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Schola1 . Phi
Atwa rded 1 o.r
Fall Semester
List InclludeS Buckley
Rattray, Patch, Shively
Eight University students were
named recipients of cash scholarships
ranging from $100 to $500 each to-
day, for the academic year 1945-46.
Three of the winners, chosen on a
basis of scholastic average, are from
Michigan. The other five come from
cities ranging from Connecticut to
The highest of these awards are the
four Emma M. and Florence L. Ab-
bott Scholarships which are for $500
each. The winners of these scholar-
ships are Mary Jane Buckley, '47,
Battle Creek; Frances Patch, '46,
West Englewood, N. J.; Joan Shively,
'47, Bridgeport, Conn.; and Barbara
Jean Rattray, '48, Tuluca Lake, North
Hollywood, Calif.
The $200 scholarships were awarded
to Jerry Jean Gaffney, '48, Cleveland
Heights, O., and Ruthann Perry, '48,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Recipients of the $100 Fassett
awards were Marvin K. Geasler, '46,
Pontiac, and Charles Willard Moore,
'46, Gognac Lake, Battle Creek.
O f fice Piwuied
For Educatton
Edmonson Reports
Committee's Action
A resolution strongly urging the
American delegation at the San Fran-
cisco Conference to "support specific
provision for an international office
of education and cultural relations
as an integral part of an interna-
tional organization" was passed by
the Executive Committee of the Am-
erican Council on Education last Fri-
day in Washington, Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Education
The resolution stated that provision
for such an office would "give due
recognition both to the importance
of cultural interchange in the main-
tenance of world peace and to the
role of education in promoting this
Dean Edmonson said that the Chi-
nese delegation at San Francisco has
already asked for educational and
cultural cooperation.
The Executive Committee also pass-
ed a motion authorizing a study of
the educational experiences of the
armed forces.
Lives 120 F4rmer Michigan Men Lost
-li Euu 8eui ur; ny , -ecei
Ill~ ~ IM~enWr al eeVe Awards
0/ Ptae
TODAY, in our moment of partial vic-
tory, we should give reverence to the di-
vine power which has helped us reach our
first goal. Let us bow our heads and give
thanks to Almighty God for the safe voy-
age of those who shall return, and a prayer
of devotion for those smiling faces we shall
never again see.
For those who won't return as victors in
this world, we must conquer yet another
and still more vicious enemy. Our war is
not yet won. We must not stop fighting,
praying, or working until the forces of
oppression are defeated. Let our jubilation
give us the physical and spiritual strength
to reach our ultimate goal.
GOAL SET AT $2,500:
United Jewish Appeal Drive
Starts Today at Foundation
Approximately 120 Michigan men
have been killed in the European
theatre,'according to a count of
deaths recorded in The Michigan
Recipients of the Air Medal with
Oak Leaf Clusters nmber 34, and
1st Lt. Frank P.. Hopkins, 36-40,
has the total of nine Oak Leaf Clus-
ters with his medal. Six men were
awarded the Purple Heart.-
Fourteen former Michigan students
have been awarded the Bronze Star,
and eight now wear the Silver Star.
Another eight hold the Distinguish-
ed Flying Cross.
The 298th General Hospital Unit
is composed of members of the
University Hospital staff and is
Appo litle I's ...
(Continued from Page 5)
Seidman, Emily Tillou and Margaret
The climax of the evening was
provided by the tapping ceremonies
of the three senior women's honor
societies, Mortar Board, Scroll and
Senior Society. Mortar Board, na-
tional honorary society, tapped the
following women: Joyce Seigan,
Martha Coo:, Jean Gaffney, Delta
Gamma. Beverly Solorow, Mosher,
Ann Schutz. Martha Cook, Marian
Johnson, (appa [(an-ppaGamma,
Claire Macanley, Martha Cook,
Doris Heidgen, Gamma Phi Beta,
Barbara Osborne, Martha Cook,
Betty Vaughn, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, Dorothy Wantz, Delta Gamma,
Ruthann Bales, Delta Gamma, Jane
Strauss, Sigma Delta Tau. Jane
Archer, Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Margaret Farmer, Martha Cook.
Scroll, honorary society for affili-
ated women, tapped Carol Giordano,
Delta Delta Delta, Nora MacLaughlin,
Alpha Chi Omega, Beverly Wittan,
Sigma Delta Tau, Jean Pines, Sigma
Delta Tau, Betty Hendel, Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi, Dona Guimares, Pi Beta
Phi, Carol Evans, Collegiate Sorosis,
Lee Wellman, Zeta Tau Alpha, Jean
Hotchkin, Chi Omega, Jane Arner,
Gamma Phi. Beta, Harriet Pierce, Pi
Beta Phi, Betsy Perry, Pi Beta Phi,
Shirley Sickles, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma and Tady Martz, Kappa Delta.
Senior Society, honorary society
for independent women, tapped
Francis Goldberg, Martha Cook,
Claire Macauley, Martha Cook, Ann
Schutz, Martha Cook, Barbara Os-
borne, Martha Cook, Helen Alpert,
Tappan House, Joyce Siegan, Mar-
tha Cook, Margaret Farmer, Mar-
tha Cook, Sue Curtis, Martha Cook,
Beverley Solorow, Mosher, Dorothy
Flint, Martha Cook, Elaine Bailey,
Stockwell, Betty Roth, 1102 Oak-
land, Gloria Stearnes, 917 East Hu-
ron, and Grace Hansen, Mosher.
...,for V-E Day!!.o.
headed by Lt. Col. Walter G. Mad-
dock. The unit, overseas since
June 27, 1942, is on the continent.
Among its personnel is Major Ky-
ril B. Conger, '36M, son of Mrs.
