TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1945
Argentina To Be Represented at
Fisco ParleyDlgtsDcd
Conference Votes 31-4
Molotov Quiestions Freedom from .Faseismi
Of Newly-Admitted Latin-American State
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, April 30-Over stern Russian objections, the United
Nations conference voted 31 to 4 tonight to give Argentina a place imme-
diately in its peace-shaping councils.
Eloquently but in vain, Russian foreign commissar Molotov had pleaded
%that the ballot be delayed, that there hadn't been time enough for Russia
to study Argentina's case. He questioned whether the South American
And, he said, if Argentina is to be
nvited to send statesmen to San
S Francisco, so, too, should the Russian-
ccognized Polish government in Mos-
The conference approved, however,
'he admission of the Soviet White
Russian and Ukrainian republics to
,he conference.
Start Belgian Minister Asks Delay
Belgian's foreign minister, Paul
East Jenri Spaak, urged delegates to heed
"Aolotov's bid for delay to preserve
n-out in precious unity" among nations spon-
i seven- oring the conference-Russia, Brit-
sun will ,in, China and the United States.
eclipse. But Secretary of State Stettirfius
nd a horde of Latin Americans
, Idaho prang to the support of Argentina.
e north- And when it came to a show down,
swing here were 28 votes against delay, and
a region hen only 4 in opposition to issuing
ian, Nor- rgentina an invitation to the con-
.ii, into erence. Eleven nations did not vote.
ig Sink Only of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
ince k md Greece voted against admission
m sun- f Argentina. And when the result
sun in ;gas announced, Molotov and his fel-
uo and a ow Russians stalked from the glit-
ering auditorium of San Francisco's
'pera house with Czech foreign mini-
ter Masaryk and Yugoslavia's Su-
blackout basic.
be seer tettinius Backs Argentina
a, all of Stettinius aligned himself squarely
orthwest igainst Molotov, declaring Argentina
iortheast ad complied with conditions laid
!own at an inter-American confer-
ill touch nee at Mexico City for joining the
:07 a.m. amily of nations.
at 8:03________
at 9:04-
the cir
milarc tc ' h i a c
eautifulBoard Created
The jet
the disc LANSING, April 30-(/P)-Signing
nded by into law a bill creating a permanent.
na with Youth Guidance Commission, Gov-
terlacing .rnor Kelly today appointed five lay
Carl W. nembers and summoned the new
rnent of ;ommission to an organization meet-
ng here Wednesday.
The bill provides for a commission
Detroit composed of the Governor, State
ning an superintendent of Public Instruction,
k. The Commissioner of State Police, State
and in- Health Commissioner, State Welfare
Univer- Director, State Corrections Director,
ronomy, and six other persons to be appointed
Astron- by the Governor.
i e d e a t h - h a ske p t
ias kept Je diC i p sio
his con- 70 Be Presented
Verdi's "Requiem Mass" will be
played at the regular weekly Student
Religious Association record concert
ort- at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. in. CWT)
tomorrow in the Lane Hall Library,
BERS Les Hctenyi, director of the Lane
Hall Music Committee, announced
and Mrs. John Towers, wife of the Vice Admiral who is Deputy Com-
mander of the Pacific Fleet, stand with naval officers and men on a
platform at the bow of the new super-carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt
during christening ceremonies at the New York Navy Yard in Brooklyn.
Mrs. Tower christened the craft.
Army Captain Develops New
Method of Capturing Germans
Pinza To Open
Fif ty- Second
Music Festival
Artists Will Arrive in
Ann Arbor Thursday
Ezio Pinza, Metropolitan basso,
members of the Philadelphia Orche-
stra and Eugene Ormandy, conduct-
or, Hertha Glaz, Rosalind Nadell,
Eleanor Steber, Nicola Moscona and
Frederick Jagel, Metropolitan artists
who will participate in the Saturday
and Sunday May Festival concerts,
will arrive in Ann Arbor Thursday
morning, according to Dr. Charles A.
Sink, president of the University
Musical Society.
Pinza Will Open Series
Pinza will be the first of eleven
distinguished guest soloists to ap-
pear on the fifty-second annual Fes-
tival concert program series. He will
perform several Mozart arias: "Qui
sdegno non s'accende" from "The
Magic Flute" and "Madamina" from
"Don Giovanni," also the monologue,
farewell, and death scene from Mous-
sorgsky's "Boris Bodunov," one of the
most poignant pieces of organ liter-
ature. Several orchestra selections
will also be heard on the first con-
cert at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
One of the highlights of the May
Festival series will be the perform-
ance of the Bruckner "Te Deum
laudamus" by the University Choral
Union, directed by Prof. Hardin Van
Deursen, with Eleanor Steber, Her-
tha Glaz, Nicola Moscona and Fred-
erick Jagel in the principal roles,
on the final concert at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. m. CWT) Sunday.
