f 4v an 4aiItd: WEATHER Mostly Cloudy No Temperature Change VOL. LV., No. 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1945 Dancers Will Vote On Favorite.Songs; Frosh Beat Sophs 'U' Concert Band Will Give Annual Program Today at Hill Auditorium * * * * * Ellington To Play Campus Choices Senior Ball, an all-campus formal dance featuring Duke Ellington and his orchestra, will be given in honor of graduating seniors Friday in the I-M Building. Remaining tickets will be on sale at a booth in the diagonal, at the League and at the main desk in the Union. The dance is open to all students, Each person who pur- chases a ticket is entitled to vote in the song contest which will deter- mine the favorite Ellington numbers of University students. Ellington has agreed to play as many of the tunes selected as possible. All seniors and their guests will be invited to dake part in a grand march which will be one of the highlights of the evening. The central committee will also honor seniors through a magazine pub- lished especially for the occasion. Copies of the magazine will be given to everyone attending the Ball. Stories of campus life, pic- tures and cartoons will be included in the publication. Patrons, patronesses and guests for Senior Ball have been selected by the central committee. They in- clude: Governor and Mrs. Harry F. Kel- ly, President and Mrs. A. G. Ruth- ven, Vice-President and Mrs. J.P. Adams, Vice-President and Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Vice - President and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, Vice-President and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Secretary and Mrs. H. G. Watkins, Regent Vera B. Baits and Dr. S. G. Baits and Regent and Mrs. R. S. Bishop. Also included are Regent and Mrs. A. B. Connable, Regent and Mrs. E.B. Elliott, Regent and Mrs. R. A. Hay- ward, Regent and Mrs. J. J. Herbert, Regent and Mrs. H. G. Kipke, Regent and Mrs. J. D. Lynch, Regent and Mrs. E. C. Shields, Professor C. G. Brandt, Professor and Mrs. L. M. Gram, Dr. F. E. Robbins, Dean and Mrs. W. I. Bennett, Dean and Mrs. R. W. Bunting and Dean J. A. Burs- ley. ley.1 11 The list continues with (See COMMITTEE, Page 5) AT 8:30: Noel Coward Plays To Be Given in June Noel Coward's "Tonight at 8:30", to be given June 6-9 in the Lydia1 Mendelssohn Theater, will be Play' Production's last offering of the spring semester. There are nine plays in the "To- night at 8:30" series. These were1 presented by Mr. Coward in groups of three different plays on three con- secutive evenings at 8:30 p.m. Val- entine Windt, director of Play Pro- duction, has chosen "Fumed Oak", "Ways and Means, and "Family Album" from this group of light comedies. Worm -Like Ilusband "Fumed Oak" reveals the sad po- sition of a worm-like husband in a family of three nagging females, one of them being a loquacious adenoidal child. Our "hero" finally turns on the three generations of woman who, have been making him miserable and} affords an amusing twist to the plot. The sophisticated "Ways and Means" deals with a young married couple living beyond their means in the gay society of the European smart set. The way in which they solve their difficulties provides an entertaining one-act play. Sardonic Play "Family Album" is a mildly sar- donic play with musical accompani- ment. The opening scene reveals a very correct Victorian family mourn- ing the death of the wealthy father. I With the aid of a little wine they overcome their grief and engage in amusing and tuneful activities. Police Warn. Rike Owners The recent wave of bicycle thefts, may continue and become intensifiedf if University students do not obtain their 1945 licenses as soon as pos- sible, local police officials warned yesterday. Applications for licenses, issued by the city clerk. may be secured at the Class Games Won By 25-Point Lead Trampling out six firsts, out of a possible seven, 51 freshmen mauled over 17 sophomores to win the re- vived Class Games Classic yesterday, 30-5. Playing shirtless under a hot sun with the refereeing of Earl Riskey, the two teams battled for over an hour, the outnumbered sophomores relying on strategy for their assault, the freshmen on sheer physical strength. Pulling arms, legs and torsos, the freshmen took the Graveyard event, capturing 13 of their opponents, to the sophomores' seven kidnapped freshmen. The game was complicat- ed by the winners somewhat when captured men refused to stay cap- tured, and others went illegally be- hind the goal to get their men. Taking eight minutes to score one goal against their out-manned oppo- nents, the freshmen pushed through to victory in the Chinese soccer game by carrying the ball across the goal, See FRESHMEN WIN, Page 8 Marion Will Sing at Dance Warsages To Be Sold To Aid Bond Drive Jack Marion-song writer and co- median-will be featured at the V-E Dance to be held from 9 p.m. to mid- night Tuesday in the Rainbow Room of the Union. Marion, whose specialty is writing and singing his own songs, will make his first appearance in Ann Arbor. The titles of some of his songs are "Two Hearts Alone" and "True Love". Many of the Michigan stu- dents