FRIDAY, MAY 25 1945 TIRE MICHIGAN DAILY 'U' Coed Groups To Participate, In Local Memorial Day Parade; '45 Senior Ball I'' Co. A Grads 'USO Offers Assembly Recognition Night; ,Varied Activities Soph Cabaret Petitions Are Due Open to All Will Sponsor (° ^t 9 Women Will Meet At Armory; War Activities Honored University women's war activities will be represented in a special sec- tion of the Ann Arbor Memorial Day parade at 10 a. m. EWT Wednesday, May 30. Each project is to be represented by a campus residence. In some cases, two of the smaller houses are to work together, while 'all of the larger dorms have been assigned two activities. Those participating in the pa- rade are to meet at the Armory at 9:30 a. m., where the line of march will be formed. The women's section, which is a project of the Women's War Council, will join the regular -town parade there. Uni- versity officials are cooperating with the Council, and the Build-! ing and Grounds department is fur- nishing the posters which the women are to carry. The projects will be represented by uniforms and other props which portray the work done by womenI participating in the particular ac- tivity. Leading the University women's section will be the American flag and the Michigan flag, carried by officerso of the Women's War Council. Thr Junior class war bond project will be! represented by Kappa Alpha Theta and Collegiate Sorosis, and the soph volunteer hospital service by Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha. Officers of the Women's Judi- ciary Council will lead the Aneri- can Red Cross unit. The ten Red Cross projects will be represented as follows: nurses' aides, Helen Newberry; blood donors, Chi Oxne- i/ -e- -- OH ELA FLOWER SHOP 203 Elast Liberty ga anti Gamma Phi Beta; 194h Underclassmen o gruanceng I U 3TJT I War fund drive, Betsy Barbour; S." bAIN OR SHINE, numerous activi- nutrition classes, Oakwood and Students of all classes and schools tSo long, A tuare' will be the ties have been arranged for ser- Chicago Lodge; surgical dressmgs, of the University may purchase tick- th Con A h theyholdithefa vicemen over the week-end at the Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Del- of Company A when they hold their ta; first aid classes, league houses ets for the revival of a pre-war Sen- farewell dance from 8:30 p.m. to USO Club. of zones 2 and 3; home nursing ior Ball to be held June 1 in the midnight EWT tonight at the USO. DANCING and refreshments are of- classes, Elmwood and Colonial Sports Building. The entire personnel of the class fered every Friday night, and Houses; motor corps, State Street Tickets will be on sale from 10 a.m. and members of the University for the serviceman who doesn't dance house and the Lodge; staff assist- to 3 p. m. EWT (9 a. in. to 2 faculty and military cadre will be there is always the game room with ants, Delta Delta Delta and Alpha CWT) today at a booth in the diag present at the graduation dance. ping pong, shuffle board and cards, Xi Delta; and camp and hospital onal. They will also be sold from Jimmy Ailner and hisY Paradise Tnight isn't the lonli- service, Stockwell hall. 3 to 5 p. m. EWT (, to 4 p. m. CWT) orehesira will furnish music for est night of the week at the Alpha Phi and Alpha Omocron Pi in the League. Ticiets may be pur- Icthe ac and the complete faci- USO, where each week a different will portray the activities of the chased at anytime at the Main desk I f the ight, regiment of Junior Hostesses selects Women's Athletic association, with i in the Union. tions have been planned by a unique theme for a dance and thsogn,"FtnssisFu"rSong Contest members of the company. The USO carries it through in decorations theme. Theene tdriveswillcomenet Duke Ellington and his orchestra has asked Junior IHostesses not to be and entertainment. Future plans will furnish music for the Ball. A present Friday night because of the for these dances include engaging in the ,line of march, with the vai- pesens Fsbenhldight dnC orchestras to take the place of the ousdries eprsened s fllos: ong contest has been held in con- dance. oUnitedvclothingsnppdalsMosher: