a~ TWO Y4 MICHIGAN DAILY ThtTR~DAY~ MA &t gath Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Argetine Issue Debated 'I - ~ I - ~-z~-.z. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee Editorial Staff Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . - . . . City Editor Associate Editor *.Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited la this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter., Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. AEPRESNTED FOR NATONA." AVR|4E|G B National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: LOIS IVERSON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Bill of Rights THE OUTRAGEOUS ATROCITIES committed in Germany under Nazi rule point to the necessity for an international bill of rights. The peace planner's job must include not only pun- ishment of the crimes already committed, but prevention of further acts of barbarism. Though international law has always consid- ered the treatment of a country's nationals a domestic question," it is clear now that an international organization pledged to the main- tenance of world peace must concern itself with the individual rights of man - everywhere. To this end San Francisco and the peace confer- ences of the future should take a definite stand regarding the protection of those fundamental rights. A specific definition of those rights, as broad as this coalition of nations can agree upon should be made at San Francisco. It is true, as is pointed out in the May sup- plement of Fortune Magazine, that there are few nations who would now accept a verdict of a world court which held that they were not living up to the provisions of the world bill of rights. But San Francisco can make a general declaration of rights and authorize the organ- ization set up at Dumbarton Oaks to watch over and protect them. Then an offending nation, having signed the bill of rights, could not justifiably feel that their violation was a domestic question and action could be taken. This may not sound like a very forceful pro- gram but progress does not come quickly. Slowly we must work toward the ultimate goal in which the nations and people, working together, will finally realize and accept their rights and responsibilities in an international community and in which a replica of the present atroci- ties will never be seen. -Jean Engstrom Blue Jeans rUHAT University coeds are usually seen in blue jeans and flannel shirts is the accusation made by Harry Y. Chan and Henry H. Lee in a Letter to the Editor published in this week's issue of Life Magazine. Mr. Chan and Mr. Lee compliment the Ste- phens College girls on being "well-dressed." They refer to the "Charm Course" article on Stephens College in the April 16 Life. "It is gratifying to know," they wrote, "that there are still some college girls who dress like women." This reflection on the Michigan coeds' garb does not seem at all warranted. University girls do not wear jeans to classes or to the libraries. They usually are worn only for picnics, bike- rides, and other outdoor events where they are most practical. This type of accusation gives an exaggerated untrue picture of our campus to outsiders. It is unfortunate that the University is given this publicity when it is not deserved. -Jean Mac Main Seventh War Loan By DREW PEARSON SAN FRANCISCO-The play-by-play account of what went on behind the scenes after the United Nations conference reluctantly voted to admit Argentina can now be revealed. After Stettinius forced a public vote on the Argentine issue despite Russian requests for delay, he suddenly found himself catching criti- cism from the press and the public. Greatly upset, he hastily called a closed-door meeting of the American delegation. The air was charged with tension. Young Rockefeller broke the ice by launching into a eulogy of the way Stettinius had handled himself. "This country is fortunate to have its af- fairs in his hands," praised Rockefeller. Another Argentine rooter, Assistant Secre- tary Jimmy Dunn, started to chime in but was interrupted by shrewd Hamlton Fish Armstrong, key U. S. adviser. "I'm very disturbed by all this," said Arm- strong. "I think we ought to call the press in and explain the American position. The press is calling us fascists and Stettinius is being put in a reactionary position.." But Minnesota's quick-thinking Harold Stas- sen, who had been cool to Argentina's admis- sion interrupted: "Oh yeah, what are you going to tell the press when you let them in?" John Foster Dulles, who once represented Dic- tator Franco, observed that he, too. was worried about the publicr eaction. "It's very important," Dulles said, "that the public doesn't get the feeling that our delegation is reactionary." Differences Urvoldable .. . AGAIN ex-Governor Stassen interrupted to say: "I don't understand why we have to be so apologetic about something that was discussed fully in here and was then voted