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June 02, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-02

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Business Staff
Dick Strickland . . Busines Manager
Martha Schmitt .Associate Business Mgr.
Kay McFee . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publcation of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offlee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAnidIN AVE. u NEW YORK. N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Tuition Increase
INCREASED TUITION rates announced by the
University Thursday have been attributed to
increased operational costs and the need for
smoothing' inequalities in the differential be-
tween resident and non-resident fees. The in-
crease in operation costs is easy to understand.
since maintenance costs and faculty salaries
have risen in accordance with the general
rise in the cost of living. The second point
is slightly more debatable.
The term differential as interpreted by Uni-
versity officials refers to the difference between
tuition for in-state students and for those from
outside Michigan. In "smoothing slut inequali-
ties in the differential," the University is actu-
ally raising it so that it is at least 50 per cent
in all schools, running up to 80 per cent maxi-
mum. Although the change is not expected to
affect total enrollment-Herbert P. Wagner, Chief
Accountant of the University, who attended all
meetings of the committee which recommended
the increase, pointed out that. the changes are
relatively small in those schools which have
the largest number of students-there will un-
doubtedly be a change in the often-praised
cosmopolitan nature of the student body.
The combined effect of Ann Arbor's notor-
iously high cost of living with this increase in
tuition rates may very well be the deciding
factor with those non-resident students who
have been attracted by the University's high
national standing in the past.
The increased fees will not affect veterans
personally, but they will shift the financial bur-
den of educating returned servicemen to the na-
tional taxpayer. Many, perhaps even a majority
of veterans, will be out-of-state residents who
were attracted to the University by the special
courses available to returned servicemen and
the high academic standing of the University.
Although the increase in tuition is not tre-
mendous and although it will probably not
greatly affect enrollment, there will neverthe-
less be reactions and certain "limiting" effects
upon the student body.
-Lois Iverson
Milt Freudenheim
InoDportune Tine
A TUITION increase following on the heels of
a rise in room and board rates in University
residences would seem to indicate that the ad-
ministration has thrown caution to the winds
and is ignoring the ever-present threat of in-

These additions to the cost of education have
been put into effect at a particularly inoppor-
tune time. This state has been one of the
first to suffer serious cutbacks in war pro-
duction. The cutbacks involve a difficult tran-
sition to peace production and during that tran-
sition there will be unemployment. The extent
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'Pig Killers'
WASHINGTON-Major job facing Congress-
man Clinton Anderson of New Mexico as he
takes over the War Food Administration (he will
also be Secretary of Agriculture) is to weed out
the key Xnen who kept food production down to
minimum levels. Some of these men wanted to
aid the big food firms, others couldn't forget
the days when federal policy was to kill off little
Last year, for instance, War Food Admini-
stration concentrated on trying to clear off all
surplus fats-even permitting the use of edi-
ble fat for soap and paint. This year there is
a shortage. Last year WFA held out to the
bitter end against bringing all meats back
under rationing; it actually discouraged hag
production and permitted meat canning facili-
ties to work at less than capacity. Everyone
knows the result this year.
Last year, when the War Production Board
proposed facilities to provide an additional 300,-
000-400,000 tons of cattle feed from the mash
left over from distilleries, WFA killed the project
and permitted thousands of tons of potential
feed to go to waste. Only last month WFA
reversed itself and okayed the program.
Congressional Fist Fight .. .
INSIDE FACT about the fist fight between New
York's Republican Congressman Jbhn Taber
and Missouri's belligerent Democrat Clarence
Cannon is that their scratch-each-other's-eyes-
out animosity dates back to a secret meeting of
the House Appropriations Committee about three
The Appropriations Committee met to con-
sider the much-debated $2,500 extra expense
allowance to congressmen. Democratic lead-
ers had okayed the increase, but Republican
leaders had not. They wanted the Democrats
to stick their necks out first. However, the
rank and file of Republican members were sore
as blazes against their leaders, because they
wanted the cash just as much as the Demo-
When the Appropriations Committee met,
Congressman Taber, top Republican member,
sanctimoniously announced he would not approve
the $2,500 boost if it could be drawn in a
lump sum. Whereupon the committee slapped
him down with a 20 to 16 vote permitting
members to draw the expense amount in a lump
sum if they wished.
The bellicose Taber then threatened a floor
fight. Faced with this, the committee back-
tracked and agreed to restrict the expense al-
lowance to monthly payments. Chairman Can-
non then called for a vote to report the bill
out of committee-considered only a formality,
since there was apparent agreement on the en-
tire bill. Everyone voted "aye," until suddenly
Taber droned "no."
Whereupon, Chairman Cannon, who had al-
ready voted "aye," changed his vote to "no."
Representative Joe Hendricks of Deland, Flor-
ida, asked why.
"In every conversation I've had with the
gentleman from New York (meaning Taber),
he made it plain that he favors this $2,500
allowance," replied Cannon. "When I voted
just now, I firmly believed that the gentleman
would vote likewise. And I do not intend to
have this become a political issue."
Taber then denied that he had said he would
vote for the $2,500 allowance. This aroused
the ire, not only of Cannon, whose blood was
already boiling, but of Congressman O'Neal of
Kentucky and several other Democrats. They
insisted that Taber had okayed the extra funds.
"You want the extra dough," they stormed,
"but you also want to be in a position to attack
it for political reasons."
Finally the storm subsided. But a few days
ago, when the whole matter did become a
political issue, just as Cannon predicted, the
irate Missourian called Taber into his office
and socked him in the eye.
NOTE-When Congressman McCormack of
Massachusetts was criticized twenty-five years
ago for voting to increase the salary of as-
sembly members from $1,000 to $1,500, he
told his constituents: "If you want a $10,000

