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May 15, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-15

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Cloudy and Cool
with Rain

. . . ..........

VOL. LV, No. 147



Record B29

Air Raid Devastates Nagoya


Room Rentals,
Board Rates
Residence Halls
Will be Affected
Increases in room rentals and
board rates in University Residence
Halls effe.ctive July 1 have been an-
nounced by the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls.
Double and single rooms, which
previously rented at rates of $75 and
$85 for men and $85 and $95 for wO-
men per term, have been set at $85
and $100 per term. Board has been
increased from $1.20 to $1.30 per
day, effective on the same date.
These increases do not violate the
rules and regulations of the Office
of Price Administration, F. C. Shiel
Acting Director and Business Mana-
ger of Residence Halls, pointed out
because the University, as a political
subdivision of the state, is exempt
from such price ceilings.
The rate revisions were a 'financial
necessity' brought about by increased
labor and food costs, he stated. "Re-
grettable as an increase in student
cost always is; there must be a mini-
inum .charge determined by operat-
ing costs, and the University is doing
only what is necessary because of the
increased prices of food and labor
which it has had to face," he ex-
By The Associated Press
RYUKYUS: Tenth Army seized
Yonabaru airstrip on Okinawa, fou-
gh in: the suurbs of Naha, capital
city, and dined summit of key hill
east of Shu.ri.
PHILiPIlNES: Sixth Army can-
tured Baleie Pass in northern Luzcii.
Guerrilla forces secure port of Cag
ayan on Mindanao, giving Eighth
Army control of entire northern
coast. Thghth Army fought bitterly
on so iheastei'n Mindanao.
NEW GUINEA: Austraijans ad
vanced three miles inland from cap-
tured Wewak on northeast coast.
Doolittle Leaves
European Post,
May Fight Japs
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 14-Lt. Gen. James
H. Doolittle, who led the war's first
bombing at Tokyo and then directed
the U. S. Eighth Air Force in its
victorious blasting of Germany, turn-
ed over his European command to a
colleague today amid immediate
speculation that he would return to
the Pacific confict.
Weaken Japan From Air
An official announcement from the
U. S. Strategic Airforce in Europe
said only that Doolittle would re-
turn to Washington headquarters of
the U. S. Army Air Forces "for a new
assignment" but in his final press
conference here Friday the famous
speed flier showed his thoughts were
centered on the Japanese.
"So far as Japan is concerned,
our basic strategy will be weaken-
ing the enemy from the air to enable
occupation of the land' by ground
forces," he explained, adding that the
burden of bombing Nippon would be
carried by the B-29 Superforts with
B-17 Fortresses and B-24 Liberators
employed as medium bombers.

Kepner Is Successor
Part of the Eighth Air Force he
headed will go directly to the Pacific
although considerable numbers will
be kept in the European Theater as
part of the Allied Occupational Air
Force and others will return to the
United States for reassignment,
Doolittle was succeeded as Eighth
Airforce Commander by Maj. Gen.
William E. Kepner, one of Amer-
ica's most distinguished aeronautical'
Today Flavel Shurtleff will
speak on "The Field of
Town Planning" at 4:15
p. i. EWT (3:15 p. m.

Signal Corps Jobs
Offered To Coeds
Women interested in civilian
jobs with the Army Signal Corps
will be interviewed today by Lt.
Richard W. Hanson at the Bureau
of Appointments office, 201 Mason
Interested students may call
the Bureau office for appoint-
"The highly confidential nature
of the materials which the em-
ploye will handle demands that
we place personal integrity, loy-
alty, and unimpeachable charac-
ter above all other qualifications,"
Lt. Hanson pointed out.
Traveling Navy
Show To Play
Here Tuesday
'U' Grad Will Direct
Bond-Boosting Rally
A sea-going crew of musicians
from the U.S.S. Helena with Lieut.
Robert K. Adams, USNR, as master
of ceremonies, will star in. a free
two-hour Navy War Bond Review
which will presented at* 8:30 p.m.
EWT, next Tuesday at Hill Auditor-
Will Aid Bond Sales
The show, which is sponsored by
the cdmbined veterans organizations
of Ann Arbor, will travel 10,000 miles
t :

