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May 23, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-23

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rAG ' 1'WO




Fifty-Fifth Year

Maple's 'Family Tree' Reviewed




,_ ,.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Miohigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul sllin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. " . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
Associate Editor
S. . Sports Editor
, Associate Sports Editor
. , . .. Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Busiess Mpnager
. , "Associate Business Mgr.
: . , Associate Businems gr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 4s
second-class mail matter,
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iier, $4.50, bymail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in] The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Attem pt
BECAUSE the previous attempt to keep the
peace through the League of Nations did
,not prevent this war, many people view the pro-
posed United Nations organization with skepti-
cism. At this time it would be well to review
the ways in which the planned organgation
differs from the League.
In the first place, the United States was not
a member of the League. Without the sup-
port and power of the United States behind
it, it is doubtful if this organization would
Second, in contrast to the League Covenant,
this new organization does not require unanimity
of all the members of the General Assembly
and of the Security Council. Those member
nations having the most manpower and raw
materials at their disposal must face the respon-
sibility of their position. This means that the
Big Five will be given permanent positions of
authority and control from which they can more
effectively act to prevent wars. It is equally
important to note that the Security Council
would be in continuous session..
Third, we and all other nations would make
special arrangements to supply certain types and
qualities of armed forces to back up the deci-
sions made by the General Assembly and Secur-
ity Council. The League had neither armed
force at its disposal nor a military staff com-

FAMILY TREE by Florence Maple. Knopf, New
York, 1945. $2.5.
"HIS FIRST NOVEL won a major fiction
award in the 1944 Avery Hopwood Contest,"
the jacket blurb announces proudly, although it
must have been a mood of unwarranted lib-
erality in which the judges bestowed a fourth
prize upon "Family Tree." Miss Maple has had
the misfortune to fall victim to the great but
evil temptation confronting most beginning nov-
elists--that of undertaking too complicated a
plot peopled with too many characters each
having problems which are far too complex for
her to manage proficiently.
"Family Tree" is the story of a newly-
orphaned circus rider who returns in lost
bewilderment to her mother's home only to
find herself about to be cast into the same
state of dissatisfaction and confusion into
which the other members of the famnily have
been thrown by the peculiar provisions of a
wealthy relative's will. Her arrival magically
resolves the tentatively considered actions of
the discontented, victimized men of the family
by jarring them out of their characteristic
inaction, and as the bonds of selfishness and
perversion that have abnormally knit the fan-
ily into a miserable, antagonistic whole are
broken, the ancient sycamore, symbol of the
lost family happiness and unity, obligingly
carries out the metaphorical title by being
demolished in an electric storm.
A PPARENTLY somewhat overwhelmed by the
task of portraying all eleven members of the
family in addition to the numerous circus and
townspeople, Miss Maple has settled by skim-
ming lightly over them all, especially 'the hero-
ine, who is inadequately sketched, unsympa-
thetically presented, superficially drawn. The
book might well be a children's story, for all the
human understanding and analysis it contains.
Completely at loose ends, her father's death only
a few weeks past, the heroine descends upon
her unknown relatives, but all she feels is fatigue
and the normal interest one experiences upon
meeting new people. Inspired by the added
complications of a lover with a loose-moralled
wife, a mother-dominated cousin, a second
cousin ruled by his disreputable habits, a girl of
gll repute, the maladjusted child of an unfor-
tunate marriage, Miss Maple follows the blurred
pattern which leads to the ill-defined climax.
In handling the varied and complex problems
of her troubled characters, Miss Maple works
on a simple theory of direct causation. Merely
by renouncing the women who are making them
miserable the problems of the men are solved,
and whatever personal inadequacies there were
which led them into their unhappy situations
miraculously vanish also. The heroine is a little
perturbed about the choice with which she is
faced: to accept her legacy and go to college,
to go back to the circus, or to continue to live on
as the guest of her hospitable relatives. We
know about her distress because she mentions it
briefly in a few conversations. She also has one
quick case of hysterics. Although the forming
of her decision is the main theme of the story,
this is all the reader is told about it.
Miss Maple shows particular lack of facility
in her frequent attempts to project herself into
the minds of her subjects. She is at home only
when dealing with people of her own class,
whom she handles fairly easily, but her por-
trayals of chillren and the so-called working
class seem the products of limited experience
and insufficiently grounded imagination;
hence somewhat clumsy and unconvincing.
IN GENERAL her style is straightforward and
simple, although decidedly ordinary and fre-
LAST MONDAY. Rep. John Robsion, Ken-
tucky Republican, prevented the House from
awarding Franklin D. Roosevelt the Congres-
sional Medal of Honor posthumously. By this
action alone, the House was forced to change
the bill to award the late president with a
"special medal of honor" and the elimination of
a direct mention "as Commander in Chief."
Robsion's action is a new low in political
Roosevelt deserved the Medal of Horor as no

