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May 08, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-08

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and Warmer
and Tomorrow



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of How

News Reached



Suspension of AP Is Lifted
Seven Hours After Imposed
Acknowledgement Is Expected at 9 A.M;
Kennedy Banned for Early News Break
(Here is the Associated Press report of how the news of Germany's surrender
was transmitted to the world yesterday morning.)
The Associated Press disclosed exclusively yesterday morning that
Germany had surrendered completely and unconditionally.
A rigid official news blackout still prevented formal Allied announce-
ment of the fact, but this was expected today, approximately 24 hours after
the Associated Press dispatch.
Edward Kennedy, chief of the Associated Press Western Front staff
who scored the news beat was indefinitely suspended from all further dis-
patching facilities by Supreme Headquarters in Paris.
For nearly seven hours after Kennedy got out the news in a brief but
detailed and factual dispatch dated from Rheims, France, the suspension
was applied to all Associated Press

League Officers Named

Allied Leaders


Broadcast 9


Daily Reprints'
History of War
The Daily is reprinting on pages
6 and 7 of this issue the brief hi-
story of the European war which
appeared in yesterday's extra for
those readers who wish to keep it1
for future reference.
Peace Council
Denied Right To
By The Associated Press
tor Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) agreed
tonight with Soviet Foreign Com-
missar Molotov that the proposed
new world organization will have no
power to revise treaties. ,
Molotov started an intensive study
of the situation when he declared at1
a news conference that the Big Four
had rejected the idea of revising
treaties as "untenable".
The Commissar's statement was
couched in such terms as to lead
some observers to believe that the
Russians might possibly be placing
a new interpretation on a four-
power sponsored amendment giv-
ing the proposed league's 'general
assembly authority to make rec-
ommendations for changes in any
situation which might lead to war.
But after a study by the American
staff of Molotov's words Vandenberg
issued a statement declaring that
there is no basic misunderstanding
regarding the language or intent of
the amendment.
Pointing out that it never had been
intended for the league to have
power to revise treaties, Vandenberg
said he thought an "indispensably
wise" decision had been made by the
Big Four to explore all situations
that might lead to war and to make
"We agree that the sanctity of
treaties and the dependability of
international agreements is at the
bottom of all hope for collective
security," Vandenberg said.
"I agree withMr. Molotov in this
regard. Our proposed amendment
deals with other subjects. It recog-
nizes that other situations may arise
as the result of the vast area of war
decisions, which may not have been
answered under the pressure of ex-
pediency in the best manner to serve
justice and peace.-
Today Presidnt A. G. Ruthven,
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, and
Prof. P. W. Slossen will
make a special V-E day
broadcast at 2:15 EWT on
station WPAG.
Today Prof. J. S. Gault of the

correspondents in the European thea-
ter of operations, but this subsequent-
ly was lifted for all except Kennedy.
The Germans themselves first an-
nounced that they had surrendered,
in a broadcast at 8:38 a. m., EWT,
yesterday. This was without confir-
mation of any sort until Kennedy's
short, straightaway dispatch was
telephoned from Paris - to London
nearly an hour later and was flashed
on the Associated Press wires in the
United States at 9:35 a. m., EWT.
Kennedy's dispatch, datelined
Rheims-a town 75 miles east of
Paris-said that "Germany surrend-
ered unconditionally to the Western
Allies and Russia at 2:41 a. m. French
time Today" (That was at 8:41 p. m.,
Sunday, Eastern War Time).
The SHAEF suspension of the A. P.
went into effect at 10:40 AEW, and
for many hours it Was not even pos-
sible to learn how the news had been
Shortly before midnight, however,
after all but Kennedy had been rein-
stated, the Associated Press in Lon-
don filed this account of how Ken-
nedy's story was received and sent
to the Allied public:
"The London staff was sweating
out the peace news in an atmosphere'
loaded with rumor, expectancy and
cigarette smoke, when one of many
telephones on the main news desk
rang about 3:24 p. m. London time
(9:24 a. m., EWT), and Russell Land-
strom looked from his job of herd-
ing copy to the cable and radio chan-
nels to answer it.
"'This is Paris calling,' came a
faint, muffled voice. Then it faded
and came back so Landstrom could
catch the word 'Paris' again, and he
turned the telephone over to Lewis
"Very dimly the voice said that
Germany had surrendered uncondi-
tionally at Rheims. Hawkins was
asking for details and authority
when Edward Kennedy, chief of the
Paris bureau, broke in to say: 'This is
Ed Kennedy, Lew. Germany has sur-
rendered unconditionally. That's of-
ficial. Make the date Rheims, France,
and get it out.'
"Hawkins, well acquainted with
Kennedy, recognized his voice, and
after jotting down the flash called a
woman traffic operator to take the
call in a dictation booth and copy
the story Kennedy had ready.
"The flash moved from London by
cable and radio at 3:26 p.m. (9:26
a.m., EWT).
"ThenTHawkins found that the op-
erator had been unable to hear Ken-
nedy sufficiently clearly to get the
bulletin, so Hawkins took the call
back on the news desk and with dif-
ficulty wrote down the first bulletin
with a pencil, then handed the phone
over to James F. King while he hur-
ried the bulletin to the wires at 3:34
p.m. (9:45 a.m., EWT).
"British censors had had no spe-
cial instructions on handling surren-
der stories, and since Kennedy's dis-
pateh originated abroad, and was
only being relayed through London,
under standard British censorship
practice there was no question raised
about passing it."
When the bombshell of the flash
reached the New York foreign desk,