An inspiring sacred hymn, the great
canticle, "Te Deum laudamus," was
composed about the beginning of
the fifth century, A. D.
Choral Work Premieres
Several famous choral works have
had their world premiere or Ameri-
can premiere at the Festival concerts
in past years. "Caractacus" by Elgar,
Moore's "Voage of Aron," "The La-
ment of Beowulf" and "Heroic Elegy"
by Hanson, "A Symphony of Song"
by Strong and the Paul Bunyan "Can-
tata" by James are among the former
Holst's "Hymn of Jesus," "La Pri-
mavera" by Respighi and Delius' "Sea
Drift" had their American premieres
here in 1923-24, respectively.
Court To Hold
Hooper Hearing
JACKSON, Mich., April 30-()-
A circuit court hearing on a writ of
habeas corpus for Pete Apostolo-
polous, alias Mahoney, one of four
men held in connection with the
slaying Jan. 11 of state Senator
Warren G. Hooper, was postponed
until 10 a. m. Tuesday.
Judge John Simpson granted post-
ponement of the hearing, scheduled
for this afternoon, because of the in-
ability of Kim Sigler, special prose-
cutor for the circuit judge Leland
W. Carr one-man grand jury, to at-
Sammy Chivas, another of those
detained by state police, was released
from custody. No reason for either
his detention or release was an-
By The Associated Press
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., April 28-
Gadgets improvised by resourceful
:nn-commissioned officers in the
reconditioning service at Percy Jones
Hospital are playing a big part in
putting many a beribboned wounded
soldier back on his feet.
The story about the "men who
serve the men who served" starts
back when the hospital was new and
little manufactured equipment was
available to use in strengthening
specific muscles for wounded soldiers.
At that time the noncoms figured out
much of their own equipment, and
now that there are "ready made"
gadgets for general use, they continue
to make up new ones for specific
These improvisions, or gadgets as
the soldiers dub them., range from
a complicated series of bed pulleys
to an aluminum grip for golf
sticks with, which an arm amputee
can play golf.
Lt. Louis Grower, former physical
education instructor at a Patterson,
N. J., high school, is pretty proud of
the gadgets worked out by his men,
most of whom were college or high
school instructors themselves before
the war.
The golf grip is Sgt. Ward B.
Carr's baby. Already patented the
grip will be made of aluminum for
coolness and his finger grooves so
placed that the grip will be strong
enough for one armed golf. For sol-
diers wanting to use artificial hands,
Carr, who formerly was golf pro at
the Glastonbury Country Club near
New Haven, has figured out an ex-
tended handle which fits into the
prosthesis at the proper angle.
Carr also has worked out a 10-
foot square collapsible golf range
used at the hospital all winter, and
three machines for special remedial
muscle work. The last is an off
center two-arm crank affair that
operates against resistance like a
bicycle pedal. On the floor level,
when the -atient has to lean over
Burton Thma
Arrives in*.Cifty
Lieut. Burton D. Thuma, absent-
on-leave from the psychology depart-
ment, visited his home in Ann Arbor
last week-end.
Stationed in Cleveland, Ohio, Lieut.
Thuma is serving in thet Navytas
head of the V-12. units at Western
Reserve University and at Case School
of Applied Science.
Before entering the Navy, Lieut.
Thuma was an AsshociatProfessor
of Psychology.
to work it, it builds up leg and arm
muscles-at arm height the crank
strengthens chest and arm muscles,
and above the head the machine
works on abdominal and back
Early in the program another ser-
geant figured out a chest expander
made out of old innertubes. Sgt.'
Dwight Keller made dumbbells, which
patients could use in bed, out of No.
2 tin cans filled with cement.
Then there are the bed pulleys
worked out by Sgt. Everett Ocher-
man, former school principal at
Liberty, N. Y. He had a ward of
boys .who were paralyzed from the
waist down. Their legs were being
massaged constantly so the mus-
cles wouldn't atrophy, but Och-
erman thought perhaps they could
help themselves.
He worked out a series of overhead
pulleys-ropes at one end are at-
tached to soft leather loops around
the patients' paralyzed knees and
ankles. Lying in bed the patient
can then exercise his own legs by
working on the other end of the
ropes much the way one moves pup-
pets around.
JAG "Candidates
Cited for Merit
On Battle fronts
Candidates James L. Johnson and
Frank C. Sergeant, Jr., both of the
12th Officer 'Candidate Class of the
JAG School received awards for out-
standing work overseas, before as-
signment here.
