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May 29, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-29

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i'ifty-Fifth "Year

iPcKellar Blocks Allowance

Edited and managed by students of the Univenity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Controi
QI Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul 8islin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha schmitt
Kay McFee

. . Y. Managing Editor
. E ditorial Director
.City Editor
Associate Editor
sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
3 . . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
S . . ssociate Business Mgr.
Y Y . Associate usiness MU,

Telephone 23-24-2
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivel entitled to the se
tor re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michiga, es
second-class mail matter.
Bubscriptions during the regular school year by cr
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.20
National Adve ising Service, If i.
College Pubhlsbers.Representaive
420 tAO3ON Ave. 0 NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Miss errY
CLO lNG a career of more than 15 years of
service to the University. Miss Jeannette
Perry, Assistant Dean of Women and counselor
to thousands of coeds, will retire July 1.
Miss Perry's connection with the University
began when she came here in 1922 to serve as
social director of Betsy Barbour dormitory,
which was then only two years old. After spend-
ing some time at Erskine School in Boston and
traveling abroad, she returned to the Unversity
in her present capacity bf Assistant Dean of
Besides the multitude of duties which she per-
forms as a part of the daily routine in the Office
of the Dean of Women, she organized a social
program for graduate women in the days before
Rackham was built. This program included
weekly luncheons at which members of the fac-
ulty spoke, picnics, and other functions at which
graduate women could get together.
Her principal job has been assignment of
rooms in league houses and dormitories, and
sorority bids have been cleared through her.
Through all these routine duties, every woman
who has come in contact with Miss Perry has
found her pleasant and always willing to help.
Many coeds today never fail to feel more at
home when they rate a smile and a greeting
by name from Miss Perry, even if they have
met her -but once. It is for such spirit of
friendliness and understanding that Michigan
women will be sorry to see Miss Perry leave
Frances Popkins
Re Education
THERE is much controversy over punishment
of Germany's present war criminals but
little discussion of Germany's potential war
criminals. The young men of Germany, edu-
cated through the Pimpf, Jungvolk and Hitler
Youth organizations to believe in their own
superiority, will not stolidly watch other na-
tions dominate their country.I
The United Nations realize this. They are
ready to occupy Germany, to quell any pos-
sible rebellion, to impress upon recalcitrant
German subjects that their day of agression
is over.
But the Allies will find the task of re-educat-
ing the German nation to subordinate its in-
terests to those of the world at large a tough
one. Occupation and power will not be enough.
The present generation has been schooled to
believe that trial is good for the spirit. Exhorta-
tion will not change German ideas. Rather, a
substitution of beliefs will be necessary. This
will be no easy task.
Modern Germans have been trained through
a school system backed by the Party. Emo-
tionalism, a belief in racial superiority and a
sense of subordination to the state have form-
ed a nation of fanatics. It will be fatal to
world peace if German children grow up in
this atmosphere.
We must work for peace through the educa-

tional system. The influence of a home perme-
ated with National Socialistic ideology cannot

