THE MICHIGAN Al DAILY ------- --- -- - ------- , ,. . 1* / i I a I *The1 Scvc'dhll K"' f ot';z pis otn all out "call /o victory. * * * No Amenc;rzcanz carhIfJale . No American can afford not to answer this vital call. Victory comes high. Every day iti is delayed costs its dearly in, American blood and lives. Last year there wre two I r B ond Drives by this tm.TIhe Sevcenth is doubly big because it's two drives in oe. il * war loam of lthe war. No vi a/Ir how m'any boids you boit hi ill the past, youe in-vst buy i ore ht this great Seventh.I * If you have anly INC ON1C, from, any sow 'cc- whet her froi wrklan orca/n- ta/-you have a per- sonial quota to make in the 7th. Look for it. in the box /to)/!4, right. * 114? II nsf aI all u bonds in jnopor - tionz. Let's mecet oil' quota-lct'rs cxcccd it if wc can.. YUrNWrLBnd uA * f 'oyr Average Inrcome Per tMotth is: $250 & uap 225=25O0 21 =225 200=21 0 180=200 140-180 100-140 Under $100 in the 7th is,. (Cash Value) $187.50 150.00 131,25 112.50 93,75 75.00 3/7.50 18.75 MIGHTY1 U41 Tu FOR r NE h y s vFivr i Lot your dollars join the fight i1n the MIGHTY SEVENTH WAR LOAN! ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA GAMMA DELTA A 1 6lU A FntkA IfrDP1w F ALPHA X1 DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA DlELTA (AMA KAPPA ALPHA THETA KAPPA DELTA P1 BETA PHI SIGMA DELTA TAU 1 2 rAir - A n/ I