'7 4br~ lfltrN. a d lIA WEATHER Partly Cloudy and . armaer VOL. LV, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Marines Crush Shurl; rightenNaha Hold * * * * * * * * * * War Dead Will Be Paid Tribute Memorial Exercises To Be Held 500 Students Will March in Parade University students and townspeo- ple will join today in paying tribute to the war dead in a huge parade and special Memorial Day service, the largest of its kind ever attempted by the city. The parade scheduled for 10 a.m. EWT (9 a.m. CWT) will be immedi- ately followed by special memorial services on the Court House steps, weather permitting. Should the wea- ther prohibit the parade a special service will be held in the Yost Field House at 10:30 a.m. EWT (9:30 CWT). Official Announcement The official announcement as to whether the parade will be held as scheduled will be carried by the local radio station WPAG. The station will make several announcements be- tween 8 and 8:30 a.m. EWT (7 and 7:30.CWT). All participants in the parade are urged to report at 9:30 a.m. EWT Students and other University personnel planning to march in the Memorial Day parade with the University section should gather at 9:30 a. m. EWT today on Ann St. between Fifth and Division. Places for each group will be indi- cated by signs posted on trees rep- resenting each section. (8:30 CWT) to the Armory where the line of march will form. Parade Marshall Tommy Fitzgerald promises to start promptly at 10. Largest Parade This will be the largest Memorial Day parade ever attempted in the I ~city. Approximately 500 UniversityI students are expected to take part. The University marching band will take its place at the head of the line of march. This will be an unofficial endeavor on the part of the band as Navy rules forbid them to march as a unit representing the naval unit on campus. Women Will March The University will be represented! by 450 women who will march as units depicting the war effort of women on campus. The cadet nurse corps will lead this division of the parade. The Memorial Day services plan- ned by Judge Jay Payne of the muni- cipal court will be opened with the massed band and audience joining in the national anthem. The flag rais- ing will be carried out by represen- tatives of the American Legion posts of the city. Rev. J. Brett Kenna of the First Methodist Church will give the benediction followed by the Memorial Day address by Prof. John Muysken of the University speech department. The audience will then sing "America" accompanied by the band. The benediction pronounced by Msgr. Warren Peek of St. Thomas Church will be followed by a minute of silence in memory of those fallen in battle. The program will be closed by a rifle salute to the dead by a company of Michigan State Troops. Thirty Per Cent of Laid-Off Leave State DETROIT, May 29.-()- Thirty per cent of the 11,000 workers laid off at the Willow Run Bomber Plant have left Michigan, Edward L. Cush- man, state War Manpower Commis- sion director, said tonight. The huge government-owned fac- tory, which has produced 8,588 four- engined B-24 bombers, will close June 30. v .... _ ._ a Postwar Fraternity Plans Announced Big Push Underway To Clear Okinawa 115 Jap Suicide Planes Destroyed; Mustangs Shoot Down 26 Interceptors By The Associated Press GUAM, Wednesday, May 30.-Hard fighting United States Marines reached Shuri Castle, former headquarters of the Japanese commander on Okinawa, Tuesday and other leathernecks have occupied all of the capital city of Naha north of the main harbor. The all-out assault to completely crush the long held Naha-Shuri- Yonabaru line across southern Okinawa appeared to be under way as front reports told of some enemy forces in retreat southward. Today's fleet communique, announcing the ground successes on the west coast and in the center of the line, also raised from 77 to 115 the number of enemy suicide planes destroyed Sunday night and Monday morning during attacks on American .- Hell Week Will Be Abolished; Scholastic Average Required Student Committee Approves Reforms Drawn Up During Year by Alumni Council Abolition of Hell Week, group scholastic averages over 2.4, possible employment of a house mother, and less emphasis on limited house bills are conditions campus fraternities must agree to before reopening chap- ter houses after the war. Provisions under which Michigan fraternities will operate in the post- war period, drawn up by the Inter- fraternity Alumni Conference during1 the past year, have been approved by the Committee on Student Affairs, it was disclosed yesterday by the3 Office of the Dean of Students. Fraternities that have leased their houses to the University for the war emergency and that wish now to re- open their houses, either immediatelyf or following the war, must comply with this statement issued yesterday by the Student Affairs Committee: "Upon the recommendation of the representative of the fraternity) alumni, it was voted that when- ever a fraternity wishes to sig- nifysits intention of reopening its house, a communication to this effect should be presented to the Committee on Student Affairs and should be accompanied by, (1) a written