TIE flHIGAN DAILY TUsD;*v, MAY 22, i94- ------------ - - GI's Eligible for iii--scharge SCIENCE RESEARCH CLUB: Organization of Fa Grads Proves Valuable, Says Strong NO FINAL BLUES: 1 1945 Grading tPlans Show Astonishing Chiaiges YANKS AND INJURED OKINAWAN-An Okinawa civilian who, al- though a bystander, was injured in the hitter fighting on the island, receives treatment from Americans. His wife tries to comfort him. Ann Arbors Fiohtmi Nisei Honored by Chireh Servie "The 18,000 Americans of Japanese descent who have been inducted into our Army, and especially those hund- reds who have given their lives, have helped to strengthen the American ideal of insistence upon the worth of the .individual, regardless of the country of his grandparents, the wealth of his father or the color of his skin." Secretary of Interior Ickes gave ex- pression to these sentiments in a mes- Student's part in the building of the peace was discussed at a two-ses- sion panel Sunday, sponsored by MYDA in cooperation with the Wayne +University Club of American Youth for Democracy. Bridget Poulson, executive secre- tary of Michigan AYD, keynoted the first session in a speech pointing out the problems of the peace as they have come up at San Francisco. She mentioned Bretton Woods, Dumbar- ton Oaks, and the necessity for unity among the Big Three. Discussions Held Discussion followed along the lines set forth by Miss Poulson with stu- dents from Wayne University giving brief speeches on the issues. Anna Vidakis of Wayne University presid- ed at the session. Virginia Kougias, AYD organizer in the Chicago area, spoke on "Fu- ture Prospectives of the Student Movement" in the keynote address of the second session. She spoke of the history of the youth movement in the United States and the needs of and for the youth movement today. Resolutions Sent A series of eight resolutions to be sent to American Youth, for a Free World were compiled by a committee at the close of the first session. These resolutions ask for closer coopera- tion between the Big Three and sup- port of the established peace; sup- port of Dumbarton Oaks; that only anti-fascist countries be allowed membership in the world organiza- tion; that the colonies be allowed self-determination, that the Warsaw Polish government be represented at San Francisco; that post-war mili- tary conscription be adopted in the United States; that war criminals be immediately brought to trial and punished; and that the Yalta agree- ments be supported. sage specially prepared for the ser- vices for Ann Arbor Americans of Japanese descent in the armed for- ces held Sunday at the First Metho- dist Church. The message was de- livered by Harry Matoba, chairman of the memorial service. Ickes' Statement "These Nisei have proved to Amer- ica and to all the world that the de- sire for freedom is not a racial trait. Their sacrifice has pledged us firmly to the principle that all our people must be permitted to share in the freedom achieved on the field of bat- te," Ickes' statement affirmed. An address by Col. R. C. Miller, U-. S. Army Area Commandant and a sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon were other highlights of the service in honor of the 186 Ann Arbor Nisei in the armed forces and in memory of the ten from this area killed in ac- tion. Cql. Miller's Address The essence of Col. Miller's address is contained in a passage which he quoted from a letter written by Pres- ident Franklin D. Roosevelt : "No loyal citizen of thesUnited:States should be denied the democratic right to exercise the responsibilities of his citizenship, regardless of his ances- try. The principle on which this country was founded and by which it has always been governed is that Americanism is a matter of the mind and heart; Americanism is not, and never was, a matter of race or an- cestry." Dr. Lemon brought out in his ser- mon that if this is a war for mere physical existence, the sacrifices of those who have been killed in action are foolish. But, he stressed, if this is a war of high ideals which will be- come realities, the sacrifices have not been in vain. The third chapter of the Wisdom of Solomon and selections from Isaiah were read by the Rev. Chester HI. Loucks, while prayers were led by the Rev. H. L. Pickerill. The Rev. Ralph Dunlop was the host pastor. By ANITA FRANZ "Hey Mable, let's go to the show tonight instead of studying for the "ec" bluebook tomorrow." In 1911, in the days of "Uncle Joe Cannon," the fighting LaFollette and Norris, when New Mexico and Ari zona became numbers 47 and 48, and when most of our pappys had not yet tipped their hats to out our mammys, the Michigander might have made this statement with impunity. Before, June, 1912, students fac- ed finals without the fear of a C Laz wociediad H-ispa nic Gives Scholar ships Fifty dollar scholarships were gran- ted to Lorna Fleming, Bunny Brett- schneider, and Ann Sugar by La Sociedad Hispanica at a reception Saturday evening in the Rackham Building. Marking the first time in four con- secutive years that three awards have been made instead