PAGE TWO THE MICHI GAN DAILY TLTESDAY, RUNE 5, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: CELEBRATES 70TH BIRTIDAY: United Nations To Honor Thomas Mann Edited and managed by students of the University of Uichligan under the authority of the board in Contrvd of Student Publications. Evelyn Phtilipa Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Patti sisin Bank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann' chut . Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee, Editoru Staff , . . taglng Editor S . . .Editorial Director . .i . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * * Sporta Editor . . Women's Editor t . Aassocfat Women's Editor Business Sta f * t. , Business Manager . t . iociate Busin.s Mgr. . . Associate Business um r. Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, oiehig a. dsond-class nl matter. Subscriptions during the reguiar school year by car- 1i4r, $40, by mall, t525. GiPRESENTE FOR NAIOA .AVLRTNG OV Naional Advertising Service, Inc College Publshers Representative 12o MADi4ON AVE. NEwoK. N. Y. CHICACO * osvo - Ls ANGaeLS * SA r MsCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944=45 NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE BOBRECKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. All Nations Club. Because of an insistent demand on the part of both foreign and American students for a place wliere they can really get acquainted, the All NIations Club, newest of campus organizations, was formed. Although the International Cen- ter maintains an excellent program to help the foreign student in adjusting to his courses and to campus life, there has long been a need for some method of achieving closer understanding and genuine friendship between him and his fellow students. Today internatioalisin is the keynote of the times. The war has accentuated the real- ization that the youth of every nation is es- sentially alike. Students are often heard to express the wish that they could meet ad make friends with young people outside of thAir small select little circles. It is, how- ever, sail but true that the number of Ameri- can students who have walked arohd the crer of the Union to enter the International Center is astoishingly small. The men an women who come to the Uni- versity from other countries are anxious to get to know American students. Many came here not only to learn from textbooks and professors but to get acquainted with American youths and learn to get along with them. The newly formed All Nations Club is an opportunity of which both groups should take advantage. Last night's rally proved that Mich- igan students are interested in meeting" their fellows from other lands. The club meeting in the Center tonight at 7:30 presents another such opportunity. We cannot talk about international friend- ship if we deny such friendship to the repre- sentatives of those nationalities within our own -Annette Shenker Syriacispte After many days of bitter fighting the Brit- ish, by a show of fore, have compelled French troops to withdraw from Damascus, Meanwhile, the French have claimed that the Syrians were armed by the British. The entire dispute has been clouded by lack of reliable information. However, it seems that the same old stoiy-ritain versus France in the Far East-has been repeated. These two powers have been cutting each others throats, at the expense of the Arabs, for many years. The French want air bases to protect their oil lines in Syria. That is all. The British, al- though they themselves have air bases. in many Arab countries to protect their oil lines, object to French imitation. The importance of the recent skirmishes does nit lie in the actual gunfire, but in the effects of the shots upon the whole world. For Syria rests at the crossroads of the Arab world. Not only are the French, British and Arab powers 'Goop Bomli By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON--The inside story of how the Army and Navy are burning up Japan's main cities, block by block, may now be revealed at least in part. The two greatest contributions to the burn- ing of Japan are the B-29 and a new, still some- what mysterious fire-bomb known as the "goop bomb." Just how the "goop bomb" got its name isn't known. However, it's the most terrible fire spreader in the world. Part of its secret is an oily mush developed by petroleum chemists. This makes the contents of the bombs stick in gluelike gobs to anything it hits, making it almost im possible for Japan)es fire-fighters to scrape it loose flowever, what really made the bomb the most terrible in the world was experiments carried out by some o IIenry Kaiser's west coast scientists. They found Kaiser had a surplus of fast burning, bhite-hot magnesium production on his hands, and they also knew one of the greatest difficulties in making mag- 19D RATHER BE RIGHT: By SAMUEL GRAFTON USSIAN TROOPS have no rule against fra- ternizing with Germans. A number of writ- ers have pointed to tie paradox that Russia, which continually calls on us to be stern with the conquered, allows her