nection with the sale of tickets in Co-chairmen- of the Dance Cow- juke box more often. WoJldtdets'gaServicefundMosh order to give students the opportu- mittee are Pfc. George Demetriou MOST popular with the men sta- World Students Service fund, Mosh- nity of hearing their favorite num- and Pfc. Torn. CSinson. Pfc. Ken ! ,tioned on campus are the Sun- er; Infantile Paralysis drive, Jon- bers. The selected numbers range Pierson was in charge of obtaining L day mornripg breakfasts, "just like dan; Michigan Tuberculosis drive, from songs popular 15 years ago td an orchestra, and Pfc.'s Herman mother makes." These deluxe meals Jordan; Ann Arbor Community fund, the latest hits. Among those chosen Wilz, Bill Corkery, and Jim Rhind feature bacon, eggs, toast, homemade Sigma Delta Tau and Alpha Epsilon are "Solitude," "Sophisticated Lady", were responsible for printing, enter- jam and plenty of coffee, and are Phi; United Jewish appeal, Madison "Mood Indigo," "Do Nothin' Till You tainment and decorations. erved from 9:30 a. . to 11:30 a. m. house and Adea Cheever; bomber Hear From Me," "I Got It Bad," Other members of the committee (EWT) by attractive Junior Host- scholarship, Alpha Gamma Delta and "Don't Get Around Much Any More" are Pfc. Bob Schmidt. Pfc. Al Smith. esses. Alpha Delta Pi; and the fresh air and "I'm Beginning To See The Pfc. William Boldt, Pc. Dick Thom- camp, Lockwood and Hill house. Light." as, fc. Sol orwiz, Pfc. Manheim UND afternoon men interest- Following the benefit drives will be Lige.dainI afternoon men interest-heim gthe w neiordrteses rep- "Black, Brown and Beige" is an Shapiro. Pfc. Henry Overholtzer, Pfc. hearing classical music ted by Riw andtGeddes Ellington jazz composition of sym- Stan Drcnitz, Pfc. Charles Norton. may attend a concert of selected hosead cotributionbyn GWds- phonic proportions. The cOmposi- Pfc. MerIedith Weatherby, Pfc. Sam recordings, which is held i the house, and contribuuts y u s tion was premiered at Carnegie Hall Sarat, and Tech. 5 Larry Schwartz: music room. Coffee is served Te at it of th women se- and since then has provoked a storm - throughout the afternoon. tion is the Woman Power commis- of controversy. Its musical merits IFOOD, transportation and any oth- sion, whose eight divisions will be have been proclaimed and denied as 'rI Ct S er arrangements necessary for a represented by these residences: vehemently as musicians once debat- successful picnic will be taken care canteen, Woodlawn and White ed the artistry of Wagner's opera 2 of by the USO for men who are in- house; cleaning girls, Day house and Beethoven's symphonies. C dC N SCS terested in such an activity and who and Lincoln house; the University "Black, Brown and Beige" register at the Club. The USO will laundry, Martha Cook; child care, According to some authorities' Sixty thousand women were in- also arrange for week-ends or Sun- launry , a Cosokes, childare, "Acck.n B o onBig atoie ducted into the Cadet Nurse Corps days at nearby lakes for servicemen, Girl Scouts, and Reserves, Martha 'Black, Browvn and Beige" is a tone tomrjopta a.My1. Cu n4rvietasottint tbe Cook; secretarial help, Tappan parallel to the history of the Negro to mark Hospital Day. May 12.but and provide transportation to stables house and Markley house, labo- in America. It is a melodic delinea-110,000 new student nurses are want- for men who would like to go horse ratory assistants, Lester Stevens tion of the progress of American ed to fill spring training classes by back riding. and Owne house, '44 freshman pro- Negroes from pre-Revolutionary June 30, and 60,000 is the goal for ject, Zones 4 and 5, and waste times to the present day. the fiscal year beginning July 1. paper collections, Zones 6 and 9. The nation's jazz fans confirmedEstablishedin July. 1943, the Ca- t I P Nora MacLaughlin. president of Ellington's popularity recently when det Nise Corps now mcludes 80 per Women's War Council, said, "This is the orchestra was voted No. 1 Band 0cent of the nurses in training-112, a project representing all of the t yhp O00women in 1,Q00 schools of nurs Women's war activities, and I