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May 18, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-18

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Cloudy In Forenoon,
Clearer in Afternoon.

VOL. LV, No. 150

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Will Sell Fresh Air Camp

















Aircraft Carrier Franklin Suffers H4
Casualties from ap Bombing in M









Former Dean
Gives Lecture
About Crystals
History Professor Is
Honored for Research
Former Literary College Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus and Prof. William
B. Willcox received the Henry Russel
awards annually presented to fac-
ulty members who have distinguished
themselves in the field of research-
yesterday in Rackham Amphitheater.
The Henry Russel Lectureship,
awarded each year to the member
of the faculty above the rank of
assistant professor whose work is
judged outstanding by the University
Research Club, was delivered by Dr.
Prof. Willcox, assistant professor
in the history department, was
presented the Henry Russel Award.
He has recently written "Glouces-
tershre, a Study in Local Govern-
ment,15~0 0 X840'
Dr. Kraus, who4announced the
award to Prof. Willcox, was hon-
bred with the Lectureship for his
outstanding research in the field of
crystallography. Dr. -Kraus. deliv-
ered the main address.
"The advance in our knowledge of
crystale' and the crystalline state
during the last 50 years has brought
about a marked change in the con-
ception of a crystal," Dr. Kraus said
in tracing the development of the
study of crystals in the past half
It is now recognized that the crys-
tal faces are the expression of the
orderly internal arrangement of the
particles making up the crystal and
that in non-crystalline solids the'
arrangement is not orderly, Dr. Kraus
"Today scientists are not as
much concerned with the external
aspects of crystallized substances
as fermerly, and, hence, the fol-
lowing definition meets their re-
quirements, namely, a crystal is a
solid whose component atoms are
arranged in a definite three di-
mensional pattern," he continued.
Prof. Lewis S. Ramsdell of the
mineralogy department and his as-
sociates did important pioneer work
in developing methods to grow larger
crystals, and today single laboratory-
made crystals weighing up to 35
pounds are now available, Dr. Kraus
pointed out.
Prof. Willcox graduated from
Cornell in 1928 and later studied
at both Cambridge and Yale. He
taught history at Williams College
for five years before coming here
in 1941. A student of English his-
tory, Prof. Willcox traveled exten-
sively in Europe before the war
and maintained a residence in
England for a short time.
According to President Alexander
G. Ruthven, Prof. Willcox's present
researches among the Clinton papers
in the Clements Library promise to
yield results of major importance for
military history and the history of
the American Revolution.
Forty Six JAGs Will
Be Commissioned
Forty-six membeis bf the 11th Of-
ficer Candidate class of the JAG
School will be commissioned lieuten-
ants at ceremonies to take place at
4:15 p.m. EWT (3:15 p.m. CWT)
today at the Law Quadrangle parade
Col. Reginald C. Miller, Conman-
dant of the JAG School, will admin-

One-T hird of Crew
Lost During Nip Raids
Bfy The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, April 7 (Delayed)-Darting from a cloud dead ahead
of a fast carrier task force only 63 miles from Japan on March 19, a Japa-
nese dive bomber struck the U. S. Aircraft Carrier Franklin and set off
one of this war's great episodes of heroic action.
In the next 10 hours almost 100 tons of explosives and many thousands
of gallons of aviation gasoline were fired and shook the carrier as she
steamed out of control straight for Japan.
She suffered between 1,000 and 1,200 casualties or more than one-third
'of her men, and she was attacked five more times by Nip dive bombers
atteipting to "finish off the crip- >
" ,

U. S. S. FRANKLIN LISTS WHILE AFIRE OFF JAPAN-The Essex- class carrier U. S. S.. Franklin lists badly while burning off the coast of
Japan.'While participating in an air strike against the Japanese fleet in the Inland Sea last March 19, she was hit by two 500-pound

armour-piercing bombs, but survived and is now at Brooklyn Navy Y ard for repairs.
'U' oa8o $,00 WilPrvd
'H-Poealthful Suammer'for-Cili.dren

Students and townspeople will be
asked to help' send a boy to the
University Fresh Air Camp today1
when co-eds from 28 homes take over
posts throughout the campus and
downtown areas to sell tags.
The sale of tags to aid boys in ad-
justing to their personal problems
away from the tension of their every-
day life is a 25 year University tra-
dition. The goal this year, accord-
ing to Prof. F. N. Menefee, directorI
of the camp, has been set at $1.800.
Local Stores Solicited
Jean Gaffney, '46, assisted by Alice'
Miller, '47, and Barbara Raymar,
'47, have been soliciting local stores

for contributions to the drive, and
organized student groups have also
been asked to contribute.
In addition to giving a youngster a
pleasant and healthful summer lead-
ing tq better adjustment to his sur-
roundings when he returns home, the
camp also offers the university stu-
dent valuable experience in dealing
with group and individual behavior
characteristics, Prof. Menefee point-
ed out. The forty counselors who
supervise recreational activities at
the camp are chosen from among
qualified graduates and undergrad-
uates at the University. For the
work they receive a maximum of six

hours credit for special courses in
the sociology department, and the
School of Education.
Students Act as Counselors
Students acting as counselors
spend half of the eight week session
in classroom work and the remain-
ing four weeks in practical applica-
ion of the principles learned, Each
counselor acts as supervisor for a
cabin group composed of eight to
ten boys in the 9 to 13 age group.
Located on Patterson Lake, 24
miles northwest; of Ann Arbor, the
camp's 300 acres can accommodate
240 boys, sent to it by 25 social agen-
(S'ee TAG DAY, Page 2)

