j Wy Y 4kF 40 4flt jr t gan tt WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Warmer VOL. LV, No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1945 RedBanneruneReic PRICE FIVE CENTS hsta g * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'Nazi Forces in Italy Virtually Eliminated' - Clark Fifth Finds Turin Seized By Patriots German Divisions Ripped to Shreds By The Associated Press ROME, April 30-German armies in Italy have been "virtually elimi- nated as a military force"'by the shat- tering onslaught of th Allies, Gen. Mark W. Clark announced tonight as American Fifth Army troops marched into the great arseal city of Turin and found it already in the hands of Italian patriots. Gen. Clark, commander of the 15th Army group, declared that the long, bitter campaign which began on the shell-swept beaches at Salerno in Sept., 1943, had ended except for mopping up scattered Nazi resist- ance. 120,000 Prisoners Taken More than 120,000 German prison- ers and tremendous quantities of arms and equipment have been swept up in the maelstrom set off by the British Eighth Army 22 days ago and joined by the American Fifth Army a week later.eTwenty-five Nazi divisions hay ebeen ripped to shreds. "The military power of Germany in Italy has practically ceased, even though scattered fighting may con- tinue as remnants of the German ar- mies are mopped up," said General Clark, Commander of the 15th Army group, in a statement to correspond- ents at his commiand post. Eighth Drives Across Piave British Eighth Army Forces, sweep- ing beyond . captured Venice, drove across the Piave river at a point only 74 miles by highwyy from Trieste around the lhad'of the Adriatic Sea. Elements of the American 91st Divi- sion and South African Armored For- ces captured Treviso, north of Ven- ice, and British troops seized an im- portant bridge across the Piave near Nervesa. The veteran U. S. First Armored Division captured more than .2,000 prisoners In the past 24 hours, including four German major gen- erals. Escape Route Cut Units of the American 10th Moun- tain Division, leading the pursuit of enemy remnants through the Alps toward the Brenner Pass, crossed Lake Garda in storm boats and cap- tured Benito Mussolini's former villa on the west shore at Garganano. They then cut one of the few escape roads left to Brenner Pass. The only report of German resistance was in that area. McKim Takes Advisor Post Truman Aid Becomes Executive Assistant WASHINGTON, April 30-(P)-Big Ed McKim who followed President Truman as a soldier and as a politi- cal campaigner, became his chief ad- ministrative assistant today. The 49-year old Omaha, Neb., in- surance executive was sworn in for the $10,000 job by Justice William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court. The oath was administered at the same time to John W. Snyder, St. Louis Banker, as Federal Loan Admini- strator and Edwin W. Pauley of Cali- iornia as American member of the Reparations Commission with the rank of Ambassador. The 184 pound McKim, six feet one inch tall, has been serving President Truman unofficially since his old bat- tery commander entered the White House April 12. He had told reporters he planned to return to Omaha where he was Executive Vice-President of the News- paper Division of the Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Registration for Blood PANHEL CONVENTION: Traditional Scholarship PrizesA warded to Coeds. More than 900 affiliated women were present at the Panhellenic Con- vention last night at Rackham audi- torium, witnessing the traditional awarding of scholarship and activity prizes. A. E. Phi Takes Scholarship Cup Top scholastic award, presented by Registrar Ira Smith, went to Alpha Epsilon Phi who received the Schol- arship Cup. Second place went to Delta Gamma and third to Kappa Kappa Gamma. The sororities making the highest grades for the past semester were also given acknowledgement. High- est was Kappa Kappa Gamma with Delta Gamma second and Pi Beta Phi third. A. D. Pi Honored Alpha Delta Pi was awarded the top place in war activities. Indivi- dual awards went to Mavis Ken- nedy, senior, Bev Wittan junior, and Joan Wilk, sophomore. Miss Ken- nedy is a member of Delta Delta Delta and Woman's Editor of the Daily. Miss Wittan isar member of Sigma Delta Tau and has been act- ive in League activities. Miss Wilk WMC Aga* st Bomber Plant Hour Change DETROIT, April 30--(/P-The big Willow Run bomber plant operated one eight-hour shift today, but whether it will continue on a 40- hour schedule as