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June 02, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-02

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Cloudy with
Slight Showers

VOL. LV, No. 162



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Forged in Pacific
Truman Tells Congress Japanese
Have Only Surrender As Alternative

WASHINGTON, June 1-America
is forging in the Pacific right now an
air-ground team even stronger than
the one that ruined Germany, Pres-
ident Truman declared today.
He said it will wreck the Japanese
military forces, it will destroy Japa-

Pres. Truman
Gives Views.
On Argentine
Opinion Is Revealed
To Latin Press Men
WASHINGTON, June 1.-A gov-
ernment official quoted President
Truman as saying today he is not
happy about the Argentine situation.
Press dispatches told of censorship
and other restricting measures a-
gainst newspapers and arrests of
many prominent persons in Argen-
President Sees 5 Latin-Americans
President Truman during the day
received five Latin-American jour-
nalists who have been in the United
States studying. An official, who
cannot be identified by name, told
newsmen later that the President
made known his unhappiness about
the situation.
Other authorities, similarly anony-
mous, took the position that the
"current situation within Argentina
is unsatisfactory." The view was ex-
pressed that the South' American
nation has not satisfactorily carried
out her commitments under the Act
of Chapultepec signed at Mexico City
and pledging her to fuller Inter-
American cooperation along demo-
cratic lines.
It was said that the Farrell regime
has restored censorship, closed many
Prominent papers or seized them
froq)j-he mails, and made widespread
arrests.. This -has -increased during
the past month, it was learned.
Internal Affairs Decisive
Under Inter-American agreemenk
no other American government can
intervene as long as Argentina's in-
ternal affairs are not deemed a men-
ace to her neighbors. Just when they
might be declared such would depend
uponhconsultations and agreements
reached by other American govern-
ments, it was considered here.
It was said that the dividing line
between a purely internal Argentine
affair and one which threatens the
security of neighboring countries or
the hemisphere would be a difficult
matter to determine, o that any
Inter-American action against the
trend of affairs in Argentina is ex-
pected to be slow in coming.
Summer Jobs
Open for Vets
Job openings for six veterans wish-
ing full-time summer employment in
the Ann Arbor area have been an-
nounced by the Veterans Service Bu-
Work will begin at the end of the
present term and will extend through-
out the summer. It will be largely
outdoors, consisting of maintenance
of grounds and buildings in the near
vicinity. Salary will be on a monthly
or hourly basis as desired.
Interested veterans who desire
further information should commu-
nicate with the Veterans Service Bu-
reau, 1508 Rackham Building, Tele-
phone 301, as soon as possible.
Today Annual Crop and Saddle
horse show from 9:30 a.m.
to noon EWT at Golfside
Riding Stables.
Today Prof. Carroll Karlalits
will review "The Case for
Christianity" by C. S.
Lewis at 12:15 p. m. EWT
at Lane Hall.
Today Last golf match of season
with Western Michigan
this afternoon on the
University Golf Course.
June 3 Janet Wilson will present

an organ recital in Hill
Auditorium at 4:15 EWT.
June 5 Program commemorating
the 70th birthday of
Thomas Mann to be giv-
en at 4:15 n. m. EWT in

nese cities and, there is only one
This chill prospect was held out by
the President in a special 8,000 word
message to Congress.
The communication was in the
nature of a "where do we go from
here" report.
It called for:
1-A powerful surge of war produc-
tion to smash home the Pacific punch.
2--A public awareness of the fero-
city of the Pacific war, now that
Japan's home areas have been breach-
To Hurl 3,500,000 Against Japs
The President said that the U. S.
alone, exclusive of Allied hplp, pro-
poses to hurl against the Japanese
more than the 3,500,000 air-ground
men who crushed the Wehrmacht,
knocked the Luftwaffe out of exist-
ence and laid Germany waste.
He called the continued resistance
of the Japanese a hopeless, fanatical
venture. It is based, the President
said, on the Japanese idea that per-
haps the Americans will grow tired
and want peace more than complete
'Should Know Better'
"They should know better," Mr.
Truman declared succinctly.
"They should realize that this na-
tion, now at the peak of its military
strength, will not relax.. We have the
men, the materiel, theskill, the lead-
ership, the fortitude to achieve total
Again the President said that "we
have no desire to destroy or enslave
the Japanese people."
Jap Suicide Attacks Felt
"But only surrender can prevent the
kind of ruin which tl ey have seen
come touGermany as a result of con-
tinued, useless resistance," he said.
The Japanese suicide attacks, how-
ever are making themselves felt, the
President acknowledged. Ship yards
are badly in need of civilian labor-
ersto repair the ship damages which
are mounting.
"The fleet suffers daily damage,"
Mr. Truman said. "To tell the num-
ber would give information to the
enemy but the number is substan-

