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May 22, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-22

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ui .



Scattered Showers
and Cooler.



War Bond
review To
Take Place
Two-Hour Show To
Feature Navy Band
In connection with the Seventh
War Loan Campaign, a free two-
hour Navy Review will be given at
8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT)
today in Hill Auditorium, featuring
the U.S.S. Helena band with Lieut.
Robert K. Adams, USNR, as emcee.
Therreview, which is making a tour
through Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, In-
diana and Kentucky to stimulate
bond sales, will consist of the Mu-
sical Mchs directed by Jack Sherr,
who led his own aggregation before
joining the Navy, and several spe-
cialty acts in addition to the band
Adams is 'U' Grad
Lieut. Adams, a graduate of the
University, was a radio and stage
actor previous to his entrance into
the Navy, has produced "Sky High"
from Glenview, Ill., Naval Air station
and "Flight Deck Jamboree" from the
Naval Air Technical Training Cen-
ter, Chicago.
Survivors of the sinking of the
U.S.S. Helena in the Battle of Kula
Gulf, July 5, 1943, the band is now
stationed at the U. S. Naval Training
Center, Great Lakes, Ill. The crew
has recently been awarded the Navy
Unit Commendation, first decoration
of its kind given by the Navy De-
partment. '
Nearly all the musicians were in
the Navy before the outbreak of war,
and were stationed at Pearl Harbor
at the time of the Japanese attack.
They participated in 13 engagements
in the Southwest Pacific before the
Helena was sunk in Kula Gulf.
Sponsor Named
Sponsored by the combined veter-
ans' organizations of Ann Arbor,
the show is free to townspeople and
students. According to George Leon-
ard, chairman of publicity for the
local drive, "The cast has many pro-
fessionals, and the show itself is
really good."
Campus sales are being conducted
by solicitors from the veterans or-
ganization, members of JGP, and
bonds may even be purchased in the
cashier's office. Any bonds bought
from other sources should be credited
to the University drive to help reach
the $100,000 goal established for the
Sophs To Meet
Today; Answer
Frosl Callenge
"My gosh, they're afraid of us,"
quoth freshman captain Dick Emer-
ick yesterday about the failure of
the sophomore class to respond to
the freshman challenge in the Class
Games Classic at 2 p. m. EWT Sat-
urday on Ferry Field.
He spoke of the scheduled sopho-
more class meeting last week at
which only a half dozen eager, will-
ing and able sophs showed up tof
make plans for what they say
will be the rout of the freshmen
on the field of honor. Navy and
civilian sophomores will get an-
other chance to band together
against the junior-sized upstarts
tonight, with a second meeting at
8 p. m. in Rm. 316 of the Union.
"If they don't turn out tonight,

you know the answer-they don't care
enough about their allege honor
to defend it," Roy Rogers, frosh lead-
er, pointed out. Freshmen have is-
sued uncomplimentary proclama-
tions to the sophomores urging thema
unite now or meet their doom.
Class Games has been revived this
year-for the first time since 1940-
to bring back some of the traditional
fire and spirit that always highlight-
edathe interclass clashes in pre-war
years. Freshmen have turned out
some 50 strong in preparation for
the Saturday fracas. Sophomores
have yet to show anything but apa-
thy to the youngsters' challenge.
"They must be dead," Bob Goldman
Soph leaders Dave Duttweiler, Art
Sakel, George Slocum and Dewey
Tennant together with Coach Earl
Riskey will be on hand tonight' to'
organize the sophomores. Movies of
the Michigan-Ohio State game will
be shown. Both sides have urged a
strong turnout tonight, because the
games will be fair only if the teams
a evenlv maihed.