statement from the alumni officers of the fraternity approv- ng the reopening of the house, (2) a financial statement showing how it is proposed to finance the opera-) tion, and (3) a written statement Joint Spring Concert To Be PresentedH ere Navy Choir, Women's Glee Club To Periform The Navy Choir will join the Uni- versity Women's Glee Club in the1 presentation of a -spring concert at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. A varied program, including selec- tions by Mozart, Gibbons, Dowland. Holst and Rims~ky-Korsakov, will be heard. Following the performance, of several classics, two songs from the Rig Veda suite by Holst, will be presented. These choral hymns, "Hymn of the Travellers" and "Hymn to the Waters" were inspired by Hindu music and incorporate that language. Harpists Margaret War- dle, Virginia Werner and Mary Mas- ters will play the accompaniment to this number.' Jean Gilman To Sing Jean Gilman, 1944-45 president of the Glee Club, will sing the soprano solos in selections from "Don Gio- vanni" by Mozart and Batlett's "Whither Runneth My Sweetheart?" Included on the second part of the program are "Holiday Song" by Wil- liam Schuman, contemporary com- poser, "While Quito Sleeps" by Clo- key, Russian carol from Rimsky- Korsakov's opera "Christmas Night". "May Day", written by Marie Turner. former accompanist for the group will be sung. Joined by the Navy Choir, the Glee Club will set an informal notes with "John Peel" and. "A-Hunting We Will Go". The scene will be in Tally-Ho Inn, a hunting lodge; Janet Barber will play the accordion. Navy Choir Soloist Soloist for the Navy Choir, under the direction of Prof. Leonard V. Meretta, Eugene Malitz will sing "Deep in My Heart" from "The Stu- dent Prince", "Hallelujah" from "Hit the Deck" and other light numbers. While Lucille Genuit, Ruth Mac- Neal, Ruth Ann Perry, Lennis Brit- ton, soloists for the Glee Club, will sing Gershwin's "Summer Time" from "Porv and Bess". from the officers of the chapter indicating the acceptance by the chapter of the recommendations of the fraternity alumni as contained in the five reports submitted by them to the Committee on Student Affairs and approved and adopted by the Committee at its meeting on May 28, 1945." The work of the Conference, under the general direction of chairman Paul Kempf, of Ann Arbor, was sub-, mitted in five reports covering alumni relations; undergraduate ,leadership and fraternity social affairs; schol- arship; rushing, pledging and initia- tion; and chapter finance, house management and property mainten- ance. As yet no campus fraternities have officially indicated that they wish to reopen their houses in the fall, al- though there are rumors that at least some fraternities are planning such a move. In addition, of the approxi- 'mately two dozen fraternities that have leased their chapter houses to the University, only seven have thus far returned signed contracts with the University to operate under the same plan next year. Hell Week has been virtually elim- inated by the work of the Confer- ence. From the report on initiation: 1. "Fraternity week activities shall be educational in every respect; "2. There shall be no physical mistreatment of initiates. (All na- .tional fraternities have ruled out paddling, both mental and physi- cal, together with other objection- able features of old Hell Week.' There are better ways of disciplin- ing a pledge, and it is a challenge to the chapter to develop some bet- ter means of shaping individuals to meet fraternity standards;) "3. Any practice that leads to ob- scenity, lewdness and vulgarity caus- ing the initiate to lose dignity of person and loss of prestige with the group, shall be abandoned; 4. All activities connected with Fraternity Week and the initiation ceremony shall be confined to the chapter house; 5. The duties assigned the ini- tiate shall not be so long or of such a nature as to interfere in any way with his classroom attendance or University work." Fraternities which as a group do not in at least one year out of four maintain a 2.4 collective scholarship average will 'be denied rushing and initiation privileges, according to the scholarship report. When the fraternity average falls below 2.4 for any given year, it is to be placed on the University warning list during the following year. If at the end of that time its average has not been raised, it will be put on maximum social probation for the next year. If the (See FRATERNITY, Page 4) OUTEA MONGOL Gobi tO#zef CHI x Chur SURAMA P~gu * H Rangoo a to Sabang SU MA 1A~ R UESj S I~Asea PNKAMCHAV v Oi~sk PIINSAKHALIN Irkusk !hita # PARAMUIJROjr ,' KARAFUTO aP.QRi~f ,t) VYedivostek" C N 'A KOREA HONSHU J1APAN1V KYSU SHIKOKU Chau'gsla Wanchow/ AMA MI ; BON Nr Am ocOw OKINAWA 5.0ACU '~Pnyong Amp e *RYKU -w MRU Hong FORMOSA ", Pac lcOcean 1 ifl F ok f si on kLAYA IL 5SUMA TA Palam eng a !NETHERLANDS 4 STATUTE MILES AT EQUAL NAINANMARIANAS: FRENC NA MnilaROT A j!SAIPAN PC0 a. PHILIPPINE 4'aGUAM - ENIWETOK PALAWAN South MIDNOYAP =:. RUK, PONAPE Sao a' 'Dys*PALAU/I T dakĀ° CAROLINE ISLANDS KIJSAIE f r41 ALMAHERA _EQUATOR r ... ..NEW CELEBES " NEW *,.,ELANO f m1 RITA N SOLOMON