announced by the Ford Motor Company apparently is Set to be determined. The company announced the change from two 45-hour work week schedules to spread work remain- ing at the plant among as many as possible of the approximately 15,000 workers on the employment rosters. The Regional War Manpower Com- mission, however, said it would not approve the change. Today Edward L. Cushman, State WMC Director, said the Ford Com- pany had advised him it would "re- main in compliance with WMC reg- ulations," and added that while the eight hour day would be retained, "unless the Ford Motor Company has convinced the WMC by the end of the week that the 40-hour week is desirable, it will call the workmen in on Saturday." The company inadeno comnfl~1t. Cushman said his denial of a'n earlier request by the company for approval of the reduction in hours was based on the need for filling 20,- 000 essential job openings in the De- troit area and the fact that to date neither the War Production Board nor the Ford Motor Company has indicated definite plans for the con- tinued use of Willow Run. Conin11 i~t_1is s in In French Elections PARIS, April 30. -('P-The com- mnist prty won a sweeping victory in yesterday's French municipal e: - tions, the tabulation of more than 15,000,000 3otes show vxa today, ba political analysts were cautious abo contei7mg that the natlno as a whose .ad "gne communis. is assistant chairman of Soph Pro ject and a Junior Night Editor on the Woman's Staff of the Michigan Daily. Introduced by Jean Gaffney, gen- eral chairman of the function, Dean Alice Lloyd gave a talk on "The New Challenge to Sorority Leadership." Results of the formal rushing were given by Peg Laubengayer, Panhel- ienic President and Jo Livermore, Panhellenic Rushing Secretary. Out of the 732 coeds signing up for rush- ing, 336 were pledged, said Miss Liver- more, Kappa Kappa Gamma, winner of the 1944 Sing Sup sang "Drink to Those Kappa Memories." Munich Falls To Triumphant .U.S. Seventh Organized Resistance Is Largely Crushed By The Associated Press PARIS, Tuesday, May 1.-Munich, birthplace of the Nazi movement and the third greatest city of Germany, fell last night to the triumphant U.S. Seventh Army after a short but sav- age one-day battle. Gen. Jacob L. Devers, commander of the Sixth Army group, hailed the fall of Munich as the accomplish- mient of one principal objective of his Army group and declared. "It may well affect the final stages of the war to a degree second only to the fall of Berlin." All organized resistance was crush- ed in the three-quarters of Munich lying west of the Isar River and to- day doughboys were crossing the stream to clear cut snipers from the final quarter. Plunge into Alps More than 50 miles south of this reputed northern citadel of the Naz- is' last-stand fortress in the Alps, other Seventh Army tanks and in- fantry plunged into the Bavarian Alp 12 miles northwest of Inns- bruck at the northern end of the Brenner Pass, imperiling the entire German position in the west third of the redoubt. Amid reports that the Germans were trying to negotiate final su: render, Gen. Eisenhower's armtis hammered aheadin both the north and south. Two New Junctins The U.S. First and Ninth Armies made two new junctions with the Russians on the Elbe southwest of Berlin and were about to snap shut a trap on large numbers of the capi- tal's defenders farther north. The U.S. 82nd Airborne Division, fighting as part of the British Seconil Army, forced a second crossing of the Elbe River in the Hamburg sector and Ciove north about two miles. The British in their own bridge- head 20 miles east of Hamburg wre at least six miles beyond the river and were 25 miles south of Lueeck, whose fall would seal off the north German province of Schleswig-Hol- stein as well as Denmark. The U.S. Third Army seized con- t ol of 60 miles of the Isar Rive: ortheast of Munich, cross -1 it at '.4ree points, and armored "mns fcught 65 miles north of oalzbur , eastern anchor of the redoubt. Stalin Says Final Assault Underway Soviets Celebriatet Vietorious May Day; Germans Say Capital 'As Good As Lost' By The Associated Press LONDON, Tuesday, May 1.