Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Our Reporter Herewith Lists al Bull His Pre-war Dreams, Plans (AFTR TIS SSU IT S N LOGERBY BONDS (AFTER THIS ISSUE IT IS NO LONGER All lectures will be given by Flynn, who were to have given the y neighborhood combination meat OFFICIAL) Adam LaZonga. lecture, are unfortunately engaged For the past year or so, my poor market and grocery store and pick Notices for the Daily Official Bull Required Feminine Hygiene Lee- in further up enough provisions for a family should be legibly printed on penny tures: These lectures for women s e m l t ar ten, for a period of isolatio postacards aca the sm th thoze plans, offered from all quarters Pettig Bell, where members of The Daily are practically the same as those Seven Cocktails in the Wrong all quarters, with little or no re- lastig about seven years. editorial staff will rewrite them to for men, except that they are County will be the subject of the gard for the circumstances or de- Having taken care of my imme- suit their own convenience. Notices more interesting, from a mascu- lecture by Dr. G. Howie Byrrps of sires of the receiver. diate physical necessities, I now pertaining to sex, alcohol, high-living, line point of view. the University Chemical Research . will turn my attentions to my sec- passion, sex, love, necking, sex, beer, society. Dr. Byrrps recently cm- For instance,p tu ondary physical necessities, wo- petting, sex, love, and/or passion will If unavoidably delayed, women pleted a 30-day personal investi- lar ambition to eat a mountain of men. Whso knows what the future not be allowed in these columns. Students will be allowed admit- strawberry ice cream at the war's Alo n mtrilolalednaue.sudns il ealoedami-gation of the local jail at the re- ednoamI wrbdsmay bring? Maybe sometime in Als The maera -falw aue nnra buying the fuueoomnwllntsea e only sex that may be mentioned . tance to their various dormitories quest of the Circuit court. Identi- and stamps becaus I want toOn phnfuture, women will not be as is the opposite one. after the announced 2 a.m. closing fication cards reprocessed to show a button, which with a mere plentiful as they are now, at least. hour for the V-Ball. Smeared lip- that the bearer is over 21 are re- of the wrist, will give me flick the kmd of women I like to asso- stick should be removed and cloth- quired for admission. dfte writr w ilden, awd ciate with. It's always a good plan ing should be straightened before seven cultured children, and to stock up on what's plentiful Notices ~~~~sociable mother-in-law. ,hl tspetfl Those students who are dissat- ringing the doorbell. Also make The president's annual greeting while it s plentiful. isidwt rdsrcie uigsure you. still have everything t hmme'sfthUnntr- In opposition to these varied 'My next step, still on Dec 6. isfied with grades received during sur yusilhv eerthing tothe members of the Union tr- and diverse plans, issued from 19,istsem orNv an and for the fall semester may ap- when you come back that you had out staff will be given in the lec- dier stries, inad Army1941, is to warn our Navy and pl o eosdrto ttewhen you went out. ue'ieCnB ie' different industries, rangmng all Army that the Japs don't really ply for a reconsideration at the whnyuwn u.ture, 'Vice Can Be Nice." the way from Amalgamated Steel watpaeeihorgoenet campus Army headquarters. A Chrpoay to The Home Dte want peace with our government. sufficient number of TS cards Required physical education Love's Labor Lost will be the Laundry ServicehI herewith fact I wouldn't be t atall su- s have been printed to satisfy the courses for women: Physical edu- subject of an address by Miss spectfully submit my pre - war sed if they migt attack us demand. cation for women will be discon- Margaret Sanger at 2 p.m. Mon- plans. morrow). tinued this term, as the Univer- day in the lobby of Stockwell Hall. I soM n pw). A sear isben hld n te ityfees tatMiciga woenInasmuch as cigarettes are so My final pre-war plan is to A sity fees that Michigan women hard to get nowadays, my first gather all the issues of Turf Mag- Office of the Dean of Students, are physical enough. My Experience with South Sea pre-war plan, to take effect on azine together, and make an at- 'bearing the message, "Economics . Women will be the lecture given Dec. 6, 1941, is to go down to the curate composite list of win rec- 51. A. Very good exam." There is To all women students: Begin- by Titus A. Drumm, a returned corner drug store and purchase ords. I might want to know the no address on the postcard. Owner ning the first warm day of spring, veteran of the Pacific War. He several thousands of cartons of pedigree, record, and statistics on -will please call for same as soon the Office of the Dean of Women is the author of that best selling cigarettes; while doing this, with one of my meals someday, and to as possible. will be open 24 hours a day. West- novel, The Ins and Outs of Mod- very little more exertion, I think get that meal, I gotta have the e povidd fthgapse blanks tik ern Warfare. I I will go around the corner to the dough to pay for it. Identification cards: All identi- their parents should know. th fication cards were to have been -turned in during registration to be validated for the Spring term. To all men students: Beginning Those students who have not as the first warm day of spring, the 'yet doctored their cards to show Lawyers' Club will have qualified that they are over 21 are request- law students on call at all times ed to call at the Dean of Students for those who feel that it will be O. . . . . . . .C.. .'