W- Itgan 4aifly EXTRAI V-E DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN MONDAY, MAY 7, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Churches Will Hold Services VxE Day Worship Planned in City All Ann Arbor churches will hold individual services of prayer and thanksgiving today, the Rev. C. W. Carpenter; director of the Ann Arbor Ministerial Association, announced. Most churches will hold services at 8 p.m. EVT, in accordance with the request of the Ministerial Associa- tion. The First Unitarian, the First Presbyterian, the First Baptist and the First Congregational Churches are among those which will hold their servics at this time. The Firt Congregational Church will be open all day for prayer and worship in addition to holding an hour of public worship at 8 p.m. 1WT, the Rev. Leonard A. Parr, an- iiounced. The First Methodist Church will hold a service at 8 p.m. EWT on V-E Day if the announcement comes be- fore 6 p.m. EWT, it has been report- ed. Otherwise, the service will be held at 8 p.m. EWT the following day. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will hold a service at 12:15 p.m. EWT if V-E Day is announced in the morn- ing. The service will be held at 7:30 p.m. EWT if the announcement is made in the afternoon. St. Mary's Student Chapel will hold its V-E Day service at 7:30 p.m. EWT. City Celebrated 1918 Armistice In Grand Style By CHARLOTTE BOBRECKER The old Majestic Theater was ad- vertising "The Hun Within," Anl Arborites were asked not to forget the Belgian KiddieskChristmas fund. public schools opened with atten- dance up to nornal, despite the in- fluenza epidemic--this was Ann Ar- bor on a certain Monday in Novem- ber, 1918. At 3:30 a.m. that day The Daily came out with its first armistice ex- tra: the half-page headline reat "Foch Gets Hun Reply; World War Eds at 6 O'clock." The UP) story from Washington said that hostilities1 would cease at 11 p.m., Paris time. Thoroughly renovated and fumigat- ed, the Majestic previewed "The Vamp," story of the "Plain Girl" who captured her heart's desire by "doll- ing up."' Second extra: "Huns Sign Docu- ment; World War Ends"; anda third one, "Congress To Hear Terms: To (Continued on Page 6) -------- _.__._ - _ Proclamation by Eisenhower At 8:41 A.M.; Reich Succumbs After 5 Years, 8 Months, 6 Days RHEIMS, France, May 7.--A.P. -- Germany surrendered uncondi- tionally to the Western Alies and Russia at 2:41 A.M. French time to- day'.4 The surrender of Germany to the Allies took place at 8:41 P.M. Sunday at a little red school house which is the headquarters of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower The surrender which brought war inEurop e to a foratend after:five years, eight ni~o-tith, and six days of bloodIshedand tdestruction was signued lor Geraniyby'C01, Cet. Cnstav jo(I.aud was signed for Supreme Allied Commad by Li. Gen. Waite r Bedell Smith, chief of staff for Gem. Eisen-h wer. GENERAL DWIGtIT D. EISENHOWER led Allied forces to victory Dr. Ruth yen's Statemnent This is a timc for the giving of thanks, not for boasting; a, time for solemn thought, not for gala celebrations; a time for the re-dedication of our lives to the cause of freedom with responsibility, not for inaction, selfishness, or wishful thinking. We have defeated one of our enemies but at the cost of the lives and careers of thousands of our young men. Daily we are coming to fuller realization that we are fighting peoples who have accepted the ideas and adopted the practices which all decent men have come to consider evil and despicable. Our youth will stop the practices by force of arms; we at home have the responsibility of cor- recting the perverted thinking which has instigated them. This will not be an easy task. We dare not now falter in our attempt to secure a permanently peaceful world. We must sternly proceed to dispense justice, repress selfishness, abolish ignorance, dis- courage intolerance, and insist upon freedom of the indi- vidual, both at home and abroad. Only by following this course can we abolish wars of aggression with their attend- ant horrors, justify the sacrifices now being made by our youth, and be able to say to future generations, "You can have hope and feel secure, you can look around you and lie down in safety." This should be a day of prayer, a day of consecration, and a day for the renewal of faith in the Christian concept of the brotherhood of man. -ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN It was also signed by Gen. Ivan Suslopaross for Russia and by Gen. Francois Sevez for France. General Eisenhower was not present at the sign- ing, but immediately afterward Jodl and his