upon and passed. The important thing is that we work together. It's impossible to avoid all differences between nations and people." Stassen went on to point out that there was considerable justification for the American view, even if he didn't agree with it entirely himself. He said that if there were no argii- ments, there was no use holding a confer- ence. Stettinius then said he thought Stassen's statement of the situation was so good that he ought to go on the air and present it publicly: Jimmy Dunn next protcstel that the Russians were holding up the conference by refusing to permit Argentina to take the chairmanship of a conference sub-committee. He launched into a vigorous anti-Soviet tirade, paying his respects to the Russians in no uncertain terms. Rockefeller endorsed Dunn's idea about giv- ing Argentina a place on a conference committee. "It's terribly important that we treat Argen- tina as well as anyone else," he said. "I agree with Dunn and Rockefeller,"chimed in Michigan's Senator Vandenberg. "Now that we've invited them we've got to treat them right." But Stassen said he couldn't go along with Dunn, Rockefeller or Vandenberg. "It's bad enough," said Stassen, "that we let them in without giving them any honors." "Well," was Vandenberg's retort, "anything that Rockefeller wants-is o. k." Dunn suggested that the U. S. delegation should slip Argentina into the first committee vacancy they found, but Stettinius demurred. "I've gotten into trouble enough over Ar- gentina already," observed the harassed Sec- retary of State. Enter Unchallenged . .. ON ONE DAY while 46 top delegates, including the foremost foreign ministers of the world. were sitting in secret session at the Veterans' building, two newspapermen plus two University of Southern California co-eds made a test of getting into the building without credentials, carrying four typewriters. The four typewriters could have contained 50 pounds of TNT each, totaling 200 pounds. The two men and two girls drive in a taxi, not a conference car, through police lines without being stopped, and walked into the Veterans' building without showing creden- tials. They walked the entire length of the building, through the hall alongside of which THOUGHT... RfRj to the 46 delegates were sitting, and then left, still carrying their typewriters. Twenty minutes later they returned. The taxi stopped at the police lines, but both the military police and the San Francisco police waved to them to go inside. No credentials were shown. Thy also entered the Veterans' building without credentials, walked through the building with their typewriters and departed. . Later as the foreign ministers were about to end their session, the four returned again, carry- ing typewriters. Again they were not required to show credentials. This time the military police were even removed from the conference doors. This time, if the typewriter cases had carried TNT, the four people making three trips to the conference hall, could have totaled 600 pounds of TNT. Or on the last trip they might have carried tommy guns to meet the delegates as they came out the door. Neither the military police nor the local police would have known the difference. At the opera house, where plenary sessions of the conference are held, security is better. But the secret meetings of the 46 top delegates and foreign ministers at the less-guarded Veterans' building are much more important. Should a hitler agent, wanting last-minute vengeance for Berlin and the end of Nazidom, execute a plot against these 46 key men of the world, civilization would be set back for years. And every other nation would blame the United States for what happened. Some people have joked about Molotov's bodyguards and the Russian complaints about security. But the real fact is that on this point the Russians are the onlye realistic people at the conference. (Copyright, 1945, by 1he Blt Syndicate, In.) -__--- -- /-c , San Francisco 10THE EDITOR: Even Germany, after ravaging other nations and peoples, desires peace. Representatives from all over the world with 45 nations officially rep- resented here are striving for a formula to guide and direct the establishment of policies to dispose of international problems. Peace-The product of good-will, righteous- ness, a way of life, living among and with other people. That is what is being attempted at San Francisco. Peace-The establishment of a world con- stitution. Of course we will succeed; we must succeed. After the last world-war we wanted peace. However, political prejudice wilfully destroyed the attempt as we all now tragic- ally recognize. In his Memoirs, As I Knew Them, Senator Jim Watson of Indiana reveals Senator Lodge of Mass. requesting him to lead the fight to destroy the League of Nations, but, said Sen. Watson in reply: "85 per cent of the people want the League, 85 per cent of the Preachers advocate it, al the churches want it." To which