THE MICHIGAN DATTV riprnA'V Atv e'e illAL" s i .. TCH \nid A"AiNIq l 13A I YYGv lflAY, MAY ';7.5, 1945 i WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Rural Hospitals To Benefit 7The 7rea4,ni// By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Rural hospitals and health centers can look for a major share of the hundreds of millions of dollars of medical equip- ment to be released by the Army and Navy. A policy has finally been worked out at the Sur- plus Property Board to assure release of this material for public health use, first in areas that have no existing facilities, second in areas which have insufficient facilities. So great is the need of rural and small-town hospitals and clinics that there will be little equipment left for replacement. This policy was achieved only after a long and bitter dispute between the Surplus Prop- erty Board and Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical As- sociation. Fishbein, in whose journal adver- tise the largest makers of medical equipment, had urged that this vast volume of surplus material not be released at once. Instead, he wanted it stored and released gradually in small quantities in order not to up- set the market for manufacturers of medical goods. In addition, Fishbein insisted that huge quantities of certain supplies, such as bandages, could not be used because they differed some- what from accepted standard sizes. However, in a lengthy session at the office of U. S. Surgeon General Thomas Parron, Jr. Fishbein finally was won over and even agreed to serve on the overall board which will recom- mend on the disposal of medical supplies. Three types of equipment will be distribut- ed-public health supplies, surgical and thera- peutic instruments, and pharmaceuticals. A board of public officials and physicians headed by Dr. Parran will recommend their alloca- tion to Federal Security Chairman Paul McNutt, who will work through the Surplus Property Board. Actual allocation of the supplies within the states will rest with state boards to be com- posed of various federal government and state medical officials. NOTE-Federal officials are worried lest the state boards become a weak link in the setup. They fear that, in areas of greatest, need, state groups will not be anxious to aid in the equippin'g of Negro clinics and hospi- tals. Therefore, an effort will be made to work out rigid requirements in Washington. No building program is yet arranged to go along with the disposal of medical supplies though every effort will be made to conver* army buildings into hospitals and clinics. Life on Guam .. . ONE THING which burns up enlisted men and front line Pacific battle observers is the fancy- quarters for officers on Guam while wounded men, fresh from the battle zone, are shoved around on dirt floors a few hundred yards away. At Guam, all officers above the rank of lieutenant commander have a private room each. All junior officers are two to a room with hot and cold running water, electric lights, box-spring mattresses, and other lux- uries which no one begrudges them far from home. However, the -wounded just arrived from Iwo Jima and Okinawa are stretched out in swelter- ing tents on unpaved ground. Nearby, public relations officers, logistics officers, signal corps men, and other junior brass hats live in bar- racks on neatly paved streets, complete with curbs and gardens. Several hundred Seabees manicure the gardens and keep the officers' lawns spic and span. NOTE-Meanwhile one headache of Maj. Gen. Curtis Le May, commander of the B-29's, was to get enough Seabees assigned to cutting down the jungle and lengthening landing strips in the Marianas to send more Super- forts over Japan. I. . Farben Mystery . . . A SERIES of secret cables sent by Ge. Wil- liam Donovan to the Office of Strategic Services (nicknamed "oh-so-sweet") to Russell Forgan, former Chicago banker, now in Paris, is intriguing other U. S. officials. Donovan wired Forgan to interrogate directors of the giant Nazi cartel I. G. Farben, now seized by the United States Army. This is the company which collaborated with Standard Oil of New Jersey and the Alumi- num Corporation of America to keep vitally important patents for synthetic rubber, mag- nesium, and high octane gasoline from the American public at a time when it was as- sential to use those patents for war. aOrN S ECOCNI N i T Ii O U G 11 T eww By Ray Dixon I MMLER kills himself, say the headlines. We always thought he had a good poisonality. This leaves Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop as one of the top-ranking Nazis who is left un- accounted for. I i s first name is Joachim, pro- nounced hokun, One thing we never knew was that Himinnler was a mtisician of sorts. At least according to the news story, he swallowed poison from a vialin his mouth, Of corsage you are going to the big dance in the Union Tuesday night where