will be glad to learn that all of his songs are unpublished but publicized. Along with Marion, Bill Layton and his Orchestra will be on hand to furnish the entertainment. The services of Layton, Marion and of the Union are given without cost to increase the sale of War Stamps and Bonds. War Stamps made into "Warsages"' will. adorn the Michigan coeds. The novelty corsage-made with ribbon. and five ten-cent War Stamps-can only be purchased by the coeds in the cloak room. Two dollars, re- modeled into War Stamps, and re- turned, will be the admission for each couple. The V-E Dance, presented by Al- pha Phi Omega, service fraternity. is given with the aim of increasing the campus sale of Bonds and Sta- mps for the Seventh War Loan. Concert Group Termed 'Band Without Peer' The University Concert Band has been acclaimed as the "band without a peer among college bands" by the famous bandmaster, Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman. Not only does the Band present sev- eral concerts of its own each year, but it contributes to the success of other functions. Playing at Com- mencement exercises, at basketball games and performing at an Army hospital and a Naval base are only a few of the band's activities of the past year, Personnel of the band repre- sents 14 states, with members com- ing from such states as Washing- ton, Louisiana and New Jersey. Membership is not confined to mu- sic students and many players are enrolled in colleges of the Univer- sity other than music. At present, there are four returned veterans among the 65 bandsmen. Awards for service in the band are presented each year to deserving members. For one year's participa- tion, the award is a silver watch charm and for two, a gold watch charm. A band (M) sweater is awarded for three year's service and an (M) blanket for four. Tradition rules that each player who is making his first trip with the Band must eat his first meal without the usual utensils. "Fing- ers were made before forks" insist the enthusiastic supporters of this custom. The library of the Michigan Band includes many thousands of selec- tions of band literature, thus offer- ing band lovers a wide variety of classical and modern music. First reference to a band at the University of Michigan is credited to a graduate of the class of 1844, who said that a nine-piece band assisted in the singing at chapel services. In 1859 about fifteen students who were making ensemble music their hobby organized "Les Sans Souci." This group assumed the name of Campus Songs, Opera Scores To Be Featured Highlighting the program with selections from opera, symphony, Michigan songs, a percussion and piano solo, the University Concert Band under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, will present its thirty-second annual spring concert at 4:15 p. m. EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT) today in Hill Auditorium. Composed of approximately 75 members, the Concert Band will be heard in its first formal concert since the Band and Orchestra Cli- nic meeting here in February. Opening the program with "Pro- cession of the Nobles from Rimsky- Korsakov's "Mlada," the band will play Overture, "Beatrice and Bene- dict" by Berliez, love scene from Moussorgsky's "Boris Goudonov" and the finale from Fauchet's "Symphony in B-flat." Two types of compositions not usu- ally found in the repertoire of the average concert band will be per- formed on the second half of today's concert. "Repartee," a piano solo in the American idiom by DavidoBen- nett, proves the effectiveness of the band as an accompanying medium to the piano. It brings out the various sonorities and colors of the wood- winds and brasses combined with the solo instrument. Paul Kuiter, V-12 student, will perform the piano solo in "Repar- tee." Formerly a pupil of Cour- ine Frederick in St. Louis, Mo., he hopes to attend a conservatory and continue his music after the war. "Swinging the Ingots," by Moffit, is also American in character, but of a concert swing sytle. It emphasizes swing rhythms and effects adapted to concert band instrumentation. War- ren "Whitey" Benson, '46 SM, first drummer and sectional leader of the percussions in the band, also a mem- ber of the University Symphony Or- chestra, will be featured in the per- cussion solo. - PERCUSSION SOLOIST-Warren "Whitey" Benson, first drummer in the University Concert Band, will be featured soloist in "Repartee," American swing number, on the band's thirty-second annual spring concert at 4:15 p. m. EWT today in Hill Auditorium. -Photo by Nathan Anderson the Michigan Band, although it was not until 1895 that the Board of Regents organized the official Mich- igan Band. This organization per- formed at football games and at the Senior Promenade and Reception during Commencement Week. In November of 1898 the Athletic Asso- ciation equipped the band with uni- forms. At the turn of the century, a bandstand was buiit near the old library in the center of the campus, and was the setting of many con- certs. In 1914 the First Annual Spring Concert was presented to the public in Hill Auditorium. In 1915 the Band acquired its first