Lodge is quoted to have said: "We won't set out to deliberately destroy the League, but, we will attack it piece-meal, and when we have debated for weeks and months amending the proposal, no one will want it." Mussolini, Hitler and Hirohito, proponents of fascism, attempted to enslave and dominate the world. Paganism rampant,egreed, death and destruction. They have failed, however. Nat- ive fascists in our own country, having repre- sentatives here, are of course not working out in the open. Will reactionaries ever learn? Two bulletins in a Market Street bookstore window are: "Fascism is all the minor rackets rolled up into one-monopoly." And the other: "Must our war efforts be sapped by the prerogatives of private enterprise while our boys die for us?" Peace-Yes, it is said that five per cent of the people think, 10 per cent believe they think, and the other 85 per cent are guided by prejudices and intolerance toward others. History reveals that the adoption of our constitution of the United States, and of which we are reminded by this conference to establish a World constitu- tion, was beset with difficulties in 1787. The thirteen colonies were as touchy about their sovereignty as are the nations today, scoffed at exalted ideas as impracticable. Eleven days after the date set for conference (May 14) only a scant quorum, 9 of the 13 colonies had repre- sentatives present. At this conferenc'e 45 na- tions are present; we have made progress. In the referendum of ratification of the people in 1787 only 100,000 of the 160,000 who voted were in favor of adoption. The delegates here ex- hibit faith, a desire for cooperation and to give as well as to take. Press conferences given by Molotov of Rus- sia, Soong of China, Bidault of France, and Evatt of Australia reveal these men as being well informed, statesmen with intelligence, fraternizing with us, personally answering questions as to their viewpoints, policies, ex- periences of practical application-a1 of which gives the belief that success will be forthcom- ing through better understandings and au of us assuming the responsibilities which must be expected of everyone. -Redmond M. Luri Optimistic AMID the turn mil nd um'eortahtties A ofthe San Franciocnference, there is finally an optimistie note from one of the press' more compe- tent columnists, Thomas L. Stokes.! According to a recent column, "progress can be reported" in thel matter of understanding Russia. N Stokes maintains that Secretary of State Stettinius and our delegates "are making an honest effort" to that end. At present this is the most posi- tive note of the conference which began with the delegates "choosing up sides" and rubbing the Soviet4 Union's face in the dirt at almostI every on rinity. For a few days it looked veIy iru:'h as if the con' ferees, with the aidc f't se what hostile pre s, were fig ti thei' own private little war ith the world lined -upa :ainst the Soviet Union. The Rus-ianr.. were "obstinate, obstructionists". and, what's more, they -didn't want our old friend, Argentina, to have a seat at the meeting. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSIAY, MAY 10, 1945 VOL. LV. No. 143 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin, is constructive notice to all nmem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell ali, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL B 1 LLE'TIN.- UnivesityCei'cil: The May meet- ing of( the!University Council has Ln uis .. Ilopkins, Secretary Ail C tvOhrlifr Stndents: Today. AS- 1VAY , O These and numerous other accusa- cension Thursday, is a holy day of tions were levelled against a nation obligation. Masses at St. M'ary's we have called our ally in times of Chapel at 6:20, 7, 8 and 9 o'clock. greater stress. But the situation seemingly has Prescott Club: All members who changed, Stokes points out. "Cu: I wish to attend the party on May 20, representatives have come to under- 1945, should sign the list on the bul- stand the Russians better after deal-- letin board next to the Pharmacy ing with them." he says. Office before MVonday, May 14, 1945. "It would be wise for the Ameri- can people to do the same," Stokes; adds, "the stake here in the future being what it is." Russia, he says, considers much the same as the United States did after the first World War-a vigorous, self-j reliant nation. raised into the world by her own bootstraps-independent and on her own. The USSR now feels her oats as a{ lusty nation, having proved herselfE under her new regime. -Bob Goldman All Student'Ls interested in par'tici- p:,_ting in the three-act student writ- ten English Department comedy are asked to be on hand Thursday and Friday alernoons at 2 o'clock (CWT) fourth iloor Angell Hall. Junior Play Committee: Junior Play Central Committee will have a' picture taken in the League, tonight at 6 p.m. CWT). Be prompt! resen at'ves from the Michigan BJI Tep:hon Company will be in 7Cll1i Pell-idulum I p By BERNARD ROSENBERG r HE INTRODUCTORY note to myI edition of Plutarch's "Lives" em- phasizes the point that its author was primarily interested in ethics and therefore thought that biography could best be used for illustrative purposes in judging comparative hu- man behavior. This soon becomes evident to the reader.