WASHINGTON-The gentleman isn't shouting
about it, but among the four members of
the Senate appropriations committee who voted
against the $2,500 extra expense allowance for
senators and congressmen was Tennessee's ven-
erable Senator. Kenneth McKellar, now presi-
dent of the Senate
McKellar'snegative vote came after he had
won the appropriations committee's okay on a
$15,000, office expense allotment for himself,
making him the highest paid member of the
Senate, As Senate president, the Tennessee
solon receives vice-presidential pay of $15,00)
instead of senatorial pay of 510,000; also has
the use of the vice-president's big limousine
plus chauffeur; and according to the new
legislative appropriation bill, can now hire
additional clerks up to $15,000. This is in addi-
tion to the allowance for help he gets as sena-
tor from Tennessee.
The subcommittee which worked on the ap-
propriation bill didn't know what to do with the
customary provision of $15,000 to hire office helb
for the vice-president, since there is no vice-
president. So it was decided to leave the matter
open, offering McKellar a chance to volunteer to
cut out the allowance from the bill. McKellar
has his regular senatorial staff and it was not
believed he would require the additional $15,000.
When subcommittee Chairman Overton of
Louisiana read the bill before the full appropria-
tions committee, he paused meaningfully when
he came to the $15,000 item, waiting for McKel-
lar to speak. McKellar didn't hesitate.
"I think you'd better leave in that allowance,"
he said. "Of course, I won't use it unless I have
to, but it's just as well to have it in."
His slightly embarrassed colleagues complied.
This made a total for the senator from Ten-
nessee of $5,000 pay increase, $15,000 for office
help, plus the vice-presidential limousine and
chauffeur, plus $7,000 paid to his brother,
Hugh C. McKellar as postmaster at Memphis,
plus $4,500 paid to another brother, Don Mc-
Kellar, as his secretary, plus $2,800 to Mrs.
Don McKellar as clerk on McKellar's post
office committee. Total net take of the Me-
Kellar family, $44,300--not counting chauffeur
and limousine.
In spite of which, McKellar turned around and
voted against letting his colleagues have $2,500
extra expense allowance. Probable reason: Ten-
nessee's boss, Ed Crump, has come out against
the $2,500 increase.
Razzing the Reds.. .
AN ILLUSTRATION of how some U.S. officials
needlessly whip up resentment against the
Russians occurred when the San Francisco Con-
ference waited to hear Stalin's answer to the
proposed compromise on permitting regional
groups of nations, such as the Pan American
Union, to settle their own controversies.
Michigan's Senator Vandenberg, who doesn't
like the Soviet, though he had a good-humored
relationship with Molotov, whispered to fellow
diplomats and newsmen that the Russians
were "delaying" the conference. He even urged
privately that the conference proceed without
Russia, merely give the Soviet Union the
brush-off as it did regarding Argentina.
This time Stettinius restrained Vandenberg.
However, the Michigan senator continued to fret
about "Red delays", finally could stand it no
longer. At a meeting of the American delegation,
he demanded that the United States move for
immediate enactment of the regional security
compromise and ignore the Russian response.
"We've waited four days," Vandenberg fumed,
"and that's long enough."
It fell to assistant secretary Jimmy Dunn,
himself no Russian-lover, to put Vandenberg in
his place.
"Four days is not enough," Dunn said. "you
may not know it, Senator, but diplomatic com-
munications are very slow. It takes us 72 hours
to get a communication to our embassy in Mos-
cow and back by cable, what with coding and
decoding. So you can see, the Russians just
haven't had enough time."
"My goodness," replied Vandenberg, " had
no idea it takes so long. In that case we must
give them more time. Why in hell didn't
s.meone tell me about that?"
Note-In the end Moscow replied with a form-
ula permitting regional security operations which

was acceptable to the conference.
San Fr'atnico !VP.'s . . .
Security precautions have now been tightened
100 per cent at the San Francisco Conference.
Military Police, formerly lax, are now under or-
ders to admit no one without scrutinizing passes.
The other day, Secretary of State Stettinius
was meeting with the powerful steering com-