Cand. Johnson will received the
Bronze Star medal, for meritorious
service in Holland, Belgium and Ger-
many as Assistant. Regimental Ad-
jutant from November 15, 1944 to
February 20, 1945, at a formal pres-
entation ceremony at a future date.
In Europe, he served with the 335th
Infantry, 84th Infantry Division.
For outstanding services in the
South Pacific Area from December
16, .1943 to March 7, 1945, Cand. Ser-
geant, has, received a citation from
the Commanding General, 'South
Pacific Base Command. Cand. Ser-
geant was cited for "the highest char-
acter and superior efficiency in
handling legal complexities."
Improvisions of Officers Help
Recondition Wounded Soldiers
Associated Press Correspondent
MANY, April 27.- Capturing Ger-
mans has become so commonplace in
these parts that people have prac-
tically quit talking about it, except
for unusual cases.
. But this was not true a few days
ago. It was then that Capt. Francis
C. Schommer, Seboygan, Wis., put
his improvised "party line surrender
system" into operation.
Capt. Schommer belongs to the
Third Battalion of the 329th Infan-
try Regiment, which then was mak-
ing its rush from th Rhine to the
Elbe River. In addition to usual
methods of capturing prisoners-at
gun's point, for instance-the bat-
talion rigged up a sound truck which
warned enemy soldiers they had bet-
ter call it quits, oi else.
Sound Truck Brealks Down
But one day the sound truck broke
down, and the thunderbolt dough-
boys had no immediate means of
inducing the Germans to surrender
excepting the old shoot-it-out meth-
od, at which they do all right, too.
But theynaturally preferred a less
drastic plan.
"As soon as we captured a town I
hotfooted it over to the local burgo-
meister," he explained. "My German
isn't the best in the world, but it was
good enough to make him understand
I wanted him to call the burgomeister
Little Requests
Cancer Funds
Former 'II Presidenit
Gives Radio Appeal
in the next town just ahead of our
"As soon as he got the next town's
burgomeister on the phone, he would
ask him two questions: 'Are there
any troops in your town?' and 'Do
they want to surrender?'
Three-Way Conversation Ensues
If the answers to both questions
were "Yes," then a three-way conver-
sation ensued. Schommer told his
burgomeister to tell the other town's
burgomeister that white flags were
to be flown from every house-as
ceuspicuously as possjble.
In addition, all soldiers within the
city were to lay down their arms and
go to an open field at the outskirts
of the town, and wait till they could,
be picked up.
"I didn't fail to impress the burgo-
rneister making the call with a clear
idea of what would happen if we got
double-crossed," the captain said.
Syem Works
Sh; omm er's system worked in town
af er town, for ama'zingly enough the
telephone lines fiemained compara-
tively intact, at least in the area
through which the battalion made
its drive.
"However, in Mullingen we ran
into trouble," Schommer said. "After
the tclephone conversation and after
the the white flags had been raised
in the town a Gernian mortar crew
for'ed the civilians to remove the
flags and help the troops to defend
the town. We were forced to pound
the place with artillery."
Otherwise his plan w A:kcd effec-
ively until the sound truck was
operating again.
Complete Typewriter Service
Phone 5888
I .
Enjoy the Music of
0 "
Unless we contribute our moiey
now seventeen million Americans now
living will die of cancer," stated Dr.
Clarence Cook Little, President Emer-
itus of the University, in an address
made during the regular Sunday eve-
ning broadcast of the Detroit Sym-
phony on behalf of the American
Cancer Society's drive for funds.
President of the University from
1925 to 1929, Dr. Little, an eminent l
biologist and author, is now the
managing director of the American
Cancer Society.
The Society's purpose is to educate
the public for the dangers of cancer,
to service the public under the lead-
ership of organized medicine and to
conduct research in the field, he ex-
plained, but the Society cannot con-
tinue its work alone, It must be
aided by public support, he said.
This is a nationwide campaign for
the nationwide participation, he con-
I d
Haydn Symphony No. 88, Toscanini and the N.B.C.
"Der Freischutz" Overture, Boston "Pops" ..
"Madamina" from "Don Giovanni" sung by Baccaloni.
"Death and Farewell of Boris" sung by Chaliapin,
"Prayer of Boris," National Symphony
"Love Music from Boris," National Symphony
"Boris Symphonic Synthesis," Stokowski and the
Available Pinza Recordings
"Mozart Arias and Duets" sung by Ezio Pinza
"Infelice e Tu Credevi" sung by Ezio Pinza.
"Splendor Piu Belle" sung by Ezio Pinza
An Opticeal
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Are you huying all the bonds you can?
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Lt's patriotic to do all these things .. . and sensible,
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We, like you, are trusting in names that are
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Mi nATo- k -aat^^A -f sat i-. rri-
Gershwin's Concerto in F Major," Levant and the N. Y.