THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY Fifty-Fifth Year . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Use of Nazi Labor Opposed ANDRE GIDE'S POLITICAL ALLEGORY: I Prof. Rowe Reviews 'Imaginary Interviews' I I 91' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Bay Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . S . Managing Editor * . . . Editorial Director . . . . . .City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor * . . Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to thIi use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited tai it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights .:f re- publication of all other matters herein also:resdred. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, M chig as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by ,ar- rier, $450, by mail, $5.25. RIEPRE9ENTUO FOR NATIONA..ADVERTI3#NG Sy National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. C0I'AO * BOSTON - LOS ANGFUS * SN sNANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: BOB.GOLDMAN. Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily are writtkn by members of The Daily stajf and.represent the views of the writers only. War Criminals UST TREATMENT of war criminals is one of the biggest problems which- faces the peace- loving nations of the world. Upon our handling of this problem rests the probability of another major war in the near future. An easy peace will give aggressor nations an opportun~ty to take up where they left off; a hard peace will. embitter future generations until they are able to erase it. The determination of what is a just peace, then, is as precarious as it is essential. The most ambiguous phase of the problem is what constitutes a war criminal. It has been asserted that all fascists are criminals simply because of their beliefs-regardless of what circumstances led them to accept fascism. A recent editorial on this page charged :that ALL freedom-loving Germans are dead. Certainly the ringleaders of a movement which aimed to subjugate the many for the benefit of the few-an idea not peculiar to those we call By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-One inside question discussed at Yalta which has come up to plague the Truman administration is the use of German prisoner labor by the Russians. When it arose at Yalta, Admiral William Leahy was the chief man who opposed Stalin's plan to have Ger- man labor rebuild the shattered cities of Russia. However, Stalin was very firm on this point and Roosevelt sided with him. Since then the question has arisen during off-the-record reparations discussions and high-up Catholic leaders inside the adminis- tration have opposed the use of prison labor. So also has the AFL. Finally, however, a compromise has been ar- ranged, satisfactory to all sides. Germans who were members of the Gestapo, members of the SS, or party leaders will be subject to prison labor in rebuilding Russia, France and the liber- ated countries, but non-Nazi Germans will not. New reparations chief Ed Pauley took these and other German reparations questions up with Congressional leaders when he lunched on cap- itol hill last week. "There is only one way we can get Germany to pay for the ruination she's caused," Pauley explained. "She can't do it with money, be- cause the Germans have no money. And they can't do it with materials or exports because if we rebuild German industry in order to pay us in exports, then we restore her war-making potentialities. "Therefore, the only way Germany can pay for her damage," Pauley continued, "is through labor. No one likes the idea of slave labor, but the Germans have been accustomed to spending a certain number of years in the army. That, in a sense, is forced labor. My thought is that since Germany won't have any army in the future, and since they are accustomed to con- scription, they can now adopt reconstruction instead of conscription." Fickle U.S. Opinion - REACTION of the different congressmen was unanimously favorable. Even GOP Repre- sentative John Taber of Auburn, N. Y., (a fruit and dairy area) made no objection, except to say: "I trust you will leave German prisoners in the United States where they are this year so we can get enough labor to harvest the crops." Pauley assured him this would be done. Senator Tydings of Maryland concurred with the plan, but added: "The public will be with you en this now, but in one year you'll have the sentimentalists in this country howl- ing about the starving Germans. So be pre- pared to have people turn against you later." Pauley observed that he had had a survey made of the newspapers after the last war and found that within two years after the armistice, American public opinion had reversed itself to such an extent that there was more sympathy for Germany than for France. NOTE-This time public opinion is already veering against Russia, which in this war oc- cupied the same position as France in the last. Congress Pay Hike .