THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AMERICA'S ROLE IN THE WORLD ECONOMY: Alvin Hansen's Book Discussed Evelyn Phillips . . Managing Editor Margaret Farmer . . Editorial Director Bay Dixon . . , . .City Editor Paul Sislin . , . . Associate Editor Bank Mantho . . Sports Editor Dave Loewenberg . . . Associate Sports Editor Mavis Kennedy . . women'sEditor Ann Schutz Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dick Strickland . . . Business Manager Martha Schmitt . . Associate Business Mgr. Kay MFee . , , Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 2341 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of al other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. wmeans lon NA~iONM A^VEXUSl!N J!" National Advertising Service, hic. College PublishersRepresentative 420 MADISON AVt. I NW YORK. N. Y. CNICA'O " BOSTOn * LosAn1L0s * SAn FRANciSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stag and represent the views of the writers onty. Mem, orial Day THERE IS very little left to say on May 30. Men and women who have fought for us and feared with us have paid the supreme price of World War II. Before them, their fathers paid a similar price. All fought for the common goal-a free, democratic America which we today take too much for granted. Their actions were and are a memorial far better than the words in which we attempt to eulogize them. "It is for us the living" to not only remember these heroes for a brief ninute on this day, but to follow their 'example of selfless courage in peace as in war. In 1945, with one war at an end and another yet to be won, we can only offer a prayer that this will be the last war-time Memorial Day. There is indeed very little left to say; there is a great deal left to do. -Mary Brush Bob Goldman Oientation N UNIVERSITY women are at present regis- tered as orientation advisors for the summer term. In a large university like Michigan, an orien- tation period is of vital importance. It unifies freshman and transfer groups, acquaints them with the campus and each other, and has a last- ing effect on their attitude toward activities and all campus life. The summer orientation period is short, lasting only from June 27 to June 34, and would thus necessitate remaining in Ann Ar- bor only an extra week. Ann Arbor girls could easily devote four days of their summer vacation to this activity. Any coed who feels that she can Spare this time should turn in her name at the office of the Social Director of the Michigan League. -Lois Kelso Human Rights "BIG BUSINESS," the fighting words of the past twenty years, for the promotion of which so much hard-earned publicity money has been spent, is again acting in its accustomed manner. "Big Business," in the name of the Ford Motor Co., once more makes itself obnox- iaus by placing property rights before human rights. An NXIA temporary housing unit Intended to ease Detroit's highly critical situation amnong Negro war workers has been denounced by the automobile manufacturer as a "high- handed attempt" to put through at taxpayers' expense a building program "which is not needed in the war effort and has no connec- tian with it". The project, which NHA defends as not de- pendent on the Willow Run plant, now closing, is especially unattractive to Ford since the gov- eni;rnent has taken over Ford-owned land for it. AMRICA'S ROLE IN THE WORLD ECO- NOMY by Alvin 11. Hansen. New York, W. W. Norton and Company, 1945. $2.5. DEAN RUSSELL STEVENSON of the School of Business Administration has said that any- one wishing to understand the two basic view- points in the economic world today could best do so by reading Alvin H. Hansen's America's Role in the World Economy and Friedrich Hay- ek's Road to Serfdom. Dean Stevenson declared that many of the differences of economic opin- ion today rest on the differences in the two philosophies therein represented. The basic difference between Hansen and Hayek, in my opinion, is that the former has faith in the rationality of man while the latter fears man's irrational urge for more and more power. Hansen believes that a world economy planned by men would be the best of all kinds, while Hayek would rather trust "natural" (almost comnpltcly untamed) eco- nomic laws. While both realize that the trend is toward more and more economic planning, Hayek mourns and Hansen rejoices. Hansen rejoices in the tena because he real- izes that the world economy has reached the point of complexity where centralized planning is necessary, where the fate of the economy can no longer be left in the hands of individual business men, each vying for as much economic I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Tariff Debate By SAMUEL GRAFTON 1E ENTIRE Republican membership of the House Ways and Means Committee has been arguing for high tariffs, setting the tone for party policy in both houses. That in itself is not so bad; this is a free country; a man wants to argue for high tariffs, let him argue for high tariffs. What hurts is the innocent joy with which the argument is being offered; the air worn by these Republican representatives, as of men who have discovered something brand-new, and are per- fectly entranced and delighted by what they have found. They announce that tariffs are needed to protect domestic industries. They say this with delicious little gestures of pride, as if it were a thought the world had long been wait- ing for, instead of being one of the oldest and tiredest gags in economics. Do we really have to have an old-fashioned tariff debate all over again; done unsmilingly, with straight faces? Why can't we say, straight out, that a politician who deals in chestnuts is a bore, just like an actor who does the same? In the first place, the argument about protecting infant industry, which laid them in the aisles in Hamilton's