own soldiers to mingle freely with the German people, sets up bake- shops and hospitals for them, and lets them run their own mumcipal governments, Tie Soviet press, which frequently denounces Miss Dorothy Thompson and other writers for ad- vocating some form of rapprochement with some sections of the German people, has re- cently scolded its own journalist, Mr. Ilya Ehren- burg, for declaring that there are. no good Oer- mans. The situation is not (fsjte as paradoxical as it appears. The answer probably is that Russia has a definite plan for Germany, at least for the portions under her control; she is never going to allow those areas to become a menace to herself, and with her mind made up on this point, she can afford to use surprisingly lenient administrative devices. Tougher about final goals, she can afford to be less tough in day-to-day operations; after all, she does not suspect herself of secretly planning to build up an anti-Russian Germany. THE PARADOX, if there be one, lies on our side. We are much less clear than Russia about what we ultimately want for Germany, and we are much harsher on a day-to-day basis; we won't even speak to the Germans. In a sense, we have no policy for Germany at all, and we avoid contacts with Germans, because if we had contacts, we would have to have a policy. The no-fraternization order is one way of saying that we don't know quite what we're about,.a way of postponing decisions. Our approach is spotted with uncertainties; we don't allow an American trooper to talk to a Jungfrau, and that is a hard policy; ut we leave almost the entire fascist-industrialist group, Hitler's armorers, unmolested, and that, is soft policy. Our list of war criminals totals only 3,218 names; that list is too short to cover the real centers of fascist influence and militarist think- ing in Germany. It is a list, largely, of profes- sional Gestapo agents, many of whom are cyn- ical criminals of no particular inherent phil- osophy, unimportant, though vicious, opportun- ists. Most writers on the ,subject have felt that there are from 100,000 to 200,00 Junkers, in- dustrialists, army officers and professional fascists, who must be removed if Germany is to have a chance at self-development. We have left the whole shooting-match as it is, all lumped together, with the German people, and we won't speak to any of it, but that is no answer. T IS AS IF there were a gnawing doubt in the back of our heads, a feeling that we might someday want to have a kind of a German some- thing as a barrier against the spread of Bolshe- vism; but we don't like this thought, we don't even like to feel that we have it. And so we are both soft and tough; soft enough to worry our- selves, and then tough to prove to ourselves that we are not soft. But it all adds up to no plan, and our motives are split and divided, and are, in part, hidden even from ourselves, as motives based on fearr not infrequently are. If we got rid of the real fascists in Ger many, we would not be afraid to talk to those who are left. It all comes down to the point that we can- not have a dear approach to Germany until we have a cleatr approach to Russia. The one confusion mirrors the other; while the Rus- sians are in an excellent strategic lyosition, politically, because they do have a clear ap- proach to Germany. .As do so many other fronts, this one cries out for a big three meet- ing, to reach a settlement and avoid a future in which there will be two Germanys, one organized and functioning at Russian hands, while the other wobbles directionlessly through the days and years. (Copyright, 419, N,'w 'oik Pot 8yidh al BARNABY You've eaten the (mlait We ate all -tcourie? Without Me? I ' for Japan _ nesium is its high explosive content. So they experimented with mixing magnesium dust in the oil of the bomb. This magnesium dust lights up in a searing blaze as soon as it comes in contact with air. Result is the hottest fire ever known. Most important effect of the "goop -bomb" is that no known fire-fighting equipment can douse its flames. Water only adds to the blaze, as do any of the other specialized fire-fighting cheni- cals. All the Japs do now against the "goop bombs" is to try to confine the area in which it Burns. not put it out. This is one reason for increasing optiism about an early end of the .ap war. A/meric('s Nt). One Heel . .. FORMER OPA ADMINISTRATOR Leon Hen- derson is a sad man these days. Every time he picks up the newspapers, he reads story after story telling how Washington has given some manufacturer permission to produce again. Henderson recalls how he gained the reputa- tion of being "America's number one heel," by cutting down the American civilian consump- tion to almost zero. "If I could only change all that," moans Henderson. "If the President would only give me a job for one week-just one short week -in which I could give the people back some of the things I took away from them. Then folks wouldn't think Im such a bad buy after all.' N\'zi.I.S (miels . . - - N T M(VUCH has been in the papers about it, but a significant