*R REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN smiled know- ingly last week when the House voted a $2,500 expense allowance for its members with- out a word of protest from Representative Reid Murray of Ogdensburg, Wis. During cloakroom conversations, the portly Murray was loud in attacking the $2,500 expense hike. He would not only vote against it, he said, but was preparing a blistering speech attacking the expense hike when it came to the house floor. About a week before it came to the floor, however, Republican Representative Walter Ploeser of St. Louis, a member of the approp- riations committee, heard Murray say he in- tended to speak against the $2,500 allowance. Ploeser, who supported the $2,500 provision, told Murray that he was very interested in the latter's attitude-in fact, he said, he was very much hiterested in Murray's entire career. "I think I'm going to look up your record," Ploeser said with an ominous look in his eye.' A day later, Ploeser appeared in the cloak- room with a bulky manila envelope under his arm and looked meaningly at Murray. Next day he told Murray he had been getting a lot of interesting facts on Murray's past during his research. On the third day, Ploeser appeared with a larger manila envelope. "I've really got the stuff here now," he said. "Do you still intend to speak against the $2,500 allowance?" The next day Ploeser appeared with the same ON SECOND THOUGHT... By Bay Dixon PORTS fiends went nuts yesterday. Baseball track, golf and tennis all were being played simultaneously. Must have been tough on these popular girls who have a man in every sport. The Daily recently confused the two profes- sors on campus named Arthur Dunham-one of which is in the history department and the other being a professor of community organ- ization. As one staff member put it, "We dunham wrong." large envelope, but with more papers in it. When the matter came to the floor a few days later, Murray was on hand-holding his throat in his hands and explaining hoarsely that he had a terrible case of laryngitis. He was able to talk well enough the next day. NOTE-Friends say Congressman Ploeser never looked up Murray's record. Only had blank paper stuffed in the manila envelope. Capitol Chaff . , . A MEICAN FILM distributors have been asked by the OWI to concentrate on pictures deal- ing with the Japanese war for showing in France and the European countries. Such films as "Guadalcanal Diary," "Air Force," "Wake Island," "Bataan," "Corregidor," and "Thirty Seconds over Tokyo" are being featured in France this month. , . Time was growing short during a recent hearing before the House foreign affairs committee, and Chairman Sol Bloom an- nounced that all further witnesses testifying on Representative Vito Marcantonio's resolution to accord Italy the status of a full belligerant would b limited to two minutes. One of the last to appear was Mrs. Jimmy Savo, wife of the famous pantomime artist. She identified herself and gave her address. "Why, that's in my district," said Bloom smiling. Take all the time you want, Mrs. Savo.".. . Whenever Senator Biblo disagrees with someone, he begins to wonder if that person has Negro blood. Recently he asked a news- paperman if Mrs. Katherine Shryver, secretary of the National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax, was white or Negro? What Bilbo didn't know is that Mrs. Shryver is. eligible for the DAR by both parents, that her family came to America shortly after Plymouth Rock, that a large part of her family lives in Bilbo's own state of Mississippi and that she is a cousin of Representative Compton White of Idaho. (copyright, 1945, Bell syndicate) Dominie Says E ACH ONE OF US who waits for the daily event of the San Francisco Conference looks on in mingled hope and fear-our own specific brand of fear-because we have habitually ex- cluded this group of people or that one from our own blue-print for a United World. Inclusive- ness is one of the categories toward which the enireinternational effort must strive and yet that goal by its very nature beggars those states- men who perforce are compelled to attempt it. It may be wise, therefore, to overlook the dis- crepancy between headline and story in every newspaper. Neither the delegates, however wise, or national statesmen, nor the representatives of the press, however experienced in affairs, ever had an opportunity to think social control on a world scale. The timing of, events will live in history as phenomenal for who but the remark- able team, Churchill-Stalin-Roosevelt, with tb/ir field generals and ocean admirals could have so dated this meeting at the Golden Gate. How- ever, long after that timing shall have been re- duced to an accurate measurement of military might of victor versus vanquished, men will be exhausting their skill in gratitude for the fact that forty-six delegations could meet 6,000 miles from Berlin and those battles of a century to deliberate for the termination of war. The mastery of inclusiveness is found in es- sence, not numbers; in meanings, not vastness. In the main the problems philosophical have al- ways been solved by ethical theory. Man used either the Hedonistic basis with happiness or pleasure