Tag Day Will Be Held Friday;
Proceeds Aid Fresh Air Camp
Campus Coeds To Seek Cont ribuiions
From Students, Faculty, Townspeople
In keeping with a 25 year tradition, Friday has been designated as
Tag Day.
Tag Day is set aside each spring in order to give students and towns-
people the opportunity to contribute to the University fresh air camp.
JNocated on Patterson Lake, 24 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, the camp
gives boys in the 9 to 13 age group a chance for healthier development,
both mentally and physically, away from the crowded city streets. At
the camp they receive the benefits of -

7 Million
Pounds of
Fire Used
Lose Two Planes;
'Minute Percent'

recreation supervised by competent
counsellors particularly interested in
their problems.
The purpose of the camp is three
fold. First, it serves as a vacation
camp giving the boy the opportunity
to develop new skills, make new
friends. Second, it does a service to
the 25 social agencies through whose
channels the boys are referred to the
camp by making reports of a diag-
nostic nature on each camper. Third.
it offers university students who act
as counsellors invaluable experience
in individual and group behavior.
The camp maintains a staff of for
ty counsellors made up of qualified
graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents. These students act as active
counsellors for half of the eight week
season and participate in classroom
work the remainder of the time. For
this work, students may receive
credit for one or more of these cour.
ses; Education, C120a, C120b, Sociol-

ogy 200, Sociology 201.
Each counsellor is in charge
to eight boys during his four
See TAG DAY, Page 2
Forum Views

of six

..will emcee Navy show
through five states in cooperation
with the Seventh War Loan Cam-
paign to aid in the sale of bonds.
"Pu:chase of a bond is not necessary
for admittance to the relriew, how-
ever," stated George Leonard, pub-
licity chairman of the ical bond
drive. The show will be free for
townspeople as well as stuients, and
an early matinee will also be given
Tuesday for children only.
Lt. Adams, a Radio Officer on the
Ninth Naval District Public Rela-
tions staff, is a graduate of the Uni-
versity. A radio and stage actor pre-
vious to his entrance into the Navy,
he has since produced "Sky High"
from the Glenview, Ill., Naval Air
Station, and "Flight Deck Jamboree"
from the Naval Air Technical Train-
ing Center, Chicago.
On Second Tour
The band, composed of members
of the crew of the U.S.S. Helena,
which was sunk in the Battle of Kula
Gulr, July 5, 1943, is now stationed
at the U.S. Naval Training Center,
Great Lakes, Ill. Last summer, they
covered seven Midwestern states dur-
ing the Fifth War Bond Drive, mak-
ing this their second tour.
In addition to the Land, Jack
Sherr. who directed his own musical
aggregation in New York before join-
1Dg the Navy, will lead the Musical
Mechs, while several specialty acts
will round out and complete the
"A radio broadcast by the band
from 1:30 to 2 p.m. Tuesday over
Station WPAG will be another fea-
ture of the day," said Leonard.
Tire Allotment
50 per cent increase in rations of
passenger tires for civilians this
month was authorized today, but a
slackening in the pace of recon-
version became apparent.