-Sl,--d office and do so immediately be- better all the way around if no- fore the cards are retufiied. White body finds out about it. fink and ink eradicator will be i F Makes Her Headquarters at provided. The University does this Biology 167, The Reproduction because it is getting damn tired of of the Amoeba: This course will -the messy way in which students be eliminated in the spring term, have been ghanging their birth because there is not a sufficient dates without adequate materials. number of students interested in 3 this phase of reproduction. Notice to all students under 21: For an indefinite period there will Events TODAY! be a shortage of beer in Ann Ar- bor, due to the shortage of water. University Mothers Club: The annual meeting of the UMC will be held today in Rm. 2, University Freshman Health Lectures for Hall. All those who have become Men: In accordance with Univer- eligible for membership during sity regulation, there will be a the past year will be initiated at series of six health lectures for this time. Applications for ad freshmen, transfer students and nittance to membership in 1946 all other men who have not as yet must be submitted at least one successfully completed this r- year in advance. All those inter yqurement for graduation. Lec- csted in becoming a University tures will begin at 10 p.m. Monday mother, contact the club sponsor. and continue for six days there- rafter. Topics to be discussed on i succesive ays nclud: . ichigan Youth for Fascist Ac- s tion will discuss the implications . 1. How to Avoid Germs Acquired of the recent Jack Armstrong Drinking Ann Arbor Water, anti - American speech entitled, ng Ann Arbor Food, Drinking Raise the Flag for Hudson High, Out of Your Date's Glass.- Boys., A large attendance is re- Our National Pasttime, or quested. issing Spreads Germs Too. - 3. Hoe to Avoid Getting Germs Exhibitions 'brough Kissing. (This lecture The Clements Li racy has cn rather uninspired and often exhibiiton all this seek a series of even ridiculous (ain't they all?) photograpsa shseing typical par- It ty scenes at campus fraternity and $holding for kissing, and has never tyseeF tcmutfaent n beedng oulrly esivd) h sorority houses before the war. From junepers to jewels . . . fron overalls to been popularly received.) The pictures are unfortunately 4.-What To Do When the House- censored, therefore they show only 0mother Begins To Lock the Door necking, drinking, petting and all-over elegance, JaCObSon's have what you " (This lecture does not perhaps what have you. have too much to do with health, Ca/t and what you need for a completely 'but it has been demanded that The pictures taken at the recent freshman men learn about these all-faculty party are now ready things in time.) for distribution in the cashier's successful college wardrobe. Come in aid see 5. The Problem of Getting Up office. Since this party was more Nights, and Allied Subjects. (This refined than some, the pictures fy Aecture from the very beginning is show only hat have you.yourself ow suerbly csual s our sorts- all wet and students are advised to forget it, unless they have a Methods of Loving in the Ren- wear ... how gracous and charming our eve- strong mother complex.) aissance: A particularly intriguing 6. What the Arboretum is For and catechecnic collection of (Only students who have been on paintings and captions compiled icing tear ... how fashiot-rght our sujts and campus less than one week are by vigorous research through old j f required to attend this lecture. archives in the attic of East Hall af ternoon frocks. oddly enough, it is given under (built by the Puritans in 1621, the auspices of the Zoology de- and later moved west by oxcart). partment, instead of the Botany The various poses illustrated throw department as might ordinarily a good deal of light on modern have been expected.) romantic technique. The collec- There is also a seventh lecture tion will be on display for several ,iven each year, which is usually days this spring at each of the announced privately in each class, sorority houses. yather than publicly through The Daily. This, profusely illustrated, e is entitled, "Why You Should- L As't Have Gone to the Arboretum The lecture entitled Is You Is A MICHIGAN FASHION I N S T I T U T I O N F O R 75 YEARS After All." Usually the entire male or Is You Ain't My Baby has been population of the campus attends. postponed. Mr. Chaplin and Mr.