permanent conductor, and in 1935 William D. Revelli took the baton. PRICE FIVE CENTS V-Bonds Featured In Drive V-Mail Used For Distributing Gifts V-Bonds, designed especially for men overseas, have been prepared by the Treasury Department to facilitate sales of bonds for mili- tary personnel during the Seventh War Loan. V-Bonds are simulated certificates printed on regular V-Mail type paper, similar to that available anywhere. On the message part of the sheet, a facsimile of an actual war bond is printed in government green, decor- ated with a flying eagle near a ribbon reading, "Another bond between us- from the folks back home." The bonds are copies of actual bonds bought within the United States for servicemen abroad. Spaces are provided on the V-Bond wherein the sender can mark the amount of the Series E bond he is presenting to the serviceman. On the face of the facsimile V- Bond are lines to be filled in by the issuing agent in the same manner as a real bond, complete with his Bond Total Grows Totals for the University effort in the Seventh War Loan reached $39,906.25 yesterday, it was an- nounced by R. Gordon Griffith, di- recting the University campaign. The national campaign to raise seven billion dollars in individual sales reached over 34 per cent of its quota, reporting $2,394,000,000 yesterday. dating stamp, the issue date, bond serial, number, and the owner's name and address. There is also a place for a personal message from the sender. "The V-Bond certificate is a con- venient and novel way to let over- seas servicemen know that bonds are being bought for them back home," R. Gordon Griffith, directing the campus war loan drive, declared yes- terday. "One of the best promo- tional schemes to come out of the Seventh. War Loan, it should receive an enthusiastic response," he said. V-Bonds will be filled out at the same time the buyer's regular bond is prepared, and both will be de- livered together. V-Bonds are available at the cashier's office, and can be ordered through campus veterans and JGP solicitors. Allt bonds purchased on campus for men overseas will count toward the University's $100,000 quota. Students saving stamps that will eventually be turned in for war bonds for servicemen abroad can also make use of the V-Bond facilities. "Actual war bonds of course cannot be sent out of the country. The fac- simile V-Bond, the closest approxima- tion to a regular bond, provides a patriotic and financially sound way of greeting the men overseas," Grif- fith pointed out. Jap Suicides On Tinian.Told ByU' Alumnus "You girls in the yellow and green dresses-can you hear me? Listen carefully. This battle for Tinian is over now, and there is no more dan- ger for you. But you must come out immediately. Climb up the path behind you and go inland. There you will find some Marines who have been - instructed to escort you to safety. Take. others with you, your mothers, fathers, brothers and sis- ters. We are trying to help you . .." This appeal to Japanese hiding in a Tinian cliff cave was delivered over a loudspeaker by Lt. Clelan H. (Cliff) Graham, a University alum- nus now serving with the Fifth Amphibious Marine Corps head- quarters, as his LCI neared the rocky shore of the island. In his story, "48 Hours at Tinian", appearing in the June issue of Cor- onet magazine, Lt. Graham describes the efforts of a few Marines to con- vince a group of Japanese civilians and soldiers that surrender to Amer- icans was better tian death. Al- though continuous broadcasting over a two-day period resulted in the sur- render of several thousand Japanese, many took their Own lives by plun- ging off a cliff into the ocean below, where they were dashed to death against jagged rocks. Others, he re- ports, committed hara-kiri. Lt. Graham describes the sul- 'U' Tracksters Bow To Illinois by 11 Points; Netters Win Semi-F minals as Linksmen Lose* Illiii'i Take Seven Firsts To Capture Western Conference Track, Field Meet Wolverines Gain Second Net Title c By BILL MULLENDORE special to The Daily CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 26.--Mich- igan's vaunted distance strength was not enough to halt the challenge of Illinois' team balance here this after- News Around Campus Vets To Meet. Campus veterans will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in Lane Hall. Results of the'veterans' work in the Seventh War Loan will be taken up, and plans will be made for the Memorial Day parade and a scheduled picnic for the veterans. . --..,' Indian To peak Accompanying a; lecture by Dr. Swami Janananda, the March of Time film "India" will be presented at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) today in the International Center. . Dr. Janananda, a native of In- dia, is now doing special work in the University physics department. * *, * Center Continues. The University Grand Rapids Ex- tension Center, established in 1943 on an experimental basis, will be con- tinued for a period of five years, it was learned yesterday. Hereafter, the Center will be known' as the Extension Center for Western Michigan. * * * Lecture at Hill el Mrs. Philip Gentile, special edu- Inter-Racial Committee