Future Trends
In Education
The adaptation of post-war edu-
cation to include both the classical
and vocational theories1 of training
and to prepare the individual for
successful participation in society
was the topic under discussion it a
forum held last night in the Men'sj
Lounge of the Rackham Building. !
Sponsored by the Educational Com-
mittee of the Graduate Student
Council, the forum was conducted by
Prof. John L. Brumm of the Depart-
ment of Journalism. Speakers wer=.
Dr. Howard Y. McClusky of tho
School of Edupation, Dr. G. G. Brown
of the chemical engineering depat-
ment and Dr. Clarence D. Thorpe of
the English department.
Predicting a greater popular intrr-
est in education as a result of the
war, Dr McClusky discussed the nar-
rowing result cf exclusively technical
speciali:ration. This theme was con-
tinued by Dr. Brown, who pointed
out that the industrialization of Ger-
many with a continued reactionary
view of other types of education had
led to the present world conflict. Dir.
Thorpe argued that education should
deve~rp in the individual a greater
sense of responsibility toward socieiy.
Million More Nazis
r ,
rfakenl by Russians
LONDON, May 14.-(P)-Moscow
announced tonight that more than
1,230,000 Nazis have surrende.-d i
the Red Army since Germany's un-
conditional surrender.

Freshmen Will
Meet To Plan
Strategy Today
To Assen ble in Union,
Room 316, at 8 P.M.
Freshmen will meet at 8 p. m.
EWT (7 p. m. CWT). today in Rm.
316 of the Union to discuss plans for
their encounter with the sophomores
in the traditional Class Games con-
test, to be held May 26 at Ferry
Starting off the games will be a
giant soccer match, which will be
followed by the Ann Arbor Special-
the tumblers relay race, in which,
the human frogs will .jump, and the
human jumping beans will roll.
"Human Football"
The' latest thing in grid strategy
will be tested at the games when the
Human Forward Pass is put into
play. The "Pigskin" will be the light-
est man in each class, who will be
passed along over the heads of his
teammates lined up in single* file.
The winning team will be the one
which can score a goal first with
their man-sized, man-made "foot-
Pickpocketing- Encouraged,
The sound of croaking will be
heard during the giant leap frog re-
lay, a test in skillful springing.
Finger dexterity can be shown off in
the Graveyard contest, a competition
in the science of pick-pocketing. The
team which can confiscate the great-
est amount of personal belongings
and the most members of the oppos-
ing team.
The freshmen captains, Roy Rog-
ers, John Smedley, Dick Emerick,
Morris Hill and Bob Goldman decid-
ed at a recent meeting that fresh-
men will distinguish themselves by
wearing clean white shirts every day
next week.
Dragnet Is Out
For ilimmler
FLENSBURG, Germany, May 14.
-( ')-A dragnet is out for Gestapo
Chief Heinrich Himiler in this area,
with British security police and in-
telligence officers leading the search.
Danish underground organizers
who have submitted important in-
formation to the Allies throughout
the war insist that the arch-Nazi is
in this territory. Germans as well as
Allies have been alerted to watch for
him as well.
There is considerable talk that
Himmier tzecently got in touch with
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz and
asked his protection, but was told
that if the Germans found him he
would be turned over to the Allies.


By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 14.-General Eis-
enhower cracked down sharply on
senior American officers for their
reported friendly treatment of. high
German war prisoners today after
the British press expressed hot indig-
nation at the "sheer impertinence"
of Nazi leaders and German officers.
since Germany's .surrender.
"We have got to watch these Ger-
mans," the London Evening News
warned.. "Unless we are very care-
ful, they are going to get away with
it again."
Eisenhower said:
"My attention has been called to
press r( ports of instances of senior
United States officers treating cap-
tuiect Nazi and high German officials
on a friendly enemy' basis. Any such
incident has been in direct violation
of my express and long standing
Drastic Measures
"Drastic measures have been set
in motion to assure termination cof
these errors forthwith.
"Moreover," Eisenhower continued,
"any past instances of this nature
are by no means indicative of the
attitude of this Army; but are results
of faulty judgment of individuals
concerned, who will be personally
accruaiited with expression:s of ,iy
defnite disapproval.
"In the name of this great force
and on my own, I regret these occur-
While Eisenhower did not single
out any officer for public censure, ir,
was reralled that when Reichsmar-
shal Hermann Goering surrendered
to the U.S. Seventh Army last week
at Kitzbuehl in Austria he was treat-
ed with considerable deference.
Lpftwat re T'eated Royally
An Associated Press field dispatch
said 'he former head of the i.uit..
waffe was given a luIch of chicken
and peas in a hotel padce oftei
"brief greetings and a handse ake&'
and .Ler posed for pit urs witn
Maj..Gen. Jahn E. D ii iuis _, co n-
mander of the 36th Division. an.d
with lig.-Gen. Robert J. Stack,
Assis rant Division Commane.
Th P 'is radio calrigd a repncrt,
unconfirmned at Allied headcuarters,
that an ;nidentified AmeicRn offi-
cer of high rank had dinner with
Goering on at least on- occasior
since 3he latter's capiure, iieco-
howet' said all the inform atiop he
had came from uress reports.
The handling of Goering aroused
A stori of indignati,)-i in London,
where .i e News-Chroaie a declared
t- n tlirmann Goerfag is an mii,
ceuel n i deer to whom justice must
b1 done Because he :s fat he is not
k od."
Concern was expressed openly lest