Rash Behavior
An epidemic of German meas-
les has hit the Michigan campus.
"The worst feature of these
measles is the alarm they are
causing," Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, Director of the University
Health Service, said. Actually they
are not very serious, since they
are mild, last only three days, and
seldom have complications. A few
days of rest and a reasonable
amount of isolation will cure
The symptoms of these measles
are the same as those of a com-
mon cold, except that with the
measles there is an enlargement
ofnthe glands behind the ears,
and a generalized rash.
Lantern Nigfht
Sing Cup :Won
By Newberry
Adlelia Cheever House
Awarded Activities Cup
The presentation of the WAA Sing
Cup to Helen Newberry for its rendi-
tion of "Stadala Pumpa" (Czech Folk
Song) and the WAA Participation
Cup to members of Adelia Cheever
highlighted the 32nd annual Lan-
tern Night Sing held last night at
Hill Auditorium, to honor senior
Placing second in the song contest
was Alpha Gamma Delta which sang
"Beautiful Saviour" while "This Is
My Country" won third place for
Alpha Xi Delta. The cup was award-
ed by Barbara Osborne, president of
Dr. Bell Presents Awad
Dr. Margaret Bell, who presented
the participation cup, announr
that Adelia Cheever had earned 16
points for participation in team an
individual sports activities of WAA.
Second place winner, Alpha Xi Dlta,
accumulated 103 points and Zeta Tau
Alpha, placing third, earned 61
Members of the School of Music
faculty who judged the contest were
Miss Thelma Lewis, Mls. Arthur
Hackett and Dr. Hard in Van Der -
sen. Dr. Margaret Bell also acted as
judge. Thirty women's residences
entered the contest and judging was
based upon the most outst.aning
examples of harmony and blending.
Line of March
Preceding the program in Hill Aud-
itorium was a Line of March which
met in front of the library. Seniors
formed a double line, flanked by
underclasswomen on either side. Past
presidents of key women's activities
or campus headed the line, while the
Ann Arbor High School Band, under
the direction of Charles Yates, led
the parade from the center of the
diagonal to the auditorium.
Included in the group of presidents
werc Natalie Mattern, former head of
Women's Judiciary Council; Marjorie
Hall, past president of Women's War
Council; Florine Wilkens, 1944-45
head of Assembly Association; Peg
Laubengayer, outgoing president of
Panhellenic Association and Shelby
Dietrich,past president of WAA.
The Line of March was comprised
of 1,500 University women. Seniors
weregarbed in traditional caps and
gowns and underclassmen wore color
ed ribbons to signify respective clas-
ses. Juniors wore yellow ribbons,
Chinese Troops
Latnch Drive
Push Made Againhst ap

Lifeline in lndo-China
CHUNGKING, May 21-IP)-Chi-
nese troops, in preliminary counter-
offensive blows against an estimated
2,000,000 Japanese troops in China
and Manchuria, have launched a new
drive in the south against Japan's
vital lifeline to Indo-China, the High
Command announced tonight.
} The Chinese offensive 330 miles
south of Chungking and 150 miles
north of Indo-China already has rip-
pedi out one major bastion inl the
Japanese supply coridor across
China-the heavily-fortified Kwangsi
province rail town of Hochin, a com-
munique said.
JAG's To Meet
For Conference
Forty-nine high ranking judge ad-
vocates, including six generals, will
-nnv- f'r.',. n +J',f.r a r ot, l . n_

Japs Attack




* *
Ci'ty B4
Lucking Says
Bear Costs
Suit To Be Held in
Court on Monday
A show cause hearing will be held
in Circuit Court Monday on a suit
seeking to enjoin Ann Arbor from
furnishingrfurther fire protection to
the University unless "under lawful
authority or contract authorized by
the state legislature."
Plaintiff in the case, filed yester-
day, is Alfred Lucking, Detroit at-
torney and owner of the Wolverine
Building, Washington and Fourth
Lucking Explains Case
Stating that Ann Arbor taxpayers
should not be compelled to support
fire protection for a state-owned in-
stitution, Lucking explained that the
University doubles the fire hazard
to individual property because of
several old buildings, including 'U'
and Mason Halls on campus.
"The City of Ann Arbor which has
an assessed evaluation of approxi-
mately $50,000,000 is giving free fire
protection to the $60,000,000 property,
owned and controlled by the Univer-
,ity Board of Regents," he said. "Yet,
no actual compensation for the pro-
tection has been given the city."'
$50,000 Asked
Lucking contends.that the Regents
should be required to pay the city
$50,000, plus interest, which he said
was the reasonable value of fire pro-
tection furnished by the city in the
past six years.
Owners of two small buildings,
housing places of business, adjoin-
ing the Wolverine . Building and
termed "serious fire hazards," were
also named in the suit.
World Charter
May e Signed
In Two Weeks
Under the impetus of good will gen-
erated by agreement on a touchy
regional security issue, the United
Nations Conference officially set for
its goal today the signing "in the
first week of June" of a new world
charter designed to keep peace,
Specific steps taken today toward
a compromise on another big prob-
lem- trusteeships- added to the
chances that the conference might
finish its momentous enterprise in
another fortnight.
A move to promise either eventual
independence or self-government to
colonial peoples under international
rule was reported to have been a-
greed upon substantially by repre-
sentatives of the British and Ameri-
can delegations.
Russia has been battling for inclu-
sion of the goal of independence.
Britain and the United States so far
have preferred the naming of self-
government. The Chinese suggested
listing both.
Commander Harold E. Stassen of
the American. delegation and Lord
Cranborne for the British were re-
ported today to have agreed gener-
ally to support the Chinese formula.
As this boost to conference prog-
ress developed, the policy-making

steering committee distributed to
delegates a time-tables suggesting
that all committees and subcommit-
tees which have been sifting amend-
ments to the charter and drafting its
various chapters, complete the job
"by the end of the present week."