mittee and led British Ambassador Lord Halifax
and Chinese Foreign Miister T. V. Soong from
one conference room to another on a different
floor. At the door of the elevator, the three
delegates were stopped by two M.P 's.
"Where are your passes?" they asked.
"Why, I don't believe I have mine," an-
swered Stettinius, fumbling in his pocket,
Soong and Halifax were equally embarrased.
So were other members of the steering com-
mittee, as the soldiers barred the way to the
elevator, Finally, Stettinius spotted youthful
Conference Secretary Alger hiss
"Hey, Alger," called the Secretary of State,
"come over here and help us get in."
Hiss came to the rescue, arranged for his chief
and other top United Nations colleagues to pro
ceed. The delegates agreed, however, that the
Military Police were right, appreciated their
Breon Woods High Pressure
Though the very important Bretton Woods
agreement seems likely to get congressional ap-
proval, opposition by the American Banking As-
sociation's top policy-setters continues.
Recently Henry Briston, president of Bris-
tol-Myers, Emmett McCormack of the Moore-
McCormack Steamship Lines, Louis Sacher of
Reliance Textile Company and Walter H.
Wheeler, Jr. of the Pitney-Bowes Postal Meter
Company helped send telegrams to several
hundred businessmen urging them to declare
themselves for the Bretton Woods agreement.
Next day each of these executives received
calls from their New York bankers, who made
it plain that they did not care for pro-Bretton
Woods activities.
(Copyrig t, 1945 Bell Syndicate).
Current Movies
At the State . .
THE STATE offers "This Man's Navy," a slick
service film which is above average as these
things go.
Starring Wallace Beery, the film is the type
of blood-and-thunder thing that pleases many.
It is deserving of attention mainly because its
subject is lighter-than-air warfare. To my
knowledge this little publicized branch of the
service has never been cinematically investigat-
ed before. "This Man's Navy's" purpose is
therefore a very admirable one and it acquits
itself nicely.
The battle sequences, especially one showing
a blimp bombing a submarine, are excitingly
done examples of Hollywood craftsmanship. The
photography, when concerned, with the blimps
and their cavern-like hangars frequently shows
a surprising imagination.
As for plot, we have Mr. Beery mugging
through a group of cliches concerning acid-
ulous feuds with some old service cronies and
concern over an adopted son's service record.
The whole shebang, which starts out in the
general vicinity of Lakehurst, ends up in
India with Beery saving a British diplomat
from the clutches of the Japs. The climax
is probably one of the most exciting, if most
improbable, sequences of the year. Replete
with attacking zeros and the United States
Army Air Force playing the cavalry-to-the-
rescue, it is sure fire stuff.
Cliches and all, it was vastly and vocifer
ously enjoyed by Sunday afternoon's audi-
At the Mdag'icg. o
THE NEWLY FORMED International Produc-
tions comes up with a Sonja Henie extrava-
ganza called "It's A Pleasure." Since Miss
Henie's Hollywood debut in 1937 we have all
been through this sort of thing many times.
The present example suggests the appeal is
wearing off.
There is no doubt of Miss Henie's ice-skat-
ing artistry. Those who know what they're
talking about say she is unsurpassed, and
even to the layman her feats look extremely
diflicult. It's just that the whole thing has
settled into a routine now, and not all the
technicolor and barn-like sets in movieland
can revive it to top-notch entertainment.

Since the ice-numbers are the main reason
for attending, one must admit they're very
fetching. For the finale splurge, "Tico-Tico,"
the incendiary samba, which is the only thing
short of the National Anthem that makes me
want to rise in my seat, is staged on green ice.
Even a professional hockey game incorporated
into the proceedings is made scenic with red
and blue uniforms. As you've probably heard
by way of Miss Henie's press agent, the Nor-
wegian star takes to the dance floor in "It's A
Pleasure." She does an acrobatic routine which
looks very strenuous and need give Rita Hay-
worth no cause for alarm. -
The rest of the film is most charitably and
quite easily forgotten. Miss Henie, who if not
the world's worst actress comes perilously
close to the distinction, plunges into "the
Drah-ma" to save an erring husband from
Demon rum. The supporting cast is most
notable for the fascinating bags under Michael
O'Shea's eyes and an actor portraying an ice-
show manager who plays every scene exclusive-
ly with his eyebrows and a sheep-dog stare.
His name is unknown to me.

