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May 06, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-06

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r anized Resistance

Pra gue

German SeventhPersists
Against Patton's Forces
Nazis Still Struggle Against Massed Red
Armies 55 Miles from Yank Spearhead
PARIS, May 5-AP-All organized resistance to the Allied forces
commanded by Gen. Eisenhower ended today except for a single German
army, the Seventh.
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, May 6-Two German armies in Austria, number-
ing possibly 400,000 men, surrendered to 'the Americans yesterday while
Gen. Patton hurled his U. S. Third Army into the attack against the
German Seventh Army in Czechoslovakia.
Outside Norway, this was the last German army opposing the west-
ern Allies.
Patton's attack to spur the Germans to quit or fight, gained up to 12,
miles into Czechoslovakia against weak to moderate opposition while
Czechoslovak patriots announced that they had liberated Prague and taken
control of Bohemia and Moravia.
Farther east in Czechoslovakia the Germans still were resisting massed
Russian forces which were less than 55 miles from Patton's spearheads.
Capitulation in central Austria of the German First and 19th Armies
to Gen. Devers' Sixth Army group came less than 24 hours after similar
unconditional surrender of 1,000,000 ----



AS THE THIRD REICH CRUMBLES-Black patches show the only
remaining pockets of German organized resistance on the continent.
Arrows indicate the drives of Gen. Patton's forces which yesterday
entered Linz unopposed and moved within 20 miles of Pilsen. Reports
said that Czech natriots had liberated their capital, Prague.
Russians Take Swinemuende,
Last B German Baltic Port
Soviet Troops Within 12 Miles of Ohnuetz;
In West, Russians Clean Out East Prussia'
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, May 6-Russian troops captured the German naval
base of Swinemuende yesterday, toppling the last big German Baltic port
as Soviet mountain fighters ripped 14 miles across the Nazis' shrinking
Czechoslovakian redoubt and smashed within 12 miles of the arsenal city
of Olmuetz (Olomouk).
East Prussia Cleared
Some 215 miles west of Swinemuende on the Pomeranian Bay, Soviet
forces also cleaned out the last square miles of East Prussia after they
">hurled bark enemy forces along the
mile-wide Frische- Nehrung and
COMMENCEMENT: reached Danzig territory at Schott-
. land on the narrow sandspit.
D if ficulttes in Marshal Alexander M. Vasilevsky's
Third White Russians were within
Pacific Related five miles of the Danzig mainland
where a German hold-out group was
isolated on the Vistula River delta
Rf y iVan pat nplains.

German soldiers in the north to the
British and Canadians.
Attention focussed on occupied
Norway, where Fuehrer Karl Doenitz
may have taken refuge, but the Swed-
ish foreign office declared officially
that reports of imminent surrender in
Norway were premature.
An order by Doenitz read over the
Flensburg radio before the British
occupation said surrender in the
northwest had been forced 'because
the struggle against the western
powers has become senseless."
Silent on Norway, Doenitz called on
Mediterranean Fleet
NEW YORK, May 5.-CBS quot-
ed the Swiss radio tonight as re-
porting that the German Mediter-
ranean Fleet had surrendered un-
conditionally. The broadcast said
this fe:'ce included "several light
cruisers", but enemy ships of that
size have not been reported in ac-
tion since the Italian surrender in
1943. ____
his troops on the Russian front to
fight on "to save as many Germans
as possible from bolshevism and en-
SHAEF summed it up by saying all
resistance to Eisenhower's armies on,
the active fronts where his forcesI
were engaged had ended, save for the
Seventh German Army on Patton's
Even as Patton struck on the
Czech front, a Czechoslovak min-
ister in London said the capital of
Prague "has risen" and had driven
out the Germans in the rear of the
enemy's Seventh Army.
The surrender in the south cov-
ered part of the U. S. Third Army
front in Austria and here Austria's
third city of Linz was occupied by
Patton's troops unopposed.
Whereupon, the Third Army went
over to the attack on a 110-mile front,
driving as much as 17 miles into

