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May 25, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-25

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FILII)A , MAY _5, 1945

Red Cross Field Director Will
Help Servicemen on Campus

Red Cross headquarters has an-
nounced that Stan A. Plumer will be
stationed from 1 to 4 p. m. EWT
(12 a. m. to 3 p. m. CWT) Tuesdays
and Fridays at North Hall to serve as
Red Cross field director to the ser-
vicemen stationed on campus.
Plumer, now stationed at Romulus
Air Base, will be available for helping
any student in the armed forces. He
serves as the link between the ser-
viceman and home, lending the ser-
viceman aid in an emergency. As
local Red Cross field director, he is
able to secure plane priorities, send
wires, or assist in any other way pos-
sible when an emergency arises.
He expressed the wish to meet all
campus servicemen, whether they
have a problem or not. At present
he is working with Co. A in provid-
ing furniture for game rooms in East
No Serious Job
Shortage Seen
LANSING, May 24.-P(A)- Michi-
gan will not face .a serious employ-
ment problem untl the end of 1945
when approximately 300,000 workers
will have been laid off of war jobs,
C. C. Carlton, vice-president and sec-
retary of the Motor Wheel Corpora-
tion in Lansing, predicted today.
The first 200,000 persons who will
be affected by production cutbacks,
Carlton said, probably will "disap-
pear from the labor market," most
of them going back to their homes in
other states.
In a report to the State Planning
Commission, Carlton said that by
Sept. 1, 1,200,000 fewer people will be
employed in industry in Michigan.
"Of the workers laid off at Willow
Run, 54 per cent were not in Detroit
two weeks later," he reported.
Although large numbers of women
are being let out of work, Carlton
said a survey he had conducted a-
mong workers in his plants showed
they would not become a serious
problem on the labor market.
"Fifty-four per cent said they were
through working in factories for
good, and 70 per cent said they did
not want to work at all at this time,"
he told the planning -body.
Cure for Tooth
Decay Praised
"Grand Rapid's system of applying
sodium fluoride to its water supply to
check tooth decay has been very sat-
isfactory thus far," Mr. W. Leslie
Harris, Chief Chemist of the City of
Grand Rapids, said yesterday.
Speaking to more than 75 leading
water works engineers, who have
been attending the inservice training
course for water works personnel
sponsored by the UniversitydSchool
of Public Health, Mr. Harris describ-
ed his experience in the application
of fluoride to a public water supply.
The experiment being carried on
in Grand Rapids, the first and only
one of its kind, was begun on Jan.
25, 1945, and will continue for -at
least ten years, Mr. Harris said. The
flporide adds no taste or odor to the
water, he explained, and there have
been no public complaints about its

Quad, and plans are being made for
a similar project to be started in
Vaughn House.
Recently returned from 19 months
of overseas duty in Iran, Plumer
spoke of his experiences as field di-
rector at a desert supply base where
the temperature averaged 130 de-
grees in the shade. While at the
base, Plumer set up three Red Cross
snack bars which dispensed 4,000
doughnuts and 120 gallons of coffee
each day to thirsty servicemen.
$ * e

Special Brigade
Of Engineers
Proves Vital
Work Done in Pacific
Merits Many Honors
By The Associated Press
every day something pops up to re-
mind you how far this war against
the Japanese has gone in the past
three years and which makes you
humble in recognition of the hero-
ism which has carried the American
flag as close to Japan as it is.
Operations Extensive
For instance, it comes to light now
that during the recent amphibious
assault on the north coast of Min-
danao, in the southern Philippines,
the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade
landed its two-millionth combat in-
fantryman on Japanese-held terri-
ESB Operations Extensive
Furthermore, to turn this trick,
landingraft of the 2nd ESB have had
to travel more than 3,000,000 miles
-covering all their operations from
their first combat landing at Nassau
Bay, New Guinea, in June, 1943, to
the Philippines.
Obviously, that doesn't mean
2,000,000 individual Yanks have been
carried in on assault waves by the
2nd ESB. Many have made the trip
numerous times in different opera-
tions. If it had been 2,000,000 troops
total the war might be much nearer
victory than it is now.
Heavy Burdens Carried
But somehow the work of this one
outfit-Brig. Gen. William F.
Heavey's 2nd ESB-makes you real-
ize the burden many outfits have
borne during the lean days of Mac-
Arthur's campaigns.
Deliver Infantrymen
This group of approximately 8,000
men has brought its landing craft
into the beach on 82 operations-20
in New Guinea, ill in the Bismarck
Archipelago and 51 in the Philippine
These are the boys who man the
landing craft and can make or break
an amphibious operation by the way
they deliver the infantrymen on the
Many is the time these coxswains
and crews have headed into enemy
fire and kept right on going until
the ramp was down and the troops
unloaded. Maybe that's why 35 per
cent of the men in the 2nd ESB
have earned combat recorations, in-
cluding one Congressional Medal of
Honor, three DSCS, 12 Legions of
Merit, 52 Silver Stars, 354 Bronze
Stars, and other awards. Two units
in the brigade have been honored
with Presidential Citations.
'March of Time' Film
To Be Given Sunday
"India", March of Time film, will
be presented at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30
p.m. CWT) Sunday in the Interna-
tional Center.
Accompanied by a lecture by Dr.
Swami Janananda from India, the
movie will be the last of the semester
series. Dr. Janananda is at present
doing special work in the University
physics department,
The public is invited to attend.