Nazi leaders and Prussian generals
in Allied ridndsmight cre-ite a post-
war issue. So far there had been'nc
p iblic ann uncement by the Allied
governments on how German lead-
ers were to be treated, other than
broad declarations that war crimi-
nals would be brought to trial.
Strategic Pass
Mountain Defile Won
After Month Slugfest
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Tuesday, May 15.-Ba-
lete Pass, an important 75-foot defile
between 1,500-foot mountains in nor-
thern Luzon, fell to elements of the!
25th and 37th Infantry Divisions
Sunday after a month-long moun-
tain top slugfest, Gen. Douglas Mac-
*Arthur reported today.
On Mindanao island the 24th Divi-
sion fought an intense battle with
stubborn and well-armed Japanese
in a showdown fight near captured
Davao City. Six Banzai charges in
company strength were beaten off
Saturday and Sunday.
Gateway to Valley
Conquest of Balete Pass, gateway
to the extensive Cagayan Valley, rep-
resented a long stride toward the
final cleaning out of the Japanese
on northern Luzon. The pass con-
trols the only road from the south
into the Cagayan Valley, hub of
Japanese strength,
The 32nd Division aided the cap-
ture of Balete Pass, flanking the
enemy on the parallel Villa Verde
Trail. The two columns were within
two miles of a juncture at Santa Fe,
where the trail joins the main road
at the entrance to the valley.
Close in oil Ipo Dam
East of Manila the 43rd Infantry
Division was closing in on the sur-
rounded Japanese garrison at the
Ipo Dam, source of more than one-
third of the capital's water.-
Fighters and bombers dropped 250
tons of explosives in support of the
Luzon ground actions.
On Mindanao, guerrilla forces have
seized the port of Cagayan, capital
of Misamis Oriental Province, and
the entire north coast of the island
now is in American control, Mac-
Arthur announced.
President's Budget
Reduced by House
WASHINGTON, May 14 (o)
President Truman's first budget
recommendations to Congress were
cut today by the House Appropria-
tions Committee.

