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May 16, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-16

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Dr. Tweedie Describes Great
Educational Problems in India

Bromage StduesINeed for UNRRA Help

"There is a tremendous demand
for education in India, but the diffi-
culties which the progress of educa-
tion is facing are very great," Dr.
E. R. Tweedie, temporary instruct-
or in the chemistry department here,
who has been head of the Depart-
ment of Chemnistry at Lucknow Col-
lege, India, since 1917, said in an
interview yesterday.
Lack of Facilities
The many difficulties against which
education in India must progress
enumerated by Dr. Tweedie include
the lack of sufficient facilities. Al-
though there are about twelve uni-
versities and many colleges, they
are far from sufficient to satisfy the
increasing demand for education.
The number of colleges has increased
about 400% in the past twenty years,
but the percentage of illiteracy, now
about 88%, has only changed by
about 2%. That is because the pop-
ulation of the country has increased
by about 85,000,000 in the same time.
The schools just can't keep up with
the population.
System Patterned After English
Another drawback is the system,
which is patterned almost entirely
after that of the English, Dr. Twee-
die said. The work is divided into.
t -ee groups-Art, Science, Com-
inerce-much like the three groups
in this university, but unlike the
system here, a student is restricted
to one of these groups. At the end
of two years a government exam is
given in all the subjects in the stu-
dent's particular group. If he fails
in even one stibject, he must go back
and take a whole year's work over.
Language Situation
The language situation in India
presents another serious difficulty to
the educational work there, Dr.
Tweedie explained. English is being
used for teaching in the universities,
although the high schools are begin-
ning to teach in the vernacular. With
the numerous dialects in use, it is
Concert Band'
To Play at Base
The University Concert Band,
under the direction of William D.
Revelli, will play tonight at the Naval
Training station at Grosse Isle.
Included on the program will be
*David Bennett's "Repartee," with
Virginia Lowry at the piano and De
Loyce Moffitt's "Swinging The In-,
gots," featuring Warren "Whitey"a
Benson on the drums.
The Band will also perform selec-
tions from its forthcoming spring
concert, to be given at 4:15 p. m.
EWT (3:15 p. m. CWT) on May 27 in
Hill Auditorium.

hard to choose a common language
that would be spoken and under-
stood by all students and teachers.
The rift between Hindus and Mo-
hammedans is evidenced in the
language difficulties of the country.
India's Future
Concerning the issue of Indian in-
dependence, Dr. Tweedie said, "I
have no doubt but that England will
eventually give dominion status to
the Indians-as soon as the Indians
get together among themselves. But
there is no unity of feeling among
the Indians themselves on this ques-
tion. It is the Congress party which
has conducted a strenuous and at
times bitter campaign for indepen-
dence, and it has represented a ma-
jority of people of all classes until
recently. Now the Moslem League,.
representing about 90,000,000 Mo-
hammedans, is demanding a sepa-
rate state for Mohammedans."
Albion, Chicago Graduate
Dr. Tweedie took his undergrad-
uate work at Albion College, and re-
ceived his doctor's degree from Chi-
cago University in 1935, when he
was home on furlough. His wife had
been a missionary in India, and she
roused his interest in the country.
He wanted to do missionary work,
but did not wish to be a "preacher,"
so took up teaching. He is return-
ing to India when this term is over.
Music Students
To Give Recital
Booth, Spagnuolo To
Be Featured in Concert
A violin and piano recital by stu-
dents in the School of Music will be
heard tomorrow and Friday. Roberta
Booth will present a varied program
of. -piano selections. at 8: 30 p.m. EWT
(7:30 p.m. CWT) tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater; and
Raymon~d Spagnuolo, violinist, will
b" heard at"that time Friday in the
Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.
Bef ore enteringthe'University,
Miss Booth studied with Gladys Wol-
pert Overton in Pyeng Yang, Korea.
.She continued her studies here with
Mrs. Mabel Rhead and at present is
a pupil of Mrs. Maud Okkelberg.
Miss Booth will open her program
with Schubert's "Moments Musi-
caux" and the Beethoven '"Sonata in
P minor". She will also play several
selections by Villa-Lobos and Debus-
sy's , "Estampes".
Spagnuolo will be accompanied by
Jean Farquharson in numbers by
Handel, Bruch, Beethoven and Saint-
Both recitals are open to the pub-

Emphasizing the very real need
today for rehabilitation of peoples of
devastated countries in Europe, Mrs.
Mary C. Bromage, Assistant Dean of
Women and former administrative
officer of the training division of the
United Nations Relief and Rehabili-
tation Association, said in an inter-
view yesterday that full UNRRA ac-
tion will now get under way in the
liberated countries.
The United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Association, popu-
larly known as UNRRA, is an
international volunteer relief or-
ganization financed by and em-
ploying members of all the United
Nations. It is headed by ex-Gover-
nor Lehman of New York, who was
elected by a council of United Na-
tions representatives.
"The aim of UNRRA is simply to
get people in any devastated area in
condition to help themselves back
to i:ormality," Mrs. Bromage said.
"This task is accomplished, first by
controlling epidemics which come in
the wake of victory and restoring the
health of the undernourished, and
then by material aid and rehabilita-
tion. When local resources have been
found and developed once more so
that the liberated community is self-
supporting, the work of UNRRA is
done," she explained.
Supplies such as fertilizer and
seeds, and all staples of which
Germany had systematically drain-
ed every occupied country are used
by UNRRA workers in their re-
habilitation job, she stated. Ac-
cording to Mrs. Bromage, fishing
supplies were most important in
rehabilitating the industry of Gre-
U' War Dead
Photos Needed
Photographs and information of
former Union mergbers who have
been killed in the war are requested
by the Union Publicity Staff in or-
der to increase its collection of
Michigan war heroes.
Small pictures,'measuring one or
two inches, are preferred. The
photographs will be added to those
already on view in the Union North
The Union student offices are open
from 3-5 p. in. EWT (2-4 p. m.
CWT) Monday through Friday and
from 8 a. m. to noon EWT (7 to 11
a. M. CWT) on Saturday.
Norway's Quisling Is Idle
In Prison.A.wting Trial
OSLO, Norway, May 15-(/P)-Vid-
kun Quisling's preliminary hearing,
set for yesterday, has been postponed
indefinitely while Quisling idles in a
cell demanding treatment "commen-
surate with my position."

ece, where fishing provides the camps who are now wandering about
source of income of a large part of the roads in the general direction of
the population. what was once their home, Mrs.
Teams of specialists at work in Bromage maintained. Germans do
liberatled countries and in Germany not receive any assistance, she added.
help only refugees-slave workers, } Members of UNIRRA "missions"
c vilians interned in concentration to overseas posts are qualified by

lauguage ability, hea~l',tail some
spccialized skill. The inininwim ag~e
is 25 years, and the orgnni a Lion
draws its staff from such octcupa-
tiont as doctors, nurses, engineers,
social workers, and seersk Liis.
Staff moinbers are trained in a
special training program at th Uni-
versity of Maryland for four to
twelve weeks. A plan has been work-
ed out with other volunteer agencies
whereby their representatives are

trained as a part of-an UNRRA team
"UNRRA goes into liberated
countries only when and if the
Army invites it," Mrs. Bromage
asserted. "During the first stages
of the rehabilitation work, it is
under the supervision of the Ar-
my," she said. There are already
missions set up in the Balkans and
in western Europe, and negotia-
tions are now under wav for a mis-
sion to be established in Poland.

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