SAW JAPANESE-OCCUPIED MANILA: t Indomitable C By DORIS WEST This is a story of indomitable courage-the kind of daring responsible for winning wars. It is the story, of Lt. Col Emigdio Cruz, Filipino Army officer, who, while in this country, was assigned by the late Manuel Quezon, President of the Philippines, to return to Man- )la to get vital information about Japanese occupation. Lt. Col. Cruz, now in Ann Arbor observing thoracic surgery under Dr. John Alexander, is the only known man from this country to reach and leave Manila while it was occupied by the Japanese. With the approval of Gen. Doug- las Mac9rthur, he was sent to Manila in 1943 to discover how the Filipino people felt about the departure of Gen. Mac- Arthur, President Quezon and other leading figures in the Philippine government. Col. Cruz was also to determine the loyalty of the Philip- pinos to the United States and .to the Philippine government in exile, and to secure first hand information about life in the Philippines during the Japanese occupation. To reach his destination, Col. Cruz, made his way on foot through Jap and malaria infested jungles. Traveling under an assumed name and disguised as a merchant, he went by sailboat from island to island buying and selling goods as he journeyed. On May 14, 1943, Col. Cruz left the United States on an American transport bound for Australia. "In Australia," he 7 courage of Filipino Army off c said, "Gen. MacArthur told me that my mission was a very dangerous one. He gave me a ten per cent chance of getting into Manila, and no chance of getting out alive." From Australia, Col. Cruz took a submarine to the island of Negros, where he boarded a sailboat headed for Panay. When he was told by the guerillas at Panay, who were to fur- nish him with another sailboat to take him to Manila, that the Japanese were preparing to raid the town, he returned to Negros. The guerilla leader at Negros furnished Col. Cruz with guides and he started walking north. He crossed streams, rivers and jungles, and during this trip saw his original party 'dwindle from 17 to three. On this 14 day trip, he had only five square meals, and three of these consisted of a monkey, a snake and an iguana lizard. He lived on roots the rest of the time. The mayor of one of the towns Col. Cruz passed through ,n his way northward was asked by the Japanese to make a speech praising them in his native dialect. Instead of com- mending the Japanese, however, the mayor assured the Fili- pinos that the Americans would return. This speech was trans- lated to the Japanese by an enemy of the mayor, and he was condemned to die. As his last wish, the mayor asked the Japanese to shoot him in front of the municipal building which he had built. The translator who had betrayed him was among those witnessing his execution. Just before the mayor was put to death, this traitor pointed out the mayor's brother to the i Japanese, and said that he was an active member of the guerilla forces. In a futile attempt to make the brother ad- mit that he was a guerilla, the Japanese slit and skinned the mayor's arms before him. While still conscious, however, the mayor warned his brother not to talk. At a coastal town on the northern part of Negros, Col. Cruz bought cassava flour, corn, chickens, and eggs, so that he could pose as an inter-island merchant. He engaged a sail- boat whose crew came from southern Luzon, and returned with them. During the trip he learned the dialect of these men. ,In a province of southern Luzon, by speaking the local dialect, Col. Cruz convinced the puppet mayor that he was a Tagalong merchant who had stayed among them for a long time. In this way he acquired a residence certificate and a certificate of membership to the "Kalibapi," the Japanese sponsored neighborhood association. With these credentials, he bought more provisions and sailed northward to another province south of Manila. Here he rented a hotel room, end managed to convince some Japanese officers who ate their meals in this hotel that ,he was a merchant selling eggs and firewood. He even suc- ceeded in selling some firewood to one of the officers. er Is Revealed lIe later invited this officer to be his guest for dinner, and, in gratitude, the Japanese officer invited him to visit the garrison. This officer later helped Col. Cruz to get on a train to Manila. "Manila was still intact then," Col. Cruz said. "The most important means of transportation," he remarked, "were bikes and also busses pulled by horses. The scarcity of medicine and food was apparent, and prices were sky high. When women went to shop, they had to take sacks of Japanese money. Market vendors had piles of money stacked high around them," "Although the Japanese attempted to fraternize with the Filipino people," Col. Cruz said, "they were not very suc- cessful, for the Filipinos never liked them. I contacted many prominent statesmen who had been left behind, and found them all biding their time until the return of the Ameri cans." Col. Cruz, personal physician of the late President Quezon, returned to America by the same route that he came. