G-E rot-in THIL MICHIGAN DAILY ______________ _________________ ____________________________ I Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ~Honeyti oon Won I Last 'MASQUE OF REASON' REVIEWED: Prof. Price Discusses Frost 's Poetry 4e I1 By DREW PEARSON _..,, f .. . ". " .. ." , ,. hi w-- * Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin. Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee ., Editorial Stafff . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor S . . Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . * . Associate Business Mgr. . . * Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. 'All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-4 5 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Bond Drive IT APPEARS that V-E Day may be almost coin- cident with the opening of the Seventh War Loan Drive on campus tomorrow morning. For months there has been a great deal of discussion about how we should celebrate V-E Day. Memoranda from national, state and local governmental authorities have repeatedly warn- ed against riotous demonstrations. We have been reminded again and again of the fight to the last man we can expect from Japan. Yet a nation which has hoped so long for the end of the war in Europe feels the need to observe it in some way which will not take us away from the work that remains to be done. Now, the opportunity presents itself for a V-E Day celebration our fighting men will be proud of. We can buy more bonds and stamps than ever before in thanks for what has been accomplished and in determination to finish the job.. -Ann Kutz A SAN FRANCISCO-President Truman has no illusions about the present political honey- moon and is carefully bracing himself for the shock of its collapse. This has become increasingly evident from several private talks Truman had recently with close personal friends whom he summoned to the White House. Many observers have won- dered just why Truman has been seeing between 20 and 30 visitors every morning, including old friends who have nothing urgent to discuss with him. Among these are senators, representatives and departmental heads, all of them Truman's buddies before he became president. An old card-playing companion and Capitol Hill colleague was summoned to the White House the other day. "I want you to know," the President told him, "that I have absolutely no illusions about this honeymoon business. I know just what it is and I think I know how long it will last. Of course, the longer it lasts, the happier I will be. But it is bound to burst soon, and I want all my friends to be prepared for it. "This isn't fooiing me a all," the President continued. "This :.alk of unity is all very well, but the real test will come over important issues. You no-tice the very guys who have been rushing over here and teing me how much they love me still haven't done anything to hurry up pasage of Bretton Woods, or trade pacts, reciprocal trade treaties or any- thing else I have endorsed. I will have just as tough a fight on these measures as "The Boss" (Roosevelt) would have had if he were sitting here. I want you and all my friends to be ready for this thing when it breaks, and I will want you all to stand fast as I am sure you will." The conversation then turned to the kind of Ine Truman plans to follow politically. His old buddy asked whether he planned any radical changes either in personnel or in policy. "My course is very clear," Truman said. "I am going to follow the line that "The Boss" laid down. I am going to do exactly what I think he would have done under the circumstances. He spent a long time in this room, and he faced almost everything under the sun. He knew what he was doing, and he knew what the future held for the country. I find he had a complete blueprint set-up for the future. And I can't think of a better man's advice to follow than that of Franklin Roosevelt." Truman went on to say that he was con- vinced that when the honeymoon is over, it will be the conservatives who will break away from him rather than the liberals. He also gave the impression that his line, like Roose- velt's, will be "just a little left of center." F.D.R. Gubernatorial Surprise ... NOW THAT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT lis dead, some hitherto untold stories of his political life are finally leaking out. One of the most delightful is told by New York political boss Ed Flynn, who helped manage Roosevelt's first campaign for the New York governorship in 1928. Jim Farley and Flynn had persuaded Roosevelt to run for governor to help Al Smith, then making his big presidential bid, but all admitted Roosevelt had only an outside chance to win. On election night, Farley, Flynn, the late Louis McHenry Howe, "Missy" Lehand and Roosevelt gathered in a suite at the Commo- dore Hotel to hear the election returns. Few important people were present. The big boys were gathered in Al Smith's suite nearby. As the night wore on, it became increasingly evi- dent that Smith was taking a terrific trounc- ing. .Hoover was winning district after dis- trict. With the ticket going so badly, no one even thought that Roosevelt had a chance of carrying New York state. The election re- turns all featured the Hoover - Al Smith race, and no one at Roosevelt's headquarters even bothered to add up the governorship figures. PAST TENSE MURDER! . . . An Encounter Between Stu- dents and Militia . . . Irving James Den- nison Struck on the Head With a Clubbed Musket" ran the most sensational news story of 1890, inspiring the Nov. 13 Daily to use a head- line half an inch high, the blackest of the year. According to the story, a student crowd had surrounded a group of Michigan state militia, curious about a volley of shots they heard. When the militia marched away, students are reported to have annoyed