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May 22, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-22

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TUESDAY, rvift- 22, IS45


Fifty-Fifth Year

Tax eduction Strikes Snag

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Contra!
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Avelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
*~ * City Editor
Associate Editor
S . . . Sports Editor
. . * Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
* . Business Manager
. Associate Business at'.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rIer, $4.30, by mail, $5.2.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. a NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Dr. Hayden
THE DEATH of Dr. Joseph Hayden will prove
a great loss to the University and to the
people of the Philippine Islands.
Well known to students on campus, Dr. Hay-
den was head of the political science depart-
ment here and was active in civil affairs in the
Dr. Hayden was appointed in 1924 and again
in 1933 as vice-governor of the Philippines.
Taking leave from his duties here, he returned
to the Islands in 1943 to serve as civil adviser on
Philippine affairs to Gen. Douglas MacArthur's
He was planning to return to his teaching
position here at the time of his death. His
wide experience in the field of political science
$ coupled with his interest in the political devel-
opment of the American possession would have
been of immeasurable value to students and
professors engaged in research.
Dr. Hayden leaves behind his writings on Phil-
ippine development which will aid in developing
an understanding with the Philippines and will
help those who will formulate a definite'policy in
respect to the Philippines in the near future.
He also leaves behind, to his many students,
memory of his ability to inspire as well as to
instruct. -Carol Zack.
Big Three
PROBLEMS that are not. getting immediate
attention at the San Francisco Conference
could be discussed and perhaps solved if the
Big Three-President Truman, Prime Minister
Churchill, and Premier Josef Stalin-would
Such problems as the Polish dispute, the
question of an Austrian government agreeable
to all three Allies, occupation of Germany, war
reparation and punishment of war criminals
demand immediate discussion followed by action.
President Truman has announced that he
hopes to meet with Churchill and Stalin as
soon as possible "to discuss certain undecided
issues." Such a meeting will be of utmost im-
portance, first as a test or measure of Tru-
man's diplomatic skill, and second, as a pre-
view of expected cooperation among the Big
Three in international affairs.
-Lois Iverson
Bey War Bonds
URING the first eight days of the Seventh
War Loan Drive, campus sales have totalled
approximately $20,000. This is a good start, but
it is only a start.
Not including Sunday, May 27, just eight
moretbond buying days remain in which to meet
the University's $100,000 quota before the close
of the eamnus Phase of the drive on May 30.

W ASHINGTON-Senator George of Georgia
certainly got his colleague, Congressman
"Muley Bob" Doughton, blazing mad by popping
off about lowering taxes before the Pacific war
is over.
Congressman Doughton, who rides a white
mule through his farm in western North Caro-
lina and can be as stubborn as the animal from
whence derives his nickname, is chairman of
the Ways and Means Committee which initiates
tax legislation. George's finance committee in
the Senate can only amend taxes after Dough-
ton's committee has written the first draft of
the tax law.
Doughton is definitely opposed to lowering
taxes until the entire war is over. But what
really made him mad was that he and Senator
George plus other members of the two tax com-
mittees were scheduled to meet at 7 p. m. one
day last week to decide what the Congressional
tax policy should be.
And on his way to this meeting, without
waiting to see what the others thought, Sen-
ator George announced to the press that
taxes should be lowered. You can write it
down now that they won't be lowered at this
session if Muley Bob Doughton has anything
to do with it.
Note-President Truman didn't hesitate a
minute about opposing tax reduction until the
entire war is over. When the question was put
to him, he made his decision immediately, came
out with an emphatic statement next day against
tax reduction.
Capital Chaff ..-.
ASSISTANT Secretary of State Will Clayton,
the big cotton broker, has become one of
the most hard-hitting advocates of a tough peace
for Germany. (He was a little shaky about it
before) . . . One of Steve Early's last acts as
White House press aide was to stop publication
of President Truman's directive for a tugh
peace for Germany. The State Department
wanted it published, so did other government
agencies, and Truman himself gave orders that
it be given to the press one week ago. But Early
said publication at that time might be embar-
rassing to General Eisenhower.
Vivacious Madame Diamantopoulos, wife of
the Greek ambassador, committed the unfov-
givable San Franciscan sin when she arrived
for the United Nations Conference. She told
San Franciscans that she had come West be-
cause she wanted to visit Los Angeles. (When
she arrived in New York some years agg, the
lady announced that she didn't plan to learn
English because "all the worthwhile people in
Washington speak French") . . . Los Ange-
hins pass off the United Nations Conference
being in rival San Francisco by saying: "After
all, nobody 'heard of Yalta either until they
held a conference there."
Labor it Sot ranCiSCO
T 0 THOSE who watched suave Ed Stettinius
operate behind closed doors at San Francisco
the other day, it looked as if he had taken some
political lessons from Boss Hague of Jersey
City or Boss Hannegan of St. Louis. He cer-
tainly used strong-arm political tactics to run
rough-shod over the opposition.
It all started when Stettinius and Senator
Vandenberg learned that the conference's So-
cial and Economic Commission had voted 27
to 3 to invite the World Trade Union Confer-
ence into the United Nations as permanent
observers-along with the International Labor
Office, the Hlot Springs Food Conference,
UNRRA, and other groups. The World Trade
Union Conference represents 60,000,000 or-
ganized workers throughout the world, in-
cluding the CIO in this country, but not the
As soon as Stettinius heard about the pro-
posed invitation to the World Trade Union, he
had secretary general of the conference Alger
Hiss call an emergency meeting of the powerful
steering committee.
Stettinius also frantically phoned Anthony
Eden, asked him to appear .at the steering com-
mittee in person and vote to reverse the earlier
action of the British delegation which had favor-

