THE -MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRRIL 29, 19.5 frFitga ally Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: New 'Peace-Makers' Developed CHINESE MASS EDUCATION MOVEMENT: Prof. Bader Reviews'Tell the People' U0 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho DavesLoewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor * . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . * . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- ter, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 EPRESENTED FOR NATIONA. AVERT1ING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON *Los AGEL9 *"SA FANCSO NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Means To An End IN AN EDITORIAL printed in Friday's Daily, Milt Freudenheim states that the Dumbarton Oaks plan for world security is so imperfect as to be almost worthless. He argues that an organization based on "national rather than popular sovereignty" will be foredoomed to fail- ure. "What value can there be in an organization to uphold peace and the rights of men if that organization is composed of appointed repre- sentatives from fifty odd sovereign nations?" the writer asks. The answer is simply that such an organization will, at least, exist. Granted that a scheme grounded on nationalities instead of world equality is imperfect; it has the obvious advantage of being acceptable to an imperfect world. And thereby it stands a chance of be- coming practical and workable, a stepping- stone toward the ideal for which we are not yet ready. It is unwise to discard the best within our reach simply because it falls short of what we ultimately desire. Dumbarton Oaks is a means to an end, the best we are likely to realize for the present, and we must accept it as such. There is no logic in becoming so infatuated with a glittering ideal of perfection that we despise the faltering devices by which alone the perfection can be attained. -Mary Brush Concessions T3HE CONCESSIONS being made by various countries at the San Francisco Conference presage an approximation of the hoped-for Utopia, but also point out a flaw which might prove disastrous. The lining-up of some Latin-American nations and the British Commonwealth with Russia is an admirable example of working, conceding cooperation. As the Associated Press story of April 25 reported rather editor- ially, "It isn't that they would like to see Russia get two extra votes. But they would prefer that to any breakdown of the confer- ence." Viewpoints and demands will differ and some "middle ground" on which most nations agree must be found. Concessions must be made, since international cooperation is a matter of give and take. And yet, the yielding must not proceed to the point at which the interest of the majority of the nations does not prevail. The path of extreme concessions leads to a preponderance of the power of one nation, a cause of many past wars, --Pat Cameron No Dogs Allowed "No DOGS or other animals will be permitted in the building"- from the Union House Rules. Yet every day, several dogs from the size of large cats to small horses are allowed to By DREW PEARSON SAN FRANCISCO--This conference has de- veloped a new breed of international peace- makers. They are called consultants.. They represent labor, the farmers, different religious groups, the Negroes, the lawyers, the American Legion, Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, in fact almost every walk of American life. The job of the consultant is 'a little nebulous. If you ask one of them what he does, he will look a little blank and reply: "I consult." Sonic of the American delegates (a delegate is a full-fledged member of the U.S. delegation ranking alongside the Secretary of State) also are vague about the consultants. Among them is brainy, bustling Senator Arthur Vandenberg, who has turned out to be the dominating member of the U.S. delegation. At a private dinner given by G.O.P. Senator Owen Brewster of Maine in honor of Ed Stet- tinius and 12 Republican senators before San Francisco, the question of consultants was Morgan & Co. Deny Financing Germans EDITOR'S NOTE: J. P. Morgan & Co. made the fol- lowing statement in reference to Drew Pearson's column which apeared Friday, April 27th: The column of Drew Pearson released for April 27th contains references to Morgan & Cie., Paris, to a French partner of that firm, and to J. P. Morgan & Co. that are cruel, wholly false, and libelous. Certain of them purport to have been made by the Nazi administrator in occupied France -- a strange source for the emanation of reliable information. The fact is that Morgan & Cie refused to do business with the Germans during the war. The French partner is a loyal Frenchman now serving in the French army. The position of J. P. Morgan & Co. during this war and the last is too well known to need de- fense from these charges. threshed out. Stettinius raised the point in telling G.O.P. senators about the coming confer- ence. "Van doesn't like the idea of consultants," Stettinius volunteered. "You bet I don't like it," shot back the gentle- man from Michigan. "You've got 35 organiz- ations represented at San Francisco, and you've got 335 left out that are going to be sore as blazes. Vandenberg's Coattails ... "FURTHERMORE," continued Vandenberg, "how are they going to consult? The State Department has given 'em a priority to get to San Francisco and a hotel room after they get there. But that's all. I suppose they'll wear a badge, which will be a sort of hunting license -a hunting license to consult. "As I get it," concluded the Senator from Michigan, "that means a license to hang on my coattails and consult while I walk through the corridors." However, the role of the consultant is grad- ually developing at San Francisco and prom- ises to be a democratic step forward in inter- national conferences. The consultants are being called in every day to get a summary of the proceedings-a peep at what goes on behind the scenes. Just how much handsome young Stettinius will take before he lets his hair down and gives them the real dope remains to be seen. But Stettinius really seems sincere in wanting dif- ferent groups, representing varied walks of the American public, to be in the know regarding some phases of the conference. And one thing is certain: He will bind in most of the con- sultants so they will form a powerful body of opinion to get public approval of his treaty, no matter what it is. PASTTENSE FRATERNITIES, or, rather, fraternity (there was only one) was the source of state-wide controversy in 1846 when a faculty investigator traced a student rumpus to a log cabin in the depths of a wood called the Black Forest, east of campus. 