them, and an enter- prising Sergeant Granger ordered his men to charge. Deploring the death of one of the students who was hit by a musket, the Daily editorial columns called it ".. . the most serious and lamentable (affair) that has darkened the history of our alma mater for many years." The account of the incident describes Den- nison, evidently the prototype of the innocent injured spectator, as ". .. of a very quiet dis- position, and last night was the first night that he has been out since he came to Ann Arbor." -Milt Freudenheim About midnight, feeling the cause was lost, Flynn turned to Roosevelt, shook hands with him and said that he had made a great fight, but urged that he go home to sleep. "Missy," Flynn said, "take Frank home. He needs rest." Missy bundled her boss up in his wheel chair, pushed him to the elevator and took him home. A little later the defeated Roosevelt was fast asleep in his east 64th street house. But at Roosevelt headquarters meanwhile Flynn got to fidgeting, thought he would add up the gubernatorial figures just to find out how bad a beating his man had taken. For almost an hour he said nothing as he worked with in- creasing speed with pencil and paper. Sud- denly he exclaimed: "Well, I'll be damned! We won the governorship." Everyone sprang to attention. Phones began humming, checkups were made on all figures that were in. It was not until an hour after Roosevelt went to sleep that Flynn was abso- lutely sure. Then he tore over to Roosevelt's home, thumped him on the back, and told him he was governor-elect of New York. That was the turning point in the late Pres- ident's political career. Burning Match Question . . ONE OF THE HOTTEST subjects at the War Production Board today is matches. WPB is now determined that matches for the civilian market-and particularly for tobacco counters- be turned out in normal quantities once again. For about five months now, no penny boxes of wooden safety matches have been released for civilian use. Any to be found today are matches have become scarce. Many merchants are taking advantage of OPA's failure to enforce its regulations. Be- cause OPA does not have the manpower to bring action against cigar-store violators, many stores now sell their book matches at two or three for a penny. They also appear anxious to continue doing this even after matches once more are plentiful. (Copyright, 1945, Bel Syndicate)t Dominic Says THERE ARE IDEAS and theories which tend to preserve peace and others which incite disagreement and tend to result in war. Society both within and among nations always has a peace struggle. We need to assume a dynamic peace. By peace today we mean the peace of a smooth flowing river rather than the peace of a motionless mote. By peace at a time like this we mean final far-reaching adjustment such as was exhibited in a narrow range by those twins, the Hume brothers, as they led the University track squad to win a series of contests. Here are a wilderness of tiny muscles and organs keyed by two great nerve systems climaxed in two personalities. These persons by long dis- cipline, have grown into spiritual understanding. Each man can now preside over a concourse of energy generated for a specific purpose and poured forth at will, the two functioning as a unity. That is the kind of a peace we are thinking of as forty-six nations confer at the Golden Gate. We are expecting much. Says Garnett, "Disinterested will is both im- manent in and transcendent to the individual organism." From this he argues in his able book, "A Realistic Philosophy of Religion", to show that men in the battles of a nation prac- tice a sacrificial or religious view of life, namely, to obtain for others-my son, my brother, my wife, my kind-a better freedom, a more perfect world order. In this our men have been acting vicariously. Again he says, "We see in disinterested will that specific at- titude which is a central feature of world order." He leads one to believe that all atti- tudes which are less vicarious must detract from or be negative toward the peace of man, a dead weight in that procession in which each is either a dynamic force, or a friction maker. Some of the sixty-four dollar ideas which lead in the peace direction might be identified, such as: merit alone counts; fair play is the right of all; a love of truth has intrinsic worth; all are innocent unless and until proved guilty; justice is impersonal and plays no favorites; co-operation in economic as well as in family affairs would enrich society; our treatment of our young, the aged, our sick, the unfortunate and the crippled becomes the measure of our social virility; security as well as freedom is an aim of the democratic way. To err is human, to forgive and restore is Divine. Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. Illustrations are legion. Our daily attitudes and conduct as persons and groups however humble, contribute specifically to war or peace. To court dynamic peace and also insist on free compet- itive enterprise is indirectly to demand both maturety and sainthood. "Oh' that thou hadst hearkened unto my commandments then had thy peace been as a river and thy righteousness like the waves of the sea." .Isa. 48:18. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education A MASQUE OF REASON by Rob- ert Frost. Henry Holt and Com- pany. New York. 1945. ONE'S first thought on iaying down this book is that it might better be called "A Masque of Unreason." Job and his wife meet God, who at once proceeds to thank Job . . . for the way you helped me Establish once for all the principle There's no connection man can reason out Between his just deserts and what he gets. Virtue may fail and wickedness succeed. The question is argued back and forth between God, Job, and Job's wife, but their united efforts fail to establish a reason for the injustice of the world. Job's wife has her own question to God: I want to ask You if it stands to reason That women prophets should be burned as witches Whereas men prophets are received with honor. God sidesteps that question and in answer to another of her questions he states: Yourhusband Job and I together Found out the discipline man needed most Was to learn his submission to unreason. But now Job has his question. Why did God demonstrate his ideas at Job's expense? God answers: It had to be at somebody's expense. Society can never think things out: It has to see them acted out by actors, Devoted actors at a sacrifice- The ablest actors I. can lay my hands on. Is that your answer? Job rejects that answer because his real question has still to be put. We disparage reason, But all the time it's what we're most concerned with. There's will as motor and there's will as brakes. Reason is, I suppose, the steering gear: The will as brakes can't stop the will as motor For very long. We're plainly made to go. We're going anyway and may as well Have some say as to where we're headed for . . . I'd give more for one least before- hand reason Than all the justifying ex-post- facto Excuses trumped up by You for Theologists . . . God fences with Job for a while until at last he confesses: I was just showing off to the devil, Job, As is set forth in chapters One and Two. (Job takes a few steps pacing.) Do you mind? Job: No, No, I mustn't. 'Twas human of You. I expected more ThanI could understand and what I get Is almost less than 11 can under- 'I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Y SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1945. VOL. LV, No. 140. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding .publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Notices To the Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The May meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts for the aca- demic year 1944-45 will be held Mon- day, May 7, 1945, at 3:10 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various commit- tees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the May meeting. Hayward Keniston University Council: The May meet- ing of the University Council has been cancelled. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary June and October Graduates in Engineering: A representative of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics will interview graduat- ing seniors in Engineering on Mon- day, May 7, in Room B-47 East Engineering Building. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. The N.A.C.A is a government organiz- ation, and has laboratories at Lang- leyField, Va., Cleveland, Ohio, and Moffett Field, Calif. Juniors in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering interested in summer work with du Pont and Company may obtain fur- War Goes On stand. The Devil comes in and the Masque ends by Job's wife snapshotting God, the Devil, and Job in her Kodak. Speaking to the Devil she says in the closing speech: I want you in my group beside the throne- Must have you. There, that's just the right arrangement. Now someone can light up the Burning Bush And turn the gold enameled arti- ficial birds on. I recognize them. Greek artific- ers Devised them for Alexius Corn- nenus. They won't show in the picture. That's too bad. Neither will I show. That's too -bad moreover. ther information and application blanks at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, Rm. 201, Mason Hall. Both men and women will be considered. Choral Union Members will please return all copies of Festival music, and receive their book deposit re- funds of $2.50, on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, May 7, 8 or 9; be- tween theshours of 9 and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After Wednesday no refunds will be made. State of Michigan Civil Service Announcement for the following ex- aminations have been received in our office. Institution Dentist III, $287.50 to $280 per month, Forester II, $230 to $270 per month, Gasoline Tax In- vestigator I, $180 to $220 per month, Calculating Machine Clerk B, $132.25 to $145 per month. Calculating Ma- chine Clerk B, $132.25 to $145 per month, and Telephone Operator CI, $115 to $130 per month. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Girls interested in Sumler Camp Counseling call 2-2581. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Chiang Monlin, Presient of the Provisional National University of China, will speak on "Science, Arts, and Chinese Philosophy of Life", on Monday, May 7, at 7 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater, under the auspices of the Department of Oriental Lang- uages and Literatures. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Donald E. Webster, Cultural Attache to the American Embassy in Turkey will lecture on "Modern Turkey" in Kellogg Auditorium at 3:10 p.m. Tuesday, May 8th. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Graduate Students: A list of stu- dents expecting master's degrees in June has been posted in the Gradu- ate School office. Each student is requested to check whether his name is listed properly with the correct de- gree and department indicated. Concerts May Festival Concerts. To avoid confusion and embarrassment, the sympathetic co-operation of Festival concert-goers is respectfully request- ed, as follows: The public will please come suf- ficiently early as to be seated on time, since doors will be closed and latecomers will not be admitted dur ing numbers. Those leaving the auditorium dur- ing intermission are required to pre- sent door checks for re-admission. Parking regulations will be en- forced by the Ann Arbor Police De- partment. The concerts will take place as follows: Sunday, May 6, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30 C.W.T.) - Rudolf Serkin, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, conductor. Sunday, May 6, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 C.W.T.) -- Eleanor Steber, soprano; Hertha Glaz, contralto; Frederick Jagel, tenor; Nicola Moscona, bass; University Choral Union; Philadel- phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy and Hardin Van Deursen, conductors. Exhibitions Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the 'Institute of Fine Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Display will be on view daily until Commencement. Events Today 'I Now if you three have settled any- thing You'd as well smile as frown on the occasion. Frost is witty and acute; and at times he can write with an almost Athenian elegance. His blank verse is always smooth and at its best full of sweet, rich music. But when he bases his book on Job, he recalls the greatest names in literature, men whose souls have been seared by the horror of the problem he is trying to solve. God, the Devil, and Job- what Persons for a modern tragedy! That Frost raises the ,question of undeserved suffering at all is a wel- come sign of the times. It is unfor- tunately also a sign of the times that his treatment delights us with its ur- banity but never moves us deeply. -Hereward T. Price 31 .1 41 I WTE HAVE been told many times that this war is a global war-a war of many fronts: the Italian, the Pacific, the Western, the Russian, the China fronts. We have been told which front was the more important battleground. However, the Western and Russian fronts in Europe have taken primary position during most of the war-thus far. Now these fronts have converged, and victory in Europe is taken for granted. The props have fallen under Hitler's Germany and both have sunk into an inglorious grave. So two of the many fronts in this global war will soon slip from the spotlight, and V-E Day to many people will mean an end-an end to what, we don't know, unless you might say an end to "organized" resistance. Well, the resistance may end in Germany, but it won't end in the Pacific. Unfortunately, Japan is not going to con- cede us the "pennant" just because we beat another big team. Unfortunately, after V-E Day there must be a V-P Day. Global war means total world-wide war. The German phase is almost over, but did anyone ever hear of Tokyo? -Bettyann Larsen 4,. .f 0 MUSIC *0 1' YESTERDAY afternoon's concert consisted of a strange combina- tion of naivete and sophistication. The first half of the program pro- vided a 'field day' for the kiddies. The orchestra under the direction of Saul Caston began with Glinka's "Kamarinskaya," a rather nonde- script bit of music. Mr. Caston's read- ing was a very satisfactory one. In comparison to last year's per- formance, Marguerite Hood and thej Festival Youth Chorus left the listen- er with something more to be de- sired. Rowley's simple little Can- tata, "Fun of the Fair" was want- ing in volume and imagination. t Prokofieff's delightful "Peter and the Wolf" supplied the more youth- ful music lovers with an entertain- ing mixture of melody and prose. Paul Leyssac as narrator inter- preted the amusing situations with proper effect. Except for a few poor spots in the horn section, the orchestra affected the proper spirit. Zino Francescatti won for himself another audience of admirers when he displayed his incredible virtuosity in his own arrangement of Pagan- ini's Concerto No. I. Although Mr. Francescatti does not produce a big tone, his clear-cut style is character- istic of a mature artist. Concert- goers heard a brilliant violinist. ALTHOUGH the absence of Bidu Sayao was a loss to the Ann Ar- bor audience last night, its gain was the solo performance of William B. Kincaid, the first flutist of the Phila- delphia Orchestra. The program, well-arranged al- though a trifle heavy, provided its listeners with the best concert thus jfar of this year's May Festival. Bach's famous Suite in B minor initiated this splendid evening. The delicate movements were remark- ably well done. A special treat was the exquisite duet between the flute and the muted 'cello. Saul Caston directed the orchestra in a marvelous presentation of Bee- thoven's Symphony No. I. Although the first movement lagged a bit, its clean-cut - attacks compensated for it. The woodwind section played with exceptional precision. Rosalind Nadell, the young soloist who replaced the scheduled artist, has a pleasing voice. Both of her Mozart arias contained an expres- sive quality. Nevertheless one cannot overlook the general weakness of her voice and the lack of resonance which is of great necessity to a mezzo-soprano. The later was espe- cially true of her lower register where her tone was lost somewhere in the orchestral accompaniment. More- over, a lack of control in her top tones resulted in a bit of shakiness. On the whole, if Miss Nadell's voice had had more power her efforts L4 "l Education A PRACTICAL education that will include the classic liberal arts training is Colgate's answer to the cry for improvement in post-war education. The plan, according to Time magazine, is "built around a core of seven prescribed and intimately related courses": English communi- cation, natural science, public affairs, philoso- phy and religion, foreign affairs and cultures, the arts, and the liberal tradition. Beginning with actual problems in each field, the student will work back to the theory, gen- eralizations, and background ordinarily learned first. For instance, a visit to the New York Stock Exchange might begin a course in eco- nomics. This core will be required for each BARNABY z Invaluable, this Fairy Godfather's Pocket G uide.a Awaveiofmmaic wand and the Tsk ... Wrong page. That was for dealing with By Crockett Johnson CROCKETV a e fa f it TI. A