Campus Bond
Sales Reach
$11,343 75
First reports on over a week of
campus war bond activities indicate
that already $11,343.75 has been
turned in toward the Seventh War
Loan by campus bond buyers.
"The work of the veterans in soli-
citing bond sales through the faculty
has been particularly fine this week,"
R. Gordon Griffith, director of cam-
pus sales, declared yesterday. "It
seems that every few minutes an-
other veteran races in with more war
bond purchases," he said.
Display at' Bond Booth
Crosby's pipe, Hope's necktie,
Schnab l's cravat and Sinatra's pie-
ture with appropriate sentimental
message will be on display today in
the JGP war bond booth in the li-
brary, it was announced yesterday
by Ann Lippincott, JGP head,
These trophies, plus a pin-up Gin-
ger Rogers, Kate Smith's auto-
graphed biography "Living in a
Great Big Way", Nelson Eddy's pho-
tograph for the musical and Tom
Dewey's picture for the political, also
on display tomorrow, will be awarded
to the students who purchase most
bonds during the campaign.
Governor's Message Due
'A congratulatory message signed
by Governor Kelly to go to the wo
men's residence that reports the
highest average bond sales per per-
son will also be shown.
Reported sales to date are slightly
more than half those for the same
period during the Sixth War Loan
with the same University quota,
$100,000 worth of bonds,
Okinawa Veterans
To Be Discharged
KINAWA, May 17-VP)-The war
is over for 30 veterans of the Pacific

But she escaped and finally reach-
ed an American port to have her
hurts repaired, to "convalesce" and
to get ready to fight her enemies
All elevators of the Franklin were
jammed; there were huge holes torn
in the flight deck. There were bat-
Ship Arrives atI Port
NEW YORK, May 17.-(/P)-Her
feremast a jagged stump, her
mainmast bent at a sharp angle
and her flight deck completely de-
stroyed, the battered, burned car-
rier Franklin limped gallantly into
this port on April 26 after a 13,400-
mile voyage from Japanese waters.
Third naval district officials said
she had lost a greater number of
men and sustained 'more battle
damage than any ship ever to en-
ter New York harbor under her
own power.
The Franklin was brought home
by 704 resolute Americans who re-
fused to abandon her. They form-
the "704 Club" and agreed to meet
after the war ends.
tered pieces of airplane motors, all
that remained of the ship's many
planes after the flames consumed
them. The flight deck was charred
from bow to stern.
The Franklin's planes were on the
flight deck, loaded with bombs and
gas for takeoffs. The Japanese plane
came out of the cloud so fast he
escaped the Franklin's guns and drop-
ped a bomb that pierced the top deck
and exploded below.
"We were heavily loaded with
bombs, torpedoes and fighter rockets
and flames shot almost immediately
from the hangar deck and enveloped
the whole forward flight deck," said
Captain Gehres.
"There was another big explosion
and I saw we were hit amidships and
two or three minutes later the bombs
and gasoline tanks of the planes on
the flight deck began exploding."
From then until almost mid-after-
noon there was one explosion after
See FRANKLIN, Page 2
Services Will
Be Held for'
Jfudge Sample
Funeral services for Circuit Judge
George W. Sample who died Wed-
nesday night, will be held at 2 p.m.
EWT (1 p m. CWT) tomorrow at the
first Methodist Church with Dr.
Marshall Reed and Rev. Ralph Dun-
lop officiating.
Burial will be in the forest ill
Judge Sample, 76 years old, pre-
sided over the Washtenaw County
Circuit Court since 1918.
A graduate of the University Law
School in 1901, he served as a mem-
ber of the Ann Arbor board of edu-
cation and city treasurer while a
partner in the law firm of Blum and

Pollock Shows
Optimism over
Frisco Results
Williams, Huntley also
Give Views on Peace
Declaring that the San Francisco
conference will result in a start to-
ward a better world organization,
Prof. James K. Pollock of the politi-
cal science department yesterday said
that the proposed World Security
organization must be in a pre-emi-
nent position over all regional ar-
rangements if it is to be successful
as a weapon of collective security.
Prof. Pollock, in opening the
forum on "San Francisco Confer-
ence- World Organization and
Peace," held last night at Patten-
gill Auditorium, outlined the sev-
eral phases of Conference discus-
sion and concluded optimistically,
that "we will get a start on world
organization and will do better
than last time."
The second speaker of the eve-
ning, Prof Mentor Williams of the
English department said that "Rus-
'ia will keep the peace if Great Bri-
tain and the United States rdo not
,ry to isolate her politically by set-
ing buffer and barrier states, with
'deologically different political sys-
tems than hers. She will keep the
?eace," he continued, "if we do not
.ttempt to set up regional and hem-
isphericsblocs, which, in effect, would
rilow us to interfere in Europe but
xrevent her from doing so, giving
1ussia no other choice than to form
in Asiatic bloc. One and a half bil-
lion Indians, Chinese and Russians
vying against a half billion Ameri-
ans is something I do not like to
,hink about."
Prof. Williams cited Russia's re-
'eated attempts at collective secur-
ty, disarmament and the imposition
of economic sanctions and her own
ational aims as indications of her
lesire to maintain peace.
Dr. Frank L. Huntley, Area In-
structor in the Civil Affairs Train-
ing School, held that racial under-
standing in the Pacific and in the
United States, and adherence to a
historical perspective are prereqaU-
site to peace in the Pacific.
While we must strip Japan of
her empire and control her heavy
industry, we must give her some
access to raw materials and to
markets if we are not to starve a
large portion of Japan's popula-
tion. "The Japanese have the force
to regenerate themselves as an in-
dustrious, self-respecting, capable
people," he said, "and take a posi-
tion in the world much like that of
Prof. Harold Dorr of the political
>cience department was chairman of
the forum, which was sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Adult Education
Council. Danyal Kerven of Turkey
and Hua Lin of China, graduate
students in engineering, also partici-
pated in the discussions.
New Officers Elected


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