Smoke columns shot up. some
17,000 feet over the target area and
could be seen by returning fliers
when 80 miles at sea.
Nagoya, 150 miles west by south of
Tokyo on Japan's main Honshu
Island, is the third city of the Empire.
The B-29s, carrying some 1,165,000
new type six-pound jelly gasoline fire
bombs, came pretty close to unload-
ing a bomb for every one of the city's
1,500,000 inhabitants.
Flew 3,300 Miles
Weather 'conditions were not too
good for the 3,300-mile daylight mis-
sion but the bombardiers turned
loose their deadly cargoes visually at
medium altitude. The general area
hit is just west of the sprawling
Mitsubishi Aircraft Engine Works
which was almost completely wreck-
ed in earlier raids.
Vital; Airstrip on
Okinawa Taken
GUAM, Tuesday, May 15.-VP)-
American doughboys, sweeping ahead
2,400 yai ds on the east coast of
embattled Okinawa, capture the Yo-
riabaru airstrip yesterday.
Adra. Chester W. Niiaitz's com-
munique today reported also that
the 96th Infantry Divisio''s 383rd
Regimeat completed capture of Con-
ical -ill, important height before
the fortress city of Shuri.
Yaiks still were at the edge of the
busincss district of bomb-blasted Na-
ha, capital of the Ryukyu island.
Stiff fighting still was to, progress
all .tuong the Okinawa line. The
2,400-yard surge by the 96th was the
only ,izcable . advance, Doughboys
and Marines in other sectors gained
only 100 to 200 yards.
Japanese aircraft again pounced
on the American invasion fleet off
Okinawa Sunday evening, causing
some damage to two light surface
units. Twenty-five enbmy planes
were shot down, eight of them by
destroyers' guns.
hinese Close
SP ochig
CHUNGKING, May 14.-(1P)---Two
Chinese columns closed today on
Paoching, Hunan Provice strong-
hold from which the enemy marched
last month on the road to defeat and
disaster in the battle for Chihkiang
air base,
In the eastern seaboar 1, Chine e
troops f4 t pht on througn the strntets
of I oochow after en,.9Ang the old
treaty port opposite Formesa Fri,!,y.
T- 1-'M,,i" ~n~nnr.f .c1?

BRITISH TROOPS ARRIVE IN OSLO--Crowds line a street in Oslo,
Norway's capital, as British airborne troops march into the city.
Lax Treatm'ent of High Nazis
Is Condemned by Eisenhower

By The Associated Press
GUAM, Tuesday, May 15-The
fury of America's aerial assault on
Japan mounted to a new pinnacle of
violence Monday as a record pack of
500 mighty Superfortresses dumped
7,000,000 pounds of fire bombs on
the great industrial city of Nagoya.
(In-contrast with the enemy's
claim of shooting down eight Super-
fortresses, 20th Air Force headquart-
ers at Washington reported that only
"two of our planes were lost to ene-
my action." This was a minute per-
centage of the number engaged in
the attack.)
The devastating attack, directed
against some of Japan's most import-
ant war industries, was officially re-
ported by B-29 headquarters only a
few hours before .Radio Tokyo said
waves of Allied carrier planes were
hammering Nippon's southern air-
dromes for the second day in a row.
5,500 Airmen in Mission
Some of the 5,500 Yank airmen
who took part in the Nagoya Mis-
sion hardest aerial blow ever thrown
against .Japan, said on their return
to Marianas bases they believed the
3,500 tons of fire bombs dropped de-
stroyed the sections of the city not
devastated in previous raids.- They
agreed that Japanese interceptors
were not anxious to challenge and
that ack-ack fire was weak and in-

SupremeIleadq arters Orders
Kiennedy, Otidebrod To Leave

PARIS, May 14.-- UP)- Supreme
Headquarters disa ccredited Edward
Kennedy of the Associated Press to-
day on 'a charge of breach of con-
fidence in breaking prematurely the
story of Germany signing terms of
unconditional surrender and ordered
him to leave May 17 for the United
Morton P. Gudebrod of the Asso-
ciated Press also vas disaccredited
for taking "an active part in the
premature release of a news story"
and ordered to return to the United
1%11+ .4,-v A ,f r n V-. r 1nicjri

cause %ennedy's dispatch passed
throulih the London bureau of the
Allen noted iii astatement that
"the Associated Press has published
its profound regrets for distribution
of the story in advance of its author-
"With this statement," Allen said,
"this regrettable incident is consid-
ered as closed by Supreme Head-
After Supreme Headquarters an-
nounced the decision, Kennedy is-
stied this statement:

Allies To Maintain
Control Over Trieste

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