man for $1,500, vote for me. If you want a
$500 man for $1,000, vote for my opponent."
All fair-minded observers in Washington agree

To Be Ousted
that congressmen deserve a salary increase.
There is also complete agreement that they
'have gone at it in the most inept way possi-
San Francisco Storm. .
THE FRENCH-SYRIAN problem has been like
a shower of cold water on diplomats engaged
in hammering out the United Nations peace
machinery--especially when it comes to the veto
Suddenly they have come smack up, face-to-
face with the fact that under the Yalta veto
formula, their new peace machinery (1) could
not prevent the French from shooting Arabs;
(2) could not investigate the quarrel between
the French and the Arabs; and (3) could not
effectively tell the French to stop shooting
Arabs-unless the French wanted to be pre-
vented, wanted to be investigated, or wanted
to be scolded.
Being a member of the Big Five, the -French
could exercise their right of veto and stop any
real outside interference.
What especially burned up the delegates
was the contention that any of the Big Five
could even veto discussions and verbal pro-
posals for settling a dispute.
(Copyright, 1945. by the Bell Syndicate, inc.)

PRESIDENT TRUMAN has asked that workers
dismissed from war factories be given un-
employment benefits of not less than $25 per
week for as long as 26 weeks.
The response to his plan is curious; most com-
mentators admit that there is a problem. but
argue that little can be done about it without
interfering with states' rights. Unemployment
insurance is state business, and state benefits run
mostly from $15 to $18 a week. The President
has suggested that supplementary Federal ap-
propriations be used to plump up these skinny
state benefits to the desired figure, but he is
stopped by the argument that Thomas Jefferson
wouldn't have liked it.
It seems to me that we ought not to use
this issue to disturb the slumbers of Thomas
Jefferson. This is not a. question of states'
rights versus federal rights. The question is
whether this is a war measure or a peace
measure. If it is a peace measure, states'
rights may apply. But if it is a war measure,
it can andl should be handled by the federal
government, which alone is responsible for
the conduct of the war. That would seem to
include getting us safely out of the war, as
well as winning it.
E HAVE TO DECIDE whether reconversion
is t'he last chapter of the war, or the first
chapter of the peace. The most important line
in President Truman's message to Congress on
the subject is this: "The transition from war to
peace is part and parcel of the war."
It does injury to common sense to say that
workers who have been assembled in a war fac-
tory, from every state in the union, and who
have had their wages controlled by federal action
as a war measure, become the peace-time wards
of the state in which they happen to find them-
selves the moment a war contract is cancelled.
The fact that a certain cow pasture made a good
site for an aircraft plant does not equip the
state in which that cow pasture happens to lie
with the ability to handle the demobilization of
these extraordinary labor staff-s.
Those who, like Senator George, seem in-
clined to come up a-running with the cry of
"states' rights," are merely offering, uncon-
vincingly, to put out a major fire with their
cute little water nistols. Unemployment in-
surance is the business of state funds. But
demobilization of a total war is not. There is
a certain pretentiousness in posing states'
rights as a solution. We, who believe in a
balance of state and federal powers, ought to
admit the at least theoretical possibility that
states' rights can be a little arrogant and over-
bearing at times, too.
A SIMILAR IMPULSE seems to be at work in
the case of those who demand that we give
up price controls immediately on the firing of
the last shot, and go back to natural economic
law, at once.
The question concealed in all these controver-
sies is the subtle and difficult one: "When does
the war really end?" To my mind the war
will not be over until almost everybody is home
again, and until civilian production approximates