{ Nor was Plutarch deceived as to the severe limitations of his method. "It must be borne in mind," he ob- served in his study of Alexander the Great, "that my design is not to write histories but lives." (One is reminded of Lytton Strachey's epi- gram to the effect that it is almost, as hard to write a good life as it is to live one.) , At any rate, Plutarch would notI have asserted-as Carlyle did in the nineteenth century-that great men and great men alone deter- mine the course of history. He was! not, strictly speaking, interested in this problem at all. The underlying philosophy of his work cannot be called historiographic. If much that he wrote is now a source, andI Food Shortage in some eases-as Shotwell tells us '-the only source for valuable in- formation this must be considered the h-ujdsetal result of a didactic "tour de torc Thie avidity with which people read biographical material and the num- ber of lines devoted to "celebrities" in) our pres ech day, helps explain why Plutarhand Suetonius are still so popular while profounder contem- porariea receive little attention. Plu- tarch was ossipy enough to satisfy any ikon-smnasher. In "Twelve Against the Gods" a modern debunker advanced the novel theory that Cicero delivered his phil- lipics against Lusius Sergius Cataline because the latter had violated Cic- ero's niece who was a Vestal Virgin and not because of any deep political cleavage. This is the sort of inter- pretation common to Plutarch who, for instance, lays the feud between Themistocles and Aristides to a youthful and mutual romance with the beautiful Stesilaus. Thus the subjectire role as a determinant in the a Aairs of men is dealt with at seie length. Critics have regarded Plutarch's statesmen and generals as archetypes of all Mankind rather than of espe- cially notable characters. If Alci- Liades is a figure of unusual interest our office today to interview seniors interested in their company. Those interested should call Bureau of Ap- pointments, University Ext. 371, for appointment. City of Detroit Civil Service an- nouncements for the following exam- inations have been received in our office. Chemistry Aid, $2,149 to $2,- 348 per year, Junior Publicist, $2,- 760 a year, Intermediate Publicist, $3,450, Junior Social Economist, $2,- 484 to $2,760, Intermediate Social Economist, $3,164 to $3,450, Junior City Planner, $2,415 to $2,760, and Intermediate City Planner, $3,036 to $3,450. For further informatiop stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. La Sociedad Hispanica offers two fifty dollar scholarships (plus tui- tion) to the University of Mexico Summer School.uStudents interested must apply through Professor Mer- cado, in 302 Romance Languages be- fore May 15. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. R. H. Markham, member of the staff of the Christian Science Monitor and for- mer Deputy Director of the Office of War Information, will lecture on the subject "Post-War Prospects in the Balkans" at 7 p.m. tonight in the Rackham Amphitheater, under the auspices of the Department of Soci- ology. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next term are required to pass a qualifying exami- nation in the subject in which they expect to teach. Ths examination will be held on Saturday, May 12, at 7:30 a.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. Eng. 107, Sec. 2: The remaining mid-Semester bluebooks can be ob- tained from Mrs. Welsch in the Eng- lish Office. Eng. 2, Sections 4 and 32: 'Those students who have not yet received their research papers can get them in the envelope on the office floor of 3220 AH. Econ. 121, Labor I: Class will not meet Friday, May 11. Z. C. Dickin- son. Speech 31: Professor Owen's 8, CWT, class will meet in the Kellogg Auditorium in the Dental School on Friday, May 11. Doctoral Examination for Hui Lan Yeh, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "Studies of the Proteins of the Tung Nut (A. Fordii)", Friday, May 11, 313 West Medical, 9 a.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Commecement. Twenty-Second Annual Exhibition by the Artists of Ann, Abor and vicinity: In the Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms of the Rackham Building daily, except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 pxr. The public is cordially invited. "Krishna Dancing with. the Milk- maids" an original Rajput brush drawing with studies of the hands in crayon. Also examples of Indian fab- rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine Arts. May 14 through May 26; Mon- day-Friday, 1-4; Saturday, 9-11, CWT. Alumni Memorial Hall, Rm. B. Events Today Tea at the International Center, every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty, foreign students, and their American friends are cordially invited. Inter-Guild Inventory: Rev. W. P. Lemon will speak on "The Presbyter- ian Approach to Protestant Action" today at 3 in Lane .Hall. All Guild members ar'e invited to attend. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert will be held in the Ladies Lounge of the Rackham Buil- ding at 6:45 p.m. The program will include the Double Concerto, by Bach; the Emperor Concerto, by Beethoven; and Symphony No. 7, by Schubert. All Graduate Students are cordially invited to attend this con- cerJ. Coming Events 'I 4j "I I THE SUBSTANTIAL rise in Euro- and iam he is also a person whose pean disease rates reported by the I magnanimity is to be emulated and UNRRA is not surprising in the light whose sensuality is to be eschewed. of the fact that most European peo- o ples have been underfed during the b theuiveri s s German occupation. Undermined by bhmo l and the timelessness of its along period of malnutrition, it is thnm', Pluatarch, even if his facts a lng erid f mlnuriion itiswere somewhat inaccurate, would only to be expected that 12 continen- still be a favorite. This is true for tal European countries should report !uhlhefaore s truhator slightly more than three times the mchnte smreasoTh thytide pre - war cerebrospinal meningitis continue to read Thucydides al- irate, two and a half times the a- though his cardinal sin was to ex- mount of poliomyelitis, half again as aggerate the importance of a war much typhoid fever, twice as much we no longer consider so decisive. dysentery, three times as much diph- The full title of this book is "The theria, and three times as much scar- Parallel Lives of Famous Greeks and let fever. Romans". Students-and not a few Yet, faced with these figures, let- historians like Spengler and Toyn- ters to the editor recently published bee-tend to lump the whole of an- in a leading weekly news magazine tiquity into one epoch. We some- cried out against continued shipment times forget that approximately as of food to Europe, against denying ; many years separated Plato from ourselves the pre-war surplus of meat Homer as separate us from Plato. We and dairy products. One writer gave do not have the proper sense of mul- as her reason that in sharing our tiple emergence about the Renais- wealth with the starving peoples of st nce be'ause too often the propen- Europe, we would be betraying the sity is to think that what was re- men who have given up their lives vived was cut from a monolith. It in this war. But the men who fought was not-and yet, in a sense, of in the hope of establishing a perma- course, it was. For, with all the di- nen peace certainly could not be- ver sity of intervening ages, there was grudge the shipping of food to the an essential sameness about the ones people they struggled to free. Plutarch examined. Furthermore, we cannot expect A strong temptation exists to ex- constructive peace programs from tend Plutarch's parallels and include the twisted minds of a sickly, dis- some prominent people of our day. sease-ridden people. Restoring Eur- Norman Cousins did a very interest- ope's starving millions to health is ing piece of work recently that show.- necessary to the establishment of ed the correspondence between Gre- an enduring peace. If to do so ce in decline and your divided world causes us to tighten our belts a of thi west. One civilization con- little, it is a cheap price to pay for suiied itself in internecine warfare. the years we have gone well fed The other is in the process of accom- and comfortable while they starved. plisbing that end. -Marjorie Mills At any rate, it is easy to use PREDICTIONS of things to come fellow-columnist Pearson's stuff): gest factor in causing unemployment war will be lack of jobs. (to steal The big- after the I Lifting of the racing ban reminds us of the story of the women who bet on a race horse because it was so aTracktive. The brownout is now out and Ann Arbor merchants and theatres have turned on their neon lights again-that is all except the old Majestic theatre which will be perpetually brownouted we hope. Overstuffed gory Goering surrendered yester- day claiming that Hitirr had wanted to execute him. Maybe the Allies should gant the Feur- er's last wish. BARNABY They can't make those trumpedf up charges stick, ra boy. I'veN' got public opinion on my side. "A tip on the whereabouts - of O'Malley led the F.B.I. _ to stumble upon a ring of - I thought the guy was O'Malley when he ran away. But the bag he dropped was full of heroin- By Crockett Johnson ... came upon the body of a murdered man.. Plutarch's "dramatic personae" al- most hichange -ably with a twen- tieth century cat. Everyone, for example, remembers the general Sjection to Henry Wallace as a C: hidepreienial candidate last Jul-rasedby such punditical