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May 07, 1945 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-07

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-- THE Ri'CHIGAN _________
Original Pacific WrTmtable Is Moths Ahead o Sc


Japanese Navy
rippled; Only
Army Is Intact
No American Leader
Predicts Early Victory
Associated Press Staff Writer
As Americans turn to slug Japan
with both hands, they find a situa-
tion astounding in view of what was
expected and planned for back in the
dark days of Pearl Harbor.
The original Pacific timetable is
months, if not a full year, ahead of
schedule. With one hand, almost
alone, Uncle Sam has been able to
push the Japanese back to within 325
miles of their homeland.!
The Japanese navy is crippled, the
air force trimmed down and the mer-
chant fleet far below what the Em-
pire needs to carry on. Only the
Japanese army remains intact, and
lately it has not been putting up too
good a show.
No American war leader will
predict an early Japanese defeat
Vast distances still are to be cross-
ed, and a variety of climates and ter-
rains may have to be fought through.
But the Japanese octopus, which
in f six months after Pearl Harbor
spread its tentacles over a section of
the globe 5,000 miles in diameter, has
had some of those tentacles chopped
The Allies retreated for six months-
after Pearl Harbor. They fought de-
laying actions off Malaya, in the
Straits of Macassar, in the Java Sea
and the Coral Sea.
Then, after serious losses, they
held. Japanese fleets were turned

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CHNAJAPAN Pacifc Ocean
'« } okyo
Singapore.GILBERT IS.
Ocean NDNEW.
/FS -GUINEA . a ,


Germany Faces Much-Shrunken Future;
Yalta Decision Indicates Poland Will Gain

ChprchIl_ Favors Shift of Populations;
Net herlands Claim Compensation


JAPAN IS STILL TO BE DEFEATED: Black areas on the map show the amount of territory that Japan
now holds in the Pacific. The war against the Nipponese has progressed faster than was expected but there
is still the toughest part of the Pacific war to fight. A large number of veterans of the European war which
has just been completed are expected to be transferrwd to the Pacific theatre. Britain and possibly Russia
will also help the United States defeat the Japs who began the war Dec. 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor.

back with serious damage at Mid-
way, in the Aleutians, and off Gua-
dalcanal. Australia was saved, and
the Allied counteroffensive began
with the Marines invasion of Gua-






dalcanal, 3,390 miles from Tokyo, .
on Aug. 7, 1942.7
Guadalcanal was occupied by Feb.;
9, 1943. During the remainder of the]
year, these strange names became
part of American history:+
New Georgia, Woodlark, Trobri-
and, Bougainville, Munda, Vella La-
vella, Lae, Salamaua, Finschhafen,
Choiseul, New Britain, Cape Glou-
cester, Arawe. Australians and New
Zealanders died along with Ameri-
cans in these places.
In June, 1943, the Japanese had
been cleared out of Attu, in the Al-
eutians and evacuated Kiska without
a fight. These became air bases to
attack the Japanese Kurile- Islands.
In November Admiral Nimitz
sent a prong into the Pacific from
the east. Marines landed on Tar-
awa, Abemarna and Makin Islands
in the Gilberts. The Navy was get-
ting its strength back now. There
were two spearheads instead of
the one which General MacArthur
had been directing through New
The year 1944 began with the Am-
ericans leap-frogging along the New
Guinea coast to Saidor, roughly a
third of the way up its 1,500-mile
coastline. They continued on to land
just short of the Philippines at Mor-
otai in the Halmaheras. By the end
of the year, they were firmly estab-
lished on Leyte, Samar and Mindoro
in the Philippines, and other Ameri-
cans had seized control of the strate-
gic Palau Islands to the east.
During the same year, Nimitz's
central Pacific force devoured the
worthwhile parts of the Marshall Is-
lands, built up its bases there and
by-passed formidable Japanese con-
centrations at Truk and Ponape to
land on Saipan in the Marianas on
June 14.
The Americans were soon back
in Guam. Loss of the vital Mar-
ianas outposts forced the Tojo cab-
inet, which had begun the war, to
resign after the longest term of
any modern Japanese cabinet.
That the tide was decisively turned
was brought home to Tokyo by bombs
falling upon war industries on the
home Japanese islands and in Man-
churia. The bombs were dropped by
a newcomer, the B-29 Superfortress,
which flew from China.
In the meantime the Japanese had
come out with their fleet and lost
considerable of it in the first battle
of the Philippine Sea, and the Japa-
nese air force apparently had been
"piddled away" to a great extent
through faulty tactical use which
wasted pilots and planes.
The Japanese turned to the land
and launched the most ambitious
campaign in China. They won a
corridor across China linking up
with their holdings in French1
They were working to block com-
pletion of the Burma Road into Chi-