lawsuit is now being fought out in New York between the U. S. government and Standard Oil of New Jersey. It involves 2,000 German patents, which the Justice De- partment claims were turned over to Standard by the Nazis for safe-keeping during the war. The government has seized them and Standard is suing to get them back. The patents are some of the most valuable in the entire war effort, including those for making synthetic rubber, which Standard Oil held back from the American public until a year and a half after the war started in Eu- rope. One of the most significant pieces of evidence is a letter taken from the company's own secret files. It is dated Oct. 22, 1939, a little over a month after the war started, at which time Standard's Frank Howard had gone to Holland to arrange various deals with I. G: Farben. This is the Nazi cartel with which Standard formed its patent partnership. The letter, signed by Howard, told the home office how he arranged to take over the Nazi patents and hold them, apparently for safe- keeping, even if the United States came into the war against Germany. Howard reported: "Pursuant to these arrangements, I was able to keep my appointments in holland where I had three days of discussion with the representatives of the I. G. They de- livered to me assignments of some 2,000 for- eign patents and we did our best to work out complete plans for a modus vivendi which would operate through the term of the war, whether the United States came in or not." If this document is not sufficiently convinc- ing, however, the Justice Department has an- other ace up its sleeve. The U. S. Army has captured three high-ranking officials of I. G. Farben in Germany. They are: President Her- mann Schmitz and Managers Max Ilger and Dr. August Von Knierim. Their testimony, if given, may be very interesting. {Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) PASTi TENSE HHORRIBLE !-A Curling Iron in Nearly Every Student's Room," runs a sarcastic headline in one of the first issues of the Daily (April 23, 1891). Origin of the sarcasm was an expose in the Chicago Tribune accusing Univer- sity students of this outrage. The writer of the piece, father of a Univer- sity student, says in part, "President Angell would make a reputation for himself if he would make hair-curling among the male stu- dents good cause for extpilsion from the Uni- versity." The Daily quoted a student letter of protest to the Tribune signed "one of the 2,000," which says that "20 per cent (of the 2,000) are farm- ers' sons, 30 per cent athletes, and 25 per cent sober, quiet and studious, and nine tenths of the remaining 25 per cent careless, happy-go- lucky fellows, and that all of these, in the nature of things, do not use curling irons.'' W'Ihe remaining two and one half per cent, hie says, 'undoubtedly spend much of their time in pluming their feathers, and these few invariably are the object of all the guy, and the victims of the papers' funny men.' -Milt Freudenheim N JUNE SIXTH the literary world, at least that of the United Na- tions, will pay tribute to one of its most illustrious representatives. Tho- mas Mann, the eminent German writer and the most distinguished of the many literary exiles who have sought shelter in America, will cele- brate hisseventieth birthday. He first attained prominence at the beginning of the present century CURRENT ByBARIE WAIRS i MINUS Veronica Lake and techni- color, "Bring On the Girls," might have been a very good musi- cal. As it stands now, I'm afraid it's something less than passably dull. It abounds in big sets, tricky pro- duction numbers and it isn't awfully good. "Bring On the Girls" is about a millionaire, Eddie Bracken, who ,cins the Navy to get away from it all. He suffers some routine mis- adventures, but all ends well for him, if not for the audience. Despite the nature of the film, Bracken does nothing musical, and co-sItar Veronica Lake does even less. In an hour-and-a half's running time she scarcely lifts one manicured fin- gernail. A change of expression on her face is a major event. Despite this low-gear output of energy, she makes her last, and very welcome exit, in the arms of Sonny Tufts - - apparently too exhausted from her vast activity to walk under her own power. In a musical way, however, there are Tufts and Marjorie Reynolds. The former has a couple of sessions at the piano and gives out with an inebriated rendition of something called, "I'll Hate Myself in the Morn- ing." Miss Reynolds sings briefly, does one dance routine, and leaves you wishing the camera would stay trained on her rather than switcling to the wooden Veronica. Also Spike Jones and his City Slickers are pres- ent and accounted for. This aggre- gation, whose recording of "Cock- tail for Two" was the greatest thing since Beethoven's Fifth, does a knock- down-drag-out performance of that heart- wren chiing old swamp lament. "Chloe." The whole affair receives the final kiss of death from technicolor. From the opening scene showing a mansion furnished with shriek- ingly red carpets and sofas, to the