lTE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Occupation Poses Problem I T , --- ==- :a Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Bay Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Arin Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . *. City Editor Associate Editor *. Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * . .. Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff . . Business Manager . Associate Business Mgr. . . -. Associate Businesu Mgr. Telephone 23.24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Ann Arbor, Michigan, aA second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR -NATIONAL ADVERTIBIWO Sy National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AvE. O NEW YbRK. N. Y. ciwo *+BosTON "LeANMGES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: BOB GOLDMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. B11l of R1ghts SECRETARY OF STATE Stettinius recently proposed that the world security govern- ment have a bill of rights based-upon the Four Freedoms. Americans, always thanking their lucky stars for their constitution and its Bill of Rights, have backed Stettinius almost to the man. Unfortunately, not realize the con- ditions - necessary for a bill of rights to be successful. The circumstances that prevail in this country allow the Bill of Rights to be the success that it has been, and these condi- tions are exactly opposite to those that would exist under the World Government. The World Government, whatever its official name might be, is based upon the equal sover- eignity of its member nations. In the United States, the states do not retain absolute sov- ereignity. Thus, the federal government has been able to enforce the Bill of Rights for over a cen- tury and a half. But the World Government, being a loose confederation, could not possibly enforce the proposed bill. Rather than have the proposed bill become an ineffective clause in the constitution of the World Government, let it not be made "law" until the World. Government has the power to enforce it. And it will not have the power to do so until it, too, has become a federation like the United States. -Phil Elkus By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It has now been a little over one month since the American Ninth Army paused on the outskirts of Berlin to let the Red army hammer its way into Hitler's capital. Since then, no Allied mission has gone into Berlin, despite the Yalta agreement providing for a token force of American troops in Berlin and the governing of Germany by an Allied mission of British, American, Russian and, later, French generals. Failure to set up this Allied mission inside Berlin generally has been blamed on the Rus- sians. However, this column is now able to throw important light on all the facts. Though Stalin did object to American troops entering Berlin ahead of the Red army (Rus- sian capture of Berlin was agreed on at Yalta), actually U. S. officials have been largely re- sponsible for the delay in sending a subse- quent token force into Berlin and setting up Allied headquarters to govern Germany. If you ask the War Department about this, you will get evasive, sawdust-in-the-eye answers. But actually three reasons have developed for U. S. hesitation over entering Berlin. They are: If an Allied commission is set up iii Berlin, it would be necessary to abolish SHAEF (Su- preme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) and General Eisenhower would step down from being commander over the French and British. Instead, the French and British would be equal in command with Eisenhower in any four-cornered Allied commission in Ber- lin. So would the Russians. With all four nations working in Berlin, it is feared that cooperation with the Russians might be more difficult. At present, Russia governs its part of eastern Germany, while the Western Allies govern their part of western Germany. There is a strict line running between them and no inter-communication to speak of. This is not the plan originally arranged at Yalta. How- ever, there has been so much friction during the closing days of the war, that U. S. com- manders figure they may be better off remaining where they are instead of going into Berlin. British Assistance Needed .. . THE BRITISH don't want to change the pres- ent setup wherein they are a part of SHAEF under General Eisenhower. As SHAEF now operates, the British are able to get a good part e of their supplies from the United States to handle their part of occupied Germany. If SHAEF is disbanded, this suply arrangement stops. Under the combined shipping board, most of the supplies for the British and American armies are even hauled in American ships. And if this stops, the British have the hard- est part of Germany on their hands to feed. For the British-occupied Ruhr and the indu- strial west are heavily populated with little farmland, formerly imprting food from east- ern Germany and Prussia. But with these eastern areas Russian-occupied, the British know they can't get any food from them. So the British don't want SHAEF and the present U. S. supply arrangement disbanded. Finally, some U. S. officials fear that coopera- tion with the French might become difficult if SHAEF were abolished. At present the French have to take orders from Eisenhower. But once an Allied commission was set up in Berlin, the French would be equal partners, and their ideas on the future governing of Germany might be just as independent as the Russians. Obviously the present make-shift situation cannot continue indefinitely. And