He has completed 18 months of overseas service and since January has been on duty with the Pacirte wing of the Naval Air Transport Service Command. Among Great Lakes trainees re- cently chosen to sing with the "Meet Your Navy" choir was A/S EARL MERRI1 T HOPPER, another Ann Arbor resident and former University student. Pvt. RUSSELL 'W. BRADY, was recently assigned duties in China at Headquarters, U. S. Forces, China Theater, following a year of special preparation in Chinese language, history, geography and customs at Cornell University. Before entering the Army in March, 1943, Pvt. Bradley was en-I rolled in the School of Forestry of the University. The Air Medal has been awarded to Second Lieutenant ROBERT L. WIL- LOUGHBY for "meritorious achieve- ment" while participating in bomb- ing attacks upon military and indu-j s trial installations in Germany ac-d cording to an announcement -just received from the Eighth Air Force< in England. Lt. Willoughby, pilot of a B-17 Flying Fortress, attended the Univer- sity before entering the Air Force in February. 1943. WARREN R. BARONE, another former student, has been promoted to the rank of Technical sergeant. Sgt. Barone, a radio operator gun- ner on a Flying Fortress,.has been serving with the Fifteenth Air Force in 'the Mediterranean Thea- tre, and wears the Air Medal. *4 First Lieutenant GROVER W. TRYTTEN of 1111 Forest Avenue has completed one year of overseas ser- vice with the Ninth Air Force. A squadron ordnance officer in the 410th Light Bombardment Group in France, Lt. Trytten keeps the A-20 Ilavocs flying and super- vises the loading of bonbs. lie at- tencded the University prior to his enlistment in 1942, On his 9011Ih combat sortie, J irst Lieu enant DONALD F. McEM1BER, a '43 graduate; led a formation of P-47 Thunderbolts which heavily damaged an ammunition dump and lesser targets eight miles cast of Heil- brenn, Germany. -Thursday- MONTE WOOLEY in "MOLLY AND ME" Plus "I ll Remember April" WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Day or Night Continuous from 1 P.M. Last Times Today . a SPOOL fly: ~'>~ /Y I RDA-OPEN SP IN IDAILY S EBERNADETTE Directed by HENRY KING Produced by WILLIAM PERLBERG with JENNIFER JONES In her Academy Award Winning Performance! WILLIAM EYTHE CHARLES 1GF1ORD a .._3 1 1.~ j.) NA W T I I i -u !, e f y, 1! _l a Y 'S I E I