THE ICHIGA DAILY '1'IIIJRSOAV, MAY 3, 1345 TH MCIG N ATYTHR~A, A 3 4 Truman, Convinced Hitler Dead, Acts To Punish War Criminals 'Potter's Field' - - As Chief Cone By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 2.-Convinc- ed that Adolf Hitler really is dead, President Truman acted tonight to bring to swift justice other leaders guilty of high crimes against civili- zation. (The nightly Soviet communique, quoting Dr.Hans Fritsche and issued soon after Stalin's order of the day announcing the fall of Berlin, said that Hitler, and Goebbels had com- mitted suicide.) Addresses Conference The President told a news confer- ence he had it on the best authority Ilannegan Named By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 2-In the first shift in the old Roosevelt cabi- net, President Truman today an- nounced the resignation of Post- master General Frank C. Walker and the selection of Robert E. Han- negan to succeed him. Hannegan, 41 year old Missourian who ran Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth term campaign, will take over his new job July 1, if confirmed by the Senate. He will retain the Democratic national chairman- ship. In a second major appointment announced at his news conference, the President said he was naming David E. Lilienthal for another nine-year term as chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority start- ing May 18. that Hitler is no longer alive. He didn't know how the death occurred, he said, but was glad that both Der Fuehrer and Mussolini were out of the way. It means, the executive continued, that the two major war criminals of Europe do not have to be brought to trial. But, he asserted, there are others and they must. Jackson Named To that end, he appointed Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as this country's chief counsel for such prosecution in the European theater. Jackson already has gathered a stall together. The President said Justice Jackson will function in those cases of major war criminals whose misdeeds are not connected with any one specific locality. Others, who can be connec- ted with a personal hand in specific crimes are to be tried by the coun- tries where the crimes were commit- ted. Hopes for Tribunal Mr. Truman said he hopes an in- ternational tribunal is set up as soon as possible for the prosecutions. He said he did not know whether Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz, who proclaimed himself successor to Der Fuehrer, is on the list. Those who are, he said, will not find haven in any neutral country. Dr. Howland Dies On 71st Birthday Dr. William Howland, former head of the Voice Department of the mu- sic school, died last Monday of a heart attack at his home in Birming- ham on his seventy-first birthday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at Christ Church, Cran- brook. Dr. Howland, who was edu- cated in New York and Europe, was a founder of the Detroit Institute of Musical Arts. DR MARY MINNISS Chiropodist ,11 foot troubles quickly relieved. Corner Main and Williams Thurs. Evenings by Appointment Ph. 2-2370 Engine School Seniors Hoid Meeting Today Seniors in the College of Engineer- ing have been urged to attend a class meeting at 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) today in Rm. 348 of the West Engineering Building by Jim Wallis, president, Class of '45. Plans for the coming Senior Bali will be described by Bob Precious, vice-president of the class, and Bill Culligan, senior secretary-treasurer. Tom Barnes, chairman of the Social Committee will speak on the class outing and picnic to be held the second week in June. Information regarding the further sale of Graduation Announcements and the presentation of program booklets to seniors will be made known by Bob Bennet and Dick Chenowith, chairmen of the com- mittees handling those matters. Prof. Axel Marin will speak on class tra- dition, and Prof. C. F. Kessler will describe alumni activities. All seniors scheduled to graduate in either June or October are re- quested to attend by their class oIffc ms. Youth Guidance Group Begins Official Duties LANSING, May 2.-(41)- Created by the recent legislature at the re- quest of Governor Kelly, the youth guidance committee began its first official work today with the appoint- ment of a permanent chairman and one of four field men. The commissiongives permanent status to a temporary advisory body. which helped the governor draft his juvenile delinquency control program last yea.*. Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super- intendent of public instruction and chairman of the temporary body, was 9ppointed permanent chairman by Kelly wno was honorary chairman. Keeping intact the organization of the original commitee, Elliott ap- nired Walter Berry to continue as executive secretary of the new com- m-ssion, and Maurice Carmany as ooe of four field men who would work with local youth guidance commit- tees in 73 of the 83 counties. The others will be appointed July 1, Elliott said. -~Pass_ Q / "GEBern4K r -ERM NY_- SWITZERLAND aJenfur 5t .° dine age 'TreviT so ,YUGOSLAVIA - = - = Vrona oTr st MilanTBrescea.?Frne - ,_ -Ar Padova 'Venice F ume -urin- -ac-e- Rovin Parma p i=Ferrara gy ~ Regg~o og Ravenna "S La Rimini aa L<...pezra Pi s Pesaro Z-- Pisa Florence ° , Ancon LeghornySTATUTE MES REGION OF FIRST UNCONDITIONAL SURREND ER, where 1,000,000 German and Jtalim troops yielded the mountainous "national redoubt" extending north of the Brenner Pass. Song WOMEN'S NEWS Contest Camn pus Briefs Plans FEDERAL BUDGET CUT: Pres. Truman Abolishes OCD-;)o Michigan Branch To Continue Education Movies.. 0 Lantern Night song leaders from the women's residences will meet to- morrow at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) in the Corrective Room of Barbour Gym to draw for places on the pro- gram. Leaders are to file the selecticns which their house will sing in the Lantern Night program Monday, May 21. To Award Cup A cup will be awarded the house which has the best harmony and blending in its songs in the opinion of the School of Music faculty. No solo voices are to be allowed, and the groups are limited to 30 members. Lantern Night, in honor of senior women, will be held on Palmer field if the weather permits. Otherwise, it is to be in Rackham lecture hall. March to Palmer Field All women on campus will meet at 7 p.m. EWT (6 p.m. CWT) May 21 on the library steps, and from there they will march in line to Palmer Field. University band members will lead the march, followed by the sen- iors in their caps and gowns. The rest of the procession will follow in order of classes. Different colored ribbons will identify the classes. The WAA participation cup will also be awarded to the house which has won the most WAA participation points. Cabaret Meeting All members of the Soph Cabaret refreshment committee are asked to attend a meeting of the committee at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) today in the League. Any sophomore coed interested in working on the committee is urged to attend. The room will be posted on the League bulletin board. Cholera Epidemic Spreads in Calcutta CALCUTTA, May 2.-WA)-The pre- monsoon cholera epidemic persisted today amid newspaper charges that city and Bengal provincial authori- ties are lax and dilatory in dealing with the problem. Seventy persons are now reported stricken here daily. About 30 per cent of the victims die. There are 18 cases among British military person- nel. A A series of semi-weekly movies is being shown by the School of Educa- tion at 3 p. m. EWT (2 p. m. CWT) every Wednesday and Thursday in University High auditorium. The movies, under the direction of Prof. Warren R. Good, are planned to acquaint education students with visual methods of teaching. "Willie the Mouse," "Eyes and Their Care" and "Preventing Blindness and Sav- ing Sight" are being shown today. All University students are invited to attend. Geological Reports Helen Foster and H. H. Gray, grad- uate students in the Department of Geology, will report on the progress of their graduate research at a meet- ing of the Geological Journal Club at 12:15 p. m. EWT (11:15 a. m. CWT) tomorrow in Rm. 4056, Natural Sci- ence Building. *.. * * By The Associated Press Prompted by favorable war devel- opments, President Truman abolish- ed the Office of Civilian Defense and withdrew its proposed $369,000 bud- Dean Edmonson attends Meeting Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education is attending a two-day meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Council on Education today and tomorrow in Washington. The committee plans to discuss educational problems that will be, considered at the San Francisco Con- ference, Dean Edmonson said. The main suggestion is provision for an international office of education to gather information and carry on cooperative studies among all na- tions. Dean Edmonson said that he will endorse the plan for we have at present no adequate means. of ex- change of educational information. He is confident that the American Council on Education will also en- dorse it. Plans