finale in a hideous purple-and- green night club, the screen is glutted with poster-card colors. It's a question of how much the human eye can stand. AttheState . THE STATE seems to be going in for revivals. A few weeks back it was "For Whom the Bell Tolls." and now it is "The Song of Berna- dette." Two years may not be the best possible perspective for judging a film with finality, but another look at this Werfel piece largely confirms your first opinion. "Bernadette" is a sincere, painstaking and occa- sionally -beautiful treatment of a dif- ficult subject, marked throughout by unusually good taste. The thin ice 20th-Century Fox was skating on in presenting the story of the shrine at Loudres was thin in- deed. A subject of this sorttinevita- bly entails overtones of the church and on this score it is unusually easy to offend people. "Bernadette" is to be most admired in that its producers have made this film only the story of a great, unshakable faith and the power it generates. The peasant girl and her story rep- resent this alone, and the church is touched upon only externally. In re-appraising Jennifer Jones'' performance, one still thinks that, adequate and sensitive as it is, it did not deserve an Academy Award. In the last analysis, Miss Jones is not much more than just another ingenue. Her one subsequent ap- pearance in "Since You Went Away" certainly confirms this opinion. On the other hand, the perform- ances of Gladys Cooper, Charles Bickford, Vincent Price and Anne Revere are among the best char- ( acterizatins the screen has ever ( afforded. Because of the tremen- rmndous publicity campaign behind "Going My Way," many people have doubtless come to the conclu- sion that "character performance" must entail mugging and facial contortions a la Barry Fitzgerald. This doesn't happen to be true. The aforementioned quartet give true character performances, and they're really quite quiet and com- posed about it. with the publication of1 Buddenbrooks (1901). In this work he traced the decline of a prosperous and well-es- tablished north German business family through four generations. By means of careful analysis of charac- ter and scene he revealed the weak- nesses inherent in the seemingly sol- id and substantial middle-class civi- lization of the latter part of the nineteenth century. With prosperity and wealth came cultural refinement and along with that propensities to disintegration and decay. .rhis novel brought Mann fame in his native land and in time won for him European acclaim. In 1929 Nobel prize for literature was given him, largely, he was told, on the basis of his contribution in this work aone. But by this time it. must be re- membered he was the author of other equally famous works and a writer of international reputation. The cen- tral theme of Buddenbrooks became for many years the predominant problem of his own life and writings, for the story was closely modelled after that of his own forebears, who were distinguished in business and civil affairs in the old Hansa city oYf Lubeck. The problem of the artist who has strayed away from the prop- rieties of the bourgeoisie and wat, henceforth really at home in neither, world, was treated again and again with literary virtuosity in a number of fine short stories and nove'lettes, cmong the best known of which ar:= Tonio Kroger (1903) and Death inj Venice (1913). The first World ,War glaringly focusedNlI amn's attention on the fact that a decline and disintegra- tion similar to that which he had observed and analyzed in the indi- vidual and the family was taking place also in western civilization in general. During the war he strong- ly defended the position of his native land against what seemed to him to be the "inferior" clvillza- tion of the democratic and liberal West. Not until 1922 did lie publicly repu- diate his former affiliations and ad- vocate democratic and republican principles as he understood them. His searching mental and spiritual strug- gles during this period are revealed in the long "Confessions of a Non- political Man" (1918, not yet avail- able in English) and in the essay On the Republic (1922), and found later artistic expression in the famous novel The Magic Mountain (1924). This work presents, within distinct limitations, Mann's analysis of the mind and temper of western Euro- pean civilization, not so much as it existed on the eve as at the close of the World War and particularly as 'it spent itself during the breaking- down of the German middle class throughout the period of the Re- public. Shortly after the collapse of the Republic, because of his bold stand against the rising tide of prejudice and totalitarianism, Mann became an exile. He has now, as an American citizen, become one of the leading advocates of democracy and of the liberal tradition. Among his better- known later works are the Goethe novel, The Beloved Returns (1939) and the Joseph novels (1933-1944), besides many essays on literary and political subjects which, since his exile, have appeared in American per- iodicals. Thus Thomas Mann has come to