2o73427h 6dor
Use of the Flag
-As Memorial Day approaches a
few reminders of the correct use of
the flag will not come amiss. We are
prone to take our flag for granted,
uit how many really consider the
proper way in wich to show our
respect for the Tla ( of the United
The s0alte to the flag, in a moving
column, should be given at the ium
mnent the flag passes. A person in
uniform should give the right hand
salute. A mna-i not in Uniforni, should
remove his headgear with his rit i
nand, and hold it at the left shouler,
tle hand being over the heart. A
woman not in uniform should place
the right hand over the heart
The flag of the United States
represents the living country aid
is considered as a living thing, the
union being the honor point. The
right arm is the sword arm, there-
fore the point of danger; hence,
right is the phe ;f honor. The
flag itself, when in company with
other flags, is always given the
honor point, i.e., the marching
right, the flag's own right, or the
observer's left.
If the flag of the United States
and another flag are displayed to-
gether from crossed staffs our flag
will be on the right, and its staff will
be in front of the other.
If flown in groups or displayed
from staffs the flag of the United
States will be in the center or at the
highest point of the group.
When hung horizontally or ver-
tically against a wall the union will
be uppermost and to the flag's own
When placed in a church, in front
of the chancel the flag will be at the
congregation's right as they face the
minister. If within the chancel the
flag will be on the minister's right,
as he faces the congregation,
No other flag should be hoisted
above the flag of the United States
except a church pennant, which is
allowed to fly at the masthead above
the Stars and Stripes when religious
services are in progress in a military
chapel or aboard a ship of the Navy.
Do not drape the flag over the
hood, top, sides or back of a ve-
hicle, train or boat. When the flag
is displayed on a motor car, the
staff should be firmly affixed to
the chassis or clamped to the radi-
ator ca).
-Marion N. Willcox

ihistrated by Jeff Keate
, ?
I yh ,
"4O $1 a. ' , U , > V G , _
""PromiLse to buy more Win- Bovne, Apgar, and I'll eaten


. i


Past Tense

A T JUST about this time in May,
1929, freshmen were throwing
their traditional "pots" into a bon-
fire instead of competing in class
games. Five thousand were reported
to witness the ceremony, and Senator
R. S. Copeland, '89, spoke urging
understanding between rural and ur-
ban populations (the need then was
'for farm relief).
Michigan beat Purdue 4-2 in a
ten-inning game, while try-outs
for the Union opera were practic-
ing daily. Other news of the day:
the German dirigible Graf Zep-
pelin made a forced landing in
France. An impeachment trial
against Huey Long was dropped.
Blue Larkspur was the favorite for
the Kentuicky Derby (it ran
Wild pictures of obviously low wo-
men (their bathing suit attire proves
it) advertise "the thrills money can-
not buy" to be seen in the movie
"Children of the Ritz" competing
with the "Bridge of San Luis Rey",
with Our Gang comedies much in
Sjp Errors
H' JAPANESE are repeating the
same military errors which led to
the downfall of Nazi Germany.
With their supply lines stretched
to the limit, the Japs have suffered a
defeat at Foochow, which is of great
strategic importance to the Allies.
Capture by the Chinese of one of
their leading seaports leaves an addi-
tional question mark concerning in-
vasion possibilities in the mind of
the Nipponese foes.
Military defeat of the Japanese
is imminent. Chainging their phil-
osophy may be as difficult as
transforming the German, who
"hated the Nazis all along."
-Bob Goldman
By Crockett Johnson

Publication in the Daily official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
Ders of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angel Hail, by 2:30 p. n. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. in. Sat-
TTESDAY, MAY 29, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 159
Memorial Day: Wednesday, May
30, is a University holiday. Univer-
sity offices and the General Library
will be closed and classes will not
meet except as may be directed by
those in charge of training programs
being conducted for the U.S. Govern-
Closing hours for women students
will be 11:30 CWT Tuesday, May 29
and 10 CWT Wednesday, May 30.
Notice to Men Students and House-
holders of Approved houses for Men:
The closing date for the Spring Term
will be June 23 and rent shall be
computed to include this date.
Householders may charge for a room
between June 23 and 28 providing
the student keeps his possessions in
the room or occupies it himself. 'As
per the terms of the contracts, stu-
dents are expected to pay the full
amount of the contract three weeks
before the end of the term.,
Registration for the Summer Term
begins June 28 and classes begin
July 2.
If either the householder or stu-
dent wishes to terminate their pres-
ent agreement, notice must be given
to the office of the Dean of Students
on or before .Junq 2, at noon. Stu-
dents may secure forms for this pur-
pose in Rm. 2, University Hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Dean of Students
Undergraduate women intending
to register for summer term and
summer session should complete ar-
rangements for housing immediately
through the Office of the Dean of
Women. Special permission to live
outside the r eg ular dormitories,
league houses, cooperatives and sor-
orities will not be given except in
extraordinary circumstances which
should be reported immediately to
the Office of the Dean of Women..
Geology students intending to go
to Camp Davis should call for their
registration and enrollment forms at
Rm. 3054, Natural Science Building,
today, 12:30-2:30 p.m. CWT.
Orientation Advisers: Women's or-
ientation advisers are w-anted for the
summer term. Volunteers should turn
in the#r names at the office of the
Social Director, Michigan League.
Women's Swimming Classes-Un-
ion Pool: Due to repairs being made
in the Union Pool, the Tuesday and
Thursday evening swimming and life
saving classes for women students
will meet at Barbour Gymnasium
this week. There will be no swim-
ming on Saturday morning.
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncement for Automatic Traffic
Recorder Inspector Al, salary $160 to
$180 per month, has been received in
our office. For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau
of Appointments.
The Edward Wren Store, Spring-
field, Ohio, needs girls who live with-