na. They turned back in the fall,
when bold American-Chinese defen-
sive measures stopped them near
The Burma Road went through
early in 1945. Before that everything
had been flown into China. Along
with the road went the world's long-
est pipeline.
But the Japanese had meanwhile
captured several American air bases
which had been responsible for many
of their shipping losses in the China
Sea. They now worked to prevent an
American landing on the China
Their fears were compounded by
MacArthur's thrust to Leyte. The
Japanese fleet appeared again. In
the second battle of the Philippine
Sea in October it was very seriously
Early in 1945 MacArthur landed
on Luzon. In 26 days he was in
At long last a sizeable force of the
Japanese army had been encoun-
tered. On the whole its strategy and
tactics appeared poorly coordinated.
MacArthur's army piled up the fan-
tastic total of more than 300,000
Japanese troops killed as it cleaned
out island after island with the aid
of guerrillas.
Bases had been made read in the
autumn for B-29s to bomb Tokyo
from Guam and Saipan. These mis-
sions were reinforced by carrier
strikes from a mghty American fleet
cruising at will almost within sight
of Japan's home shores.
On Feb. 19, 1945, Marines invaded
Iwo Jima, only 750 miles from Tokyo
and reduced the island in more than
three weeks of the bloodiest fighting
in their history.
In March began a series of great
B-29 raids on Japanese industrial
cities. Carrier strikes continued but
moved westward to cover the inva-
sion of Okinawa Island April 1.
This operation broke open the
gates of the East China Sea and the
China coast. It promised to put land-
based planes within 1,000 miles 01
all Japan's industry.
On April 5 the Russians an-
nounced that they do not intend to
renew their neutrality pact with
Japan when it expires April 24,
The Koiso cabinet resigned in a
body, and Japanese emperor Hirohitc
appointed a conservative to form i
new cabinet.
Hirohito could allot to Americar
men and machines the major credi
for his reverses.
British and Chinese had carries
the ball in Burma with Americar
technical and air support, and e
I British fleet appeared in the Oki
nawa operation. Another British flee
menaced Singapore from the Bay o
Otherwise, the Pacific has beer
largely Uncle Sam's job.

Associated Press Staff Writer
Germany faces a much shrunken
future, both in acreage and in bom-
To the east she will lose territory
to Poland which compares to a large
part of New England.
At the Yalta conference President
Roos e;elt, Prime Minister Churchill
and Marshal Stalin "recognized that
Poland must receive substantial ac-
cessions of territory in the north and
'Later Churchill told the British
house that Poland would receive most
of East Prussia, Danzig, and Upper
Silesia. These areas include valuable
coal deposits and much industrial
To Move Germans
Churchill said further that for
himself he favors "shifting of popu-
lations" if necessary-meaning that
Germans in these areas may be mov-
ed back into what is left of Germany.
The Russian "grapevine" has said
that Stalin also approves the idea.
To the west fewer official subtrac-
tions are being talked about.
The Netherlands government has
announced that it "reserves the right
to claim compensation" but that
nothing can be done until the Dutch
people are free to "express their will."
How much territory that means is
not known; but at this point most
of the West Holland farm lands are
flooded, under German destruction
methods. Some 5,000,000 Dutch farm-
ers lived there.
There is British backing for the
Dutch ."reservation," Commons was
told by Deputy Prime Minister Cle-
ment Atlee.
That would include the steel cities
in the Saar Basin and much of the
Ruhr's industrial might.
Conference To Be Held
But all this remains to be delineat-
ed in some Allied conference which
will both draw the new borders and
set the reparations to be demanded
of Germany.
At Yalta the Big Three said "Ger-
many will be obliged to make com-
pensation in kind to the greatest ex-
tent possible."
Working out the reparations is a
Big Three commission in Moscow,
with Isador Lubin, the President's
economic advisor, sitting in for the
United States.
Reparations "in kind" mean, of
course, food, raw materials or manu-
ufactured goods-whatever Germany
can produce in excess of her own
absolute minimum needs.
Indefinite Occupation
There is no notion now how long
Germany will be occupied by Ameri-
can, British, Russian and French
troops. But for some time to come
their chiefs-of-staff will sit in Berlin
I to iron out uniform policies for the
revolution which the Allies are deter-
i mined must come in German thinking
and living habits.
Their most complicated job will be

