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March 10, 1945 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Pon(- Fourteen


Soturday, Morch I0, 1945

PooP Fouregc'ri THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945

Book Reviewon
Bedroom Facts
Dr. Hopton, Miss Balliol Unearth 'Little"
Things, Which Make Matrimony Solid'
ByIn the first book of its kind, Bed ners is suppressed, the salient as-
Manners and Better Bed Manners, pects of the subject are treated as
by Dr. Ralph Y. Hopton and Anne microcosms when they should be
treated as macrocosms.
Balliol, a strategic social problem Youaed Ys Life
is taken out of the periphery in You Bed Your Life
which it has hitherto been, and Such an act as gettig un-
placed in the limelight. Written dressed, which has a plethora of
from a purely scientific viewpoint, aesthetic value, is handled as a
this startling book comes at an daily duty such as setting-up ex-
this trln okcmsa ecss When one considers that"'
auspicious moment. (Although I . hs
might say that our forbearers the average one-family man, with
could have mhade good use of it),a life span of seventy years, spends
' an amougt of time throughout his
when the institutions of society life, equivalent to nine years of
are at a crumbling point, and an work, eight hours a day, Sundays
analysis of the crux of the situa- included in the process of dressing
tion, if heeded will mean the re- and undressing, it becomes obvi-
capitulation and reformation of us how significant the perpetra-
tion of this act is to the general
our pit-fallen world. welfare of the individual. Yet,
From Cover to Cover humanity is oblivious to the im-
Dr. Hopton and Miss Balliol port of it.
have undertaken this Sisyphean Even such a comparatively sim-
task for the benefit of those per- ple thing as maintaining pleasant
surroundings in a boudoir is ig-
sons who have succumbed to the nored. Those who share the con
traditions of our culture and taken jugal hearth are so inconsiderate
the Sacred Marriage Vows, or to as to throw the most intimate of
any other individual who refuses belongings on the floor or drape
to follow the maxim "Live Alone them upon the arms of chairs.
and Like It." All other people And what is more disconcerting
(human or otherwise) are regard- than to awaken from a pleasant
ed as non-contributors to the col- dream of a Grecian chorus chant-
lapsing of human mankind. They ing a paean, only to see before you
are, ipso facto, eliminated from a silk stocking superimposed upon
the necessity of studying the mas- a pair of hounds-tooth checked
terpiece. pants.
However, if we are to be saved, Quick Henry, the Book
an assiduous and almost pedantic Such phases of Bed Manners
study must be made of the prob- are only the minor factors of the
lem. In the words of the authors, institution. There are others with
"One word of warning. This is the far greater significance, and more
first and only book ever printed important psychological implica-
about Bed Manners. The subject tions, which are treated with
is a vast one. The happiness of equal clarity and enlightenment.
many million people depends on Had Henry the VIII been avail-
it.- Therefore, do not attempt to ed of the use of this book the his-
read this book rapidly. Meditate tory of the world might have
each chapter before you take up been altered an infinite amount.
the next one. You must think as But, unfortunately such scholars
you read. You can do this in the as Dr. Hopton and Miss Balliol
privacy of your home, or in the were non-existent at that time.
subway, or out riding with your It is disconcerting to note that
friends, or in odd moments at the for lack of knowledge the path
office or factory where you work. of humanity swerved to an aber-
Own Your Own ration.
"For this reason. you cannot-
rent this book at a library, and
gallop through it, and expect to
get its full benefit. Own your own
copy at all times. Carry it around PIGTA I LS
with you, and give its magic a full
chance to work." Were swell
But, in spite of this urgent war-
ning, it would almost seem as if for finals
society were engaged in a con-
spiracy to continue its hazardous
lethargy concerning this phase of BUT
life, which is the quintessence of
its rapidly increasing down-fall, now's the time for your
Such a fact is tragic because
something can be done-which is NEW SPRING
made smanifest by this scholaly PERMANENT!
Bed Manners is a theme which Our machineless wave
is considered taboo by "polite so- will leave your hair
ciety." It is a subject, which, be- and easy to
cause of its extreme persn nature,
has never received the proper pub- manage.
lication. Thus, the ignorant must
remain in such a state, and in this
ignorance they are not only per-
petuating the unhappiness in their
own lives, but are conducive to 'the
unhappiness of the whole social BEAUTY SHOP
structure. 1205 S. University
Because edification in Bed Man-

300 Hill Street

Songs of Today Will Be Memories Tomorrow
In line with V-Ball Extra's func-
tion as a remembrancer of things today this musty old paper vs ill in St. Louis, The Trolley Song,
past here is a list of songs popular contain a list of some quaint chan- Always, It Happened One Night in
today. sons trilled by Joe College and Petropavlovsk, PSeset Lorraine,
Those of you who will cherish Betty Coed in 1945 AD. Tonight and Every Night, Cock-
this copy as a reminder of one, of Leading the list of popular songs tails for Two, Whispering, Dar-
the happiest nights of your life were Rum and Coca Cola, Don't danella, Your Feet's Too Big and
take note. Twenty-five years from Fence Me In, Saturday, Meet Me One Meatball.
1'.Vou-Ire looking rere well totdng, Mr. Deater.'"

It pays to see
Saffelt & flush

The most flattering thing a woman can
say about a man's appearance is . .. he
wears his clothes well."
She means that he takes them in his
stride, never looks painfully "dressed-
up," and is always comfortably at ease
whether behind a desk, on a dance floor,
or addressing a meeting of the board.
You can't help but wear your clothes
well if they have been made by Stein
Bloch. Designed to drape the natural
curves and masses of your body, they
are moulded so skilfully that there is
not a single trace of stress or stiffness
from collar to trouser-cuff.
New suave custom worsteds add a plus
attraction. One look in the mirror...
another in the admiring eyes of your
First Lady... and you will know what a
step forward you have made in the art
of looking your best.

$4 to$70

Sa e/ &


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