be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
City of Detroit announcement for
Sr. Health Inspector (Milk), salary
$47.76 to $62.10 for 48-hr. week, and
$53.07 to $69.03 for 48-hr. week, has
been received in our office. For fur-
ther information stop in at 201 Ma-
son Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
RCA, Camden, N.J.: H. R. Clark,
Victor Division, will be in our office
on Thursday, May 31, to interview
Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, and
Metallurgical Engineers. For ap-
pointment call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, University Ext. 371.
United States Civil Service Com-
mission is seeking Guards for War
Service Appointments, Salary $1,824
a year. Veterans are preferred. For
further information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
The Federal Government needs
Junior Professional Assistants, par-
ticularly in these fields: Business
Analysis, Economics, Editing, Fiscal
Analysis, Information, Personnel Ad-
ministration, Public Administration,
Statistics, and Technical Agriculture.
Also in the field of Architecture,
Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering,
Geology, Library Science, Mathemat-
ics, Metallurgy, Meterology, Physics,
and Social Work. The written tests
are being held approximately every
two weeks, and the next one will be
given on June 9. It may be possible
for applicants to enter the examina-
tion on this date if you file your
applications at once. Application
blanks and further information can
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-,
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Gloria
Domingo Manalo, Chemistry; thesis:
"Derivatives of. Diphenylamine as
Oxidation-Reduction Indicators in
Alkaline Solution", today 309 Chem-
istry Building, at 3 CWT. Chairman,
H. H. Willard.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to thosehwho for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Student Recital: Selma Smith Neu-
mann, pianist, will be heard in a re-
cital at 7:30 CWT, tonight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. The program
will include compositions by Handel,
Franck, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, and
Scriabine, and will be open to the
general public. She is a pupil of
Joseph Brinkman.
Events Today
The Romance Language Journal
Club will meet this afternoon at 3:15
(CWT) in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building.
Professor Nelson W. Eddy will read
a paper entitled "Fernan Caballero:
Portent or Episode?"
Graduate students and all inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Polonia Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the University of Michigan
Polonia Club today 6:30 (CWT) in
the International Center.
All students interested in Polish
culture are welcome.
The Christian Science Students'
Organization is holding a meeting
tonight at 7:15 in the chapel of the
Michigan League. All are welcome


j \ .
' , r

By Ray Dixon

THE FRENCHMEN and the Arabians are re-
ported battling in Syria, near Damascus,
which could become a syrias situation.
The French have kept mum about all this,
following the old saying, "Damascus no ques-
tions and we'll tell you no lies."
Meat-hungry Americans will probably be syi-
pathetic With the French side of this contro-
versy. It seems that the town they are reported
to be fighting in is named Hama.

My mother didn't like one of the pictures in the
Ilast Captain Bloodbath comic. . . The one where

But she didn't like it. So,
instead, she bought me this

The wicked stepmother makes the father
take the kids out in the woods and lose


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