University coeds received appoint-
ments as executive heads and to exec-
utive committees of various League
activities last night at the annual
Installation Night ceremonies in the
Rackham Building.
A highlight of the evening was a
talk given by Miss Mary Hayden, '42,
who recently returned from 28
months of overseas duty with the Red
Cross. Miss Hayden spoke of some
of her most interesting experiences in
England, Scotland, Normandy, Bel-
gium, Holland and Germany. "The
foremost purpose of the Red Cross
girl" she said, "is to bring a touch
of home to the soldiers during the
few hours they have free from com-
Ethel McCormick Scholarships,
given for scholastic attainment and
participation in extra-curricular
activities, were given to Jean Gaff-
ney, Delta Gamma, Pat Cameron,
Adelia Cheever, and Jean Morgan,
Kappa Delta. Dean of Women Alice
C. Lloyd presented the three schol-
arships as well as the war activi-
ties plaques won by Martha Cook
Dormitory, Gorton League House
and Alpha Delta Pi sorority. The
plaques were given to the houses
which contributed the most hours,
per resident, in war activities.
Appointments to the Women's War'
Council, the coordinating body of all
women's activities, were announced
by Nora MacLaughlin, Alpha Chi
Omega, new War Council president.
Ruthann Bales, Delta Gamma, is
president of Women's Judiciary
Council. Miss MacLaughlin and Miss
Bales were introduced by their prede-
cessors Marjorie Hall, Martha Cook
and Natalie Mattern, Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Miss MacLaughlin contin-
ued her announcements, naming Jane
Strauss, Sigma Delta Tau, as secre-
tary, Jean Gaffney, Delta Gamma,
treasurer, Betty Vaughn, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, orientation chairman,
Frances Goldberg, Martha Cook ser-
vice chairman, Dorothy Wantz, Delta
Gamma social chairman and Dona
Guimares, Pi Beta Phi tutorial-merit
Miss Bales, who will represent Ju-
diciary Council on the War Council,
announced that Ann Schutz, Martha
Cook, will be secretary of Judiciary
Council, and that Carol Giordano,
Delta Delta Delta, will serve as senior
representative. Junior representatives
will be Jean Louise Hole, Pi Beta Phi,
Josephine Simpson, Kappa Alpha
Theta and Carolyn Newberg, Martha
Cook. Sophomore aides to Judiciary
Council will be Betty Rybolt, Jordan,
Betty Hansen, Lincoln House, Mar-
gery Keen, Stockwell, Faith Boult,
Chi Omega, and Charlotte Leach,
Collegiate Sorosis.
Florine Wilkins, Martha Cook, re-
tiring president of Assembly, organ-
ization for independent women, an-
nounced the names of the women
appointed to Assembly board for
next year. Helen Alpert, Tappan
House, will act as president, Elaine
Baily, Stockwell, as vice-president
in charge of dormitories, Mary El-
len Wood, Martha Cook, vice-
president in charge of League
Houses and Mary Alice Dunivan,

