t i 6 tll Y 4mx 4d VOL. LV, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945. PRICE FIVE CENTS LL GER FORCES I IT LY A * * BERLI 1* * * * (i * TURED BY * * * * rU R Nazi CapitalFalls In HistoricB Soviet Communique Reports Suicide Of Hitler and Goebbels During Struggle By The Associated Press LONDON, May 2-Berlin, greatest city of the European continent and capital of Adolf Hitler's blood-drenched empire, fell to the Russians at 3 p. m. today after 12 clays of history's deadliest street fighting. Seven thousand German troops were captured in the final cleanup. As the remnants of the shocked garrison laid down its arms, Premier Stalin announced in an order of the day broadcast from Moscow tonight. Adolf Hitler and Paul Joseph Goebbels committed suicide as Berlin fell in ruins about them, the Soviet communique which immediately U .S Opposes Argentina Delegates Side Against Latin-American Wish By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, May 2.-Latin American desires to give Argentina an official post in the United Nations Conference ran tonight into dead set opposition from the United States. United States delegates, it was learned, have taken the stand that the South American neighbor, a late entry into the war,''ought to prove she can be a "goodneighbor" before she gets anything more than bare admission to the conference. The U.S. stand became evident while Russia was throwing her sup- port toward a voting formula which would prevent a bloc of 21 American republics (including Argentina) from swaying conference decisions. The Big Three leaders-Secretary of State Stettinius, Foreign Minister~ Eden of Britain and Soviet Commis- sar Molotov-met for an hour and three quarters today and it was re- ported that voting procedure was one of the problems before them. Measles Hits San Francisco Parley SAN FRANCISCO, May 2.- (P)--- Measles broke out today in the Unit- ed Nations conference, but health authorities reassured against any danger of quarantine. "Measles is too light a disease for such a heavy conference,"' said Dr. J. C. Geiger, city health director. Here, it's a reportable, but not quar- antinable, disease." The measles diagnosis was in the case of Charles Ritchie, an adviser to the Canadian delegation. followed the order of the day said, quoting Dr. Hans Fritsche, the propaganda minister's lieutenant. The Russians said Fritsche was captured as Berlin fell to the Red Army and that he told his captors that a General Krebs also took his life with the two high Nazis. The order also listed as command- er of Berlin an artillery general nam- ed Webling and said he was among those captured. Stalin's order was his third of the day. He had built up to the climactic fall of Berlin with Moscow 'Celebrates MOSCOW, May 2.-(IP)-Moscow went delirious with joy tonight over news of the fall of Berlin. The Peopleilaughed and cried and babbled. incoherently. They shcuted, they bowed in prayer, they hugged and kissed one an- other. They danced and they sang and they revelled in the news-for to most of them, apparently, the long awaited fall of Berlin meant that the end of this war which has brought them such suffering was in sight. orders announcig the death or capture of 120,000 Germans since April 24 with complete de- struction of the German Ninth Army southeast of Belin, and the capture of Germany's last import- ant Baltic port, Rostock, in a 44- mile drive by the Second White Russian Army. For the conquest of Berlin his proc- lamation called for the top Moscow victory salute of 24 salvos from 324 cannon in tribute to the armies that took Berlin: the First White Russian and First Ukrainian. Thus fell the once-mighty capital which Stalin described as "the center of German imperialism and heart of German aggression," and which Ilit- ler had proclaimed as the seat of his "thousand-year Reich" empire--the empire that in less than six years died as it had been born, in blood and suf- fering. Dr. MacLean CATS Grads. 66 Men Will Be Honored Saturday Dr. Malcolm S. MacLean, recently back from the Mediterranean and Pacific theaters where he did mili- tary government work as a Navy commander, will deliver the com- mencement address at the gradua- tion of 66 Army and Navy officers of the Civil Affairs Training School to be held at 10 a. m. EWT (9 a. m. CWT), Saturday, in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. ]ield Academic Posts The first naval officer to have grad- uated from the School of Military Government at Charlottesville, Va., Dr. MacLean, a graduate of this University in 1916, held academic posts at Northwestern, Minnesota and Wisconsin, prior to becoming presi- dent of Hampton Institute, Va. He also served as chairman of the Fair Employment Practices Committee during the early years of the war. Dr. Ruthven, Dr. W. F. Ramsdell and Col. Stephen A. Park, director and associate director of the CATS, will also participate in the gradua- tion ceremony. Two Are WAC's The 66 officers, two of whom are members ofethe WAC have finished an intensive six month course in which they have been given a speak- ing and reading knowledge of the Japanese language and have been ac- quainted with the customs and insti- tutions of the Japanese people. They have also received special training in police work, public safety, health, general administration, legal and financial work, supply; transporta- tion, communication, industry, com- merce, public relations and educa- tion. Most of the graduates will be sta- tioned at a West coast staging area and some will go on duty directly in the Pacific. Wolverine Derailed ,38 Injured, Engineer Killed ROCHESTER, N.Y., May 2.