Plan Approved
By Conference
Economic Cooperation
Advanced by Greece j
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, May 24-A pro-
posal that a world organization as-
sume general supervision over the
enormous problems of reconstruction
in war-ravaged lands won a measure
of approval today in a United Na-
tions conference committee.
Greece, battered as war swept
her land, and pillaged under enemy
occupation, advanced the idea in a
committee considering creation of
a council for social and economic
It was so well received that a draft-
ing committee was asked to put the
proposition in final form for a vote
at the next committee meeting.
Apparently, delegates said, it would
mean that the economic council
would go far beyond any objectives
outlined for it thus far, and become
a central clearing house for handl-
ing reconstruction problems, perhaps
smoothing the way for loans or the
flow of materials.
France came along with a sug-
gestion that the social and eco-
nomic council try to promote logi-
cal and orderly distribution of raw
materials throughout the world.
This, too, was turned over to a
drafting committee.
The French argued that proper
distribution of such supplies would
help promote full employment among
In the same committee, American
delegate Virginia Gildersleeve drop-
ped 'her battle against listing the
promotion of full employment as an
aim of the council. Some United
States delegates feared inclusion of
this goal might open way for a
world organization to interfere in
domestic affairs.
To counter this apprehension, the
committee was reported to have re-
vised the wording to make clear that
international collaboration in the in-
terests of full employment did not
mean dabbling in a country's internal
Carr Cites Two
For Contempt
LANSING, May 24.--P)-Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr, who is con:-
ducting a one-man grand jury inves-
tigation of charges of legislative
graft, today defended before the
State Supreme Court his decision to
cite for contempt of court two De-
troit men accused of conspiracy to
murder Senator Warren G. Hooper
Jan. 11.
On April 28 Judge Carr sentenced
Harry Fleisher to 30 days in the
Ingham County jail and Mike Selik
to 60 days. Fleisher is described by
state police as a leader of the former
Purple Gang and Selik as a member
of the gang.
Held for trial on the conspiracy
case in Battle Creek, Fleisher is ex-
pected to be released on $15,000 bail
Monday when his 20-day term ex-
pires. Selik and two others also are
accused of the conspiracy.

Irs. ) I. /leisel

Is Pa. bshed by ScrIbner



"Years Before the Flood", the nov-
el which won the $1,000 prize for
Marrianne Flinton Meisel in the Ma-
jor Hopwood Fiction Awards of 1944,
was published this week by Charles
Scribner, Inc.
Mrs. Meisel, who published her
novel under the name Marrianne
Roane, is a native of Jackson,
Mich., and started her career in
the creative arts studying at the
Chicago Art Institute and the De-
troit School of Fine Arts.
She switched to the short story
and finally to the novel and did grad-

she wrote a novel, she admitted
that she did not quite know. She
begins by writing something and
re-writing it three or four times,
some chapters as often as seven
times, re-thinking the characters
and going through a process that
is almost like acting, trying to get
into other people's lives to imagine
how they would behave.
"Years Before the Flodd", orig-
inally titled "The Lost Moorings", is
set in Gundelfingen, a small German
town near Stuttgart, and begins in
1927. She described the novel as
being more the story of personal
developments rather than one of
plotted action. Mrs. Meisel knows
the Germany between wars well as
she and her mother traveled abroad
several times before the outbreak of
the war.