Hopes for 'Spirit of
Reconciliation' for All
By The Associated Press
LONDO A, May 7-German Foreign
Minister Count Ludwig Schwerin Von
Krosigk announced Germany's un-
conditional surrender to his country-
men today and summoned them to
a new life, guided by respect for in-
ternal and international law so that
"we may hope the atmosphere of
hatred which today surrounds Ger-
many all over the world will give
place to a spirit of reconciliation
among nations without which the
world cannot recover."
The foreign minister's announce-
ment broadcast over the Flensburg
radio, followed by a three-minute si-
lence, said that "the High Command
of the armed forces today at the
order of Grand Admiral Doenitz de-
clared the unconditional surrender of
all fighting German troops."
A few hours earlier the Flensburg
radio had broadcast an order of the
day from Admiral Doenitz, Adolf Hit-
ler's successor, notifying all U-boats
to "cease activity."
Van Krosigk, in announcing the
surrender of Germany, declared that
"after a heroic fight of almost six
years of incomparable hardness, Ger-
many has succumbed to the over-
whelming power of her enemies."
The foreign minister mentioned
German Navy
Flies Whte Flag
ROME, May 7-(/P)-The Allied
Command announced today the corn-,
pletion of the capitulation of the
German navy in this theater with the
surrender of 22 e 'emy craft, one
small submarine and 1,300 sailors at
The ports of Genoa and those in
the upper Adriatic rapidly were be-
ing cleared of mines and channels
were being opened through sunken
vessels. Only hostilities reported
were RAF fighter attacks on motor
traffic northwest of Fiume.
Lfocal Stores
To Close Today
Local and county business estab-
lishments will close today following
President Truman's official V-E proc-
lamation scheduled for 9 a.m. EWT
(8 a.m. CWT).
Stores will remain closed during
the day.
With most businesses closed yes-
terday following the V-E report, local
police officers expressed optimism
regarding the safe and sane V-E
Comparatively few automobile ac-
cidents and disorderly cases were
reported by the police who urged
citizens to keep celebrations within

Nazi Foreign Minister Reports
Surrender to German People

none of these enemies by name and
there were still loose ends on the east
front where German commanders in
Czechoslovakia refused to immediate-
ly lay down their arms and fought
on against the Russians and Czechs
for "free passage out of the country."
Educator Sees
New Scientific
Era for China
Because the traditional arts have
failed her during the war, China now
sees the need for systematic think-
ing and scientific research, Dr. Chi-
ang Monlin, president of the Provi-
sional National University of China,
said yesterday in an address spon-
sored by the Department of Oriental
Languages and Literature.
Discussing "Science, Art, and the
Present Philosophy of Life", he poin-
ted out, "Wisdom and character built
up through centuries of culture are
still important in modern warfare.
However, the suffering of the Chin-
ese people could have been reduced
greatly by the use of modern sci-
Turning to current Chinese prob-
lems, Dr. Chiang declared that the
main body of communist and nation-
alist troops do not fight each other,
but guerrilla forces of both.
While the communist-nationalist
split is consider analagous to the
North-Southsituation during the
Civil War, it can better be compared
to a few Oregon counties rebelling
against the entire U.S., he added.
Cohen Speaks
On Zionism
At Foundation
"Zionism cannot solve the problem
of anti-Semitism, but it has a direct
bearing on the consequences of anti-
Semitism, Abraham Cohen of Detroit
said in an address on "Zionism: A
Solution to Anti-Semitism" made
yesterday at the Hillel Foundation.
The purpose of the Zionist move-
ment is to establish Palestine as a
national Jewish homeland.
Zionism offers Jews the opportun-
ity to establish conditions so as to
be able to live independently of the
whims and dictations of others, Co-
hen said, pointing out that the Zion-
ist movement also provides an an-
swer for Jews now living in Europe
who have been the object of so much
The Jewish reaction to anit-Semi-
tism often causes these people to
have a feeling of inferiority, Cohen
asserted, but Zionism implores the
Jew to be himself, be proud of what
he has done, and to stand up for his

Big Three Scheduled To Address
Waiting World in Simultaneous Report
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 8.-People all over the world today await
the formal announcement of complete victory in Europe which
is expected to be the message of President Truman, Prime Minis-
ter Churchill and Premier Marshal Stalin in a simultaneous
broadcast scheduled for 9 a.m. EWT.
Announcement came yesterday of Germany's formal cap-
itulation which took place at 2:41 a.m. (French time) in the