demand. Until that time we will still be in
the war, still caught up in the problems of war.
But some Americans are so obsessed with the
desire to make some kind of point against the
federal government, against federal action, that
they will not concede that total war needs a
period for unwinding; it is their theory that
the war goes out like a candle. They are, in
their agitation, willing to run the risk of a couple
of years of chaos, to make a political point;
they are fighting a cryptic ideological battle, at
the possible expense of public peace and order.
In the process, they are building up a pain-
ful conditioned reflex to the words "states'
rights." When the average man hears the
phrase, he instantly wonders when he is go-
ing to eat again ,surey a development never
intended by Thomas Jefferson.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Attitude to IRussia
What is the proper attitude toward
Russia? This is a mighty provoca-
tive questions Can there be more
than one correct attitude? Let us
examine two such positions.
The first that comes to my mind is
one taken by the individual who al-
lows his opinions, to be formed for
him by newspapers, magazines, etc.,
which are opposed to all things vod-
ka. A little of the good contained in
the thoughts and efforts of planners
for a peaceful allied world has pene-
trated even his stupid hide and he
guesses he favors such plans. Not,
mind you, that he privately has any
hopes that these plans will ever
1 work, but because it seems to be the
vogue, and one hesitates to take too
positive a stand at such times for
fear that one will be considered re-
actionary. However, he knows all
about Russia, at least as much as he
thinks he needs to know to beware
of her. She is tricky, dangerous, and
all for herself. He can only general-
ize in a discussion, but then, he feels
that he doesn't have to be well-
informed, for a sixth sense tells him
th'ere is no good in Russia nor her
her plans. He. feels that the United
States will do well to keep the upper
Now let's discuss an attitude
that goes to the other extreme.
The person who supports this posi-
tion usually wears a benign expres-
sion upon his noble face; while
waving a cure white flag a pure
white dove flutters on one shoul-
der. Proper proportions are main-
tained by the presence of a large
chip of wood which perches pre-
cariously on the other shoulder.
This person has been "initiated".
Next to Mcther he loves the Bear
best, and maybe he ain't got no
mudder. He has seen the light.
He knows all. This is conveyed
to the long-suffering by a superior,
slightly mystic and extremely irri-
tating- smile of pitying condescen-
sion. Russia is god-god can do
no wrong. The fools just don't
understand, that's all. They can't
see Russia in the proper light. They
think the Bear has merely been
de-fleaed, had his claws manicur-
ed, and been taught party man-
A word of caution: Don't let the
standard bearer's pacific attitude fool
you--one word, and he'll climb inside
your wishbone bent on mayhem. To
him Russians are the annointed peo-
ple and they live in Utopia-plus,
while we, poor saps-. Not only that,
Russia is misunderstood and sadlyf
picked on. A happy note may be1
struck, however: Russia, through her
superior intelligence and foresight
has emerged triumphant, supreme
and glorious; the finest and most
pure of all the nations. There will
be a slight pause for a one-thousand
gun salute.
Nuts, say L to both attitudes. Let's
swim up the middle of the crick.
Russia has one economic system, the
rest of the world has another. There
are many other differences but one
fact we must keep boefore us: Na-
tions are made un of lots of little
people who are at least alike in one
thing, they are all human beings.
As my granddad used to say, all men
look alike in their underwear. Ameri-
cans make money, Russians hug each
other, Britishers muddle, and the
French sex. Raise a Yank in Russia
and he'll give away his shirt. Bottle-
feed, French nurse a Communist
baby on Fifth Avenue and he'll pyra-
mid rubles like a good fellow. _
No nation or race, as such, is
ever completely wrong or com-