there is a ON SECO ND By Rlay Dixn WE UNDERSTAND that tonight's dance was named way back when the first married couple was about to graduate from the Univer- sity. It seems the wife got lost on the dance floor and people kept asking her husband, "Have you seen your ball and chain?" The Memorial Day ceremonies held Wednes- day were a combination of nurses aide, parade and no aid o'clocks. Sigma Rho Tau has lost its jug, but we doubt if the fraternity will be left speechless. Chiang Kai-Shek's brother-in-law, T. V. Soong, has just been made Premier of China and his brother-in-law, Vice-Premier H. H. Kung has also been replaced. Oriental politics is evidently one big family. lot of debate inside the government on both sides, some say we had better go ahead and try out international cooperation over Ger- many right away and do our best. Others say we had best avoid headaches by keeping out of Berlin and sitting tight. The final answer probably will be made by President Truman himself. Capital Chaff. JIM FARLEY, now a soft-drink mogul, was walking down a San Francisco street the other day when lie suddenly excused himself from a companion, tapped a postman on the shoulder and said: "Hello there, I'm Jim Farley. I used to be in your business myself." . - After chatting with the ogle-eyed postman for a moment, Farley returned to his companion, explaining: "I never pass a postman without greeting him. I also .try to stop off and visit the postmaster in every town I go into." (Copyright, 1945, by the Beu Syndicate, Tne, I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Fear of Russia By SAMUEL GRAFTON ONE OF OUR prominent conservative col- umnists hauls off with an attack on the Labor party of Great Britain. He says the British Labor party is too friendly toward Russia, and if it wins at the general election in July, collectivism will sweep Europe. For that reason he seems to desire the Conservative party to win. Ah, well, and alack-a-day. This shows what happens when hope of an accord among the three powers fades. One starts by being afraid of Russia; but soon that is not enough, one has to go on and be afraid of the British Labor party, too. And so we find an American commentator muscling into a British election (in a manner which would have evoked howls of rage here had a British commentator tried it during our own campaign of last fall) and warning us to be suspicious of a large section of the British people,lHe starts out by being afraid of the Kremlin, and he ends up by being afraid of the Clydeside. And when the policy of being afraid of Russia leads one to fear Englishmen, one begins to understand that the policy of fear may have its drawbacks, and may lead us into unintended directions. THE SAME commentator goes on to remark that if the British Labor party wins the July election, that will encourage radicals in America. Alack-a-day, indeed; he now seems to be afraid of Americans, too. His fears spread out like a brush fire in the wind. And that is the trouble with all neat little pictures of the future which show us Britain and America standing together, shoulder to shoulder, holding back the Russian tide; west and east staring each ohe r down for a hund- red years, across a. line on the map. The con- ception is negative, and since it is negative, it is a program for disorder, rather than a pro- gram for order. The approach is superficially plausible, espe- cially in view of recent Russian stubbornness. But it is a design for living which will make us do extremely odd things. It will make us fear such men as Mr. Attlee of the British Labor party, and it will make us fond of such men as Prince* Umberto of Italy. It will make us suspicious of such genuinely democratic nations as Czechoslovakia, and it will make us value the friendship of such fascist nations as Spain. It will force us into opposition against first-rate labor leaders in Britain and America, and it will lead us into friendship with second-rate barons in Germany. T WILL, in the end, make us afraid of our- selves, and fond of some of our worst natural enemies on the continent. It will not set the west against Russia, but the west against the west. There is a preview of that in the current declaration of holy war against the British Labor party by an American columnist who calmly takes on half of Great Britain in the placid belief that he is opposing the Soviet Union. These western splits, these schismatic fren- zies within the democracies, would make us lose by default that place in the world which we fear to lose in competition. That is why there must be another try at setting up a stable relation with Russia. The doleful op- posite approach means not only that we would spend the next hundred years staring east- ward in fear; it means that we would be afraid of what was behind us and beside us, too; we would walk through time, wrapped in fear, like a fog; boasting about our stability, but leaving the lights to burn all night. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) SngContest . . F INCE the Lantern Night song con- test is sufficiently important for thirty women's residence houses to give their time, effort and energy to compete, we believe it is sufficiently important for the contest to be fairly judged. The general grade of singing in the contest has been good. The partici- pants have been not merely groups of women singing under ill direction, but rather small glee clubs, each of which has worked for outstanding self-representation. In view of this, the judges have had a difficult deci- sion to make. The WAA (who spon- sors the Lantern Night contest) how- ever, has mace no definite effort to systematize the method of judging. The judges, to make their decision, have been given sheets with only the name of each participating group and the song selected by each group. There is room between each name for perhaps one line of comment. There- fore the judges have no accurate way of comparing the groups and the contestants do not know on what points they are being judged-inton- ation, blending, deportment, cos- tume, interpretation, or appropriate- ness of selection. We suggest, therefore, to give the participants adequate knowledge of the points on which they will be judged, and to give the judges a quick, methodical way of decid- ing the winners, that a chart be made with a maximum number for each point considered. By so doing, instead of deciding in the present haphazard way after the entire program which groups were best, the judges would be able to com- pare the mathematical scores of the groups. We suggest further that instead of the voice faculty, the judges be chor- al directors such as the director of the Girl's Glee Club, the director of the University Choir, the director of 1 the Men's Glee Club, and the director of the Choral Union. whoever they may be. If these improvements are made, we sincerely believe that next year's turn-out will be an enthusiastic assemblage. -Elsa Goodman Perry's look R. FRANKENA'S review, pub- lished recently in The Daily, of Ralph Barton Perry's excellent book, "Puritanism and Democracy", brings I to mind, in addition to the obvious good qualities of the work, a notable shortcoming. In his analysis Professor Perry helps to perpetuate a false separa- tion of sacred and secular forces in American life, when in point of histcrical development over more than three centuries in this hemis- phere and at least two more cen- turies previous to that on the con- tirent of Erope, these twocin- fluences of puritanism and Democ- racy have been rival, yet not whol- ly unrelated religious systems. Various names have been applied to the continuing religious tradition in the democratic system, just as Puritanism has had various connec- tions. But if the point is missed, as Professor Perry has missed it, that democracy is more than political then an important element in the extension of democracy will have been lost. The names of the demo- cratic religious tradition have been dramatized in a thrilling little book entitled "Men of Liberty" written by Stephen H. Fritchman, editor of "The Christian Register". They are such as these: Faustus Socinus, Michael Servetus, Theophilus Lindsey, Joseph Priestley, Thomas Jefferson, William Ellery Channing, and Theodore Par- ker. Some of these have been cited by Professor Perry for their contri- butien to political democracy, but in their own right they would have pre- ferred recognition of their notable liberal religious faith. The historical symbols in Ameri- can colonial history of the two and rival religious traditions are those of the Massachusetts Bay Colony on the one hand and the Plymouth Plantation on the other. -Edward H. Redman } -'' ;r- ' ^' { .>- c .::..:.: __.. E .. 1:..-- Aft' IL I f 1/ l :' : x :zi' s::. "'" i y. .jet\4 ' ,! l ttit ;.: . .a.., >. :, f' ' /, fit. IE: , i .,. :: ' . - ---, 1 r=_=_.. 3> , ^ i (z :''->= '1_ _ ' ( {~ . , t. - - --'"y:Z' , -.---M ANY BONDS TODAY? Ey Gracia Mien and GesgeBuriR Illustrated by Ed Reed I t tl hoeked the other one and bought a War Bond!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN o AK El- PAWN1 HO C" -Alk) Publication in the Daily Official Bul-t etin is constructive notice to all mem-t bers of the University. Notices for the 1 Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President,E 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). -CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1945. VOL. LV, No. 161 Notices Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.I Ruthven will be at home to memberst of the faculty and other townspeople, Sunday, June 3, from 3 to 5 o'clock.Y Cars may park in the restricted zonei on South University between 3 and 5:30 p.m. (CWT).1 To the Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The June meeting of thet Faculty of the College of Literature,l Science, and the Arts for the aca- demic year 1944- will be held Mon- day, June 4, 1945, at 3:10 p.m. in1 Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be. retained in your files as part of the1 minutes of the June meeting. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of May 7, 1945, (pp. 1168 to 1174) which were distributed by campus mail., 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call fo this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor J. W. Eaton. b. University Council- Professor P. S. Welch. No report. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor Z. C. Dickinson. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Professor H. M. Dorr. e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hayward Keniston. 3. New Business. 