Lucile B. Conger, Executive Sec-
retary of Alumnae Council. Major
Conger is a former instructor in
urological surgery here.
Sgt. Trian Radul, '40-'41, received
the Soldier's Medal for disposing of a
live hand grenade which had acci-
dentally been dropped in a sandbag
bulwark among a group of soldiers
in England.
Two of theryoungest Michigan
men of their rank are Brig. Gen.
William L. Richardson, '19-'20, and
Major Thomas J. Webster, '34-35;
who was killed in Italy.
---_ --c
The Ann Arbor United Jewish Ap-
peal campaign for students, faculty
members and townspeople will open
at a mass rally to be held at 8 p. m.
EWT (7 p. m. CWT) today at the
B'Nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Drive To Last 10 Lays
This year the drive will extend from
May 8 through May 18, and the goal
set for the student's share is $2,500.
This sum exceeds by $900 the aim of
last year which was met and sur-
Keynote speaker at the rally will
be Lawrence Crohn of Detroit. In
his address Crohn will point out the
need of the Jews in Europe for help
in rehabilitation. Crohn is vice-
president of the Jewish Council, vice-
president of the Detroit United He-
brew Schools and a member of the
National Administration Board of
the Zionist Organization of America.
Organizations To Be Benefitted
Beneficiaries of the campaign are
the American Jewish Congress, B'nai
B'rith Wider Scope, Joint Defense
Appeal (B'Nai B'rith Anti-Defama-
tion League and American Jewish
Committee), Joint Distribution Com-
A large stock of
mittee, National Jewish Welfare
Board, National Refugee Service and
United Palestine Appeal. These or-
ganizations are responsible for the
distribution of the funds.
The student campaign is organized
into eight major divisions, a Hillel
member in charge of each. David
Loewenberg is responsible for col-
lecting from the fraternities, while
Judith Chayes will solicit the sorori-
Representing Independents
Bert Agata and Sheldon Selesnick
will appeal to the independent men,
and independent women may con-
tribute through Helen Alpert.
Women's and men's dormitories will
be covered by Helen Greenberg and
Bennett Shulman respectively. Con-
tributions from the league houses
should be made to Charlotte Shapiro,
and those living in Co-ops may give
to June White.
It is necessary that all those soli-
citing for the drive be present at
the rally because campaign kits will
be distributed.
(Continued from Page 4)
for will discuss "The Algal Flora of
the Galapagos Islands." All who are
interested are invited to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
hold a meeting Wednesday, May 9,
in the Outing Room of the Rackham
Building at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose
of organizing outdoor activities. All
Graduate Students who are interest-
ed in joining are urged to attend this
Inter-Racial Association will have
a business meeting on Wednesday,
6:30 p.m., Union. Important com-
mittee reports. All members and
friends are urged to attend.
The Graduate Council is sponsor-
ing a Mixer and Dance May 11 in
the Rackham Building. There will
be dancing, movies, games, enter-
tainment, and refreshments. All
Graduate Students and friends are
cordially invited to join the fun at
7 p.m. Friday.
Pi Lambda Theta spring initiation
will be held Saturday afternoon, May
12, at 12:45 (CWT) in the Assembly
Hall of Rackham Building, followed
by a reception at 2 p.m., concluding
with a lecture, "Radio in Education"
by Kathleen Lardie, Assistant Super-
visor, Department of Radio Educa-
tion, in charge of Radio for Detroit
Public ichools. The lecture will be
at 2:30 in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter and is open to the public. All Pi
Lambda Thetans in this area are
cordially invited.
The Phi Kappa Phi initiation of
new members will be held in the
Rackham Amphitheater Tuesday,
May 15, at 7 p.m. A reception for
the new members will be held after-
wards in the Assembly Hall. All
members are invited to attend.
1We are now riding the crest of the wave . . . with Victory
over Germany . . : but still harder tasks await us. Let us
remember that we must still defeat Japan before we can start
building that better, peaceful world in which to live,
-.~ A ~j' "
(i ,-m-t
No, MISTER TOJO, we haven't forgotten you. We're going to
teach you how it feels to get in front of the biggest battle fleet
in the world. You're going to learn-as Berlin learned-how it
feels to watch your dreams of empire go up in flame and smoke
of four-ton block busters. You're going to learn what it means
to take a swipe at UNCLE SAM when his back is turned. MISTER
TOJO, you're going to wish you had never even heard of Pearl Harbor!
' '
State Street at
North Univ.
We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, for the
victory Thou hast brought. We thank Thee
that Thou in Thy wisdom hast permitted right
and freedom to prevail.
This is the day history will remem-
ber! The day for which we have
prayed, the day wherein we dedicate
ourselves to finishing swiftly the
greater war that lies ahead.
Let us not forget our solemn obli-
gation to our fighting heroes ... and
those who have died in the name of
freedom. Each name is a reminder of
the awful cost of victory. Each name
should be a prayer so that the things
they fought and died for will not be
forgotten, but will be cherished by a a
grateful United Nations.
NAZI GERMANY LIES IN RUINS! It is well that we celebrate today
the downfall of Hitlerism ... but let us not forget that ultimate victory still
lies in the future. Let us not forget that every act of pillage, murder and rape
by Nazi Germany has been duplicated ten-fold in Nanking, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Manila, Java and Burma by the Japanese. Let us not forget that
the Freedom we have fought for and won in the Western World will not be
secure until the bloody sword has been struck from the hands of our foe in
the Pacific.
This day of triumph is also a day of dedication, a day wherein we
dedicate ourselves to finishing swiftly the war that still lies ahead. Let us not
rest on our labors, . . but let us continue to ease the burden of our fighting
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