pletely right all of the time. Is a
Democrat always wrong and a Re-
publican always right? Or vice
versa (I hasten to add) ? Strictly a
matter of how your emotions feel,
most of the time-not what your
brains think. If we really thought,
we would be moved to explore
situations fully, systematically,
practically, and in unbiased man-
ner. If we did that, we would find
some good and bad in almost ev-
erything. We can't stand bad
things in matters we approve of,
and we can't stomach good in
things we abhor. So, cuss it, we
stick with the old ship, even if
she founders. I know-I do it
-John Jadwin
Resignation is the key word as the
Spring Term concludes its 13th week
of frustrating Ann Arbor weather.
Blessed with a heat wave in March,
almost continuous cold rain in April,
and a snowstorm in May, shivering
couples in summer formals were not
surprised at last night's icy cloud-
burst. Like the ancient ascetics in
their hair shirts, we're resigned.
-Milt Freudenheim
By Crockett Johnson

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel hall, by 2:30 p. m. of theday,
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 162
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople,
Sunday, June 3, from 3 to 5 o'clock.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 3 and
5:30 p.m. (CWT).
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on June I1 at
3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
To the Members of the University
Council- The June meeting of th
University Council has been can-
Notice to Men Students and Huse-
holders of Approved Houses for Men:
The closing date for the Spring Ter
will be June 23 and rent shall b
computed to include this date.
Householders may charge for a roor
between June 23 and 28 providin
the student keeps his possessions i
the room or occupies it himself. A
per the terms of the contracts, stu-
dents are expected to pay the ful
amount of the contract three week'
before the end of the term.
Registrationfor the Summer Term
begins June 28 and classes begir
July 2.
If either the householder or stu-
dent wishes to terminate their pres-
ent agreement, notice must be giver
to the office of the Dean of Student
on or before June 2, at noon. Stu-
dents may secure forms for this pur-
pose in Rm. 2, University Hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Dean of Students
Identification Cards which were
issued for the Summer, Fall and~
Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated
for the Summer Term 1945 and must
be turned in at the time of registra-
tion. The 1944-45 cards will be psed
for an additional term because o
the shortage of film and paper.
School of Education Convocation
The tenth annual Convocation q
undergraduate and graduate stu
dents who are candidates for th
Teacher's Certificate during the aca-
demic year will be held in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium on
Tuesday, June 5, at 2 p.m., EWT
This Convocation is sponsored by
the School of Education; and mem
bersrof other faculties, students, an(
the general public are cordially in
vited. President Ruthven will pre
side at-the Convocation and John S
Brubacher, Professor of Education
Yale University, will give the ad-
Margaret E. Bell
Recorder, School of Educatio
Admission: School of Business Ad-
ministration: Applications for ad-
mission to the School of Busines
Administration for the Summe:
Term or Summer Session should b
filed at 108 Tappan Hall prior t
June 15. Fall Term enrollees should
also apply now if they are not to b
in residence during the summer.
Academic Notices
Speech Concentrates: Appoint
ments with the concentration advise]
may be made at the .departmenta

office, 3211 Angell Hall, or telephone
4121, Ext. 526.
There will be no Political Science
68 session this morning.
Student Recital: Janet Wilson, a
student of organ under Palmer
Christian, will be heard at 3:15 CWT.
Sunday afternoon, June 3, in Hill
Auditorium, in a program of compo-
sitions by Handel, Bach, Franck and
Given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music, the recital will be
open to the general public.
Student Recital: Arlene Burt, a
student of violin under Gilbert Ross,
will present a recital at 7 CWT, Mon-
day evening, June 4, in the Assem-
bly Hall of the Rackham Building.'
Her program will include composi-
tions by Tartini, Bach, Lalo, and
Kreisler. The public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Ivor Gothie, pia-
nist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 7