fellow delegate, General Admiral Hans Georg Friedeburg, were received by the supreme commander. This was announced officially after German. broadcasts told the German people that Grand Ad- miral Karl Doenitz had ordered the capitulation of all fighting forces, and called off the U-boat war. Joy at the news was tempered only by the realiza- tion that the war against Japan remains to be resolved, with many casualties still ahead. The end of the European warfare, greatest, bloo- diest band costliest war in human history-it has claimed at least 40,000,000 casualties on both sides. in killed, wounded, and captured-came after five year, eight months, and' six dlays of strife that overspread the globe. .Hitler's arrogant armies invaded Poland for Sept. 1, 1939, beginning the agoncy that convulsed the world for 2,319 days. Unconditional surrender of the beaten remnants of his legions first was announced by the Germas. The historic news began breaking with a Danish broadcast that Norway had been surrender uncondi- tionily by its conquerors. Classes To Be Held All classes will be held as usual today and tomorrow accord- ing to University officials. This policy was announced some time ago in line with a country-wide plan to keep from celebrating the close of the war until fnal and complete victory over Japan as well as Germany. The University is planning no special program of observance of this history-making day n the realzation that there still is a great deal of fighting to be done. According to Commander Williams (executive officer, NROTC) all Navy units on campus will continue as usual on V-E Day. No special observance has been planned. But he went on to say that "should there be" some such observance, it would be centered around the idea that we are all thankful that the European phase of the war is over, but that there should be no let up because the Japanese war would need our continued effort. Col. Reginald Miller, commandant of Army forces of campus has also announced that the program of Army units will continue as usual today. Col. Miller said that, "Only part of the job is done-while we are thankful for Germany's defeat we recognize that we still have one enemy ahead of us to defeat." He said that Army personnel may participate individually in city church scrvices. Most churches will hold services at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) today in accordance with plans of the Ann Arbor Ministerial Association. Most students were finishing out the closing minutes of their nine o'clock classes today as the news for which the campus has been waiting came over the wire. It was not gepesrally known on campus until the change of classes began, but then the news spread like wild-fire, The University exchange became jammed so it was impossible to get a call through and members of the Daily staff made a bee-line for the Student Publications Building where the Associated Press machines were clicking out the world-shaking news. BRIEF HISTORY OF WAR IN EUROPE: Allies Snatch Vie By Carl C. Cramer Associated Press Staff Writel Germany's dream of world conquest has come to a shatter- ing end with the collapse of the Reich which Adolf Hitler boasted was to endure a thousand years. Ended is the European phase of the second great war of the I . I . . - 1 1 I - tory from Nazis After Being Close to Defeat difficult amphibious invasion in his- tory, the invasion of Normandy, all suggested that the German army was approaching a debacle. At the start, the war looked to the world, grossly underrating German preparations, like the throw of a mad adventurer. It Curnedo, th s the Amaies Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. it had been fought on all the oceans and continents. "In this war there will be no vic- tors and losers, but merely survivors and annihilated," Hitler threatened, and accordingly he set a pace for ruthlessness and cruelty unpreceden- ted in modern war. bombing through clouds, and a host of inventions, outdid Hitler. War in the air- in which, whole armies of millions engaged. For the first time the capitals of , great nations and scores of other cities were marked for methodical destruc- tion. Charter were used to combat Nazi ideology. A war fought in the extremes of weather and terrain,, from Africa to* the Arctic. in the world's worst bogs and jungles and most inaccessible mountains. The war saw the advent of the Despising the Poles too much to declare war formally, Hitler an- nounced only that he was answering "force with force." With smug conceit he declared, "I am putting on the uniform (the field gray of the German army) and I shall take it off only in victory or