of tyo, the scholarships are to be used toward the six-week summer session (1945) at the University of Mexico. In addi- tion, these students will be given free tuition at the University through an exchange scholarship plan by which the Universities of Michigan and Mexico exchange students for the summer session. Chosen by officers of La Sociedad Hispanica and their director, Prof. Ermelindo A. Mercado of the Ro- mance Language department, con- testants for the awards must be ac- tive members of La Sociedad Hispan- ica. The awards are given. Prof. Mercado pointed out, "to the active members of the club who will derive the most good from the scholarship and the trip to Mexico." For all students who are inter- ested in taking trips to Mexico, a special meeting will be held at 4 p.m. EWT today in Rm. 302 of the Ro- mance Language Building for the purpose of answering questions about Mexico. A well-informed person who has been in Mexico, Prof. Mercado said, will answer such questions as what to wear, how to get acquainted, travelling connections, expenses and places to see in Mexico. Reigionfls M U1SIC Will Be SRA Lete r To pi "The Gregorian Chant", an illus- trated lecture, will be delivered by the Rev. Frank J. B. Flynn at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) tomorrow at Kellogg Auditorium. Assisted by a student choir from the Sacred Heart Seminary in De- troit, which will illustrate the various types of chants, Father Flynn will discuss the history, character and use of the chant. Father Flynn is a, teacher and choir director at Sacred Heart. Sponsored by the Student Relig- ious Association and the School of Music, this is the last in a series of three Lectures in Sacred Music. The first of the series dealt with Jewish sacred music and the second with Protestant hymnology. or a D because there just "weren't no such animals" then. You eith- er were graded "Passed," "Not Pas- sed" or "Conditional." A "Condi-1 tional" coild be removed by re- taking the final examination in the course. "This system was supposed to be very democratic," Wilfred B. Shaw, Director of Alumni Relations, said. "It placed the emphasis on the sub- ,Ject rather than on the glade." But with the University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in its fifth year, a more accurate system of grading became necessary, Shaw explained. "A new tendency in the atti- tude toward narks and. special distinctions bean to be notice- able; the old belief that such re- wards set up false goals and en- couraged an undesirable type of competition have been abandoned," is the notation on the grading sys- tem found in the University Ency- clopedic Survey, Part Il, Organ- izations Services and Alumni. At first the system operated on a three point basis, but in September, 1937, the present system was, inau- gurated in the majority of the schools of the University. The purpose behind the four-point system is to raise the University scholastic standard. Under a three- point plan, the student had to earn 120 grade points to graduate, but he received at least a C on every course he passed. Under the present system, it is possible to fall lower than a C and still pass a course. Thus, it is neces- sary to balance anything below a C. Before the student had to make a C average on the number of courses he passed; now he has to make a C average on all the courses he triesI to pass. igh lights On Campus.. New Course Offered.®. "Technology and Social Change" is the title of a new course which will be given in the Department of Sociology during the second half of the summer term for two hours credit. This course, which will be taught by Prof. Lowell J. Carr, will consider the role of science and invention in social change and the development and organization of industrial tech- nology, particularly in the Detroit area. Sociology 51 is a prerequisite for this course, and background work in economics is recommended. Prof. Dorr lWill Speak. - . Prof. Harold Dorr of the politi- cal science department will speak on "Dumbarton Oaks and After' to- day at the Ecorse High School in Ecorse. The talk, sponsored by the Uni- versity of Michigan Club of Ecorse, is open to the public,. Rev. Flynin To Lecture ... The lecture by Rev. Frank Flynn, scheduled in the University Calendar to be delivered at 9 p. m. EWT (8 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will be given at the same time in Lane Hall. The Hindustan Association pro- gram will be held in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. in. CWT) tomorrow. .ihigan b ne Agis Seven!' The Science Research Club, whose president this year is Prof. Leon Strong of the Department of Anat- omy, is a campus organization very important to the University, accord- ing to Prof. Strong. "The high scientific morale of the investigators of the campus is due, in part, to the activities of this club," Prof. Strong believes. Such an or- ganization is good for the University, Indeed, any aggregation of scholars, especially one of scholars engaged in active research, has an excellent effect on the intellectual