as the aim, or Intuitional theories all ending in unswerving obedience to duty as the objective, or the Functional nations, all of which emphasize activity, or self-realization as the goal. If we find ourselves served by the func- tional theories, we will see merit in W. G. Ev- eretts sentence in Moral Values, "A social order in which each member of the group may have a fair field for his activities and the fullest op- portunity for self-development, without infring- ing upon the similar rights of every other mem- ber of the group in the present or in future generations." It is only with some such measuring stick that one can hope to bring order into his own personality as he contemplates the work imposed on the delegations. They virtually are invited to model, out of a world collapsed at our feet by colossal greeds, hates, cruel- ties and falsehoods an order such as Chris- tianity set forth 2000 years ago in such stun- mng words as these:. "Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and that thine enemy: but I say unto you, Love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you; that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. For if ye love them that love, you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your. brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same? Ye there- fore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matt. 5:39-48.) Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education IMAGINARY INTERVIEWS by An- dre Gide, translated from the French by Malcolm Bowley. Knopf, New York, 1944. $2.00. IN THE CURRENT NEWS of the United Nations conference, France is referred to as "the forgotten na- tion .. . today silent and almost with- out influence." Those who urge more regard to France are watching De Gaulle's organization of her army and foreseeing the return of France to the position of a great power in Europe. Whatever the future mili- tary strength of France may become, it may well be that, as so often in the past, France's greatest significance to future history will be in intelectual and spiritual leadershipg. A notable proportion of the best thought acted upon by other modern nations re- ceived its communicable forumula- tion in France. Publication in Eng- lish of the Imaginary Interviews of Andre Gide is a reminder that the gift of France of most value neither died nor could be made wholly voice- less even under the suppression which she has endured. Andre Gide is the author of seventy-odd volumes covering al- most every literary field, poems, plays criticism, general essays, per- sonal memoirs and travel diaries, and novels. After the fall of France, Gide, then in his seventies, began contributing in November, 1941, to Le Figaro dialogues with an imag- ined journalist, the "interviews" of the published volume. He had dis- covered that honest political judg- ments could escape the Vichy cen- sorship by presentation as literary criticism. On the subject of poetic discipline, for example, he could write "the magic of poetry depends on laws observed and resistance overcome" and then with double meaning, "don't think that facility is what I am seeking; on the con- trary, it is resistance," and "unless there is resistance, the mind has no base from which to rise." What he had written was impeccable before the censor, yet through two chap- ters, or "interviews," the changes are rung on the word resistance until it must have become a call and challenge to every French reader. In an innocent grammati- cal comment, on synonomous phras- es he expresses preference for par opposition-and gives the phrase a significant thrust. le occasionally makes remarks such as, "Naturally we are speaking only of literature," and thereby directs his readers to look for something else as well. FOR his political allegory Gide makes no sacrifice of the precision of his discussion of literature, nor is his allegory merely verbal. For the disciplined individualism which is the core of Gide's view of art, "re- sistance" is a naturally recurring word, and the idea is associated with nobility in the artist, the capacity for struggle with their mediums to express great themes of such as Michelangelo, Dante, and Beetho- ven. Gide by long cultivation of a subtle and reticient style was pecul- iarly equipped to communicate his political thoughts by implication and thereby preserve his intellectual free- dom actively as well as inwardly in spite of censors. Actually, however, it is in the fulfillment of their purpose as dis- cussion of the literary art that the Imaginary Interviews are most sig- nificant politically and heartening for the future of France. To con- tinue to exercise publicly the par- ticular wholehearted devotion of his own life, that to literature, was Gide's personal gesture of freedom; and that he discussed art not in withdrawal from but in immediate association with thought of his country's fate, and with all the mature balance and brilliance of his powers, is reassurance of the enduring power of mind over chaos. Moreover, in the sense of living continuity of French and European culture with