Pace Ten T HE MIC H IGA N D AILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 Pnrp T~n THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 Seven Types of Men on Michigan.'Hence Loathed Melancholy CMmOf Cerberus and Midnight' I Hail to thee blithe spirit; bird thou never wert" poetic words of first love, perfume counter clerk eats (as it Shelley?) have a at Helena Rubinstein s. Sdeep, ine meaning to us as 'a Profound thoughts are stimu- A d and other nature lovers, spend ated as we refect upon the splen- the sunnier afternoons meander- id magnifcence of the natural ing tbrough the grassy glades of foliage, here and there marred by Qi0ves Advice .ID ewh rae the Nichols Arboretum. the appearance . of ndiscreetly Y "eep pep,"say th litleprotected . .. (Did he who created To Lovelorn "Pee peep" say t thtt is great beauty ever dream of sparrow to us, and Peep, peep the uses to which it would be Editor's Note: Miss Gloria Glamour, we softly whistle in return. Care- put?) the most popular girl on campus who fully trodding over proud blades AhNuts has a date every night of the week of richly colored grass, we' nature After hours of careless wander- and two on Sunday, has kindly con- lovers are enthralled with the rented to be interviewed by The gorgeous panorama that meets tg, profound re ection and care- Daily's roving reporter Brenda Starr b eye. Our ornothological in-t ful observation ... our light beast Miss Glamour ascribes her success s r drows wearied, wearie from the asa enin ttae o erthr gbstincts are gratified when we see intoxication of natural beauty. as a femme fatale to her thorough r the chubby wood-thrushes cooing moiaino aua euy knowledge of men and their ways, and But we linger until sunset for that discloses some of her valuable and to each other on yon evergreen is the best time. Various persons ihard-learned information below. limb. Members /of another spe- springing up from the cover or "In spite of the wartime short- ries, Moster-Jordania Americanus nature's greenery, frown at their age there are still seven funda- also coo to companions, whose watches and hurry away for din- mental types of men on the Mich- smiling faces reflect their admir- ner . ..leaving us alone. Mun- igan campus," stated Miss Gloria ation for the wonders of nature. danity has vanished we reflect as Glamour in an interview after V- Ah Bliss! we gaze with fluttering heart at Ball last night. I Sordid thoughts of kissing the the great fiery ball disappearing The most common kind of man '1girl friend under the mistletoe below the horizon... the steeples found on University campuses is while under the influence of alco- of Ann Arbor the County the intellectual type. According holic beverage are issipated by Court House, the radio station to Miss Glamour, this type can ~ ''the fine atmosphere of the cam- antenna are slowly shrouded in usually be recognized by a mop a paradise. Happy are we when the blackness of night's curtain 'of long, bushy hair. He is an ar- WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?-This speciman of Michigan pre- we gaily trip along over pebbled , it is time to leave .. , dent communist, and is interested war manhood fits neatly into any of Miss Glamour's Cate- paths, deciduous limbs and limbs So in the darkness we cross the in the theory of integral calculus. gories, but he seems to be rolling a peanut like all get out. of the arboretum . . - hills and threat through brush to He is also quite willing to discuss Probably he is getting in training for putting his nose to the The fragrance of the natural the gate . . and thence home- Freudian psychology with his grindstone all the rest of this semester. perfutnes of nature's growth reach ward to share news of our stimu- dates-on a purely objective basis, - -t r-h-eour nostrils and tap the nostalgic lating experiences with the pet of course. memories of days spent with our canary. Sisters Under the Glamour ful advice and provide moral sup- what she is up against (It may - ---- _ _ _ ----- - "The brotherly type can be port. also leave her with some broken found most anywhere, college The third class of men in Miss bones.) Unless you are a girl with campuses included," continued Glamour's classification is the terrific muscle and strong will- Miss Glamour. "This is the sort of cave-man type. This kind of man power of your own, advised Miss man in which a girl can confide can be recognized by his physique Glamour, it is wise to avoid the all her troubles, worries and suc- and stature-six feet at least. The cave;-a type for obvious rea- cesses with the other six types. first handshake with a man of the sons. He is always willing to offer help- cave-man class will show a girl The misunderstood type may seem quite shy at first," disclosed Miss Glamour, "but with very lit- tle encouragement he wil1 Union Makes Post-War Plan come quite vociferous, and gladly tell you his life history. He is the Planning now for full post-war employment on camous, the Union man of hidden talents and abili- has inaugurated a study of job opoortunities. ties vNhich his family and espe- Special jobs will be provided in the Union building for Union Try- cially his professors fail to recog- out staff members who are unable to keep busy clipping publicity nize. Needless to say, he needs a items from The Daily. Among the suggested occupations are the woman's sympathy." following: In Miss Glamour's opinion, men A committee of three will be entrusted with changing the of the Bohemian kind can usually colored lighting effects at Rainbow Room dances. be found in the Pretzel Bell where Several hundred indigent football players will be empolyed "illu- te are knon f their aility playersto consume enormous quantities minating" initials carved by alumni on the Tap Room tables. of beer. Outside of the Bell, Bo- Work will be provided in the Billiard rooms, rehabilitating injured hemians can be recognized by cue balls, their loud red plaid shirts and A special permanent group will be delegated the responsibility orange or green trousers. In the of washing the cafeteria drinking glasses, summer they go barefoot. Undergraduate staff typewriter pounders will be required to in-' "The romantic or casanova type is not as easy to detect as he wasr crease their publicity output by 50%. ~n a eays," ctnasde wa Work on the post-war planning committee is under the direction Glamour. "His corduroy sport of 45 Union officers, all of whose names will follow if this copy is coat and surrealist tie have given- not cut. way to khaki or navy blue. V-BALI GREETINGS SIATER'S, 1IN.lC. Yo Ju Re co , te! ur New inx Modes Juniors Are Here! iu've seen Minx Modes nior Originals...okayed by the Minx Modes Board of your favorite fashion magazines. Now me see, come try them on here! 9.95 to 16.95 Minx Modes Juniors Here Exclusively a9 9 NICKELS ARCADE 1