By Ray Dixonj
BIG NAVY war bond show is being held to-
night in Hill Auditorium Should be gobs
of good entertainment.
Campus war bond totals are approximately
one fifth of the total of $100,000, This ain't
so good, considering only half the war is won.
e ,k
This being the seventh war loan drive, we've
thought of a slogan: "Buy war bonds in seven,
may not come eleven." But we imagine that, if
we tried to sell it to the Treasury Department,
they would say no dice.
Poetripe: Sunshine, sunshine stay away.
We can't study if you shine all day.
The Interstate Commerce Commission has
ruled that railroads must stop discriminating
when setting southern freight rates, much to the
railway operators' dismay. They must be

ed admitting the Trade Union. Stettinius also
phoned Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie
King, demanded that he support the U. S. posi-
tion. Stettinius even called up Wellington Koo,
acting head of the Chinese delegation aind tried
to get him to go along.
Labor Fireworks
T HE MEETING that followed was one of the
hottest so far held by the steering com-
mittee. Secretary General Hiss opened by call-
ing up not the first point on the agenda, but
the second point, namely, the admission of the
Trade Union to the United Nations as observ-
ers. Immediately up sprang French Foreign
Minister Bidault.
"Why does the Secretary General propose that
point two be taken up first?" asked Bidault.
"Because we put it on the agenda," replied
"But why should point two be taken up before
point one?" Bidault persisted.
"Because we asked that it be taken up first,"
Stettinius replied brusquely.
Hiss then called on Anthony Eden who made
a dull three-page speech asking the steering
committee to reverse the vote of the Social
and Economic Commission and not seat the
World Trade Union as observers. Mackenzie
King spoke next, echoing Eden's view. He was
followed by a Belgian delegate who said the
same thing in different words.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
American Failure
sible to put in a word, or a sentence, or even
a book, what the United States stands for at
San Francisco.
The great shock came when the American
delegation refused to join in a pledge of ulti-
mate independence for the colonies of the
world. That is a strange thing. We are the
world's greatest example of the development
of a free nation from a set of dependent
colonies. In modern times, we have taken
world leadership in this field by offering free-
dom to the Philippines. Everything we have
been, everything we are, says we believe in
freedom for colonial peoples; but our delega-
tion, speaking thickly, and as through a
mouthful of mush, says no. We have been
afraid to put down in words at San Francisco
the maxims of our own history and of our
own actions.
2. We are handing quivers-full of ideologi-
cal weapons to the Russians. They came out
for colonial independence. Our delegation has
explained carefully that technical independence
does not mean very much, so long as there is
"progressive development toward self-govern-
ment." It would be fair enough if a colony said
that. But it does not pass when an independ-
ent nation says it; it is like a rich man's sneer
at money. In India, in China, in Africa, it will
be remembered that the Russians stood for inde-
Once again we seem to be in the grip of that
obscure demon which causes us both. to be
afraid of the Russians, and to force advantages
upon them. We fear them, we shy away from
them, and we press weapons into their hands,
3. We did it again on the issue of full em-
ployment. The Russians proposed to the Eco-
nomic and Social Committee that full em-
ployment be made one of the specific goals of
the new world organization. We opposed it;
we were outvoted. Once again we seem unlike
ourselves, possessed by some sickly fear which
keeps us from enunciating clearly.. Full em-
ployment and colonial independence are going
to be the great mass slogans of the next fifty
years; these are the themes of political action
for the rest of this century. In both cases
we have taken wan, negative positions.
4. The possibility must be considered that,
having no firm policy of our own, we have al-
lowed ourselves to be caught up and swept
along in the wake of British policy, and that
British policy has taken the direction of a sterile
anti-Russianism. Fear of Germany is gone for
the moment, and there are signs that fear of