represent in his own person and in his writings the best traditions of the culture of European humanism as it flowered particularly in the era of middle class civilization in Germany. Perhaps he stands out for us today as its last truly rep- resentative figure. -Fred B. Wahr Department of German DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the' atly Official Bul- letin is constructive notilce to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-I urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THiE DAIlY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 164 Notices School oif Education Convocation: The tenth annual Convocatiori of undergraduate and graduate stu- dents who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate during the aca- deniic year will be held in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium today at 1 p.m., CWT. This Con- vocation is sponsored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, students, and the general public are cordially in- vited. President Ruthven will pre- side at the Convocation and John S. Brubacher, Professor of Education, Yale University, will give the ad- (dress. Margaret E. Bell Recorder, School of Education To Members of the University Sen- ate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, June 11, at 3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The program in- eludes: Recommendations of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Report on Provisions for Veterans by Clark Tibbitts. Report on Intercultural RelationsI by L. A. Hopkins. Commencement announcementsj previously ordered by June graduates must be called for from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. today in Room 1, UniversityI Hall, American Red Cross: The Amer- ican Red Cross, being urgently in need of additional personnel, has asked the University to call this sit- uation to the attention of women graduates of this year and the recent past who may be qualified Social Workers. Recreation Workers, Hos- pital Wor'kers, and Staff Assistants for Club, Clubmobile, and Recreation Centers, for domestic and foreign' service. Those who are interested and believe themselves qualified are advised to consult at once with Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Chairman of Per- sonnel Recruitment of the Ann Arbor Red Cross Headquarters, 25546, or directly with Mrs. Bennett, 21278. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting ofI February 28, 1936: -Students shall pay all accounts A,,ip the cTTnvP-r ix notIn.ter 'than yht will not be released, and no tran- sciipt of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to reg- ister in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made." All engineering students' planning to take the State Board Engineering Examination this semester must file an application forn dwith Asst. Dean Olmstead before Thursday, June 7, 1945. This application form may be obtained from Rm. 413 West Engi- neering Building. The examination will be given the evenings of June 11 and 12 at 7 p.m., EWT, in Rm. 413 West Engineering Building. Interviewing for Soph Cabaret will be held this afternoon in the Under- graduate Office of the League from one o'clock ,until three. All those who handed in petitions but who did not sign up for a definite interview cime may sign up at the League to- day. Phi Beta Kappa: The keys and membership certificates have arrived, and may be called for at the Observ- atory on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for the following exam- inations have been received in our office. Institution Recreation In- structor A & B, salary range from $135.25 to $170 per month, Insti- tution Recreation Director I, $180 to $220 per month, and Property Sales Clerk B, $125 to $145 per month. Further information can be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Brach & Sons Candy Company, Chicago, Illinois: Representative will be in our office on Tuesday, June 5, to interview Mechanical and In- dustrial Engineers, Chemists, Food technologists, and also Literary and Business Administration students for Training Program. For appointment call the Bureau of Appointments, University Ext. 371. Social Scenrity Board, Detroit and Cleveland: Mr. Waechter, and Mr. Pollock will be in the office on Wed- nesday, June 6, to interview all sen- iors who would be interested in work- ing for them. For further infor- mation and appointment, call the Bureau of Appointments, University Ext. 371. Michigan State Civil Service: Mr. Joseph Corcoran will be in the office on Thursday, June 7, to interview all girls who would be interested in the Psychiatric Aide Program. Psychol- ogy and Sociology majors are prefer- red. For appointment call the Bureau of Appointments, University Ext. 371. Lectures Hopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burt, American novelist, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the No (esSErt? Aidno cigjors Well, your dad won't mind There's By Crockett Johnson Ahyes. Heprobably broughtit for me. And, soy, Barnaby, speaking of I