at U's 'Fire

Rites for Prof. Hayden
Will Be Held Tomorrow

rives Repulse Nip
illenge Near Naha
emy Sports %aptured U S Weapons
its; Americans Advance on Okinawa

By The Associated Press
GUAM, Tuesday, May 22-Japanese wearing American Marine uni-
forms and using captured U. S. weapons made a strong counterattack on
the Sixth Marine Division sector near Naha Sunday night. The attack
was repulsed.
Three other groups of Japanese, using demolitions, attacked the First
Marine Division sector. They also were repulsed, Fleet Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz said in today's communique.
Both the Marine Third Amphibious Corps-the First and Second Divi-
sions-and the 24th Army Corps-the 77th and 96th Infantry Divisions-
, Made advances on both flanks and

former faculty member to be buried here tomorrow.
* * ** * *
Formter Political Science Chairman
Was Attached to MacArthlr's Staff

Tension over
Trieste Question
Eased byTito
Moscow May Have
Caused Recent Action
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 21.-Marshal Tito
of Yugoslavia appeared tonight to
have -eased diplomatic and military
tension over the occupation of Tri-
este and its surrounding area, pos-
sibly under Moscow prompting.
Diplomatic sources with contacts
in the British Foreign Office de-
scribed the situation as "definitely
improved" and there was a disposi-
tion to regard the problem as ripe
for an early solution.
Tito Withdraws
Already, Tito was withdrawing his
troops from southern Austria, one
of the points of dispute.
Yugoslav occupation headquarters
had been withdrawn from Trieste.
although the military situation there
was unchanged with both British and
Yugoslav troops occupying the Adri-
atic port.
While delegates purporting to
speak for the citizens of Trieste sent
a bellicose message of allegiance to
Tito, progress was apparent on dip-
lomatic levels.
Solution Sought
Diplomatic channels said it had,
become quite clear in the last 24
hours that the Yugoslavs were pre-
pared to seek a solution without
armed force, and that Tito's govern-
ment had indicated a willingness to
discuss the question with the Allies.
Developments were indicated on
two diplomatic fronts-first Tito's
apparent readiness to discuss direct-
ly with Italy the long-term status of
the territory, and second his inclina-
tion to discuss the present status of
occupation with the Allies.

in the center of the Naha-Shuri-
Yonabaru line.
Jap Planes Attack
Making their first attack in several
days, 35 Japanese warplanes struck
at American shipping off Okinawa
Sunday evening. They damaged five
light units, Nimitz said. Twerity-six
attackers were shot down.
Fleet Airwing one search planes
have sunk 86,880 tons of Japanese
shipping and damaged 81,500 tons
since inauguration of their sweeps
to Korean and Japanese rwaters. They
also have destroyed 21 Japanese
planes and damaged 15. These four-
motored Privateers and Liberators
twin engined Mariners went into ac-
tion from Okinawa bases only a few
weeks ago.
Yaku Island Bombed
Their latest raid was a bombing
attack on Yaku Island, northern Ry-
ukyus, where they started large fires.
Marine planes attacked the Palaus
and Marshalls.
One army Mitchell bomber was
lost to antiaircraft fire in an attack
on Minami Cape, Shumushu Island,
northern Kuriles, Sunday. Navy
search planes attacked targets on
OnOkinawa Maj. Gen. John R.
Hodge, commander of the 10th Ar-
my's 24th Corps, said a decrease of
Japanese mortar and artillery Aire at
night indicated American bleeding
tactics have cut the strength of the
enemy, denied outside reinforce-
Japs Hide in Caves
But the Nipponese, believed to have
still around 30,000 troops massed
along the four-mile line, piled from
caves and tunnels of their hill de-
fenses and fought the Yanks to the
death. Front reports said the first
Marine Division in a mighty tank-
supported thrust drove to the crest
of the last ridge overlooking Shubi,
second largest city on the island.
Shuri is a mass of rubble, blasted
by Naval and land artillery and aer-
ial bombs. But Shuri castle, thick-
walled and moated home of medieval
Ryukyuan warriors, remained a tough
bastion to be cracked.