Dr. Malcolm S. MacLean, former
Navy commander engaged in mili-
tary government work in the Medi-
terranean and Pacific theaters of
operation, described the difficulties
arising from difference of language
and culture in government work in
the Pacific, in a commencement ad-
dress delivered yesterday at the grad-
uation of 66 Civil Affairs Training
School officers.
Graduates at the commencement
program, at which Prof. Willett F.
Ramsdell, director of the CATS, pre-
sided, also heard Dr. Ruthven, who
delivered the opening remarks. Col.
Stephen A. Park, associate director
of the School, presented certificates
to the graduates, two of whom are
members of the WAC, and the pro-
gram closed with music by members
of the University Band, under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli.
Today Last two May Festival
Concerts at 2:30 p. m.
EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT)
and 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. m. CWT) at Hill
May 7 Abraham Cohen, director
of the Detroit Jewish
Community Council, will
discuss "Zionism: A Solu-
tion to Anti-Semitism" at
the sixth meeting of the
Workshop on Anti-Semi-
tism at 7:30 p. m. EWT
(6:30 p. m. CWT) at Hil-
lel Foundation.
May 7 Installation Night will be

Swinemuende Falls
Swinemuende, a city of 20,500 per-
sons situated on Usedom island north
of the great port of Stettin, fell to
Marshal Konstantin K. Rokossovsky's
Second White Russian Army pressing
the final mop-up of the Baltic shores.
Swinemuende's capture was an-
nounced, in an order of the day issued
by Marshal Stalin. At the same time,
Rokossovsky's troops cleared all Use-
dom island, taking the former V-
bomb experimental station of Peene-
muende, and seized the entire adjoin-
ing island of Wollin.
Prisoners Taken
Rokossovsky's troops took prisoner
11,700 German officers and men and
55 planes on the two islands, Mos-
cow's nightly war bulletin announced.

British Troops
Pursue Fleeing
Nazis to Austria
Eighth Army Crosses
Isonzo River in Chase
By The Associated Press
ROME, May 5-British Eighth
Army troops sped through Caporetto
and crossed the Isonzo River two
days ago in their pursuit of demoral-
ized German troops withdrawing into
Austria 18 miles beyond, a special
communique announced tonight.
Caporetto, scene of an Italian de-
feat in the First World War, is 42
miles north of captured Trieste at the
head of the Adriatic and the British
troops were racing along the north-
western edge of the Yugoslav fron-
Balkan airforce planes pounded
tattered Nazi columns fleeing out of
northern Yugoslavia yesterday, an
earlier bulletin disclosed. Beaufighters
pumped rockets into enemy ammuni-]
tion dumps near Ljubljana and Celje
in addition to smashing troops and
transport less than 15 miles from the
Austri n border.
Russia arrests
Polish Leaders
Explanation Demanded
By Eden, Stettinius
SAN FRANCISCO, May 5.-(,)-
Russia clashed anew with Britain
and the United States over Poland
today at the very instant of reaching
broad agreement on measures in-
tended to strengthen a world organi-
zation of United Nations.
Polish Leader Arrested
The latest row over Poland was
disclosed by Secretary of State Stet-
tinius who reported that Russia had
arrested "a number of prominent
Polish democratic leaders."
A Moscow broadcast said there are
16 of them.
Stettinius and British Foreign Sec-
retary Anthony Eden have demanded
a "full explanation."
Until they get it, there will be no
talk with the Russians on setting up
a Polish government satisfactory to
all three powers.
Point of Disagreement
The recurrent squabble over Po-
land contrasted with a spirit of har-
mony and good will engendered at
the United Nations conference by the
ability of the four sponsoring powers
-China, Russia, Britain and the
United States-to get together on all
but two amendments they want to
incorporate in the Dumbarton Oaks
charter for world peace.
The broad sweep of changes accep-
table to all four embacessch points