-- The locomotive and ten cars of the Wolverine, crack Chicago-New York flier, were derailed today, killing {he engineer and injuring 38 persons. Wants TlF oin ip NEW YORK, May 2-(A)-William Sheppard, 29, of Queens, who recov- ered his sight only a few months ago after being blind for 21 years, wants to join the army. .4: n Axis Troops Yield in Heart of Alps Exposing Remaining South Flanks German High Command To Surrender Today to American, British Leaders By The Associated Press ROME, May 2-Nearly 1,000,000 German and Italian Fascist troops made the first unconditional surrender of the war in Europe today, yielded without a shot the mountainous heart of the Nazis' "national redoubt" in the Alps and exposed the south flank of the fragments that remain. Gen. Heinrich Von Vietinghoff-Scheel planned to come out of the Alps tomorrow to give up with his staff to Field Marshal Sir Harold Alex- ander, the Allied commander, or to Gen. Mark Clark, commander of the 15th army group in Italy. The surrender swept clean of resistance all northern Italy and Western Austria up to and including Salzburg Province and its capital of the same name, which was the eastern bastion of the Alpine retreat. Thus the Allied armies of the south were free to march unopposed to SIR HAROLD ALEXANDER ... Allied Mediterranean head. Allied Advances Set New Tempo In Pacifc War By The Associated Press The Pacific War moved at light- ning speed today (Thursday) with Allied military might beiig thrown against the Japanese in two new in- vasions while American forces regis- tered important gains on widely sep- arated island fronts. Action Stepped Up Official reports recited these ev- ents: Veteran Australian troops were on Borneo, one of Japan's richest con- quest prizes. British forces invaded the Rangoon sector of Burma and trapped a Jap- anese army. American doughboys pushed to the edge of Davao, strategic port city in the southeast Philippine. Doughboys and Marines on bloody Okiam w< slugged ahead against fur- ious Japanese resistance. U.S. Pacific fleet submarines bagged 21 more Japanese ship . MacArthur Confirms The invasion of Borneo by Austral- ian troops and the drive of American troops on Davao City were reported in Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com- niunique. The Borneo operation was reported previously by Australian and Japanese sources. y Festial; within 10 miles of Berchtesgaden, wh * * * ( Allied Troops Congratulated By Alexander Says Nazis Ended In Complete Rout By The Associated Press ROME, May 2.-Field Marshal Sir Harold L. Alexander, Supreme Allied commander in the Mediterranean, announced the mass surrender in Italy today, and in an order of the day to his troops declared, "You have won a victory which has ended in the complete and utter rout of the Ger- man armed forces in the Mediter- ranean" and freed Italy. "Today remnants of a once-proud army have laid down their arms to you . . . close to a million men with all their arms, equipment and im-- pedimenta," Alexander said. But even as the sirens screamed and jubilant celebrations were start- ed a grim warning of the bitter fight- ing that still was ahead on the other side of the world was sounded by Gen. Joseph T. MNarney, comman- der of the American forces in the' Mediterranean, who said that not "until the last foe-Japan-is crush- ed" will "freeclozn loving men and women be able to enjoy lasting peace." Scandinavian N 4azis Hold On Doenitz Urges Battle In Norway, Detumark LONDON, May 2.-(,4)-Hopeis for a bloodless liberation of Norway and Denmark faded tonigt as German military commanders in those two Nazi-occupied countries called on their troops for a fight to the end under Admiral Doenitz, self-an- nounced successor to Adolf Hitler. While neither mentioned Doenitz by name both denied Stockholm re- ports that they were ready to discuss capitulation. A showdown between factions led Vy Admiral Doenitz, ruthless German U-boat leader who proclaimed his ascendancy to Hitler's job yesterday shortly after the German radio told of the Fuehrer's death, and Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler' appeared to be developing. While Dr. Werner Bec, Himinler's man in Denmark, had been reported openly toying with a plan to evacu- ate the country, Col.-Gen. Georg Lindemann, commander of military forces there, bluntly declared: "I have not carried out any negotiations at all, leasi, of all about any capitula- tion." CAMPUS EVENTS Today First concert of the May Festival will be held at ere Hitler had his mountain hideout Sand which being in Bavaria is not included in the surrender order. Gen. Eisenhower in Paris told his armies to keep on pressing south, mopping-up all resistance, although the surrender order yielded up the chief objectives of his U. S. Seventh Army and part of those of the U. S. Third, which was closing on Salz- burg.) The surrender documents, ending the bloody two and one-half-year Italian campaign, were signed Sunday at the Royal Palace at Caserta, near Naples, and became effective at 12- noon (8 a. m., Eastern War Time) to- day. Two German plenipotentiaries sign- ed for Germany in the presence of American, British and Russian offic- ers. Approximately 20,000 square miles of German-held