4. Announcements. Notice to Men Students and House- holders of Approved Houses for Men: The closing date for the Spring Term will be June 23 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Householders may charge for a room between June 23 and 28 providing the student keeps his possessions in the room or occupies it himself. As per the terms of the contracts, stu- dents are expected to pay the full amount of the contract three weeks before the end of the term. Registration for the Summer Term begins June 28 and classes begin July 2. If either the householder or stu- dent wishes to terminate their pres- ent agreement, notice must be given to the office of the Dean of Students on or before June 2, at noon. Stu- dents may secure forms for this pur- pose in Rm. 2,.University Hall. C. T. Olmsted Assistant Dean of Students The Summer Session of the Grad- uate Curriculum in Social Work, which is given at the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit, will open for registration Friday and Satur- day, June 15 and 16, classes begin- ning Monday, June 18. The session will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a change from original dates set. All engineering students planning to take the State Board Engineering Examination this semester must file an application form with Asst. Dean Olmstead before Thursday, June 7, 194S This annication form mab h Women. Special permission to live outside the regular dormitories, league houses, cooperatives and sor- orities will not be given except in extraordinary circumstances which should be reported immediately to the Office of the Dean of Women. State of Connecticut Civil Service announcement for Senior Case Worker, Salary $1,920 to $2,340 per annum, has been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. California State Civil Service an- nouncements for Assistant Forestry Engineer, $240 a month, and Assis- tant Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Specialist, $215 a month, have been received in our office. For further information and details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. , The United States Civil Service Commission: is in immediate need of Agricultural Economists, and Mar- keting Specialists, Salary $3,200 to $6,500. Further information can be obtainedat the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Academic Notices Speech Concentrates: Appoint- ments with the concentration adviser may be made at the departmental office, 3211 Angell Hall, or telephone 4121, Ext. 526. Education B120: Principles of Sec- ondary Education, will not meet to- day. Concerts Student\ Recital: Arlene Burt, a student of violin under Gilbert Ross, will present a recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 7 CWT, Monday evening, June 4, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Buil- ding. Her program will include com- positions by Tartini, Bach, Lalo, and Kreisler. The public is cordially in- vited. The University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra: inder the direction of Gilbert Ross, will be heard in its second concert of the current season at 7:30 p.m. (CWT), Wednesday. June 6, in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram will consist of compositions by Frescobald Mozart, and Brahms, and will feature Mary Evans John- son, pianist. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Commencement. "Krishna Dancing with the Milk- maids" an original Rajput brush drawing with studies of the hands in crayon. Also examples of Indian fab- rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri- day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al- umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B. Exhibition under auspices of Col- lege of Architecture and Design: Architectural work of William W. Wurster, Dean of School of Archi- tecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and former prominent architect of San Fran- cisco. Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms of the Rackham Building. Open daily except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. through June 2. The public is cordially invited. Capable Leader F OR six weeks, President Harry Truman has served as United States chief executive with- out being guilty of any major boners. There has been virtually no howling and moaning on Capitol Hill. Newspapers aren't calling him derogatory names. President Truman, relatively unknown when he took office after Franklin Roosevelt's death, has clung to the principles of his predecessor. Thus far, the Senate has approved all his appointments and has reported favorably on so- called social legislation. President Truman has been accused of be- ing a machine politician. Yet, in requesting that David Lilienthal be re-nominated TVA director, he defied one of the most powerful machines in the nation, Boss Crump's Ten- nessee domain. President Truman has received the acclaim of numerous old-timers in the national legislature for his efforts in studying domestic problems. BARNABY If our mothers and fathers Let's ask them to. would take us out into the Lt' bet she's a woods and lose us, we'd get dopey Witch. If to meet the Witch my Fairy she's a iend of Godfather knows. And- s, sainaby- HIS, Barnaby Eh? 3J r 31 C*pyrght, 1945, The Newspaper PM, Inc. By Crockett Johnson [I was about to propose a visit of the three of us to her charming woodland home. Iff1 can find her address. But if this is to be Jane's attitude-Well- - ane didn't mean- Is! -and I'll take Jane, too. A day in the woods and a bit of real nature study may end Barnaby's belief in pixies and things- Mmm. But it's a nice idea anyway, John. J NI ~OH O/ It seems that the shouters and pessimists were mistaken. The new president, up to this point, has proved that he is extremely capable of leading a liberal administration. -Bob Goldman the woods won't seem such a] ammunace to Bn arnahv A hike in the woods? Excellent! I'll go along. Your dad will enjoy having We can find her just by { J We'll adopt that method as a last resort. But her address may be in{ ths city -4 ria t r tt Ics r u m h r 1 t I