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by Gen. MacArthur and the Medal of Valor by President Quezon. Col. Cruz is the first person to receive the Medal of Valor since its initiation in 1931. It is the highest award conferred by the Philippine govern- ment, and is the equivalent of the American Congressional Medal VOL. LV, No. 161 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1945 WEATHER C onsiderably Cloudy' with Showers PRICE FIVE CENTS New Tuition Rates To Take Effect Nov.1 WAR NEWS IN BRIEF Report Chinese Capture Ishan Rail Town CHUNGKING, May 31-(/P)-Chinese troops were reported tonight to have captured the south China rail town of Ishan, 43 miles west of the former U. S. Air Base city of Liuchow, as they dug deeper into the nar- rowing corridor leading into French Indo-China where thousands of Japa- nese are isolated. * * * * * Japs Attempt Counterattack in Philippines MANILA, June 1, Friday-(,)--Japanese forces have attempted widespread counterattacks against Filipino guerrillas and American infantrymen on Luzon and Mindanao as well as against Australians on New Guinea, but a Headquarters spokesman said today they were "almost uniformly unsuccessful." Yanks Advance 1,200 Yards on Okinawa GUAM, Friday, June 1-(P)-Breakthrough advances up to 1,200 yards, threatening "the enemy's whole central island position" on Okinawa, were 3cored yesterday by American forces which have killed 61,519 Japanese in the campaign up to May 30. ** * * * Combat Casualties Exceed Million Mark WASHINGTON, May 31-(/P)--Combat casualties of American armed forces passed the million mark today, roughly 3 i years after the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. The total of 1,002,887, which covers fighting up to about a week before V-E Day includes 227,097 killed, 607,468 wounded, 63,455 missing and 104,867 taken prisoner. Syria Expects British, U. S.{ ((i, c BEYRUTH, May 31.- -P-Syria expects "assistance beyond advice from Britain and America, considering both powers responsible for the loss of hundreds of Syrian lives," Saadula Jabri, speaker of the Syrian parliament, said today. Dean Lloyd To Speak at Youth .Rally 'Frisco Cotiference To Be Discussed Dean Alice Lloyd will represent the faculty as guest speaker at the rally to be held at 8:15 p.m. EWT (7:15 p.m. CWT) Monday in Rackham Au- ditorium where representatives of the World Youth Council will give impressions of the United Nations Conference. Representing Denmark, China, Yu- goslavia, Czechoslovakia, and the United States, the group will visit the University Monday and Tuesday. They are en route to attend the World Youth Conference to be held in London in August. Explain Conference They are returning from San Francisco where they represented the World Youth Council as observ- ers at the conference. The purpose of the tour is to relate their personal impressions at San Francisco and to explain the significance of the forthcoming World Youth Confer- ence. In addition to the rally which is open to all students and faculty, an informal tea will be held from 3 to 5 pam. Monday in the Iternational Center, and under the auspices of the Center. Faculty members and students are invited to attend this reception. Hold Discussion Group A Tuesday discussion group from 10 a.m. to noon in Lane Hall will be held for student leaders who wish to meet with the group. Following thib meeting, th five will leave for Wayne University, Detroit. Sponsored by a combined commit- tee representing all organizations on campus, the quintet includes Svend Beyer Pedersen of the Danish Youth Council; Yang Kang, a Chinese st- dent; Frances Damon, executive sec- retary of American Youth for a Free World; Maria Michal, a Czech stu- dent; and Lt. Lvonofer Jurissic, a Yugoslavian veteran of the war. U' To Graduate 900 Seniors Dean Stason To Give Comencenent Talky More than 900 seniors will be graduated at commencement exer- cises to be held at 10:30 a.m. EWT (9:30 a.m. CWT) June 23 in Hill Auditorium, Herbert Watkins, assis- tant secretary of the University, an- nounced yesterday. The address will be delivered by Dean Edwin Sta- son of the Law School, and the Rev. J. Brett Kenna of the First Metho- dist Church will render the invoca- tion. Preceding the exercises, grad- uating seniors in academic costume will march in procession from the General Library to Hill Auditorium. .:. °: n aj DESTRUCTION IN JAPAN-Boxes indicate number of square miles in Japanese cities that have been destroyed by U. S. air attacks. Damage in the recent Yokahama raid, has not been determined definitely. 