-The Soviet banner of victory floated over the gutted shell of the German Reichstag in Berlin today and Red Army troops were splitting the remaining defenders in what Premiers Stalin formally described as "the last assault". Stalin, in a special order of the day, said that the Russians were celebrating this May Day "under conditions of the victorious termination of the great patriotic war." GERMAN SS WOMEN BURY THEIR VICTIMS AT BELSEN-German SS women are forced to work under guard of armed British tommies at Belsen concentration camp, Germany, bruying in a common grave hundreds of bodies of their former prisoners, who were killed by pro- longed and brutal mass mistreatment and neglect. This is a British official photo. VENGEFUL PATRIOTS: Mussolini Killed by Partisans; Graziani Reported Executed By The Associated Press MILAN, April 30-A rude wooden coffin in the Milan morgue tonight held the reviled and misshapen body of Benito Mussolini, while Italian partisans in numerous demonstra- tions paid homage to their own pa- triot dead. There were conflicting reports on the fate of Marshal Rodolfo Graziani. Unofficial word received at National Liberation Committee headquarters said the former Chief of Staff at the Italian army had been tried by par- tisans and executed. Another report said he had been taken into custody by an American officer shortly before the trial started and removed to Al- lied headquarters. Demonstrations in Milan Demonstrations continued in Milan during the day as funerals were held for patriots who were killed in the revolt last week. However, the prefect of the Milan region, acting upon instructions by the Italian Government and Allied military authorities ,issued ai procla- mation ordering immediate cessation of summary judgments and arbitrary executions. Violators of the order were warned that "Italian and AMG authorities will adopt extremely se- vere measures." Tihe bodies of Mussolini, 61-year- AnliSemitism Discussed by Emily.Newcomb "Hitler has proven that it is pos- sible to educate against anti-Semi- tism through literature by burning the books which have attempted to do just this service," Prof. Emily Newcomb of the English department of Wayne University stated in an address given last nightat the Hillel Foundation on the topic "Education Against Anti-Semitism Through Lit - erature". Literature which will fight anti- Semitism must present a broa i'r picture of the Jew instead of just harping t--n certain types such as the immigrant, the vic m of a concen- tration cai. p, the money seeker or the philos)iher, Prof. Newcomb said. Another good form for such litera- old former dictator and Fascist lead- er; his beautiful young mistress, Clar- etta Petacci; and 17 of his Fascist followers were removed to the morgue today reportedly at the request of Cardinal Schuster, who had appealed to the people when Milan was liber- ated to suspend all cruelty and leave justice to regular tribunals. Bodies Mutilated After Mussolini and his compan- ions had been shot by partisans near Como Saturday, the bodies were first thrown on the ground of the Piazza Quindici Martin (square of the 15 martyrs, formerly the Piazza Loreta) where they were kicked and mutilat- ed. The executioner, identified only as a member of.the Communist Caribaldi Brigade No. 52, was quoted as saying that Mussolini, as he emerged from a house where he and Claretta, the last of his mistresses, had been held after their capture, turned toward him and said "I'll offer you an em- DirOL" Sculpture Exhibit ri. , WEil Begin iodlay The sixteenth annual exhibition of sculpture, under the sponsorship of the University of Michigan Institute of Fine Arts will be held in the con- course of the Lcague today through June 23. On dispkty will be 31 scullptires by 21 students working under the Uni- versity's famed sculptor, Prof. Avard Fairbanks. In addition, seven studies by Prof. Fairbanks will be exhibited. Among these will be "Flag Raising at Iwo Jima". Germans Stubborn An early-morning supplement to the regular Moscow communique said, however, that the Germans, now squeezed into the center of Berlin, were stubbornly keeping street cross- ings and houses under heavy fire, "killing in the process the civilian population of the city." Soviet troops were within a mile of tearing the capital into two isolat- ed pockets each less than nine square miles. They hard won the Ministry of Interior near the Reichstag, were laying siege to Hitler's underground fortress in the Tiergarten, were at Berlin's tiumphal arch, the Branden- burg gate, and were across the Spree River from Berlin's cathedral. Nazis Admit Defeat Imminent German broadcasts admitted that the 10-day battle for the devastated capital was as good as lost, while Premier Stalin, in a May Day order of the day, said that the war was approaching its end and declared: "The last assault is on." Stalin said that 1,800,000 Germans had been killed or captured