Saturday, March 10, 1945 T HE MI C HIGA N D A ILY P- r Thi rieen ti- Beheve I or Note One Pac s of Fags dFound on Campu ByLIEapartandcrambl knwymfim, hI call this pieme"The.iraceTfh the Lst Weed" nt on of any Dogg. e . special fondnesa fr c thy titles, EltdIbrtit.c os, StaEl.tIdhIdburst pntoedztheoWAB but sin ply because it the situ- atiao , well. Y u see, a few weeks depAsited my find an ti bed n agypafounafulpackof cigar-s.called in my twa roomat,, te Lgaing faun a furll, "Eka ci- husemother and the pthcttae. ettes lying in the street.p Theb ogdreak . The dappreachedtt oneiThursday hapne at1uTurdy filched a few igs an vcst of piht, when walkin home frm e tegeneral diectian of Lockwelltero. h tc c .c n Stall. I had just passe the WAB ah-ed We all lit ur sat "olie B .ilding, hlding my nse with out a bttleo fg csc ted bth hands (sa it vouldn't get nly n apecial aca 'r'te this. cld), hen Ies pieddirectly in Aftermane draw ativ t e ypatl a nak f cigarettes, them all taofthe o acked. Tkting out a shrill, Eureka " I the daor and finishe ss te oer'' asready to punce upon the beaedyek prie when the thaught hit me Teectmn -, ,nr that the ig miht be a boaby Teectmn vrtt cse trasp. acle" has lng sincaas': ts' I Thss' .. .e Bear Facts jpapermnen have rr t osc s th itc555i5.s5 j autiously maneuvering abut rutine reporting c a' es THE BEAUTIFUL, HEDY-Miss J~amrr pictured above in something known as IL'rong, fits the cellophaned package, I edged The persn who ctnt'.s i o 's- many male conceptions of what is meant by the term "woman." The writer below gives us a up to it, kicked it a few feet and ing the cigarettes was th' uia out critical analysis of the place of the female in present-day society and claims that The Paul.. uped backwards right into the of the University for aseles'sess Bunyan Formal had a lot to do with it. arms of a startled black bear, who bordering on insanity. 'The incs- made some comments about my dent has largely been forgotten. lack of pulchritude and cheer- As a matter of fact, it came' back fully tossed me out of his cage. to my memory only lact wseek V om en QiD qua lty S hown Unable to restrain myself I dove when I was polishing the medal I or the cigarettes, tore the pack, got from the Liars Club By fttire fit Paul Bunyan Dance Hope for the emancipation of something more involved. Not to their artificial position, rne women can be extracted by the only do women conspire to main- becomes alarmed indeed at the a penetrating observer from the cc- tain a dominant but protected po- realization of a truth of the cent foresters' ball, the so-called sition. They have convinced their most self-evident variety: that Paul Bunyan Formal. A perhaps sexual opposites of the veracity of the majority is always wrong. superficial indication that females their goal. are at last attaining equality was Perhaps in the best interests of evidenced in the similarity obvious Has anyone yet succeeded in society it would be well if this in the clothing worn at the affair asecertaining the true propor- column were suppressed. The tre- by both sexes. tions, the Broadingnagian scale mendous effect of its publication Although Plato would have re- on which this conspiracy has might be too devastating a shock moved all nominal distinctions been perpetrated? In view of for our civilization to sustain. As between men and women in his the fact tat very nearly 1111% Plato is reported in have stated utopian Republic, this has not of the people of the world, male when A. Conan Doyle questioned always been so in America. It has and female alike, are of the him via the ether, "Si quaeris pen- long been recognized by some as opinion that women are entitled insulam amoenam, circumspice." fact that American women do not S hold a position of equality. There are those who hold that they have Boston's 'Watch and Ward' in not even begun to approach such a position. Some students of the S allegedly fair sex have often and wc voieosyenunciated the opin- t ion that our women (sic) do not aspire to equality, or, that they BOSTON, March 8.- Boston's . are ot wllig toassue te re iig such an advocation of Com- are not willing to assume the me- Watch and Ward Society, acting sponsibility entailed in that status. i c t hsm fa ic." inm conjunction with the "Put a frantic." To properly consider this Bar of Soap in Every Urchmr's Sanlitatin question, it might be well to at- van fashion bows to s as tempt an answer to the purely Mouth" League, today posted a Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes,.''' rhetorical query: Just what is a new list of books which were con- that sordid epic of free love, was woman? In compliance with sidered, "too immoral for Boston- also a subject of violent contro- "-. . soft gabscdci;, certain abortive restrictions on i versy. The argument was finally van intellectual capacities."lsettled with the expurgation of smooth wools t what should be the cntrammeled freedom of the press, however, Among the books listed were the book from the presses of the this point will be omitted here. several best sellers and classical Massachusetts Bay Colony on the will carry you 'ti selections, which for the past years grounds that the line, "Rub-adub Proceeding then on the assump- had been masquerading under the dub, three men in a tub," was Spring . . . be p; tion that women as individuals, if titles of educational and philo- contrary to all sanitation laws, not as a group, are known with sophical treatises. and bred the germs of a cleanli- pared, choose yr. varying degrees of accuracy to one Plato a Communist ness rebellion in the minds of half of the population, and with Plato's Republic, whimn has been Boston's children. some intimacy to the remaining used in many colleges and uni- Also listed among the volumes today. section (i.e. themselves), it is safe versities as a textbook for Politi- "unfit for public perusal" were to discuss the topic as one of cal Science and Government cour- Gibbns' "Fall and Decline of the universal interest and concern. ses, was number one on the list Roman Empire," Merriam-Web- a It has been affirmed by some of the banned books. Dr. Pury ster's Dictionary (Fourth Edition), writers that the present status of Tann, who has ruled the Watch John Galsworthy's "Forsythe Sa- the female is due to a sort of sex and Ward Society with an iron ga," and Bud Schuster and Jerry to conspiracy aimed at maintaining hand, encased in pure white (San- 1 Siegel's "Superman." a secure position in society with- itone treated) kid gloves for the I Love a Parade out carrying the weight of the past eighteen years said when After posting the list, the Watch rather burdensome responsibilities asked about the banning of the and Ward Society staged a cele- usually associated with such a po- Republic, "To anyone reading the ibration parade, starting from in sition. This statement is all very book with an open mind, it is very front of Boston's State House, go- well, but it does not go far enough. evident that Plato was preaching ing through the North End of the The discerning critic should in- a revolution, and the very thought city, and ending up at Rowes stinctively realize that there is of impressionable children read- Wharf on the Atlantic Ocean. THE MRYER-SCHRIRER Co. Scfttia2 erd, sntcr, Igineri andJ O/,ice O4t/ teri 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR, MICH. TELEPHONE 4515 CHAM ®4 jog S A G I+it vA ®S ANN AIRBID" *NIEW Y0R K *5JA t i 5O l DI AL 9317 0 1108 SOUTH UNIVE S 17 Y