the liquidation of the German war And what happens to the Germans
machine-both military and indu- themselves?
strial-which was promised at Yalta. UNRRA To Operate
Some of, Germany's industry will The United Nations Relief and Re-
oh habilitation Administration (UNR-
either be destroyed, or the machines RA) charter says relief supplies wil
will be removed to her devastated go only to Allied Nationals,, or tc
neighbor. German citizens who were persecuted
Industry To Continue for political or religious beliefs-
Some industry-the sort which can most of them Jews.
turn out peace time goods-will con- Not until the Allied peoples have
tinue to work, but under Allied con- been brought back out of the slough
trol, both to manufacture goods for of malnutrition, and back into re-
reparations to other countries and to paired homes, will there be any out-
supply Germany's needs. side aid for Germans, even though
Germany's shrunken bombast will there is wide-spread starvation.
appear, no doubt, rather ludicrously The unofficial view in Washingtox
when Germany's men are stripped is that as long as Germany fed her
of their military uniforms-and for self through the war, she can man
good. Yalta said the Allies will age in the peace. If, on the othe:
"break up for all time the German hand, she has more food than shi
general army staff" and "wipe out needs, her excess stocks will b
the Nazi party." apportioned among her victims.

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No, MISTER TOJO, we haven't forgotten you. We're going to
teach you how it feels to get in front of the biggest battle fleet
in the world. You're going to learn-as Berlin learned--how it
feels to watch your dreams of empire go up in flame and smoke
of four-ton block busters. You're going to learn what it means
to take a swipe at UNCLE SAM when his back is turned. MISTER
TOJO, you're going to wish you had never even heard of Pearl Harbor!

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0/ Ptae
TODAY, in our moment of partial vic-
tory, we should give reverence to the di-
vine power which has helped us reach our
first goal. Let us bow our heads and give
thanks to Almighty God for the safe voy-
age of those who shall return, and a prayer
of devotion for those smiling faces we shall
never again see.
For those who won't return as victors in
this world, we must conquer yet another
and still more vicious enemy. Our war is
not yet won. We must not stop fighting,
praying, or working until the forces of
oppression are defeated. Let our jubilation
give us the physical and spiritual strength
to reach our ultimate goal.





N 0




Support the



Seventh War Loan Drive
More than ever before it is neces-
sary to save for victory. The more
war bonds you buv, the sooner


NAZI GERMANY LIES IN RUINS! It is well that we celebrate today
the downfall of Hitlerism ... but let us not forget that ultimate victory still
lies in the future. Let us not forget that every act of pillage, murder and rape
by Nazi Germany has been duplicated ten-fold in Nanking, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Manila, Java and Burma by the Japanese. Let us not forget that
the Freedom we have fought for and won in the Western World will not be
secure until the bloody sword has been struck from the hands of our foe in
the Pacific.
This day of triumph is also a day of dedication, a day wherein we
dedicate ourselves to finishing swiftly the war that still lies ahead. Let us not
rest on our labors, .. but let us continue to ease the burden of our fighting



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