during the last three to four months of fight- ing on the Eastern front. His an- nouncement meant that 11,540,000 German casualties had been inflicted by the Red Army in less than four years of war. As 9,000 more Nazi troops surrend- ered in Berlin, raising to 65,500 the toll of enemy dead and captured in four days, north of the dying capital Red Army troops, rolling out mile- an-hour gains across Mecklenburg province, seized the Baltic port of Greifswald and smashed within 42 miles of Rostock. The island-bound port of Swinemuende was isolated. Yanks Sweep To Within 17 Miles of Davao MANILA, Tuesday, May 1--P)--- Overrunning elaborate gun emplace- ments, 24th Division doughboys swept to within 17 miles of Davao city Sun- day while guerrillas seized five-mile- long Talikud Island, nine miles off that big Mindanao port. Maj..Gen. Roscoe Woodruff's Yanks, drove 10 miles from Digos up to the western shore of Davao Gulf against disorganized resistance, Gen. Douglas MacArthur reported today. The extensive system of antiaircraft positions and intact coastal guns seiz- ed in the advance indicated the Japa- nese expected and had prepared for an assault on Davao Gulf proper. In- stead, the Americans came overland from their landing in Moro Gulf. Lack of opposition on the southern approaches nonetheless surprised the Americans. Himmlef Is Conferring In Denmark British Press Expects Armistice Overtures By The Associated Press LONDON, April 30.- The Free Press Service in Stockholm said that Heinrich Himmler conferred in Den- mark this morning with Count Folke RErnadotte, the neutral Swedish em- issary by whom he sent his offer to surrender Germany to Britain and the United States last week. The British Press Association stat- sd that "there is no longer any doubt that armistice moves ae in progress and moving swiftly." Meet at Aaenraa The H imler-Be ldd&ote meeting, said to ha ac taken place at Aabn- raa just noi th of the Gernan-Dan- ish border, was belived to be the second cowaerence of the two men in two days. Since it had been officially dis- closed that last week's surrender offer by Himmler reached the west- ern Allies through Bernadotte, re- ports of a new contact gave rise to speculation that a new phase in Ger- man surrender attempts had opened. First Offer Refused The first offer was refused because it was not addressed to Russia as well as to Britain and the United States. There was no indication whether Himmler was now ready to yield to all three powers. In London, British Cabinet minis- 'ers held a long meEting today and wer ordered to stand by, It was said that Prime Mmniser Winstoa Churchill might make a statement n Commons tomorro g- on undis- Alosad subject matter. Admit Defeat M14-antime, the Hamburg radio de- ,lared that, "Everybody knows thet this war is drawing to an end with giant strides," and added: "The di one of UALte might last ;ome weeks longer. Bat it may end Tomorrow. The broadcast, by Dr. Feinz Schar ping, urged Germans to maintain 'our imner values, our belief in Ger- many" whatever the outcome. Sugar Ration For May Is Cut Higher Point Value on Many Foodstuffs Seen WASHINGTON, April 30-(P)-The American sugar ration was cut 25 per cent tonight and higher point values for some other foodstuffs were hinted as officials called on the nation to share with stricken peoples of liber- ated Europe. There were these developments: Judge Samuel I. Roseman, White House advisor, reported after a sur- vey of northwest Europe that the United States should supply a "sub- stantial share" of civilian needs there. He said this would probably cut into American rations, but said it was necessary to alleviate war-breeding distress and nrotet the American * * t* ACREMANT COMEDY: Cercle Francais Will Present Ces Dames' TonorrowNight STILL MORE NEEDED: May Blood Bank Quota Nearly Comnpleted b 200 Civilians Almost 200 civilians signed up yes- terday for the May Blood Bank, near- ly filling on the first day of the drive the campus quota of 230 pints of blood. "Campus response to the Blood been no blood drive in over ten weeks, all ceivilins are eligible to contribute now. Appo tmcncts for bJond donation, were rmae for the hours between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. EWT (11:30 and 3:30 CWT) Thursday and Friday, The performance of "Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts" at 8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 o.m. CWT) tomorrow, at zevski will play opposite her in the role of Jacques. Shirley Schwartz will take the part of Telcide.