day, no longer applies. Our industry is not an infant any more, or, if it is, it is a kind of baby elephant, with a big appetite, and if we put a fence around it, all that will happen will be that it will starve, or die from want of exercise. The high tariff argument is a hangover from the days when we were painfully learning to make our own nails and horseshoes, and weren't sure we knew how; it does not apply in a day in which we can make enough nails and horseshoes for the whole world, with our left hand. FINALLY, the whole concept of "high tariff" versus "low" tariff is sort of obsolete. What is' proposed in the reciprocal trade bill now be- fore Congress is an administrative device, where- by, in the rough, we swap favor for favor, find- ing markets and granting markets, letting in certain foods, for example, at just the seasons when they don't compete with ours, and gaining outlets for our own products in return. As against the efficient complexity of that admini- strative device, the demand for tariff walls, pure and simple, is a kind of primitive bawl- ing. The Ways and Means mainority also makes the point that to let the State Department negotiate reciprocal trade treaties is bad be- cause it means more "bureaucratic controls." it is characteristic of a certain type of mind that it loves to rattle around among these corny absolutes. Snow is white, butter is yellow, tariffs are good, and bureaucracy is bad. It makes an easy way of thinking, if you don't care where you come out. TPHE TRUE dividing line between the prewar mind and the postwar mind in America is going to be, I think, that the postwar mind will give up these outworn simplicities, this thread- bare homespun. It is no use hanging on to the quaint old signposts, when the streets are gone. Suddenly we are adrift in an unfamiliar world, in which we must feel our way, try to sell our goods, try to keep going. W.alk softly, there are ten million men around the next corner, waiting for jobs. And how strange our factories have become; they are producing twice as much as ever before, without the ten million. This one worker at his bench produces thirty per cent more in an hour than le used to, five years ago. Nothing looks the way it did; and among these shadows it is not reassuring, it is only bizarre, to let down the tailboard of the wagon, and to put on sale the same patent medicine that failed to cure papa; snake oil in the vitamin age. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post SynIitce) BARNABY Ar Hello, Barnaby. Hello, lile i enjoy C1 girl. niproving your nminds, I see. fairy stor power as he can gather for himself. Hansen also rejoices in the parallel trend of more and more education for more and more people. "Freedom and democracy cannot be achieved by going back to laissez faire and non-interven- tionist policies. In the modern world, freedom and democracy can survive only by a positive program of action firmly based on the broad edu- cation and understanding of the masses of our people and on their active and self-disciplined participation in the formation of public policy," Hansen says in America' hole in the World Economy. Simple ianguge N KEEPING with his desire that knowledge of economic problems be spread among the gen- eral population, Hansen has attempted to write this book in simple, non-technical language so that any layman of average intelligence could understand it. Although he has generally suc- ceeded in this attempt, there were spots at which I found myself going back to my Econom- ics 52 text for clarification of terms and con- cepts. Especially valuable is the half of the book devoted to exposition of the character and functions of the various international eco- nomic agencies which have been proposed to maintain peaceful and stable economic rela- tions after the war. In maintaining stable economic conditions these agencies will also be helping to keep the peace in the broad sense. For, as Hansen puts it, "It is increas- ingly the view of economists that the depres- sion started in 1929 is in very large measure responsible for the present plight of the world" Bretton Woods Plan,,. THE INTERNATIONAL BANK for Reconstruc- tion and Development and the International Monetary Fund, both unanimously agreed upon by representatives of forty-four nations at Bret- ton Woods, New Hampshire, in July, 1944, are the two principal instruments for bringing about and maintaining the world in a state of economic well-being. The large function of the Bank is the lending of long-term capital for the revival and continuous expansion of invest- ment and production throughout the world. The large purpose of the Fund is the control of cur- rencies and prices in such a manner as to allow the freest movement of trade among nations. Hansen goes on to discuss the International Trade Authority, UNRRA, the proposed Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Labor Organization and the Economic and So- cial Council of the general international or- ganization based on the Dumbarton Oaks pro- posals. Everyone should understand the nature and functions of these organizations. Everyone should also understand the great need foii international collaboration on mat- ters economic, Hansen emphasizes. Ile points out the many channels through which econo- mic prosperity or depression in one country may spread to most of the other countries of the world. The contagion of uncontrolled eco- nomic depression is a lesson we all learned in the later twenties and early thirties. Let us hope that we will soon learn the contagion of economic prosperity. -Myra Sacks ' Restrictions NOW that the war in Europe is over, the full weight of America's fighting power has been thrown against Japan. But here at home we will find that wartime restrictions on some things have been reduced or eliminated. Director of War