other man in the history of this war. He was,
more than any ofher man, directly responsible
for the successful completion of the European
war and the beginning of the end of the Japa-
nese war. Yes, the generals fight the war, the
farmers feed the soldiers, the politicians control
the government, and the industries produce
for the war, but it took Franklin D. Roosevelt
to unite these forces into one single coordinat-
ing fighting unit. He was also the leading
figure in the development of the United Na-
tions and th things it stands for. Ile was the
link between Churchill and Stalin. smoothing
out the differences and promoting the agree-
ments. For all this. Roosevelt did deserve the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
But it was not his to receive, for, as presi-
dent, le, as every president has had to
play the political field. And politics make
friends-but just as many enemies. And it
was only a political foe who prevented the
late president from receiving the highest honor
a devoted nation could have bestowed,
--Phil Elkus

quently tinged with an air of women's-magazine
romanticism: "Judelle raised her eyes from the
near to the far and saw, beyond the field of gold,
trees and hills. The quiet and the light lay
gently on her heart and she remembered that
she was not alone, that he was here beside her.
When she turned, she found him looking down
at her, the light reflected upward on his face, his
eyes searching hers. This. then, was why she
had come. It was for this that she had been
made lonely and homeless. . . . For a little
while they stood side by side without speaking,
then he took her by the hand and led her along
the edge of the wheat field, but she saw it now
as a dazzling haze, for a new world had sprung
into being since she had seen it first."
It is too bad that in her first novel Miss
Maple should have given herself an assign-
ment which she is so painfully incompetent
to handle. Her superficial treatment of a
problem that demands deep and thorough
examination deprives "Family Tree" of any
importance it might have had, and leaves tli;
reader with nothing but the question of how
the book ever happened to be published at all.
-Paula Brower

IN JUSTICE to the memory of Pro-
fessor Joseph Ralston Hayden as
a distinguished scholar, a correction
ought to be made in the Michigan
Daily's story of his career. In that
story it was stated that Professor
Hayden's best-known publication was
"The Senate and Treaties 1789-
1817". Reference was also made to
his editing of Dean C. Worcester's
"The Philippines:Past and Present",
While both of these books were schol -
arly contributions to knowledge in
their respective fields, The Daily ne-
glected to mention Professor Hay-
den's most important boob, "The
Philippines: A Study in National De-
velopment", which was published in
1942. This book was the culmination
of years of study and active partici-
pation in Philippine government. It
is the most detailed and authoritat-
ive account in print of our adminis-
tration of Philippine affairs. No
sketch of Professor Hayden's schol-
arly career would be complete with-
out mention of this monumental
work. -Everett S. Brown

Illustrated by Eric Erico
d ;

By Kay yser;