atvi Jove Sea 9 Bondo Sea "'E NEW GUINEA, S JAVA " BAL 71MOT oR r GUADALCA AL' Darwn' on Ocoan Ce .1 Sea Darby, 140004' AUSTRALIA Townivil.. _ I itI WHERE ACTION FLARES IN PACIFIC-Chinese troops strike a new blow against Japan's supply lines to Indo-China, (A), while along the east coast the Chinese push north from captured Foochow. The heart of Tokyo has been wiped out (B), and on Okinawa (C) the Japs have withdrawn from Shuri fortress in the capital city of Naha. On Luzon (D) fighting flared west of Manila. British in Burma (E) were clearing the area west of Pegu. -: FINAL FLING FRIDAY: Special Liberties, Elln ton's Band To Highlight Senior Ball A lifted curfew, late permission for' servicemen and coeds and Duke El- lington's orchestra will add to festivi- ties at Senior Ball to be held from 9 p. mn. to 1 a. mn. EWT (8 p. mn. to midnight CWT) Friday in the Sports Building. Tickets for the dance will continue to be sold at the main desk of the Union, at the League and at a booth in the engineering arch. Students of all classes and schools may attend the Ball given in honor of graduat- ing seniors. No tickets will be sold at the door. Grand March Jim Plate, co-chairman of the dance, announced that plans are be- ing made for a Grand March in which all seniors and their guests will be invited to participate. Other plans for special events of the evening in- clude the rendition of songs selected by University students as their favo- rite Ellington renditions, and the dis- tribution of pocket-sized magazines depicting four years of college life in original drawings and stories. l Tom Bliska and Mary Ann Jones have edited the magazine which will be published especially for the occa- sion. Bill Culligan, A/S USNR has arranged for the building while Jim Wallis A/S USNR has directed the sale of tickets. Pat Coulter and Bet- ty Willemin have arranged for pat- rons and programs while Hank Man- tho and Mavis Kennedy have handled publicity. Pre-War Revival The 1945 revival of Senior Ball will be comparable to pre-war Senior Balls in every way except decorations. War- time shortages and consequent con- servation necessitates the elimination of decorations. Ellington's orchestra, recently ac- claimed the "only No. 1 A plus" band of the year by Metronome magazine, will come -to Ann Arbor between New York and Hollywood engagements. Russia Drafts Teen-Age Boys For Training MOSCOW, May 29.-(IP-- In the biggest peacetime military training schedule ever ordered in the Soviet Union, thousands of 15 and 16-year- old boys from all parts of Russia will be called up Friday for Red Army training, it wvas announced today. The new nation-wvide muster will be a 100 per cent call-up, said Lt.- Gen. N. N. Pronin, chief of the Gen- eral Training Administration of the Commissariat for defense. In announcing the muster, Gen. Pronin said: "General military train- ing in the present period should be conducted on an even, higher level than in the days of war." He said that not a single youth should miss the muster and called on the Young Communist League to aid inthe call-up. "The peaceful period into xvhich our country has entered," said Gen. Pronin, "should not lessen our at- tention to the problems of defense. Meanwhile, the Army newspaper Red Star reported that Red Army garrisons in Siberia and troops in shipping. The planes sank one light naval unit and damaged 12 others. Mustangs Escort B-29's Mustang fighters from Iwo Jima which escorted more than 450 B-29's in Tuesday's 3,200-ton fire bomb as- sault on Yokohama, Tokyo's port, shot down 26 out of 140 interceptors, probably destroyed 10 others and damaged 18, the communique dis- closed. The loss of three fighter planes, one of whose pilots was res- cued, was acknowledged. The assault on Shuri was directed at the only point left on the enemy line which had held firm. Yonabaru fell last week and Naha has been crumbling for days. Tuesday elements of Maj. Gen. Pedro A. Del Valle's First Marine Division opened the attack on Shuri. Fifth Marines Reach Castle "By nightfall, C Company of the First Battalion, Fifth Regiment of Marines, reached Shuri Castle, for- mer headquarters of the enemy force commander," the communique said. "Opposition in the area was light. To the north and northeast of Shuri, elements of the First Marine Divi- sion, the 77th Infantry Division and the 96th Infantry Division were meet- ing stiff resistance, including tanks. Night attacks, attempted by enemy swimmers off the east coast (Yona- baru sector) in the Seventh Infan- try Division zone of action, were re- pulsed." Front reports of enemy groups in retreat south of Shuri were confirm- ed by the communique. Marines Build Bridges At Naha, on the southwest coast, Marine engineers built foot bridges ,before dawn Tuesday across the north-south canal in the shell- wrecked capital, largest ever seizedI by the Marines.t Then the 22nd Regiment of Maj. Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr.'s Sixth Marine Division crossed the stream and seized all Naha north of thej main harbor except for scattered pockets of Japanese. Bretton Woods Plans Sound, Says Palmer "The Bretton Woods proposals are essentially sound," William B. Pal- mer of the economics department stated in an interview yesterday, "anc should be amended only as the need for changes becomes apparent." Palmer, who will speak on "Bretton Woods-What Does It Mean?" at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Thursday in the Union, said that if each nation amends the agreements now they never will be accepted. In his speech, to be sponsored b the Post-War Council, Palmer will show how the conditions in the fiek of international lending and in the control of foreign exchange market during the inter-war period were such as to make the avoidance of similar conditions in the period aftei the present war of particular signifi- cance. "It is a mistake to view Brettor Woods as all that needs to be done in the field of international economi relations," Palmer stressed, explain- ing that such issues as tariffs, relief. rehabilitation and blocked sterling balances will require additional in- ternational cooperation for their ap- propriate settlement.- Veterans To Hold Arboretum Picnic A beer picnic to be held at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) Sat- urday, June 2, is being planned by Stone Jug Lost Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech fraternity, has reported the loss of their traditional Stone Jug, comparable to the Slide Rule, which has been taken from its position on the Sigma Rho Tau Stump in the center of the senior benches between the diagonal and West Engineering Building. The Jug which is to be decorat- ed as an advertisement for the 16th Annual Stump Speakers So- ciety Tung Oil Banquet to be held next Tuesday, in the Union, will be advertised' for over station WPAG if it is not returned be- fore the end of the week. Prof. R. D. Brackett, sponsor of the local Alpha chapter of Sigma Rho Tau, has described the jug as about four feet high. It was pres- ented to the society by A. Stone, former officer *and University graduate now an engineer with Philco Corp. Le May Says 'Heart of Tokyo Is Wiped Out' An Area of 51 Square Miles Has Been Razed GUAM, Wednesday, May 30.-)- The heart of Tokyo has been wiped out by fire bombs dropped by Ameri- can B-29s, Maj.-Gen. Curtis E Le- May, commander of the 21st Bomber Command, announced today. More than 51 square miles sur- rounding the imperial grounds are a great mass of gray ashes,,marking the site of thousands of' buildings tnd residences that once housed fac- tories of all types. Here and there fire-blackened ru- .ns of a few buildings still stand. (The burned-over area is nearly as arge as the Bronx district of New York City. The 1940 census gives the Bronx area as 54.4 square miles, including inland water.) "We have destroyed all of the tar- ;et areas we set out to destroy," General Le May said in disclosing this astounding damage from B-29 ':aids that reached their height last week with two strikes of some 500 alanes each that poured thousands of tons of incendiary bombs on con- ;ested areas of the city. As he spoke, bombers were return- ng from the latest strike on Japan, his time against industrial areas of Ykohama. While the cigar-chewing, youthful ;eneral talked, his aides pointed out ahotographs of areas of destruction vhich spread in all directions from he palace grounds and up and down he waterfront of Tokyo Bay where mnuch of the city's industry is located. Breakey Named Circuit Judge James R. Breakey Jr., Ypsilanti lawyer who received his bachelor's degree from the University in 1921, was appointed Washtenaw County 2ircuit judge yesterday by Gov. Har- ty F. Kelly. He graduated from the University Law School in 1929 following a brief teaching career on Michigan State Normal College music faculty. Judge Breakey succeeds George W. Sample, county circuit judge for 28 years who died May 16. His appointive term will end No- vember, 1946 when the judge will be r , .K 4 , .. ............. k REPRESENTATIVES: Observers of San Francisco Conference To Visit Campus Five student representatives who are returning from the San Fran- cisco Conference where they were credentialled observers for the World Youth Council will visit the Univer- sity next Monday and Tuesday, Bob Woodward, chairman of combined campus organizations sponsoring the group announced. Svend Beyer Pedersen from Den- mark, president of the Danish Youth Council; Yang Kang, a Chinese stu- dent; Frances Damon, Executive sec- retary of American Youth for a Free World; Maria Michal, a Czech; when faculty members and students may meet the visitors. Guests will be honored at a dinner following the tea, and a free rally at 8:15 p. m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall will climax the day. Woodward To Preside Bob Woodward will preside at the rally and will introduce the visitors. Each will give his own story of youth movements in his country in addi- tion to individual impressions re- ceived while he attended the United Nations Conference. A question per- iod when the audience may partici- pate will follow the various speeches, and the University Concert Band, CAMPUS EVENTS Today Memorial Day Parade at 10 a. m. EWT (9 a. M. CWT). May 31 The Inter-Racial Associa- 1------'11 - nhi~irac