Mobilization and Reconver- sion Fred Vinson has announced a broad plan for reconversion to civilian production. Manu- facture of automobiles will begin. Refriger- ators, washing machines, electric irons will re- appear on the market. Restrictions on travel will be lightened. Curfews will be lifted. Nevertheless, the American public must re- member that the United States still has a war to win. As Vinson said, "Victory over Japan The fly PAULA BRO WEL HAVE quite a good friend named Nora who is graduating in June. In less than a month, now, she'll be all through with undergraduate col- lege, and when she talks about it she's like anything but the clear- eyed youths who confidently face the Future on YMCA posters. Of course she feels the natural reluctance of almost any relative- ly security-loving human being to tear herself away from a life in which she has been happily settled for several1 yea rs-'-esprecially Iwhean soe is leaving the Kinown and the Beloved for the Unfamiliar and (so she has heard it rumored) not particularly lovable. Also she views with equally natural distaste the prospect of having to devote her principle energies to earning her living instead of to the social and intellectual pursuits in which she has heretofore indulged. Nora is somewhat spoiled and very much addicted to the academic atmos- phere. If these were her only regrets she wouldn't feel so badly about it. "But who," Nora wails, "would want to hire me? I can't do anything useful, and I don't know half what I ought to have learned in eight semesters!"' MOST students must feel that way when they graduate, and prob- ably spend a few minutes mentally beating themselves on the head for not having gotten more out of col- lege than they did. "But it's not entirely my fault," Nora says de- fensively. "Every time I find myself in a good class it makes me madder to think how much time I wasted in courses where I didn't learn a thing and which were dull besides!" She feels particularly strongly about cor - s'es in which objective examinations are given. "Now take a history course, for instance, where you know perfectly well that each bluebook is going to be a spot quiz," she began at breakfast one morning while her roommate sat at the other end of the table cramming for a ten o'clock bluebook. "What's more important--- knowing that Sarajevo is the place where the assassination that began World War I took place, or having some idea of the development of the idea of power-politics that helped to create a background for the war?" Seeing the doubtful expression en the face of the girl sitting glum- ly next to her she added, "Well personally, I don't see any point in studying history-or anything else for that matter- unless it helps you to attach some sort of significance and meaning to the present, and it can't do that unless you've established relationships- not just memorized a lot of handy facts." I could see Nora preparing to defend her words as the girl next to her opened her mouth un- certainly, but in a few seconds it turned out to be only a very groggy yawn, so she relaxed and contin- ued. Occasionally Nora is given to lengthy oratory in the mornings, hard though that may be on her associates. A ND YOU certainly don't establish any relationships when you're studying for a spot quiz," she went on. "You read your material, trying to pick out the names and places and catch - phrases that the professor might possibly see fit to ask you about, and you memorize them, not the bigger movement that they're a part of. And usually the lectures fol- low just as superficial a plan! If you start the other way around and pay attention to the trends, the little points just fall into place of their own accord," she paused indignantly. "But what is the good," she de- manded, looking pityingly at her roommate, "of sitting down and cramming a lot of little facts into your head just before a bluebook when you know perfectly well you'll. forget them the minute it's all over- and what is the good of knowing them anyhow when all you do is fit them into a pattern that shows what DID happen and doesn't even set up a remotely sat- isfactory theory of WHY, in terms of what men wanted and why they wanted it? If getting a college education is just learning to mem- orize there's no excuse for over- rating it the way we do. What we lught to be doing is learning to think critically-how to see like- nesses and differences, and the sig- nificance of things that happen. It's no wonder that a college de- gree means as little as it does." With that Nora finished her coffee all in one gulp and stalked out of the dining room. Too much awake now to settle back into the numb, semi- conscious haze in which we usually eat breakfast, the rest of us picked up the scattered newspapers and be- gan to read them while Nora's room- mate chanted definitions to herself. By Crockett Johnson . 1 '° 21 O UV 13UY'A VWAR BOND GET A KISS ~Y ED Rt > 8 y"a-> - r "eySmall C pange on' forget stamps help win the War,L B L.TI DA ILY uO"FF IC IA L B ULLET IN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- actin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall, by 2:30 p im. or the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WALL TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN.E WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 160 Notices Memorial Day: Today, May 30, is a University holiday. University of- fices and the General Library will be closed and classes will not meet except as may be directed by those in charge of training programs being conducted for the U.S. Government. Closing hour for women students will be 10 CWT Wednesday, May 30. To the Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The June meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the aca- demic year 1944-45 will be held Mon- day, June 4, 1945, at 3:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in 'ad- vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the June meeting. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of May 7, 1945, (pp. 1168 to 1174) which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor J. W. Eaton. b. University Council- Professor P. S. Welch. No report. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor Z. C. Dickinson. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Professor H. M. Dorr. e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hayward Keniston. 3. New Business. 4. Announcements. Admission: School of Business AI ministration: Applications for ad- mission to the School of Business Administration for the Summer Term or Summer Session should be filed at 108 Tappan Hall prior to June 15, Fall Term enrollees should also apply now if they are not to be in residence during the sunmer. Notice to Men Students and House- holders of Approved Houses for Men: The closing date for the Spring Term will be June 23 and rent shall be computed to include this date. Householders may charge for a room between June 23 and 28 providing the student keeps his possessions in the room or occupies it himself. As per the terms of the contracts, stu- dents are expected to pay the full amount of the contract three weeks before the end of the term. Registration for the Summer Term begins June 28 and classes begin July 2. If either the householder or stu- dent wishes to terminate their pres- ent agreement, notice must be given to the office of the Dean of Students on or before June 2, at noon. Stu- dents may secure forms for this pur- pose in Rm. 2, University Hall. C. T. Olmsted Assistant Dean of Students All engineering students planning to take the State Board Engineering Examination this semester must file an application form with Asst. Dean Olmstead before Thursday, June 7, 1945. This application form may be obtained from Rm. 413 West Engi- Undergraduate women intending to register for summer term and summer session should complete ar- rangements for housing immediately through the Office of the Dean of Women. Special permission to live outside the regular dormitories, league houses, cooperatives and sor- orities will not be given except in extraordinary circumstances which I should be reported immediately to the Office of the Dean of Women. Orientation Advisers: Women's or- ientation advisers are wanted for tie summer term. Volunteers should turn in their names at the office of the Social Director, Michigan League. Women's Swimming Classes-Un- ion Pool: Due to repairs being mde in the Union Pool, the Tuesday and Thursday evening swimming and life saving classes for women students will meet at Barbour Gymnasium this week. There will be no swim- ming on Saturday morning. State of Connecticut Civil Service announcement for Senior Case Worker, Salary $1,920 to $2,340 per annum, has been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. California State Civil Service an- nouncements for Assistant Forestry Engineer, $240 a month, and Assis- tant Fruit and Vegetabl Marketing Specialist, $215 a month, have been received in our office. For further information and details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. The Naval Research Laboratory: Washington, D.C. Mr: T. D. Hans- coms, and Lt. D. W. Atchley will be in our office Thursday, May 31, to interview 4l Electrical, Mechanical and Radio Engineers, and Physicists who are interested in employment with them. For appointment call the Bureau of Appointments, Univer- sity Ext. 371. Concerts The University of Michigan. Wo- men's Glee Club: Marguerite V. Hood, Director, will present a spring concert at 7 p.m., (CWT) Thursday, May 31, in Hill Auditorium. It will be assisted by the Navy Choir, under the direction of Leonard V. Meretta, in several popular songs and selec- tions from light opera. The program will be open to the general public without charge. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Comiencement. "Krishna Dancing with the Milk- maids" an original Rajput brush drawing with studies of the hands n crayon. Also examples of Indian fab- rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri- day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al- umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B. Exhibition under auspices of Col- lege of Architecture and Design: Architectural work of William W. Wurster, Dean of School of Archi- tecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and former prominent architect of San Fran- cisco. Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms of the Rackham Building. Open daily except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. through June 2. The public is cordially invited. Coming Events Mortar Board will meet Thursday at 4 in the League. All old and new comes ahead Our economy and American of every other consideration." will still be largely controlled, citizens must accept this fact, FFrances Paine . rO CLASSES ON**SECOND 'THOUGHT.,. y Ray Dixon today so everyone is going out on a binge. oops pardon us, parade, , * * . Some people p1ersist in dubbing this holiday Decoration Day, but it seens to us that they miss the true significance of the occasion. + Memorial Day is the American's way of paying tribute to his war dead and,. as such, it does have a definite place on the University calen- dar, "It ain't what you do, but the way that you do it," Thus the parade, together with ser- vices planned on the court house steps following it, should mean that for the first time in years Memorial Day will mean more than just a day when no classes are being held. good realist ry. But mo1st .1 4. - 4 11 ifir Fof Do you know th r REAL witches, CPBOCKE iT Oh one gets around-Say. That reminds JOH S ' me. I saw an old friend of mine go by