r i wr ri r i .wWMrMlll


h1., r*11 TI'S


"'Well, don't Just sit

there. Do something. Buy a War Bond,


Transition Blues
YOU CAN TALK as if we're at peace; you ca
talk as if we're at war; you can talk out
either side of your mouth. It's that kind of
period. We are selling war bonds as hard as v
can, but auto dealers are taking orders for ne
cars. (Some dealers are asking a $200 dow
payment, says the Wall Street Journal, so th
the more agitated would-be purchaser won'tt
tempted to leave orders with every dealeri
town. $200 would buy approximately $266.66+
war bonds and stamps.)
You can walk down war road, or peace alley
take your pick. There isn't any meat; that'
war. There isn't any curfew, that's peac
The price of steel scrap is going down, you ca
buy steel scrap now pretty cheap, that's peace
Try and get sugar; there's a war on.
These are the transition blues; there has nev
been so confused and mingled a period in Ame
ican life. Experienced soldiers are being dem
bilized, and they've earned it; that's for peac
18-year-olds are being taken out of school f
training and combat, that's for war.
This curious business of winning half th
struggle at a time even gives us the privileg
of making a bad peace if we want to, whil
still fighting a good war. Usually the firin
stops before the diplomats take over. But i
this war the boys in the foxholes can rea
about the Battle of San Francisco while dodg
ing bullets. Everything has run together so.
THE REPUBLICANS on the House ways a,
Means committee vote in a solid bloc again
reciprocal trade treaties, and against reduci
tariffs. They would set up tariff barriers again
the world at a time when our boys, warm hum
exports, are still far off in foreign lands. O
those transition blues! To begin an isolation
uncurling now, to begin now to plan how to ke
foreign goods out, to set up walls, before o
boys have even come home, makes a flami
study in incoherence on a global scale.
But you can go either way. That's the ki
of time it is. You can help sell war bonds; t
government needs the money. Or you can p
President Truman's sleeve, and ask him to c
taxes. Both are being done.
You can talk for your own interests; you c
go down to the House Appropriations committ
and demand that manpower controls be thro
away. That would make it possible for civili
business to out-compete war factories for lab
Or you can talk for all of us, by pointing out t
sober truth, that we're in for a hard Pacific w
You can switch from role to role; you can vibra
between your private and public capacities; th
is one of the characteristics of this period.
In a way I'm glad its so mingled and mixed
Let Congress kill Bretton Woods now, and th
act will be reported in newspapers which sti
carry casualty lists. Raise your hand, neigh
bor, and declaim that America has no rea
interest in the welfare of the rest of the world
But don't look out the window, you might se
a boy on his way to induction. Either you o
he is in the wrong place. Oh, those transitio
blues. We have to make our decisions whil
the world is still making its points. Mayb
President Roosevelt planned it that way. II
was a good teacher.
(Copyright 1945, New York Post Syudicate)
By Ray Dixon
EI r'RE'S one thing about this campus e
demic of German measles. It should he
students taking polysci and ec courses on th
spot quizzes.
Going into a restaurant these days and orde
ijg one meat ball is not only not plural, but i
singular if you get it.



e Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
1w letin is constructive notice to all mem.
vn bers of the University. Notices for the
at Bulletin should be sent In typewritten
be form to the Assistant to the President,
be 1021 Angell ail, by 2:30 p. ,m. of the day
in preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
of urdays).
e WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 154
Totl Notices
- To the Members of the University
Ie; Senate: There will be a meeting of
'or the University Senate on June 11 at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
e theater.
e -
le To the Members of the University
g Council: The June meeting of the
n University Council has been can-
All Students. Registration for Sum-
nd mer Term and Summer Session. Each
ist student should plan to register for
s himself according to the alphabetical
ng schedules for June 28 and 29. Regis-
1st trations by proxy will not be accept-
an ed.
ist Registration Material, College of
ep L.S.&A., Schools of Education, Music:
ur Students should call for summe
ng registration material at Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. Please see your adviser
and secure all necessary signatures
nd before examinations begin.
ull Registration Material, College of
ut Architecture: Students #should call
for summer material at Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. The College of Archi-
ee tecture will post an announcement
tCe in the near futur'e giving time of
wn conference with your classifier. Please
an wait for this notice before seeing
or. your adviser.
he- - -
ar. Registration Material, School of
te Forestry and Conservation: Regis-
at tration material should be called for
at Rm. 2048, Natural Science Bldg.
. American Red Cross, Detroit: Mis
e ormran, home Service, will be in
it our office Thursday, May 24, to
. interview all senior girls with majors
1 in Sociology, Social Work, and Psy
chology. Those who are interested
should call the Bureau of Appoint-
Ce ments, University Ext. 371, for ap-
r pointment.
n -
e American Red Cross: Columbus,
e 0., Home Service are interested in
e June graduates for case work aide.
Further information can be obtained1
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Maso Hall.
Chrysler Corporation, Drot Mr
Au" will be in the Bureau on
i hursday. May 24, to interview stu-
dents fromn any school, with a con-
mercial, mechanical or engineering
background, for their College Train-
pi- ing Program. For appointment call
lp the Bureau of Appointments, Uni-
ir versity Ext. 371.
a cr cdemic Notices
Eng, 104, (Beowulf) will not meet-
By Crockett Johnson
I an~~n~t-~-