there- Downbeat, national music magazn ing. By the system of providing fore want to urge every woman on scholarships in approvedl nursing campus to participate." Miss Mc- - schools, the number of student nur- Alpha Omicron Pi will hold an in- camus s md dt ises admitted to such schools last year formal dance in honor of their pled- ws7pecetgetrta inLaughlin also reminded coeds that WJA\T ws6pecntg'arthni ges fi'om 9 to 12 p. in, Saturday. Memorial Day is a day of commem- A N othes0 Theichaperones will be Mrs. oration, and not one of celebration. Because of this large body of new Strength, the housemother; Mrs. inurses,the armed services expect less Philips; M's. Abbey; and Mrs. Wilt Attend Tea The deadline for submitting golf difficulty in finding future quotas. iett. Ba.- Members of ApaEslnPiwl Mrs. Lucille Conger, executive sec- scores has been set for Thursday Membe of Alpha Epsilon Phi will scrsI hsica' Education hold a dance from 9 to midnight Sat-I retary of the alumnae association, Women must be sure to have scores# P y c dnurday at .the chapter house to honor and Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social for 27 holes at the University Golf Clurb Elects Officers he pledges. director of the League, will attend a Chaperones for the affair include Michigan tea Saturday at Owosso, Course * For Coming Season Mrs. J. W .Fleig, housemother: Mr. Mich. and Mrs. S. G. Bothman; and Mrs. I. The tea is to honor Owosso stu- The first round in the tennis tour- Newly elected officers of the Wolkowsky. dents who have been awarded schol- nament must be played off by Mon- 'Physical Education Club I------- - arships at the university, and will day. Coeds are participating in both for the coming 1945-46 season have NnClub Pat feature a showing of the motion pic- singles and doubles matches. I recently been announced. ture, "Michigan on the March." * * * Lee Wellman will serve as presi- The Newman club held a party at -___--______________________ h Otn lbof WAA will -__Th_ _ut__ngCu o Whitmole dent, Frances Gates is vice-president, 7:30 p. m. EWT Friday in the Club T sponsor a bike hike to Whitmore Alice Dmytrow will act as secretary, rooms, with entertainment provided Lake at 9 a.m. EWT Wednesday, Jane Woodward is the new treasurer, by Pete Farrago, who played his "Ac- leaving from WAB. Eleanor Mellert will handle publicity cordian Boogie." Ah C enterestdin1 Any person wn iso 1 v, wzu t such a trip has been invited to join the group. Those intending to do so are requested to bring a lunch and a bathing suit. Any women interested in helping to start the University Women's Rid- with Lucille bheetz assisting. The club is composed of Physical Education majors and members of the faculty of the Department of Physical Education for Women Engagement Told ing Club this semester have been Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pines of asked to contact Barbara Brady at Worcester, Mass., have announced 23225. Groups will ride Monday or the engagement of their daughter, Wednesday at 2 p.m. EWT. Jean C. to Ensign Norman Jacobson, * son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacobson, Members of the Camp Counselor's I Flushing, Long Island. Club of WAA will hold their conclud- Miss Pines is a junior at the uni- ing meeting at 7:15 p.m. EWT Thurs- versity, and has been Business Man- day. All women who have partici- ager of the '45 'Ensian. She is also a pated in the past year are urged to member of Wyvern honor society and attend. president of Scroll. or dun Cardigan Briefer Short-cut coat that will be your summertime com- panion. Softly sculptured neckline, graceful swing- back. Tailored in Sport- leigh's suede - smooth I These gay pesant skirts are just what you need for classes, now that the weather's turned, for pic- nics at the Island, or 'most anything when cot. tons are the order of the day. We have a gay collection in cotton, rayon and jersey in bright solids or snappy plaids. And the prices are just right for the college budget. 4 v ' x a , a. , .5" .. . a: , ._ z , 3 a . , z* > <> , . ' . y "' . ,. .. .. Lushia" wool. Lime navy blue. $20 or mi i U U El[Uf