territory in- cluding All of northern Italy to the Isonzo River in the northeast and the Austrian provinces of Vorarl- berg, Tyrol, Salzburg and parts of Carinthia and Styria were surrend- ered to the Allies. The action not only uncovers the southern approaches to Germany bat lops off the southwestern end of the so-called German "national redoubt" and turns the right flank of CoL. Gen. Von Lehr, commanding enemy troops in the Trieste area and northern Yugoslavia. New Zealand troops of the British Eighth Army and forces of Marshal Tito's Yugoslav army al- ieady have joined 14 miles northwest of Trieste which has been occupied by the Yugoslavs. Even before the official announce- ment was made public German radios were heard broadcasting the sur- render order to the few Nazi troops still holding out in Italy or fleeing for their lives toward Austria. Laval Flee to Spaim , _nterned M-ADRTD, May 2.--P- Former Fren(Ji Premier Pierre Laval, under death sentence in France as a Nazi collaborationist, fled to Spain today and was swiftly interned for disposi- tion by the Allies. The chief of the Vichy government, during the days of Hitler supremacy and his minister of education, Abel Bonrard, were ordered placed in a, fortress near Barcelona by General - issimo Francisco Franco when they refused to leave Spain immed-ately after landing from Germany in a JU-88. Tells Armies To Fight O1 By The Associated Press PARIS, Thursday, May 3.- The vaunted Nazi southern redoubt van- ished yesterday in a German surren- der to Allied forces in Italy, but Gen. Eisenhower commanded his western front armies to fight on south until the last ember of enemy resistance is snuffed out. Simultaneously, the northern pocket was split into three seg- ments by a British drive to the Baltic that overwhelmed the port of Luebeck-where Himmler tried to sue for peace-and by n Amer- ican junction with the Russians on the Elbe 60 miles northwest of fall- en Berlit. A field dispatch declared the will to fight had gone out of the Gprman armies of the north. and that the end of fighting might come in hours or at the most in days in the opinion of Allied commanders. The abrupt capitulation by the German command in northern Italy and western Austria wiped out all the so-called Nazi "national redoubt" with the exception of one corner of Pavaria, and this was under assault by both the 11 ' Third and Seventh Armies. A. Supreme Headquarters spokes- man:aid Eisenhower's forces would kee right on mopping up through Jlava ria--which was niot- included hi the Germnii surrender--and the Aus~tria i provinces of the 'Tyrol and SaIzburg-which were surren- dered and which formed the moun- tainous backbone of the redoubt. The U.S. Third and Seventh Arm- ies raced 20 to 30 miles through cracking enemy lines, ,nd virtually conpleted the subjugation of Ba- varia. In the final hours of a dying Reich, the Seventh Army flushed the big- gest military captive taken yet- Field Marshal Karl von Rundstedt, Pina, Orinandy Choral Union A Wil Open _NI nnounces 67th Fall Series Traditional climax of the musical season for Ann Arbor and the Uni- versity, the May Festival will open its fifty-second annual concert series with the performance of Ezio Pinza, Metropolitan basso, and the Philadel- cha Heifetz, Artur Schnabel, Jennie Tourel and Alexander Uninsky, ac- cording to Dr. Charles A. Sink, pres- ident of the University Musical So- ciety. Four orchestras: the Chicago Symphony, Boston Symphony and Cleveland Orchestra, all of which wereheard on this year's series, and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Karl Krueger, conductor, are includ- ed in the series. Preceding the program, concert- goers will hear several carillon selections, by Prof. Percival Price. His recital will include the Andante from Haydn's "Surprise Sym- phony," five sacred airs from "A Guide to Hymn Playing on 23 bell Carillons," his own composition, "Sonata for 30 Bells" and the fol- lowing Russian folk songs: "Dark Eyes," "Field, my Field," "Peace" and "Kalinka." Italian-born Pinza, known as "the zart Don for the first time, at the Met. on Nov. 29, 1929, the opera had not been performed there for 21 years. Since that time he has sung nearly 75 performances of the opera In this country alone. The monologue, farewell and death scene from Moussorgsky's "Boris Go- dunov," story of Tsar Ivan the Terri- ble, will be sung by the famous basso. The death of Boris, one of the most Poignant in operatic literature, marks the close of the opera. Appearing on the entire Festival series for the tenth consecutive year, the Philadelphia Orchestra brings to the Ann Arbor stage a group of un- usual in its youthfulness, yet old in its history which dates back to 1757. The Overture to Weber's "Der Freischutz," will be the orchestra's opening number. The Haydn "Symphony No. 88 in G major" which the orchestra will Symphony Orchestra for its Vic- tory concert. MacArthur and Mr. Ormandy made the agreement last year when the conductor visited INSTALLATION NlIIT; Program To F eature Alumna's Talk ont Overseas Experience ( ) - ____________9____ A talk by Miss Mary Hayden, '42, who has recently returned from 28 months' overseas service with the American Red Cross will highlight tbc,, 1vaorlitiona Installation Nirht den also served in Scotland and Normandy. She went to Normandy in July, 1944, and from there she- was sent by the Red Cross to Bel- gium, Holland, and Germany. f