Student Recital: Ruth Wolkowsky,
Wianist, will be heard in a program
of compositions by Bach, Schubert,
Milhaud, and Brahms, at 7:30 p.m.,l
CWT, Thursday, May 24, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. She is a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman and presents the
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
clor of Music. The public is cordially
Student Recital: Marian Cole Sieg-
fried, contralto, will be heard in re-
cital at 7:30 CWT, Friday evening,
May 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. A student of Hardin Van Deur-
sen, Mrs. Siegfried has arranged a
program of songs by French, Italian,
German, and English composers. The
public is invited.
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
IArts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
"Krishna Dancing with the Milk-
maids" an original Rajput brush
drawing with studies of the hands in
crayon. Also ekamples of Indian fab-
rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine
Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri-
day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al-
umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B.
Exhibition under auspices oftCol-
lege of Architecture and Resign:
Architectural work of William W.
Wurster, Dean of School of Archi-
tecture and Planning, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and former
prominent architect of San Fran-
cisco. Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms
of the Rackham Building. Open daily
except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10
p.m. through June 2. The public is
cordially invited.
Evets Today
Friends Service Committee: Stu-
dents interested in the work of this
organization are invited - to meet
Harold Chance of the Philadelphia
office who will be in Lane Hall today

and, tomorrow. There will'be a lun-
cheon meeting with Mr. Chance
Thursday at 11 (CWT) for which
reservations should be made by
phone today if possible.
The Botanical Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 1139 Natural Science
Building at 3 p.m. (CWT) today.
Papers will be reviewed by Margery
Anthony, Rita Schoenfeld, and Bet-
ty Raymond, under the direction of
Professor C. A. Arnold.
Inter-Racial Organization execu-
tive council recommends that mem-
bers.of the I.R.A. attend the meeting
of the Hindustan Association at 7
p.m., CWT today in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Prof. Muzumdar of
William Penn College will lecture on
"Modern India".
Music Lecture: The last of a series
of lectures in sacred music will be
presented by the Student Religious
Association in cooperation with the
School of Music in Kellogg Auditor-
ium this evening at 7 (CWT). The
Reverend Frank J. B. Flynn, assisted
by a student choir from Sacred Heart
Seminary, will speak on "The Gre-
gorian Chant".
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty.
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
Chemistry Club will meet Thurs-
day, May 24, at 6:45 p.m. (CWT) in
Rm. 303 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. L. 0.
Brockway will give an illustrated talk
cn "Electron Diffraction and Indus-
trial Surface Problems". Interested
faculty members and men in chem-
istry and chemical engineering are
invited. Refreshments will be served.
Architecture and Design School
Party: Friday, May 25, from 8 to 12
p.m., Women's Athletic Building.
Univeyrsity of Michigan Concert
Band: William D. Revelli, Conductor,
will present its 32nd Annual Spring
Concert at 3:15 (CWT) Sunday af-
ternoon, May 27, in Hill Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.

These three vital points are
establishing a lasting peace.
League failed at the job for
created, it succeeedd in giving
today a sharp awareness of
and situations that may arise
The solution for these problems

paramount in
Although the
which it was
the people of
the problems
in the future.
is provided for

in the machinery of the international or-
ganization being drafted in San Francisco.
The chief weaknesses of the League have been
remedied and although comparison between
the League and the proposed United Nations
Organization, is wise, the comparison must
take account of these clear-cut differences,
With continued cooperation in peace as in war,
the United Nations have the opportunity to free
the world from the tyranny of oppression and
create a new cra of peace and prosperity.
-Alice Jorgensen,
German Leaders
P UrSTBLE future leaders of a democratic gov-
erumnent in Germany have been discovered
in the Buchenwald prison camp. According to
Time Magazine, a group of two thousand men of
com mmunist, Catholic, socialist, Protestant, Jew-
is. and other beliefs, have formulated a plan for
a liberal, anti-fascist German government.
Pla.us of this group include establishment of
a modified form of the Weimar Republic, close
economic cooperation with Russia, federaliza-
tion of Germany to prevent domination by Prus-
sia, and educational reform.
This is an indication that we may still
hole for future democratic leaders to come

College of Fnginteeriulg
June 16 to June 23, 1945
NOT'E: ,For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of exercise
is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes
only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the examination
period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regu-
lar schedufe. All cases of conflicts between assigned examination periods must
be reported for adjusO"nt. See bulletin board outside of Room 3249 East
Engincering Building between June 1 and June 7 for instruction. To avoid
misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his
instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the

period June 16 to June 23.
No date of examination may be changed withoutI
ication Committee.

the consent of the Classi-

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(at 10 (9
(at 11 (10
(at 1 (12
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(at 3 (2


} Saturday, June 16
Tuesday, June 19
Monday, June 1i
) Thursday, June 21
) Friday, June 22
) Wednesday, June G
) Saturday, June 16
) Monday. June 10i
) Friday. June 22
Thursday. June 21
) Wednesday. June 20
"Tuesday, June 19





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