Russia is taking the ascendancy in official Brit-
ish thinking.
No writer has written more sympathetically
than the present one of Britain's proper fears for
her postwar future: But anti-Russianism is no
out. One of the proofs that it is not an out is
the way in which it has made us sound strangely
unlike ourselves at San Francisco, forced us into
a defense of nineteenth century slogans, while
giving the twentieth century slogans to the
Soviet Union.
5. Surely America has more to offer to the
world than this. It is a dangerous sign when
men and nations begin to sound unlike them-
selves, when they fall into those cataleptic
defensive postures which reveal only fear.
The great failure of San Francisco has been
the failure of America to stand for something.
We have drifted and we have mumbled. One
wonders whether there is enough courage in
Washington for another integrative try at
bringing the big three together. Mr. Roose-
velt would have tried.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

At the Michigan .
"COUNTERATTACK" is film fare
of a limited appeal. Its serious
theme and lack of Hollywood glitter
will not attract that large body of
customers who patronize Lana Tur-
ner movies. Yet, in many respects,
it will not appeal to those who like
"significance" in their entertain-
ment. Often, it is.merely boring in
its grimness rather than artful. It
may well receive its most sincere
attendance from those who feel that
Hollywood should be encouraged in
its more serious efforts, whether
these efforts are superior films or
"Counterattack" may best be de-
scribed as a character melodrama.
It is about a group of Russians
and Germans who are stranded to-
gether in the midst of an action on
the Eastern front. Its basis lines in
elementary melodrama, but it is
largely a statement of the differ-
ence in the character of the two
enemies, The film is a, battle of
words and wits between the two
factions, as they battle to see which
one will emerge triumphant.
This Columbia product comes from
the makers of "Sahara" and it con-
tains much of the unadorned hon-
esty that made that former film not-
able among the war output,. Paul
Muni, as the Russian leader, plays
convincingly in the sober mood of
the piece and the supporting cast
appears in the same vein. The most
notable lack of Hollywood affecta-
tion lies in the fact that "Counter-
attack" has only one woman, Mar-
guerite Chapman, in the cast, and
she appears without benefit of heavy
makeup or de luxe wardrobe.
At the State .. .
"f1OTEL BERLIN" also deals with
the Germans, as does its com-
panion at the Michigan. There is a
distinct difference, however. This
film, liberally based on a Vicki Baum
novel, is one in the series of topical
melodramas which Warner Brothers
have been putting out recently.
Its timeliness already somewhat
dated in view of the European
capitulation, "Hotel Berlin" details
life in the late, unlamented Ger-
man capital as it lives its last days.
As such, it is fast and furious mel-
odrama, without the finesse of
"Counterattack", but definitely
less static. In its preoccupation
with energetic activity, it never
probes too deeply into the German
The Brothers W. train their cam-
era on a Berlin hotel and certain of
its tenants and their activities. From
the rather patheticrhotel hanger-on
of Faye Emerson, to the imposing
Nazi general and his enamorata,
played by Raymond Massey and An-
drea King, you are whisked through
the plots and counter-plots of a
metropolitan hotel.
As an example of its type, "lotel
Berlin" is a smooth, professional
job. Not making any claim to seri-
out consideration, it whisks briskly
through its running time, abound-
ing in action and any number of
arrogant Nazis. The cast is an ex-
cellent one from the work of Miss.
Emerson and Massey, to the sup-
porting performances of Miss King
and Helmut Dantine.

THE LETTER written by Kurt Ben-
jamin which appeared in Satur-
day's Daily is unfortunately typical
of the thinking of many people who
have concentrated all their attention
on what should be done with war
criminals, and have forgotten our
real purpose in trying and punish-
ing these German leaders.
Mr. Benjamin advocates using
the German war criminals as gui-
nea pigs. Like many people, he
has forgotten that not vengeance,
but destruction of the ideas of
fascism which have been perpe-
trated by the German leaders and
prevention of their recurrence in
another twenty years is our pur-
By using the same methods which
have been introduced by the Ger-
mans themselves, we will be merely
helping to perpetuate those ideas
which so many Allied soldiers have
fought to destroy.
The time devoted to devising
new and ingenious ways of pun-
ishing Nazi war criminals would
be better spent in devising meth -
ods of re-educating the German
people in the ideas of peace and
individual liberty.
-Shirley Frank

'This haunting business is all sbot--You canut scare folks
who buy War Bouds."