'U''War Bond
Drive Begins
Campus Quota Set
At $100000 Mark
The campus campaign to raise
$100,000 in the Seventh War Loan
Drive begins tomorrow.
Fourteen billion dollars is the quota
set by the Treasury department for
the nationwide drive, which extends
from May 14 to June 30. The Univer-
sity campaign starts one week earlier,
partly to avoid the last-minute com-
plications of the end of the semester.
It is the aim of the University War
Bond Committee to have completed
the campus quota during the first
week of June.
Campus veterans will help solicit
University staff members for bond
purchases during the campaign. The
faculty has been subdivided by de-
partments into several lists which
will be covered by members of the
Veterans' Organization, who will con-
tact staff members and receive their
orders and money. Bonds will be de-
livered to their purchasers the follow-
ing day.
Students will not be contacted di-
rectly for war bond purchases.
While stamp sales will niot be count-
ed in filling the University quota,
the Committee has urged students
to make a special effort to fill
their stamp books, as all filled
books turned into bonds will be
Bond-buyers who purchase their
bonds from banks and other organ-
izations which do not have a Series
"E" quota to fill should indicate to
the seller that they would like the
bonds credited to the University's
drive. Such purchases should be re-
ported to a University solicitor or to
the Investment Office.
University payroll deductions for
May and June will also be credited to
the drive and are expected to con-
tribute a total of $20,000.
University personnel may pur-
chase bonds at the Cashier's Office,
University Hall, or send their or-
ders by campus mail to the Invest-
ment Office, 100 South Wing, Uni-
versity Hall. Bonds may be picked
up the day after they are ordered.
Checks should be made payable to
the University, and names and ad-
dresses should be printed or typed.
The University's quota is its share
in the $1,600,000 goal set for Ann
Arbor, which is a 60 per cent increase
over the Series "E" quota for the
Sixth War Loan.
Washtenaw County's over-all quota
of $8,616,000 consists of "E", "F" and
"G" Series bonds.
French Notables
Freed by '36th
ITTER, Austria, May 5-(IP)-For-
mer Premiers Edouard Daladier and
Paul Reynaud and Gens. Maurice
Gamelin and Maxime Weygand were
freed from months of German poli-
tical imprisonment today when two
battalions of the 36th "Texas" In-
fantry Division fought their way into
Itter castle.

Two Concerts Today To
Conclude Ma Festival
Rudolph Serkin, Choral Union, Philadelphia
Orchestra, Met. Artists Are To Be Featured
Czechoslovakian-born pianist, Rudolph Serkin, the Choral Union and
Met. artists Eleanor Steber, Hertha Glaz, Frederick Jagel and Nicola Mos-
cona, and the Philadelphia Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy will headline
the concluding fifty-second annual May Festival series with two concerts
at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) and 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT)
today in Hill Auditorium.
Serkin, who played the piano at four and made his debut with the
Vienna Symphony Orchestra at the age of 12, came to the United States
at the outbreak of the war. He made',

. . . To Play Today
Deum Laudamus", draws its pas-
sages from the Old and New Testa-
ments, the Psalms, Prophets, Gospels
and Epistles.
Beethoven Ninth
Concluding the last May Festival
program with the Beethoven Ninth
Symphony (D minor), the Philadel-
phia Orchestra under Eugene Or-
mandy's direction, will blend its tal-
ents with the vocal baritone, tenor,
quartet and chorus solos; in the cho-
ral finale.
Prof. Percival Price, University
carillonneur, will present a varied
program of Irish airs, several French
numbers, a selection from "Tann-
hauser" and songs of the armed for-
ces before the Festival concert.
Nadell, Kincaid Performed
Substituting on last night's concert
for Bidu Sayao who was ill, Rosalind
Nadell, young mezzo-soprano, per-
formed two Mozart arias from the
"Marriage of Figaro". The Bach B
minor suite, William M. Kincaid,
flutist, replaced the scheduled per-
formance of the "Blessed Damozel".

his debut as a solo concert pianist
with the New York Philharmonic
Symphony under Toscanini in 1936.
He will perform the Brahms' "Con-
certo No. 2 in B-flat major" (for piano
and orchestra) on the afternoon pro-
gram. The Philadelphia Orchestra
will open the concert with the Bach-
Ormandy arrangement ofhChorale
Prelude: "O Mensch bewein' dein'
Sunde gross" ("Oh, Man, thy grev-
ious sin lament") and the Mendel-
ssohn "Reformation" symphony (D
The "Te Deum Laudamus" which
will be performed by the four Met.
artists, assisted by the Choral Union,
on the final Festival concert, was
composed by Anton Bruckner in Vi-
enna. The most inspiring of all. sa-
cred hymns, the great canticle, "Te