which Gide discusses literature there is affirmation of the older valuesrwhich were threat- ened with destruction. IN the Imaginary Interviews, as in the setting up of the clandestine .publishing house of the Editions de Minuit in 1941 by Vercors (Jean Bruller) and Mine. Desvignes, not for propaganda, but to issue works of genuine literary merit as such, one is iipressed with the difference be- tween the synthetic identification of literature and politics of Marxian theory and the creation of literature as a political action by these French intellectuals, primarily as a manifes- tation of freedom of the mind and spirit. Gide is one among many French writers who have undertaken since the fall of France reorientation of humane values. Saint-Exupery in "Flight to Arras," in the symbolic detachment of flight by night over his beloved and destroyed France reexamining and discovering anew the meanings enriched and more snre, of love of country, duty, free- dom, the diuity of man, the good- ness of earth, the bonds between men, gave us before his death the most profound book I have read to come out of the war. Per- haps with "The importance which," as Gide says, the properly French spirit attaches to definition, "the feeling for logic and form which characteristically combines think- er and artist in the French 'intel- - Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1945 VOL. LV., No. 152 Notices American Red Cross: The American Red Cross, being urgently in need of additional personnel, has asked the University to call this situation to the attention of .women graduates of this year and the recent past who may be qualified Social Workers, Recreation Workers, Hospital Work- ers, and Staff Assistants for Club, Clubmobile, and Recreation Centers, for domestic and foreign service. Those who are interested and believe themselves qualified are advised to consult at once with Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Chairman of Personnel Re- cruitment of the Ann Arbor Red Cross Headquarters, 25546, or direct- ly with Mrs. Bennett, 21278). All Students. Registration for Sum- mer Term and Summer Session. Each student should plan to register for himself according to the alphabetical schedules for June 28 and 29. Regis- trations by proxy will not be accept- ed. Registration Material. College of L.S. & A., Schools of Education, Mu- sic, Public Health. Students should call for, summer registration mate- rial at Room 4, University Hall be- ginning May 21. Please see your ad- viser and secure all necessary signa- tures before examinations begin. Registration Material. College of Architecture: Students should call for summer material at Room 4, Uni- versity Hall beginning May 21. The College of Architecture will post an announcement in the near future giving time of conference with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your adviser. Registration Material. School of Forestry and Conservation. Registra- tion material should be called for be- ginning May 21 at Room 2048, Natu- ral Science Bldg. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for the following have been received in our office. Biophysi- cist III, $280 to $340, Blind Place- ment Worker I, $180 to $220, and Light Highway Equipment Operator B, $75 to $1.05 and hour. For fur- ther information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. City of Detroit Civil Service an- nouncements for Technical Aid (Male & Female) (Business Admin- istration, General, and Medical Sci- ence), $37.54 to $20.07 for 40-hour week, and $28.81 to $52.13 for 48- hour week, and Jr. Engineering Aid (Male & Female), $42.53 to $45.26 for 40-hour week, and $55.31 to $58.88 for 48-hour week, have been received in our office. Further in- formation can be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Michigan State Civil Service Con- mission: will be in our office on Tuesday, May 22, to interview all seniors who would be interested in employment with them. For appoint- ment call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, University Ext. 371. Camps and Resorts are looking for summer workers. Anyone interested apply at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. The American Viscose Corporation: Meadville, Pa., need engineering and chemistry students for the summer. Men interested apply at Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Petitioning for Junior Girls' Play will be extended until 4 CWT Mon- day, May 20. Petitioning is open to all first and second semester sopho- mores who now possess eligibility . -A , Trin .arniuiir m rill ,n f nm 1 A cademijc Notices Doctoral Examination for Evelyn Pearl Kenesson, Speech; thesis: "A Study of the Speeches and Speech- Making of James Burrill Angell," Monday, May 21, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 1:00 p.m. C.W.T. Chairman, L. M. Eich. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Oreon Pierre Keeslar, Education: thesis: "Contributions of Instructional Films to the Teaching of 'High School Sci- ence," Tuesday, May 22, East Council Room, Rackham, at 3:00 p.m. C.W.T. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Concerts Student Recital: Helen Elizabeth Ashley, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 7:30 CWT, Tuesday evening, May 22, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. Her program will include com- positions by Bach, Beethoven, Schu- mann, and Triggs, and will be open to the general public. Miss Ashley is a student of Joseph Brinkman. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Commencement. Twenty-Second Annual Exhibition by the Artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity: In the Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms of the Rackham Building daily, except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. The public is cordially invited. "Krishna Dancing with the Milk- maids" an original Rajput brush drawing with studies of the hands in crayon. Also examples of Indian fab- rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri- day, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Al- umni Memorial Hall, Rm. B. Events Today MYDA: Joint meeting with Wayne AYD Today 1:30 to 3:30 CWT and 4:00 to 5:30 CWT, at the Mich- igan Union. Edward W. McFar- land, professor of economics at Wayne University, will speak on the Bretton Woods and San Francisco conferences. Open discussion of world problems will follow. Students and faculty are invited. Dr. Rueben Kann will lecture at the International Center today at 6:30 p.m. His topic will be "The Caribbean Area". The public is cor- dially invited. The Merchant of Venice will be reviewed by the students in Speech 163, promptly at 7 CWT, Tuesday evening May 22 in Rm. 4203 Angell Hall. The platform acting and narra- tive-recital method will be used. Per- sons interested are cordially invited to this program. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at 4:00 p.m. CWT at the First Congregational Church. Follow- ing the supper will be the Guild An- nual Election. It is important that all Guild members be there. The closing Worship Service will be led by Russell Fuller. Coming Events Post-War Council Meeting will be held Monday, May 21, at 3 CWT in the Union. The Folk Dancers invite the stu- dents, faculty and their friends to a special meeting Tuesday, May 22, 7:15-10:15 at the Unitarian Church at the corner of Huron and State St. Mr. Sam Weinfield of Detroit will teath folk dances of Slavic origin. The regular Thursday meeting will not be held. The Cercle Francais will hold its last meeting Tuesday, May 22, from lectual', and the alchemy of trans- mutation of national and personal experience into universalities, it may fall to some of the younger writers now holding their peace and allowing their thoughts and their qualities of heart to be forti- field little by little in solitude and silence," to whom Gide looked for the "future values of France," to be also the representatives of France's future and influence in the world, -Kenneth Rowe I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN '4 I fascists-are criminals. ..... ........ t t t .. But what about the people who 'eribraced fascism as the only hope for their national political and economic recovery? What about the generation educated to believe in fascism as sincerely and as altruistically as most Amer- icans believe in democracy? What about those people who joined the fascist movement through social or political pressure because they lacked courage to oppose it, or because they knew it would be imiiossible to realize any personal ambitions outside the movement? Are these confused and frightened people, trapped by circumstances too big for them, to be considered war criminals? Their ignorance and their cowardice and their avarice have made possible the near-success of the degraded schemes of the fascist leaders. But we have fought a war to prove that there is no master race. Why expect, then, that these people should display behavior superior to our own? The fascist nations are not races of intellec- tuals and heroes, any more than we are. They saw the economic, political, and social ruin which descended upon those who dared to stand against the current. Most of them fell into line. R In similar circumstances, how many Niemol- lers, Schuschniggs and Herriots would this nation produce-a greater proportion than the "human cordwood" that now fills Dachau, Bel- , sen, and Buchenwald? Would we have had no Lavals, no Quislings, no Henleins? Would our neighborhood bullies have been less brutal than the SS if their activities had been legalized and encouraged? 'How many of us would follow democratic beliefs if they had not been taught us front childhood, if following the philosophy of equality and freedom meant danger and dis- grace instead of profit and acceptance? War criminals cannot be punished harshly enouh in tnn fnr the misery they have enuser BARNABY What an experience! He went over the rail right near where we were standing at the bow of the ferry! My back was turned, but- Barnaby believes J. J. O'Malley is his imaginary Fairy Godfather. That he flew away safely. On his pink wings. i_ I By Crockett Johnson Mello, Mr. O'Malley., Mello, Bamnabv