Funeral services for Prof. Joseph
Ralston Hayden, 58, civilian affairs
expert formerly attached to General
MacArthur's Philippine staff will be
held at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow in the St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church.
Prof. Hayden, a member of the
University political Science Depart-
ment for 23 years, served as the de-
partment chairman since 1937. He
joined MacArthur's staff shortly aft-
er the fall of Bataan and served with
him until a month ago when he was
sent home because of poor health.
He had been on leave of absence as
vice governor and secretary of public
instruction in the Philippine Islands.
Prior to this he had been an ex-
change professor at the University
of the Philippines.
Hemorrage Causes Death
Arriving home about a month ago
Prof. Hayden went to Washington on
business last week. His death due to
cerebral hemnorrage came late Sat-
urday night in Walter Reed hospital
in Washington, shortly after he had
attended the wedding of a Philip-
pine friend.
His knowledge of the Far East
made him widely known as a lecturer
and political writer. He held the
position of special correspondent in
the Far East for the Christian Science
Graduate of Knox1
Prof. Hayden graduated from Knox
College, in Galesburg, Illinois in 1910.

He received his 'law degree in 1928.
He attended the University of Mich-
igan for his masters and doctors de-
He became director of the Round
Table on the Philippine Islands at
the Institute of Politics, Williamston
in 1927. From 1925 until 1930 he
was a member of the Board of Cur-
rent History Associates. He was a
Lieutenant in the Michigan Naval
Militia and was on active duty from
April, 1917 until February 1919 dur-
ing the last war.
Hayden's Works
The best known of Prof. Hayden's
literary works were "The Senate and
the Treaties 1789-1817." In 1920
he edited "The Philippines Past and
Present," written by pean C. Wor-
cester. He was a prolific contributor
of articles on Government and Poli-
Surviving Professor Hayden is his
wife Elizabeth, whom he married in
Ann Arbor in 1917. 'There are two
daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas
Pearson and Mary. His only son
Ralston, just returned from the Eu-
topean Theatre of Operations after
completing his required bombing mis-
An important meeting of dor-
mitory presidents will be held at
5 p. m. EWT (4 p. m. CWT) today
1 in the Assembly-Pan Hellenic of-
flees at the League.

JAG School Director Leaves
For War Crimes Office Post

Director of the military justice de-
partment of the Judge Advocate
General's School, Maj. 'Warren F.
Farr left yesterday for Washington
to serve as liaison officer between
the War Crimes Office of the JAGD
and Supreme Court Justice Robert
S. Jackson, recently appointed Unit-
ed States Prosecutor on the future
International Court.
Inducted into the Army four years


ago, Maj. Farr graduated from OCS
and the Fifth Officer class of the
JAG School in November, 1942. He
has served as director of the military
justice department for the last year.
, First Lt. John H. Weidner, a grad-
uate in the Fifth Officer Candidate
class, left yesterday for a new as-
signment to the JAG in Washington.
Assistant Executive Officer of the
JAG School, Lt. Weidner expects to
be sent overseas "bh~ortly.
A graduate of the Sixth Officer
Candidate class, First Lt. Robert T.
Dwyer, a member of ,the military
science and tactics staff here, has
also been assigned to Washington.
Three new officers have been as-
signed to the JAG School. First Lt.
Charles H. Flansburg, member of
the 22nd Officer class, which gradu-
ated Saturday, has been added to
+ha n smayn nnna wthman nnra +.



Gollection Exhibits High Workmanship

"The level of Argentine workman-
shin in bookmaking is now as high
as that in the United States," Dean
Hayward Keniston said yesterday in
an interview regarding the current
exhibit of hnoks on disnlav in the

the books are published unbound
with colorful paper covers similar
to the 'jackets' on American books.
Authors, in fact, often have full-
page photographs on the fronts.
Occasionally, however, elaborate
hinding are made from umhorn calf

"Of course, the more ornate covers
may run as high as $6.00, but that
is still much less than a comparable
American rate of $15.00.
Strictly Yankee influence is
found in the 'pocket' books on ex-
hihit. "fliiynhrpe R rrasc s." in

hand to eliminate "drifts" on the
A yearly Book Fair, held in a
Buenos Aires park, attempts to en-
courage a reading public. At that
time each publisher has a booth
where he sells his latest publications.

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