will be made for the prepar- ation of a report dealing with what schools and colleges can learn from teaching methods used by the armed forces, he said. get yesterday, as part of a recom- mended $7,445,369,000 cut in war program funds already appropriated. Informd of President Truman's action, Governor Kelly said that the Michigan OCD would probably be continued as a skeleton organization to summon already trained citizens in case of some natural disaster. During the recent session of the Legislature, a move was made to eliminate the state appropriation of $75,000 to maintain the organization, but it was defeated after debate con- tending that it could maintain valu- able functions. The appropriation is half of that provided for last year, and far below the peak appropria- tion. Capt. Donald S. Leonard, state dir- ector, skid that for a year the organ- ization has been undergoing a streamlining process, retaining only the most essential services. 'U' Movie Will Be Exhihited in West i A Music Sorority b . .* The movie, "Michigan on the Mu Phi' Epsilon, national music sorority, will hold its formal May Festival dinner at 6:30 p.m. EWT (5:30 CWT) Saturday in the League. Alumnae, actives and pledges of Gamma Chapter together with out of town guests will be presented. March," will be shown to alumni clubs, schools, and various organiza- tions in the West in May, T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary ofAlumni Association, announced yesterday. The University of Michigan Club of Seattle, Wash., will view the movie MOSELEY TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLY CO. 114 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Complete Typewriter Service Phone 5888 I tomorrow. _A EYE-WITNESS REPORT: German Propagan da Effective I An eye-witness report on the belief of the German people in Nazi propa- ganda is given by Lt. Eric Zalenski,s '44, in a letter to T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of Alumni Associa-t tion.C j t Lt. Zalenski, former sports editor of The Daily, is with the Sixth Arm- ored Division in Germany, and wrote.t "There is one 14-year-old boy in the house where my mortar platoon is billeted. He was in the Hitler Youtht organization and believes all the fan-l tastic lies ever dished out by Hitlerl and his cohorts. Astounding Newsl "The murder and torture of m'- lions of Poles, Russians, and Slavsx was astounding news to him," hel continued. "He couldn't believe it. The Germans invaded Poland be- cause the Poles had secretly con- spired to attack Germany. The Ca- tholics and Jews conspired against the gove nment and got what they deserved, he says." Civilians Killed "The Germans did not defend this town we are in because they did not want to destroy it or hurt the people, he said, but couldn't understand why they were shelling it from the hills beyond and were killing civilians," Lt. Zalenski wrote. "The climax came when my inter- preter told isum that the men around him were a Jew, a Pole, a French- man, a Slav and three Catholics. He paled and appeared very frightened. We assured him that no harm woul-l come to him from us and then he relaxed a little." Lt. Zalenski, known as Ed, won a numeral in track and was a member of Scabbard and Blade, Sphinx, Mi- chigamua, and Sigma Delta Chi. Hu was associate editor of the Michigani Alumnus. 4 double I U States War's Cost NEW YORK, May 2-/P)-The war has cost the American people enough to build an $8,000 house for every family in the country, Mordecai Eze- kiel, economic adviser to the Secre- tary of Agriculture, said today. I .; 1 No place like home.. Have a Coke C " VY 11 7 / /1, -. 1 /1 /./_/_- TRULY BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS PARK LANE STUDIOS I DOROT HY GRA S peeial DrySki Lotion -ovin up in a hurry 6- IV-100 i PLUS TAX JO W ElR base plus skin- softener-all in one creamy- peach lotion! A qick-softening treatment for busy women. helps make-up cling beauti- fully. Use Dorothy Gray Special Dry-Skin Lotion also as a night cream. Very flattering-not greasy, not sticky. A soothing body-rub, softens flaky-dry skin, Every uni ties in by telephone to report on contact bietween companies, and to discuss the next move. That means combat telephone wires must be laid down with every forward push. And corn- mruinications crews must work continuously repair- ing the breaks in lines torn by tanks and amphibi- ans and blasted by artillery and mortars. Our Armed Forces still have urgent need for I 0 - - - fl, _w tumor Ccnll lit nfliibn71lIc/) 7 MUNICIPAL COURT1 I r=ex d SI I i