'U' ECONOMIST SA YS: retton Woods Would Be Basis for World Economy Jabri, here enroute to Cairo for a meeting of the Council of the League of Arab Nations June 4, charged that France was aiming at domination of Syria, either by mandate or by treaty and was using troops on the "absurd" ground of protecting communications with the Far East. PASS HALFWAY MARK: TU' Boed Sales Soar ieatrly $20,000 over Week-End Total { JAPAN Nragaka -' . Koryama Seri Of Japan Takaoka -TaHt ONSHU: Kaanazawa Mato ~k ' .x Uedaoy ~.-.? 3.06 S:.Mi51 Sq.Mi. 'Koh, ul -- TTAK 1 27SSYOoha WWI sue q~i 3.3 Iq.M; Increased Operational Costs Force Raise in Student Fees Summer Session Charges Will Be Higher For Non-Resident Students A new schedule of raised tuition fees, expected to increase receipts from this source by approximately 10 per cent, will become effective at the begin- ning of the Fall Term, Nov. 1, University officials announced yesterday. The action was taken to help meet increasing operation costs due to generally increasing price levels, the University said. Smoothing out cer- tain inequalities in the differential between resident and non-resident fees was given as the second major reason for the revision. Under the new schedule, full program students in the Literary College, who are residents of Michigan, will pay $65 instead of $60 per semester and non-resident students will pay $110 instead of $100, Resident engineering students will pay $70 per semester, an increase of $5, while non-resident students' tuition will be $130, up $10 University income from tuitions has declined more than $500,000, taking the years 1940 and 1944, thus in part' accounting for the increase. 0? 100 SIATUTI MPILlS Realization of the unstable world economic relations during the inter- war years has led to the establish-1 ment at Bretton Woods of the inter- national bank and the stabilization fund, Prof. William Palmer of the economics department declared yes- terday. Palmer Cites Problems Speaking under the sponsorship of the Post-War Council, Palmer qited as problems to be overcome in setting up an institution for international lending, the high rates charged on loans at fixed sums, the need for loads, the necessity for repaying the clarification of the purposes for which the loans would be used and recog- nition of the way that the loan would fit into the conditions within the bor- rowing or lending country. "The International Bank," set up at Bretton Woods Palmer explained, - BULLETIN - WASHINGTON, May 31.-(/)- A very large force of B29s struck Osaka today, the 20th Air Force announced tonight. Congested in- dustrial areas of the city, which had not been under aerial attack by American planes since March 14, were the target of today's mid- morning raid. "is organized to facilitate interna- tional lending in three ways: naking loans directly out of the capital' re- sources of the bank, lending money out of the proceeds of the sale of bonds issued by the bank and guar- anteeing repayment of loans made by private lenders in foreign coun- tries. "All loans will be carefully investigated by an impartial group of experts," Palmer stated, "and a low' commission paid on each loan will accumulate into a reserve fund to be resorted to in case the borrower de- faults in his payment." The economist pointed out that the bank will make possible interna- tional lending on an undreamed of scale. It will provide, he explained, investment outlets for the savings in the various countries and provide the means for increasing the level of pro- duction in backward countries. 'Trade Was Impeded "Fluctuating exchange rates," Pal- mer explained in a discussion of the stabilization fund, were extreme after the first world war and made foreign trade almost impossible." He added that the artificial controls on exchange rates and on the market for goods led to discrimination and poli- tical domination and tended to in- crease bilateral trade. "A reduction in the volume of world trade result- ed," he declared. Summer session fees remain un- changed for resident students except for a 10 per cent increase in law and music. All fees were raised by that amount for non-resident students. Fees for reduced p±'ograms in all schools were increased approximately 10 per cent for resident students and more for non-residents. Irregular fees in the Medical and Dental, Schools remain virtually, unchanged except for post-grad- uate dentistry, which is up S75 to $140 per semester for residents and up $130 to $210 for non-residents. These new fees include Health Ser- vice, physical education, and League or Union privileges, here- tofore paid for. n addition to the tuition. Tuition for the University's for- estry station, Camp Filibert Roth, unchanged for residents, have been increased approximately 10 per cent for out-state students. The geology short course at Camp Davis, Wyo., The Regents also decreed that any See TUITION, Page 2 Ch ian gKai-she k Resigns Post Gets Preuer Assignment CHUNGKING, May 31.