of the De- troit Council of Churches, Mrs. Gentile will discuss the New York Ives-Quinn bill, the proposed per- manent national FEPC bill and the proposed Michigan FEPC bill. Hillel A wards Applications for student director, hostess and work scholarships are now being accepted by the Hillel Foundation. Extending for the college , year, these scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal qualifications, academic scholarship, need and in- terest in the Foundation. The award entails a certain regular amount of work, and remuneration is made on the basis of the number of hours spent on behalf of the Foundation. * * * AAUP To Meet . The annual meeting of the Mich- igan chapter of the American As- sociation of University Professors will be held at 6:15 p.m. EWT to- morrow in the Faculty Club lunch room of the Union. Officers will be elected for the coming year, and reports and res- olutions introduced at the last meeting will be considered. Pai,,er To Talk noon, as the inspired Illini took seven firsts and placed in 12 of 14 events to run away with the 45th annual Western Conference Track and Field Meet, rolling up 65% points to 54 116 for the Wolverines. Coach Leo Johnson's thinclads thus avefiged their one-point defeat in the indoor meet four months ago and at the same time wrested the outdoor crown from Michigan's two- year grasp. It was Illinois' thirteenth outdoor title and their first since 1934. Walker Stars George Walker, Illinois hurdle and sprint star, turned in the stand-out individual performance of the day as he took the high and low hurdles and the 100-yard dash for a triple. Bob Kelley of the Illini was the only other multiple winner as he copped the 440 and half-mile. Third place went to Minnesota with 27% points. Ohio State placed fourth with 22, followed by Purdue with 201, Wisconsin with 14 113, and Indiana with 6. Chicago, Iowa, and (See ILLINOIS, Page 7) Virgiia Zapf To Sing Today Soprano Will Feature German Composers Virginia Zapf, soprano, will present a recital featuring selections by Wolf, Brahms & Schumann in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the B.B. degree in music at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Prof. Hardin Van Deur- sen, Miss Zapf is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music sorority, and Choral Union. Before entering the University, she attended Val- naraiso University in Indiana. She Placing all but two members in the finals of the Western Confer- ence tennis meet, Michigan's power- ful net squad gained its second con- secutive Big Ten crown at Evanston, yesterday. With the finals in the singles divi- sion and both semi-finals and finals in the doubles department to be played today, the Wolverines suc- ceeded in cinching the title by cop- ping 13 points in preliminary play.. Ohio State Close Contender Michigan's closest contender is Ohio State which gined71/tpoints in yesterday's competition. The Bucks offer no threat, however, to the Wol- verines, since even a clean sweep of the remaining matches by Ohio would give them only 12% points. The major upset of the day was the defeat of Roger Lewis, Michi- gan's captain, by 17-year old Bill Rogers of Wisconsin, who had pre- viously tied Lewis in a triangular meet with Minnesota. Rogers To Meet Franklin In the finals of the number one singles division, Rogers will meet Aris Franklin of Ohio State, whom Lewis had downed in a triangular meet with Nortewestern last week- end. The only other loss suffered by the Wolverine netters came in the numbes six singles depantment (See SINGLES, Page 6) Ohio State Takes Top Golf Honors Michigan linksmen, shooting for their fourth consecutive Big Ten golf title yesterday at Evanston, Ill., came in third while Ohio State captured top honors followed by Northwestern. Count Four Lowest out of Five Counting the four lowest scores of the five-man teams entered in the tournament, Ohio golfers won the championship with a total of 603 points which was probably one of the lowest scores ever compiled in the fifteen-year history of the Confeor- ence play-offs. Northwestern copped second place with a score of 626, and the Wolverines were next with 629. Howard Baker and John Lorms, members of the Buckeye squad are co-holders of the individual crown, each carding 148 to take medalist honors. John Tews coming tprough with 152 for the Wolverines' top mark, tied for the runner-up spot with Louic Lick and Jarvis Knutson, both of Minnesota. Five-Man SquadI Coach Bill Barclay took a five-man squad consisting of Captain Paul O'Hara, John Jenswold, Phil Mar- cellus, Bob Ernst, and 'Tews, to tee off in the 1945 Big Ten champion- ships at the Wilmette Country Club. Scores for the other Maize and Blue linksmen in the 36-hole match were (See OHIO STATE, Page 6) GOAL SET AT 212 MILLION: Council To Sponsor Drive For Nazi Crushed Lutherans Lutheran World Action, a fund raising campaign sponsored by eight synods of the National Lutheran Council has as its goal the collection many. The "Orphan Missions," mis- sions that have heretofore been sup- ported by countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden will temnorarily