atmosphere of an institution of learning, accord- ing to Prof. Strong. Michigan stu- dents should realize the importance of this, he said. Club Interests The club is interested in "the mena- surable approach to discovery," Prof. Strong said in an interview. Its mem- bership consists of faculty men and graduate students representing all departments of scientific work offered at the University. An unwritten re- quirement for admission is the pub- lication of a scientific paper on some research subject. Women are not admitted, since they have a reseai'ch club of their own. Soon after the turn of the century, a group of faculty men organized the Research Club, and in 1902 a younger group, inspired by their ex- ample, organized a Junior Research Club. This latter name was recently changed to Science Research Club. Papers Presented At each meeting two papers are CLASSIFIED DIRECT ORY presented, about something a person has discovered, how he went about this, the possible consequences of the discovery. Prof. Strong remarks that criticism is always free and frank, and is very helpful to the one presenting the paper. He feels that the greatest benefit derived is the realization that all science interlocks. FOR SALE FOR -SALE: Canaries, singers and females, Parrakeets, Love Birds, Cocketiels, bird supplies, 562 S. 7th. 5330. TUXEDO, size 38, white coat, double breasted with black trousers. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 8545. Mornings between 8:00-8:30. Eve- nings 7:00-8:00, LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gold Wahl pen in 2003 An- gell Hall, 10 o'clock May 18. Call i Jean Campbell, 4736. Reward. LOST : Woman's Parker wrist watch and a maroon Eversharp pen. Sen- timental value. Call Louise Pat- rick, 4089. Reward. LOST: Black satin coin purse be- tween corner of Liberty and State and Betsy Barbour, Thursday eve- ning. Reward. Call 2-2591, Rm. 220. LOST: String of pearls between Jor- dan and St Mary's. Caroline Fos- ter, 24561. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment. Study, bedroom, dressing room, bath. No cooking. Available June 15. $40 month. Shown by appoint- ment only. Phone 4742. r - 'A I WI DEEYED They won't be the only ones to notice your refreshed beauty after your trip to the STAEB- LER BEAUTY SHOP. Well- groomed hair makes a hit with those from six to sixty. *Y PUT ON THE DOG With a shiny, hand-made aluminum bracelet from the MADEMOISELLE SHOP . .. obtainable in all different widths . . . have your name engraved in Oriental lettering. Prices run from $2.00 to $2.50. THE CAMERA'S CLICKIN' at the best dressed girl around. She went to ELIZABETH DIL- LON for her summer play-togs ... and found bareback dresses, two-piece play suits, and gay matching skirts. '1 I ,'1 WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Day or Night Continuods from 1 P.M. Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. Now Playing f 9 ___ .___ _.__ ._._ . ._. ._..a-m.. ._.W_..._ __ _ _ . .. _ ., . t i AROU ND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG 71 ®6 I "Diamond Horseshoe", new techni- color film starring Betty Grable, will be presented free of charge to those who have purchased War Bonds at any Ann Arbor theater, at 9 p.m. EWT (8 p.m. CWT) June 13 at the State Theater. 2:15 p. m. PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES-A discussion of "Safety in the Home" prepared and presented by Bessie Creecy, Rich Square, North Carolina and William Swan, Gary, Indiana, both grad- uate students in the School of Public Health. 2:30 p. in. OUR WAY OF LIFE. TUES., MAY 22 11:30-Farm. & Home ;Hour. 4:30-Ranch Boys & Betty Eastern War Time 12:00-News. Lou. 7:00-News. 12:15-Merle Pitt. 4:45-Misch Borr &. Orelh. 7:05--Morning Roand-Up. J2:30--Trading Post. 5:00--News. 7:30-Musical Revellie. 12:45-Luncheon Melodies. 5:05-Campus Ballroom. 7:50-Bouquet for Today. 1:00-News. 5:45-Sports Review. 8:00-News. l :05-Holywood Reporter. 6:00--News. 8:15-1050 Club. 1:15--Pat Dupont (Voc.) 6:15-David Rose & Orch. 9:00--News. 1:30--Lionel Hampton. 6:30-Telephone Quiz. 9:05-Goodyear's MusicBox 1:45-J. Sears (C. Dennis). 6:45--Piano Interlude. 9:30-Community Calendar 2:00-News. 6:55--Flashes from Life. 9:45-Lean Back & Listen. 2:05-Hal Stuart. 7:00-News. 10:00-News. 2:15-U. of M. 7:15---Fireside Harmonies. 10:05-Lawrence QVintet. 2:45-Fireside Quartet. 7:25-Band of the Week. 10:15-What Do You Know. 3:00-News. 7:30-Nan Cooper (Voc.) 10:30-Broadway Melodies. 3:05-Everett Tutchings. 7 :45-Community Fu n d 10:40-Women Today. 3:15-Charlie Barnett. Program. 10:45-Waltz Time. 3:30-Band Music. 8:00-News. 11:00--News. 3:45-The Stardusters. 2:05--Irene Schwoco. 11:05-Piano Moods. 4:00-News. 6:15-Put & Take It. 11:15-Ralph Ginsburg. 4:05--Jules Lande. 8:30-Extravaganza. PRESENTATION He'll give her a diploma, but your gift from the SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOP will thrill her even more. Dainty blouses, slips, or pajamas always please the girl graduate, * fI.IfLND 11ATIM ANREA IKING RAYN~NDMASSEY p thR LOftRtE J4 iL4 " t -- i WA . Pk ? 14 FMMWM 'V 7lj I