JGP Will Run
Bond Booths
In 'U' Hospital
Staff's Contributions
To Help Fill Quota
Special war bond booths will b
placed in the University Hospital to-
day, in observance of the University
War Bond Day, sponsored by JGP
girls and the University War Bond
JGP girls will sell bonds to hourly
employes as they receive their pay-
roll checks, and persons sent to th
hospital can buy bonds at the tables
set up in the lobby, H. P. Wagner an-
nounced for the Hospital War Bond
Similar booths will be set up next.
Friday. June 8, to 3enefit regular em-
Booths will be staffed by JGP girls
woiknmg in siv.fts from 8:30 a. in. to
Half-Way Mark Neared
The half-way mark in the goal
for individual purchases in the 7th
War Loan Drive was approached to-
A total of $3,125,000,000 in Vic-
tory Bonds has been bought by in-
dividuals since the drive opened
May 14, War Bond Director' Rob-
ert Gamble announced tonighi.
The individual purchase goal is
The drive is scheduled to end
June 30.'


Buckner's Tenth
Army Group
Captures Shuri
Troops Drive South
Into Enemy Ground


x:'1 m. EW -i :0 to 3:30 p.m.
2W'i ) Sepal:ate totals will be kept
for both days to show. the hospital
staff's contributions in the Univer-'
sity drive to sell $100,000 worth of
bonds during the Seventh War Loan
War stamps will also be available
and partially filled stamp books may
be supplemented by cash to complete
a bond purchase.
"The UniversnjyHospital has al-
ways respond~ed generously in evdi}"y
drive for the Red Cross and Com-
mipnity Fund. A similar response is
anticipated in the Seventh War Loan.
Even though the German phase of
the war is over we are constantly be-
ing reminded by Treasury officials of
the necessity for further war bond
purchases," a hospital war bond an-
nouncement said.
WMC Institute
Ends After Five
Day Discussion
The War Manpower Commission's
institute on selective placement of
disabled veterans closed yesterday
after five days of discussion and
planning directed toward helping
handicapped veterans find jobs in
K. Vernon Banta, institute chair-
man, stated that the meeting had
stressed the need for preparation for
veteran placement by community
forces, and coordination of services
to prevent "competition and heedless
overlapping", according to an Asso-
ciated Press dispatch. He pointed
out that "we are a greater problem
to the disabled veteran than his own
Miss Dorothy Bailey of the WMC
Bureau of Placement discussed means
of strengthening the placement pro-
gram as a conclusion to the confer-
Representatives of 44 states and
Canada were present at the confer-

By The Associated Press
GUAM, Saturday, June 2-(/P)-Lt.
Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.'s
10th U. S. Army troops completed
capture yesterday of the fortress city
of Shuri, battered keystone of Nip-
pon's smashed southern Okinawa de-
fense line, and drove southward
against diminishing resistance.
Lines Straightened
The central areas of the Ameri-
can lines, which had bulged badly
northward as four divisions virtually
encircled Shuri while the Japanese
held tight in that citadel, were
straightened and shortened by the
day's gains, Fleet Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz reported in today's com-
Strong elements on both flanks
made new penetrations toward the
south into enemy held ground. Pro-
gress was so great that Nimitz re-
ported "mopping up operations were
in progress in newly captured areas
behind the lines."
Jap Resistance Collapsing
Several hours earlier, Maj. Gen.
John R. Hodge, commander of the
24th Army Corps, told Associated
Press correspondent Al Dopking that
only weather now could stop the
Yanks. He said that to all outward
appearances. organized Japanese re-
sistance on Okinawa was on the verge
of collapse.
Detailing the ground action, which
was supported strongly -by marine
aircraft and heavy naval guns, Nimitz
The 6th Marine Division moved
forward to occupy about 1,000 yards,
of the north bank of the Kokuba riv-
er. It met considerable resistance
from Japanese in the vicinity of Kok-
uba village, but forward elements
crossed the river and penetrated1
ll, Occupied>
The First Marine Division captur-
ed Shichina hill masses after an,
advance of about 2,000 yards, which
gave them positions overlooking the
Naha-Honabaru highway crossing
the island from east to west.
In the central sectors, the 24th
Army Corps reorganized its infan-
try forces and mopped up remnants
of the Shur fortress garrison. hE
.Launching a powerful attack on the
east, the 7th Infantry Division ad-
vanced 400 to 1,000 yardsI
~ ~
Salmon and
Wahoo Exploits