at 7:30 p.m. (CWT), Wednesday,
June 6, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will consist of compositions by
Frescobaldi, Mozart, and Brahms,
and will feature Mary Evans John-
son, pianist. The general public is
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
Events Today
Prof. Carroll Karalits of the School
of Engineering, will review "The, Case
for Christianity" by C. S. Lewis fol-
lowing the final Saturday luncheon
meeting of the semester at 11:15
(CWT) today in Lane Hall. Reser-
vations may be made at the Main
Desk in Lane Hall for the luncheon
and program which is under the
direction of Nancy Richter.
Coming Events
Members of the faculty and stu-
dent body are urged to attend a tea
from 3 to 5 CWT Monday June 4 at
the International Center honoring
tour students who are coming here
from the San Francisco Conference.
4 rally will be held at 7:15 CWT in
the Rackham Auditorium when these
students, from China, Czechoslova-
'da, Denmark; Yugoslavia, and a rep-
esentative of the American Youth
for a Free World, will speak on their
'mpressions of the San Francisco
Conference and the coming World
Touth Conference to be held in Lon-
ion in August.
There will be no meeting of the
1utheran Student Association this
Sunday because of the Little Ash-
,am which is being held at Camp
3irkett this week-end.
There will be regular worship ser-
'ices in both Zion and Trinity Luth-
gran Churches at 9:30 (CWT) on
Sunday morning.
The Women's Research Club will
neet Monday, June 4, at 7 p.m. in
he Amphitheater of the Rackham
3uilding. Dr. Elizabeth Crosby, Pro-
essor of Anatomy, will talk on
'Problems in Cortical Localization".
Post-War Couneil Meeting will be
'eld Sunday evening at 5 p.m. CWT
it Slosson's home,r2101 Devonshire
qd. Both Post-War Council mem-
-ers and those interested in becom-
ng members for the Summer Ses-
;ion are cordially invited.
.A. celebration of the seventieth
irthday of Thomas Mann: spon-
;ored by the Department of German
md the Department of English, will
e held Tuesday, June 5,at 4:15 p.m.
n the Rackham Amphitheater. Ad-
Iresses by Professor Henry W. Nord-
neyer, Professor Fred B. Wahr, Dr.
James H. Meisel, and Professor Ben-
iett Weaver will stress the signifi-
:ance of Thomas Mann as a person-
ility, as a literary artist, and as a
)olitical thinker. The public is cord-
ally invited.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
109 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ming service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ng service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
'Ancient and Modern Necromancy,
ilias Mesmerism and Hypnotism,
)enounced". Sunday school at 11:45
t.m. A special reading room is main-
ained by this church at 706 Wol-
'erine Bldg., Washingtonhat Fourth,
vhere the Bible, also the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science andHea-
th with Key to the Scriptures" and
)ther writings by Mary Baker Eddy
nay be read, borrowed or purchased.
open daily except Sundays and holi-
lays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur-
an; Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and
student Counselor. Roger Williams
guild House, 502 E. Huron. Saturday
?vening at 6:10 the choir will re-
hearse in the -church, at 7:30 the
wuild members and their friends will
;o on a canoeing party. Sunday
#norning, June 3, at 9 o'clock the
7tudent study group will meet in the
wuild house. Morning worship at 10
will have Dr. C. E. Tompkins of West
China as a guest speaker. For eve-
ning meeting at 4, Mrs. Tompkins
will address the group. A cost supper
will be served. All those interested
in China are invited to attend.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Morning Worship
Service at 9:40 CWT. Dr. James
Brett Kenna will preach on "Over-
coming the World". The Wesleyan
Guild meeting will be at the Earhart
Estate. Meet at the church at 3:30
p.m. to go out in group. Prof. George
E. Carrothers will speak on "Little
Turns in the Road".'This is the
Annual Senior Meeting.
First Presbyterian Church: Wash-
tenaw Ave. 9:45 a.m., Morning Wor-
ship Service with the sermon by Dr.
IV P .Pmnn4,n m 7VwcmA

By Day Dixon
BIG RALLY will be held Monday night in
Rackham Auditorium where 'U' students will
be able to observe observers of the San Fran-
cisco Conference.
9 * *
As we understand it these representatives of
the World Youth Council will provide the first
direct contact with people who have had direct
contact with the Conference that the Univer-
sity has had.
If you think that sentence was confused, con-
sider some of the issues being considered at San
For the past month we've been reading about
representatives leaving the conference for one
reason or another. Maybe now we'll be able
to get first-hand information on what definite
proposals have left..



Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
will meet us in the woods, Pop.
... He's trving to find out where

, - .
: 1l 1 .


Son, there's as much
chance of a witch or
your Fairy Godfather

I lop


hr 1445, The Nsie-s PesM. In.6
Why's he always using
ME for an analogy?

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