warsages will be worn by all of the coeds. One cable from Donovan to Forgan in Paris reads: "I have already asked you to send names of directors of I. G. Farben now in custody. From now on these men should be kept from one an- other, particularly when the interrogation be- gins. Files of I. G. Farben should be seized and sent to Paris at once in our custody. This is most important. Essential that we keep control of these men." What intrigues other U. S. officials is that Donovan's OSS is dominated by scions of the Mellons, the J. P. Morgans and big banking and industrial houses, some of them interested in German patents. Morgan himself has been a partner of Globe, Morgan & Co., and a di- rector of the Borg-Warner Corp. Other government officials are also puzzled as to why the OSS, rather than the justice department, should pounce upon I. G. Farben executives. There might be quiet probing of this. NOTE-Attorney General Biddle recently told senators: "Many cartel arrangements neces- sarily disrupted during the European phase of the war are now being resumed. Meetings have been held, plans have been laid, and in some cases agreements already entered into. As to some of these agreements, my department will have something to say before long." Reaction of senators is that big business never learns. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) FD RATHER BE RIGHT: Opposition to Reds By SAMUEL GRAFTON 0NE OF THE frightening things about Rus- sian policy is that the Russians have a pro- gram, and we have not. Since we have not, to oppose the Russian program becomes our program. We in the west have very little notion of what sort of Europe we want; the only developments which could really bring a smile to the faces of many of us would be to see the Continent sink into the water, or dry up and blow away. But that is not a program; and the world refuses to destroy itself to bring up this kind of negative happiness. As against our troubled uncertainties, the Soviet program for building up a complex of close-knit, pro- Soviet eastern European states seems terrify- ingly firm and assured and positive and tough and mean. What do we want in Europe? It might be said that we want a Europe composed of na- tions much like our own, free, independent, democratic. That would indeed be a respect- able program. But if we are following such a program, we are doing it in a slovenly style, leaving great gaps. We bolster the prestige of fascist Spain, for example, a large country in the heart of the democratic sphere. WE DON'T in the least insist that governments within our orbit be like ours. We are much more inclined to demand that governments in eastern Europe resemble our own, then that governments actually within our range be re- modeled nearer to our own conceptions. We are not only against the Soviet program; we are against all programs; we are, in gen- eral, anti-programmatic. The late President Roosevelt had a program for Europe and the world. He wanted tariffs to be cut. He wanted an international mone- tary fund, to stabilize currencies and increase the volume of trade. If you will look closely, you will see that much of conservative opinion in America opposes Roosevelt's program just as hotly as it opposes Stalin's program. It is against anybody's program. It is against pro- grams. Our relation with Russia is seriously troubl- ed and distorted by this lack of affirmative content in our own thinking. We don't want what the Russians want; that's all right; but we don't even want what we want. Not to want anything is a kind of ideological night- mare; yet a good part of American opinion would be pretty wll content with the world pretty much as it is, with the addition of a couple of impartial umpires to keep it as it is. rIlHERE IS a desolate tone in much of western thinking tody, desperate. lost and sullen; we are heading into a first-rate crisis of faith. It is easy enough to say that our problem is Russia, but our problem is ourselves. If we were busy, pulling the props from under Franco, and assembling the Junkers and Nazis of Ger- many for punishment and exile, we would not be nearly so low in spirit; and we would not be nearly so much concerned with what Russia is doing in her acre. We can compete. But we can't compete by doing nothing, or by setting up doing nothing as a philosophy. What hurts most about the current wave of opposition to Russia is that it's so lazy. The easiest way to make a political living is to be against something; entire careers and national policies can be based on accentuating the neg- I ative. But it is a shiftless way to run a world or half of one. We can't expect the people of the world to be for us because of our curly hair; it isn't a good enough reason. And we are disturb- ing the spirits of our own people too; one can see it in the bemused way in which they are reading their newspapers today, mutter- ing and shaking their heads. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) By PAULA BROWER ONCE upon a time there was a pe fectly lovely meadow that w full of wild clover and blue-eyed gra and some rather straggly alfalt This was so becauseethe farmer wi owned it hadn't seeded it in yea so that he would keep on getting h annual checks from the AAA, whic was trying to keep food prices u which was fine with the farme Before very long the fame of th idyllic field spread throughout tl rodent-life of the county, and fro: miles around the animals flocked t the unmolested paradise until i population per square foot rose t an alarming figure. Owing to the population surplu there were frequent quarrels as t who was rightfully entitled to wha piece of land, and thenithe wrong ed parties would call their rela tives to support and defend them and a dispute over a private boun- dary would usually result in a fierce and bloody battle. Every once in a while one family would become quite good friends with another family, who would come to each other's aid in case of strife, and through such chains of friend- ship there were a few occasions when all the inhabitants of the meadow were fighting over such things as the boundary between the property of a rather disreput- able field mouse whom nobody liked and whose family didn't usually speak to him and a mole who was so old that he lied before the war was even half over-. AFTER twenty or thirty generation, had passed and the meadow so ciety began to be quite well establish ed and all the animals were accus tomed to their suspicious, compet itive way of life, an exceedingl strange figure arrived upon the scene He was a field mouse, and the small- est and weakest of a litter of twelve He was rather disagreeable, but even though he was universally disliked other mice would point to him grudg- ingly and say, "You just watch that mouse. He's got a good head on his shoulders. He'll go places." And he did. Since he hadn't played with the other little mice when he was little he didn't like them very well, but it made him so angry whenever he saw a field mouse get the worst of one of the frequent battles that he determined that something should be done. So he organized a revolution and took over the gov- ernment. "Things are going to be different now," he announced in his first public address. "From now on no field mouse will ever be beaten by a mole, or even by a gopher!" And all the mice cheered wildly. The new ruler organized his revolutionists into a state mili- tia, "so he could get things done," he said, forthwith put all the young mice into the army, and made the ones who stayed home contribute half their earnings to buy weapons with. The mice weren't too keen on that, but no field mouse was ever defeated thereafter, so they thought he was quite a fine ruler and went on cheering him. AT THE TIME over in the center of the rival colony there arose quite an intelligent gopher whom nobody thought very highly of be- cause he spent most of his time com- posing songs. When he heard about what was going on over in the field- mouse colony he immediately became very much excited, and he made a speech in which he said that it rep- resented a dangerous trend and that the gophers ought to prepare. But since the gophers had always been more muscular than the field mice anyhow, and since there were actu- ally a few MORE of them they knew there was no real danger, they re- fused to organize their resources as the quite intelligent gopher suggest- ed. But an internal economic condition arose which brought about an unex-I pected twist of events. The terri- tory was so crowded, and every go- pher's liking ran to such lavish ex- tremes that without anybody's real- izing it the ground had become so thoroughly undermined that the walls of the houses were paper-thin. One night when a blushing young wife whispered in her husband's ear, he went right to work digging out a nursery, inadvertently removing the last bit of soil that had been sup-I porting the network so that the ground caved in and all the gohpers were killed. Rejoicing that their way had been thus smothered for them, the field mice set out to conquer the rest of the lesser animals, but in the midst of their campaign they had another revolution and were thrust into partial subjection by a group of allied moles.- ANY BONDS TODAY? By Jack Benny fIustrated by Licehl y \ n Ii I I "Air. Snodgrass may be (it and bald, hut he's a eaal patriot. Hie simply showers me with War Bonds." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - Publication in the Daly Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- hers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day s preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL y BULLETIN. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 156 Notices School of Education Faculty: The May meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, May 28, in the University Elementary School Li- brary. The meeting will convene at 3:15 p.m. Gertz Department Store: Jamaica. N.Y., are looking for people to be- come members of theirsummer col- lege board. Girls who are interested and who live on Long Island may obtain further information at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Saks-34th, New York City: need students this summer for their col- lege fashion board. Girls who are interested may apply for more de- tails at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. All War Activities Chairmen for League Houses must turn in their war activities sheets for April imme- diately, and please have the May sheets ready at the end of this month. A cidentic Notices Doctoral Examination for Charle Olavi Ahonen, Physics; thesis: "A Theoretical Evaluation of Norma] Frequencies of Vibration of the Iso- meric Octanes". today, East Council Room. Rackham Building, at 7 p.m EWT (6 CWT). Chairman, D. M. Dennison. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite member of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Juniors, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Juniors-who wish to apply for admission to the Senior Honcrs course in English should file letters of application) in the English Office (3221 A.H.) not later than today. Student Recital: Marian Cole Sieg-] fried, contralto, will be heard in recital at 7:30 CWT, this evening, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. A stu- dent of Hardin Van Deursen, Mrs Siegfried has arranged a program of songs by French, Italian, German. and English composers. The public is invited, Student Recital: Lola Phyllis Craw- ford, Mezzo-soprano, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of thet requirements for the degree of Bach- elor of Music in Music Education at 7:30 p.m. CWT, Saturday, May 26. in Lydia.Mendelssohn Theater. Miss Crawford is a student of Hardin Van Deursen. Her "program will include groups of Italian, German and Eng- lish songs, and will be open 'to the torium. The program will include compositions by Rimsky-Korsakov, Berlioz, Moussorgsky, and Bach, and will be open to the general public without charge. Student Recital: Virginia Zapf, soprano, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music in Music Education, at 7:30 p.m. CWT, Sunday, May 27, 'In Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. A student .of Hardin Van Deursen,' Miss Zapf will sing compositions by Donaudy, De- bussy, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, and Carpenter. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view'daily until Commencement. "Krishna Dancing with the Milk- maids" an original Rajput brush drawing with studies of the hands in crayon. Also examples of Indiansfab- rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri- day, '1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al- umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B. Exhibition under auspices of Col- lege of Architecture and Design: Architectural work of William W. Wurster, Dean of School *of Archi- tecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and former prominent architect of San Fran- cisco.nMezzanine Exhibition Rooms of the Rackham Building. Open daily except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. through June 2. The public is cordially invited. Lveius Joda'y Coffee Itour: Dr. Morris Green- hut of the English Department will be the guest of the Student Re- ligious Association at the Coffee Hour in Lane Hall this afternoon at 3 (CWT). All members of the student body are invited to attend. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 4:30 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Studies on the Thyroid Gland with Radioactive Io- dine" will be discussed. All inter- ested are invited. Graduate Council will hold a Mixer tonight at the Rackham, 7-11 CWT. Michigan Glee Club will sing. There will be record dancing, entertain- ment, games, refreshments, and a Walt Disney film "South of the Bor- der" at 7:30 CWT. Graduate stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited. Architecture and .Design School Party: Tonight from 8 to 12 p.m., Women's Athletic Building. Coning y ep!ns Luncheon-IDiscussion: Jack Muehi will piesent a review of Lin Yutang's book, "Between Laughter 'and Tears" at 11:15 (CWT) in Lane Hall Satur- day noon. Any students interest'ed in this luncheon meeting are asked to make reservations as soon as pos- sible. "Land of Liberty" will be presented at 6:30 Saturday evening in the Rackham Amphitheater under the auspices of the University of Michi- gan Bureau of Visual Education, the Post-War Council, and Michigan Youth for Democratic Action. There f Several heirs of the late J. J O'Malley have JByCrockett Johnson PIl wake up Mr. O'Mallev, my Fairy I Four Mr. O'MAulleys and two