Tag Day Goal
To Be $1,800
Annual Drive To Aid
'U' Fresh Air Camp
May 18 is Tag Day.
To provide support for the Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp 'for boys who
are unable to make an adequate ad-
justment to their environment, the
annual Tag Day drive will have a
goal of $1,800. The tags will be sold
at posts distributed throughout the
town and manned by representatives
of the girls' dorms, sorority and
league houses.
Aids Boys 9 to 13
The camp is for the boy in the 9 to
13 age group who is in particular
need of the opportunity to play out-
of-doors in healthful surroundings,
to take part in supervised recreation,
and to receive additional guidance.
It is the purpose of the camp to diag-
nose the difficulty and suggest a pos-
sible treatment for it by sending a
report to the social Agency which
has sent the boy there.
The forty counselors of the camp
are qualied graduate and under-
graduate students at the University
who thus receive credit for one or
more of the following courses: Edu-
cation C12Oa, Cl2Ob, C220, Sociology
200, Sociology 201.
Camp's 25th Anniversary
The eight-week session this sum-
mer marks the camp's twenty-fifth
anniversary. Located 24 miles north-
west of Ann Arbor on Patterson Lake,
the camp property consists of about
300 acres of land and 26 permanent
buildings, including a main lodge,
women's dormitory, classrooms, cab-
ins, workshop and modern health
unit. By taking campers for a four-
week period, the camp can accom-
modate about 240 boys each season.
Directed by Prof. F. N. Menefee of
the School of Engineering, the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp is controlled
by a committee composed of Dean
J. B. Edmonson of the School of
Education, Prof. R. C. Angell of the
sociology department, M. L. Niehuss,
vice-president of the University, and
H. P. Wagner, chief accountant, as
well as Prof. Menefee.
Danes Cheer
British Arrival
Germans Start Slight
Skirmish with Captors
COPENHAGEN, May 5-('P)-Brit-
ish troops drove into the heart of the
Danish capital tonight amid thun-
derous cheers from happy Danes mix-
ed with sporadic rifle fire from a
small1nest of over-excited Germans
awaiting surrender.
German troops fired on the British
and Danish patriot forces after the
latter had fired their rifles into the
air to celebrate the arrival of the
British. The Germans apparently
thought they were being attacked.
An undetermined number of per-
sons were killed and wounded in a
half-hour Skirmish in city hall square

Jap Losses Heavy as Yanks
Open New Okinawa Offensive

By The Associated Press
Destruction of 33,462 Japanese
troops on Okinawa-nearly 15 for
'very American killed-was reported
by the Navy today as the Yanks on
that important Ryukyu island opened
a fresh offensive after crushing a
mighty Nipponese counterattack.
Liberation of Davao, last major
city of the Philippines taken from
the Japanese, was announced by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
On Tarakan, just off Borneo,
Australian and Dutch troops fought
ahead to seize half the airfield and
clear two sectors of Tarakan City.

A tentative plan of the United
States Army to throw possibly
6,000,000 picked soldiers against
Japan was disclosed in Washington
Saturday as the hard-pressed Nip-
ponese continued their fierce re-
sistance on Okinawa and Tarakan,
Members of the House Military
Committee, after a closed session with
army chiefs, said the program would
be brought into operation with the
collapse of Germany. The Army of-
ficials, stressing that the plan was
tentative, declared it was based on


Mad Entertainment Will Be
Feature of Hellzapoppin Dance

Hellzapoppin will hit the Union
ballroom Saturday night in the per-
sons of various zany members of the
Union Executive Council.
Swiping stunts that made the

knowledge to the development of a
dress-blowing machine.
The college man's Scurvy will be
present scissors in hand, ready to re-
vamp masculine four-in-hands, ac-
cording to present Union plans.

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