ANY BONDS TODAY? By Gracie Allen
and George Burs
by Ed Reed


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 AngeIl Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 153
American Red Cross: The American
Red Cross, being urgently in need of
additional personnel, has asked the
University to call this situation to
the attention of women graduates of
this year and the recent past who
may be qualified Social Workers,
Recreation Workers, Hospital Work-
ers; and Staff Assistants for Club,
Clubmobile, and Recreation Centers,
for domestic and foreign service.
Those who are interested and believe
themselves qualified are advised to
consult at once with Mrs. Wells I.
Bennett, Chairman of Personnel Re-
cruitment of the Ann Arbor Red
Cross Headquarters, 25546, or direct-
ly with Mrs. Bennett, 21278).
The Summer Session of the Grad-
uate Curriculum in Social Work,
which is given at the Rackham Mem-
orial Building in Detroit, will open
for registration Friday and Satur-
day, June 15 and 16, classes begin-
ning Monday, June 18. 'he session
will close Friday, Aug. 1. This is a
change from original dates set.
Students interested in going to
Mexico this summer please meet in
Rm. 302 Romance Languages Build-
ing this afternoon at B p.m. CWT.
An informed person, who has been
in Mexico, will answer all your ques-
tions. This is a service rendered by
La Sociedad Hispanica to all those
American Red Cross, Detroit: Miss
Gorman, Home Service, will be in
our office Thursday, May 24, to
interview all senior girls with majors
in Sociology, Social Work, and Psy-
chology. Those who are interested
should call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, University Ext. 371, for ap-
American Red Cross: Columbus,
O., Home Service are interested in
June graduates for case work aide.
Further information can be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncements for the following have
been received in our office. Biophysi-
cist III, $280 to $340, Blind Place-
ment Worker I, $180 to $220, and
Light Highway Equipment Operator
B, $.75 to $1.05 and hour. For fur-
ther information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncements for Technical Aid
(Male & Female) (Business Admin-
istration, General, and Medical Sci-
ence), $37.54 to $20.07 for 40-hour
week, and $28.81 to $52.13 for 48-
hour week, and Jr. Engineering Aid
(Male & Female), $42.53 to $45.26
for 40-hour week, and $55.31 to
$58.88 for 48-hour week, have been
received in our office. Further in-
formation can be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason

amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Student Recital: Helen Elizabeth
Ashley, pianist, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music at 7:30 CWT, this evening, in
Lydia Mendessohn Theater. Her
program will include compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, and
Triggs, and will be open to the gen-
eral public. Miss Ashley is a student
of Joseph Brinkman.
Student Recital: Ruth Wolkowsky,
pianist, will be heard in a program
of compositions by Bach, Schubert,
Milhaud, and Brahms, at 7:30 p.m,
CWT, Thursday, May 24, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. She is a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman and presents the
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music. The public is cordially
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
Twenty-Second Annual Exhibition
by the Artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity: In the Mezzanine Exhibition
Rooms of the Rackham Building
daily, except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7
to 10 p.m. The public is cordially
"Krishna Dancing with the Milk-
maids" an original Raput' brush
drawing with studies of the hands in
crayon. Also examples of Indian fab-
rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine
Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri-
day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al-
umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B.
Events Today
Polonia Club: There will be a meet-
ing tonight in the International Cen-
ter at 5:30 (CWT).
All students interested in Polish
culture are welcome.
Alpha Phi Omega Service Frater-
nity will meet at the Michigan Union
tonight at 6:30 CWT. This will be a
very important meeting and all
members and pledges are asked to
attend if at all possible. Final plans
for the closing activities of the term
will be made and it is important that
every member and pledge be present
to insure a successful project.
The Cercle Francais will hold its
last meeting tonight from 7 to 10
p.m. (CWT) in the Assembly Room
of the Rackham Building to honor
the Bureau of the Cercle, the cast
of the French play and all who help-
ed in the production of "Ces Dames
aux Chapeaux Verts". French music,
group singing, dancing and refresh-
ments.. All members are urged to
attend. Coeds should ask for late
The Merchant of Venice will be
reviewed by the students in Speech
163, promptly at 7 CWT this evening
in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall. The plat-
form acting and narrative-recital
method will be used. Persons inter-
ested are cordially invited to this
The Folk Dancers invite the stu-
dents, faculty and their friends to a
special meeting tonight, 7:15-10:15
at the TUnitarian Churh at th e r.


By Crockett Johnson

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