school house, headquarters

of Gen. Eisenhower, Supreme Com-
mander of the Allies of the west.
However, this proclamation received
no official sanction from Allied
heads yesterday, although the -news
was spread throughout the world and
was not officially denied.
The crowning triumph came just
five years, eight months and six days
after Hitler invaded weak but proud
Poland and struck the spark wh'ich
set the world afire.
It marked the official end of war
in Europe, but it did not silence all
the guns, for battles raged on in
There, Nazi Gen. Ferdinand Scho-
errner, who has been designated a
war criminal, defied the orders of
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz, suc-
cessor to the dead or missing Hitler,
to lay down arms.
But this force-all that remains of
what once was the mightiest military
machine on earth-faced inevitable
licuidation or surrender.
The only details of Germany's
ignominious end came from Ed
Kennedy, chief of the Associated
Press staff on the Western Front,
who was the first to flash the word
the world had long awaited.
His story said the surrender was
signed for Germany by Col. Gen.
Gustaf (Alfred) Jodl. Jodl is the
new chief of staff of the Wehrmacht.
It was signed for the Supreme Al-
lied Command-The United States
and Britain-by Lt. Gen. Walter Be-
dell Smith, Eisenhower's chief of
staff; for Russia by Gen. Ivan Suslo-
parov, member of a military mission
on the Western Front, and for France
by Gen. Francois Sevez.
"Gen. Eisenhower was not pres-
ent at the signing," Kennedy said,
"but immediately afterward Jodl
and his fellow delegate, Gen. Ad-

Make Official
Report Today

British To Celebrate
Double Public Hlolidiy'
By The Associated Press
LONDON, May 7-The British min-
istry of information announced that
tomorrow will be treated as V-E Day.
The Ministry said officially that,
"in accordance with arrangements
between the three great powers, the
Prime Minister will make an official
announcement at 3 p. m., British
Double Summer Time, (9 a. m., East-
ern War Time), tomorrow, the 8th of
"In view of this fact," the an-
nouncement said, "tomorrow will be
a public holiday and the day after,
Wednesday, will also be regarded as a
"Parliament will meet at the usual
time tomorrow."
The British press association at-
tributed "the surprising delay in an-
nouncing V-E Day, in spite of the
complete capitulation by the Ger-
mans," to the importance "attached
to synchronizing the news in Lon-
don, Washington and Moscow."
E. P. Stackpole, Press Association's
Correspondent in the Parliament lob-
bies, said an hour before the mini-
stry's announcement that the offi-
cial word was not expected until to-
King George Sends
Message to Yanks
LONDON, Tuesday, May 8.-(P)--
King George VI today sent a mes-
sage to Gen. Eisenhower congratu-
lating him and his armies on the
"complete and crushing victory" in
"All the world now knows," he
messaged the Allied Supreme Com-
mander, "that after fierce and con-
tinuous'warfare this force (the Allied
Armies) has accomplished its mis-
sion with a finality achieved by no
other expedition in history."
Churches Will
Hold Services
With V-E Day proclamation ex-
pected momentarily, many Ann Ar-
bor churches, according to previous
arrangements, will hold services of
prayer and thanksgiving today.
Churches which will hold such rites
are: First Unitarian Church, 8:00 p.m.
EWT (7:00 p. m. CWT); St. Mary's
Student Chapel, 8:00 p. m. EWT
(7:00 p. m. CWT); First Baptist
Church, 7:00 p. m. EWT (6:00 p.m.
CWT); and Hillel Foundation, 7:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT).
C'hurchoffricials emphasizedthat

miral Hans Georg
received by the

Friedeburg, were
Supreme Com-

Ruthven Will
Talk on WPAG
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman and Prof.
Preston E. Slosson will speak at a
special V-E Day broadcast at 2:15
p. m. EWT (1:15 p. m. CWT) today
over Station WPAG (1050 kc).
Arranged by the University of
Michigan Broadcasting Service, the
program will include music presented
by a quartet under the direction of
Prof. Arthur Hackett.

Campus, City Receive Victory News Calmly

Ann Arbor students and towns-
people received the news of victory
they waited more than five years to
hear quietly and with no outward
c. L r_ oa - n -n

week tb t announcement of V-E
Day wotb Id soon come.
The first announcement that Gen-
eral Eisenhower had completed nego-
tiations for the surrender was reveal-
nA n+AhmfQ m (,W-:U Imr) Q"I

In the Angell Hall smoking room a
lone student sat reading The Daily
extra. Outside University Hall people
clustered around an automobile where
a radio was giving the minute-by-
Im,+a anm.+

Truman's statement half the Ann
Arbor stores anticipated the dec-
laration and closed for the day.
The front pages of extras announc-
ing victory in Europe were pasted
in shnwwindnws ta 2nnonne the

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