Med Fraternity
Will Celebrate
The 50th anniversary of Alpha
Kappa Kappa, medical fraternity,
will begin with a series of lectures
and clinics at 1:30 p. m. EWT (12:30
CWT) today in the Public Health
Among the speakers will be Gen.
James S. Simmons, Office of Surgeon
General, United States Army, who
will speak on the medical problems of
the Pacific. He has recently re-
turned from an inspection trip of
Guadalcanal, Guam and Saipan and
is scheduled to leave shortly for a
survey of Germany. Other speakers
will be Dr. T. L. Squier, Dr. G. Cur-
tis and Dr. T. Durant.
The celebration committee, which
plans a banquet after the lecture-
clinics, is composed of several fac-
ulty members of the fraternity: Dr:
H. M. Pollard, Dr. M. M. Peet, Dr. L.
Newburgh, and Dr. R. Trimby and
two students, Ken DeHaven and
George Stilwell.



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To aid servicemen
Planning Bodies
Are Authorized
Detroit, Saginaw Valley
Areas To Be Included
By The Associated Press
LANSING, May 24.-The State.
Planning Commission today author-
ized creation of regional planning
commissions in the Detroit metro-
politan and Saginaw valley areas as
soon as Governor Kelly signs a legis-
lative act permitting establishing of
regional planning bodies.
Kelly said he expected to sign the
act as soon as it reaches his desk,
although it will not go into effect
until September.
The planning commission for the
Detroit metropolitan area was de-
scribed by George Emery, secretary
of the Detroit City Plan Committee,
as necessary to "coordinate local
plans in an area where there are a
large number of politican subdivi-
sions with artificial boundary lines."
Lt.-Gov. Vernon J. Brown repgrted
to the commission that 75 per cent
of the state's $5,000,000 post-war
planning fund already has been com-
mitted to local units of government,I
with 29 per cent of the total state
program going to projects planned
by the city of Detroit.
Emery said the political subdivi-
sions in the Detroit area "are all
right for political purposes but totally
inadequate for meeting social, rec-
reational and economic problems for
the 3,000,000 people in this four-
county area."

. . . her novel is published.
* :' *
uate work in the English department
at the University last year.
At present she is working on an-
other novel in the mornings and in
the afternoons works in the Depart-
ment of Far Eastern Art. She is the
wife of Dr. Y. H. Meisel, of the
political science department.
When Irs. Meisel was asked how
Campus Games
(Continued from Page 1)
to the cavorting ability of each team.
The Human Forward Pass-a fine
opportunity for the lightest man in
each class to find out what man-
handling means--will determine the
shoulder strength of each class. Both
teams will line up in single file for
this event, passing one man from
hand to hand ever their heads to the
end of each line--the quickest team
Testing the mental agility of each
class will be the Graveyard contest.
The winner will be which ever team
can secure and confiscate most of
the personal belongings and indi-
vidual members of the other team.
Reliable reports indicate that this
unorganized but intensely moving
sport will result in a good deal of
kicking from persons who are unwill-
ing to be taken captive. In fact, after
the preliminary salvos, the game of-
ten gets rough.
Historic Movies
Will Be Presented
Two historical American movies
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. EWT
(6:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
"The Declaration of Independence"
will depict the work of Hancock, Lee,
Jefferson and Franklin in drafting
and signing the Declaration. "Give
Me Liberty" will dramatize Patrick
Henry's famous speech.
The films will be jointly sponsored
by the Bureau of Visual Education,
Post-War Council, MYDA, and IRA.
All those interested are invited to

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P.M. to5.30PM




FRI., MAY 25, 1945
Eastern War Time
7:05-Morning Round-up.
7:30-Musical Reveille
8:15-1050 Club.
8:30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Seventh war Loan.
9:05-Goodyear's Music Box
9:30-Community Calendar
9:45-Music for Millions.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Know.
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40--women Today.

10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Book Review.
11:10-Al & Lee Reiser.
11:15-Parson's Grist Mill.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
12 :00-News,
12:15-Lani McIntire.
12:30-Trading Post,
12:45-Luncheon Melodies.
1:05-Hollywood Reporter.
1:15-Vocally Yours.
1:30-Johnny Messner.
1:45-D. Lamour & D. Mc-
2:05-Hal Saunders.
2:15-Victor Young.
2:45-Ray Bloch's Orch.
3:05-Arthur Chapman.
3:15-Frankie Masters.

3:30--Band Music.
3:45-Lawrence Quintet.
4:05-Wladimir Selinsky.
4:30-Ranch Boys & Betty
4:45-Misch. Borr & Orch.
5:05-Campus Ballroom.
5:45-Sports Review.
6:15-David Rose .& Orch.
6:30-Telephone Quiz.
6:45-Piano Interlude.
6:55-Flashes from Life.
7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
7:25-Band of the Week.
7:30-Evening Serenade.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Put & Take It.
8:30--Pan Americana.

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Junior sizes. 25.00




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