--(/)-Pres- ident Chiang Kai-shek 'turned over his job aE; premier of China today to his brother-in-law, acting Premier T. V. Soong, and apparently intends to devote his energies primarily to fighting the Japanese as Supreme Allied Commander in the China the- ater. The elevation of the American- educated Soong possibly paved the way for an accord between the Chungking government and the Ye- nan communists, toward whom his attitude always has been moderate. Soong, 50, is a brother of Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek and one of the most popular leaders in China. He was educated at Shanghai, Columbia and Harvard. For years he was Chinese Minister of Finance. In addition to the premiership, he is China's for- eign minister. t(1 ionn 0 nllc' nim rnrim1 nnsd~finn c Injunetion Is Denied Luckng BJudge Toms Ann Arbor To Furnish Fire Protection for 'U Circuit Court Judge Roberti M. Toms yesterday denied the tempor- ary injunction sought by William A. Lucking, Detroit attorney, to pro- hibit the City of Ann Arbor from furnishing further hre protection to the University. Judge Toms explained that his decision is not final. He indicated that it was possible for such an- in- junction to be granted. Lucking Sues University Suit against the University and four other property holders was ini- tiated recently by Lucking who maintains that Ann Arbor firemen should not be responsible for fires on University property unless author- ized by the state legislature. Lucking, owner of the Wolverine Building here, said that existing Ann Arbar fire fighting facilities are in- adequate to handle city calls in addi- tion to University fire hazards. Zahn Testifies Testimony given by Fire Chief Ben Zahn revealed that it has been a common practice to furnish the Uni- versity with fire protection although there is no written agreement to that efect. The case is not closed, Judge Toms added. Further hearings will be held, probably in the near future. Prof. Kraus To Lecture Today Prof. E. H. Kraus of the Geology Department will speak on "Some In- fluential European Mineralogists" at an open meeting of the Geological Journal Club at 12:30 p. m. EWT (11:30 CWT) today in Rm. 4056, Natural Science Building. Prof. Kraus will - present the in- fluence of Freiburg University in Saxony, and of A. G. Werner, pro- University bond sales soared near- ly $20,000'over the weekend total as reports following the Memorial Day holiday indicated that campus sales have reaphed $55,368.75, more than half way toward the $100,000 goal in the Seventh War Loan. In addition to the announced total, army units in the Judge Ad- vocate General's school yesterday contributed $715.50 to the Univer- sity quota. All soliciting of the CAMPUS EVENTS Today Student Religious Associ- ation Coffee Hour from 4 to 6 p. m. EWT at Lane Hall. Today "An Evening of Ballet" at 8 p. m. EWT in Ann Arbor High School Aud- itorium. Today Senior Ball from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. EWT in the Sports Building. June 2 Annual Crop and Saddle horse show from 9:30 a.m. to noon EWT at Golfside school was done by coed Patricia Barrett, who, while not officially connected with the campus drive, volunteered her services for the day. JGP booths in 'U' Hall reported over $2,500 cash value of boncts sold yesterday to faculty members. Con- tributions were heightened when one man bought three $1,000 bonds. The JGP booths will remain open today, selling bonds, war stamps and War- sages ,extra war stamp corsages left from the V-E dance Tuesday. More and more persons are coin- ing to regard bonds in the light of investment securities, R. Gordon Griffith, head of the University cam- paign, declared yesterday. "It is en- couraging to find that the University staff appreciates the real investment quality of the Series E bonds," he said. Twice during the present drive the University has run out of its supply of $1,00 bonds. Whereas most bonds purchased in earlier drives were of the smaller $25 and $50 varieties, today the directors WMC INSTITUTE: Industrial Physicians Pledge Support of Placement Plan Support for the War Manpower Commission's selective placement plan for cdisabled1vete~rans wasnklr1g- sey, Dean of Wayne University's School of Occupational Health, and Dr. Carl Peterson of the American