United States To Act As Mediator
To Settle French-Syrian Dispute;
Yanks Take New City on Okinawa


(tZs$_ Chatan _ - --
±Toguchl =
Iv'- ./tsa r
MACHINATO 'Month'omwn
V onawa.
AIRFIELD: OROa~han 7th -
-Kokuba R ®era fl* z .Anza
6 // ~ Ihnzato
GtsusIh" Kamizato fr.....sx
IOgusuku Sashi k =
_ "Zawa Tym
ITOMAN *i * *OauI- -

..w swn i w u

MONTH'S GAINS ON OKINAWA-Shaded area indicates territory won
by American troops during the last month on Okinawa. Americans
have captured Shuri Castle in the center of the line as other Yanks
drove to join forces south of Shuri in an attempt to cut off the Japa-
nese retreat route.
Treasury Camnpaigua To Stamp
Out Evaders, Black Marketeers
~- __

qy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 1.- IP()-
President Truman and congressional
leaders gave a thumping send-off
today to the Treasury's war on tax
dodgers and black marketeers and
Secretary Morgenthau declared:
"We're on our way. Tax evaders
look out! We're coming-ten thous-
and strong.
House, Senate Approve
He told reporters tonightle has
the "informal approval" of the House
and Senate Appropriations Commit-
tees to start at once recruiting 10,000
new employes for the drive. Funds
which the Bureau of Internal Rev-
enue already has on hand will be
used first, and other money will be
appropriated later.
President Truman came out force-
fully for the program and disclosed
plans to hire ex-servicemen for the
work whenever possible.
Morgenthau Reveals Cases
Morgenthau went to the capital
and asked for an expression of con-
fidence. He cited cases of bags bulg-
ing with money, and of alleged black
market operations in liquor, sugar
and raisins involving millions of dol-
lars. The House Appropriations Group
applauded him enthusiastically.
He said afterward, "In my whole
experience I never got such a kindly
Students interested in trying
out for the position of Daily col-
umnist for the summer session
should submit their names, and,
if possible, three sample columns
to the Editorial Director by Thurs-
day, June 14. If necessary spe-
cial'arrangements can be made to
submit sample columnsdafter the
final examination. period.

reception on Capitol Hill. Congress
seems fully aware of the seriousness
of the situation."
Veterans To Be Employed
Mr. Truman said recruiting agents
of the Civil Service Commission will
be stationed at Army discharge cen-
ters to enlist ex-fighting men who
will be trained and turned loose on
tax chiselers.
"We are not fighting this war to
make millionaires," the President
told his news conference in a formal
Sigma Rho*Tau
The search for Sigma Rho Tau,
engineering speech fraternity's Stone
Jug will take to the air today with a
broadcasted appeal over station
The Jug is traditionally placed on
the Stump Speakers Society Stump
in the center of the Senior benches
near the Engineering Arch, to adver-
tise the 16th Annual Tung Oil Ban-
quet to be held at 6:15 p. m. Tuesday
in the Union. Known this year as
a "Buck Banquet" by reason of its
price, the event will feature Donald
Wilkerson, General Motors Corp.
patent attorney and inventor as guest
Members of the faculty from the
engineering and architecture colleges
will be featured at the dinner in
speaking contests given extemporan -
eously for the general entertainment.
Tickets will be on sale at the Engi-
neering Arch today through Tues-

French Obey
British Order
To Stop Firing
Hundreds Lose Lives
In Bitter Controversy
By The Associated Press
LONDON, June 1-(RP)-A "cease
fire" order by French commanders
brought at least temporary peace to
troubled Syria today as the United
States agreed to act as mediator in
the dispute which had cost at least
400 lives .in Damascus alone and had
threatened to plunge the Arab world
into revolt.
British To Maintain Order
All was reported quiet in Syria aft-
er days of fighting. British forces
formally assumed responsibility for
the maintenance of order, and French
commanders agreed to take orders
from the British commander in the
middle east, Gen. Sir Bernard C.
A British Foreign Office spokes-
man emphasized that the original
intervention of Britain and the United
States in the dispute was aimed at
protecting a vital Allied supply line
for the war against Japan and in
guaranteeing the independence of
Syria and Lebanon.
French Troops Not Withdrawn
While France, faced with a virtual
ultimatum, consented to stop firing
on the Syrians, General De Gaulle
refused to go all the way in meeting
Prime Minister Churchill's demand
of yesterday that French troops be
withdrawn to their barracks.
"French troops will remain in
their positions," a communique is-
sued by De Gaulle's government said
Reply to American Note
It was learned authoritatively in
Paris that the French had replied to
the American note of last Monday
on Syria and had told Washington
that France still wished to deal with
the Levant country without outside
* * *
Russia Demands
Settlement of
Syrian crisis
LONDON, June 1--W)-The Soviet
Government tonight informed France,
Britain, the United States and China
that Russia "considers that speedy
measures to stop the military opera-
tions in Syria and Lebanon must be
taken, and the conflict which has
arisen must be settled in a peaceful
The Moscow radio, announcing the
sending of the note, said it was ad-
dressed to the French, and to Britain,
the United States and China because
to thlem "belongs the initiative in the
creation of a postwar organization for
peace and international security."
Citing the fact that France, Syria
and Lebanon are members of the
United Nations participating in the
San Francisco Conference, the note
"Events in Syria and Lebanon do
not correspond to the spirit of the
decisions adopted at Dumbarton
Oaks, or to the aims of the United
Nations Conference taking place in
San Francisco, for the creation of
an organization to insure peace and
Education Study
To Begin Here
'Army, Navy Methods
Are Subject of Inquiry

Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the
School of Education will be in charge
of a four-week field study to be
made by 25 Michigan educators con-
cerning Army and Navy education
methods, Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education announced yes-
This study will determine which
teaching methods used by the Army
and Navy could be used to advantage
in public schools. Plans were re-
vealed yesterday by Dr. Eugene B.
Elliot, State Superintendent of Pub-

T. V. SOONG (above) who suc-
ceeded Chiang Kai-shek as China's
premier Wednesday, will probably
smooth relations between his gov-
ernment and Chinese Communists.
Soong is a member cf China's lead-
ing family, in power since the
nation became a republic in 1912.

Legal Journal Feat res Articles
Of C. Lobingier, M. Davisson

Now Revealed
WASHINGTON, June 1.-(IP)-The
Navy said today that U.S. submarines
have established such mastery over
Japanese shipping that they need no
longer be a wholly silent service.
In line with the relaxation of se-
crecy rules, announced by Secretary
Forrestal, the Navy cleared for pub-
lication the story of the Wahoo
which sank a whole Japanese convoy.
Tlh sea service itself related the
saga of the Salmon which whipped,
on the surface, the escort of another
The announcement of the Sal-
mon was coupled with a report on
recent submarine activity showing
14 more Japanese ships, including
a destroyer and four other comba-
tant vessels, sunk. That list brought
the total of Japanese ships sunk
by submarines to 1,142 and boosted
enemy losses of merchant ships
past the 1,000 mark, to 1,006. }
The Wahoo spotted a convoy of
four large Japanese ships steaming
toward New Britain, loaded with men
and munitions. With torpedoes, she
sent every vessel to the bottom.
The Salmon's exploit started when
she and another submarine closed in
on an escorted tanker. Before the
Salmon reached firing position a
sister submarine torpedoed the tank-
er but didn't sink it.
Under heavy pressure from four

The April issue of the Michigan
Law Review will be distributed this
week, editors of the Review announc-
ed yesterday.
"What of the World Court Now?"
is the title of an article by S. Sum-
ner Lobingier, Officer of the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission, in
which he makes a plea for retention
of the world court, establishedrat
The Hague, in the post-war world,
and advocates unreserved adherence
Deutscher Verein Picnic
Postponed Until June 9
.n.- - -i -f -

Big Five Meet To Renew Talk
Of Great Nations Veto Power

to the Court Protocol by the United
States Senate.
Malcolm M. Davisson, J.D., '43,
now Chairman of the economics de-
partment at the University of Cali-
fornia, wrote "Coverage of the Fair
Labor Standards Act", supplement-
ing an article in a 1943 issue of the
Law Review.
J. Wesley Oler's article on the
construction of private instruments
where adopted children are con-
cerned is concluded in this issue.
The second of a series of articles
prepared in connection with Re-
search in Inter-American Law, "Ac-
ceptance by Intervention in Bills of

The American delegation at the
United Nations Conference has been
informed that Russia is willing to
renew talks about great nation veto
A Big Five meeting immediately
was called for tonight.
The key issue of the conference is
whether the United States, Britain.
Russia, China and France each shall
have authority to block peace-keep-

let the United States hold key bases
in the Pacific.
There were indications that An-
drei Gromyko, chief of the Russian
delegation, finally had heard from
his government regarding an inter-
pretation drawn up by Big Five tech-
nicians in answer to questions raised
by small nations on how the veto
formula would work.
On at least half a dozen other
problems, such as the manner in

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