44* * The cabin housed the Chi Psis and was the first chapter house in; the country until its members were expelled from the University in 1849-50 in company with those of Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Delta Phi. .The faculty, responsible for the exodus, regarded fratern- ities "... as a great irresponsible authority, a monster power which lays hands on every col- lege faculty in our country." . There was, fear of "debauchery, drunkenness, pugilism, and duelling." The dispute culminated in a state-wide uproar, letters asking advice of Eastern Universities, and finally, in the establishment of the "status quo" as before. -Milt Freudenheim Setinius' Team .. . EXACTLY what happened between President Roosevelt and the group of fighting senators who opposed the confirmation of the new team of State Department millionaires including Jimmie Dunn, Julius Holmes, Will Clayton and Nelson Rockefeller, can now be revealed for the first time. It has important bearing on the question of whether Truman will keep them on. On the last morning of the debate against confirmation of the Stettinius-Hopkins team, Senator James Murray of Montana came to a caucus in Senator Guffey's (Pennsylvania) of- fice. Also present was hard-hitting Senator Claude Pepper of Florida. Murray pointed out that Senator Bilbo and Senator LaFollette had just about walked out on the fight, and sug- gested that they consult the White House, since President Roosevelt had returned to the execu- tive mansion that morning. After much debate, Senator Guffey agreed to call the President. He picked up the phone, and told Roosevelt that opposition to the confirm- ation of the State Department was based on very sound grounds, primarily that the new State Department clique would try to scuttle F.D.R's foreign policy. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Republican Party By SAMUEL GRAFTON CONSIDER the Republican party, for its troubles are many. It is split. Part of it wants to go forward into the brave new world, and part of it doesn't. The "intellectual" wing of the party, consist- ing of the Willkie forces, the New York Herald Tribune, Harold E. Stassen, etc., would like to cut tariffs, and see us move ahead into a broader world trade. But the intellectual wing of the party has very few members in Con- gress. It is a curious situation; the party's most glamorous and presentable figures have next to no organizational power. The truly exciting Republican pronounce- ments these days come from newspapers aligned with the party, from. a former governor with an eye on the presidency, from friends of Will- kie. But when we turn to Congress, the picture changes almost completely. In the lower House, all ten Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee are engaged in deadly warfare against a bill to cut our tariffs further. They are working at this like shock troops, without a doubt in their minds.1 The party's honorary colonels may imagine that they are heading up the parade, but if they will look back over their shoulders, they will see that the privates and non-corns of the G.O.P. organization have turned up another street altogether. Governor Dewey, as titular head of the party, whatever that means, is in an admir- able position to bring the two factions to- gether on a program. . But the Governor has always made it a kind of mystery as to which wing he really belongs to; and he has not lifted the veil since the campaign ended. Mr. Dewey is not really a bridge connecting the two fac- tions, he is more of a secret tunnel between them. In the absence of his leadership, another solu- tion is being found. It is a strange and desper- ate one. The Republican party seems to be slowly evolving the policy of being for Dumbar- ton Oaks (or San Francisco) and for nothing else. This is its compromise. This is its effort to lift the mists and headaches of conflict from party councils. It will support the verbal side of the peace, the structural side of the peace, the ad- jectival side of the peace. But it will oppose the the concrete side of the peace, the lower-tariffs and-Bretton-Woods side, the substantive side of the peace. It is not a question of whether the party sincerely believes, on evidence, that a world organization is enough, and that we don't really need economic measures. Nor is it a question of a sinister Republican plot against international economic measures. It is a case of a party fumbling for a compromise which will hold its forces together. * : > But the price for holding the Republican party together in this way may be for the world to fly apart; and it would be of only limited nation- al usefulness to come out with a united Repub- lican party on a disunited globe. From the national point of view our prob- lem is not one of unity within the Republican party, but of unity between the leaders of that party, and the new President. It will be a tragedy if any considerable number of G.O.P. internationalists sell out for the lesser unity. Even from the G.O.P.'s point of view, it might be said that the party's troubles over the last fifteen years are due to the fact that it has never made its peace with the majority; and any petty unity it can find, entirely within itself, on the terms outlined above, will prove another false cure for its headache. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) TELL THE PEOPLE by Pearl Buck. John Day Co. $1.50 A MORE unpretentious book on China than this would be hard to find. "Tell the People" is a record of Pearl Buck's talks with James Yen on the Chinese Mass Education Movement, of which he is the found- er and leader. Because the Move- ment has already been influential in China, and because it is conceivable that it may be of even greater sig- nificance in a post-war China brought into closer relationship with the United States, the volume should be of interest to American readers. Much of the book is given over to the history, aims, and methods of the Mass Education Movement. James Yen, as reported by the au- thor, tells of how he studied in the United States, went to France dur- ing World War I as a welfare work- er attached to Chinese labor bat- talions, and thus became interest- ed in the problem of illiteracy in China. He worked out a simplified or "basic" Chinese, consisting of one thousand of the most common- ly used characters, and taught this simplified Chinese to the illiterate coolies. He then discovered that his students had nothing to read, since a knowledge of several thou- sand characters is necessary to the reading of ordinary printed mate- rial. This difficulty he solved by starting a small newspaper of his own, limiting it to the "thousand characters." Thus for the first time in their lives the coolies read of national and world events. After the close of the war, James Yen returned to China, and encour- aged by his success in his initial ven- ture, interested others in his scheme for combatting illiteracy. He set up a demonstration center in Tinghsien, staffed it with volunteer teachers, and was once again successful. Other centers followed, but by this time the original idea of teaching illiterates to read and write had expanded into a four-point program: education, Dominic Says CAN WE UNDERSTAND San Fran- cisco without beingtreligious? Prof. Ernest M. Ligon is the director of a series of educational experiments at Union College, Schenectady, New York, that illustrate a twofold thesis, namely: Attitudes are the goal of family life and churches have been entrusted with the destiny of human- ity. In his "Psychology of the Chris- tian Personality" he restates the eight Beatitudes given by Jesus in the fifth chapter of Mathew's gospel in psychological terms, as follows: "Happy are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" is the attitude he calls Vision. "Happy are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" he calls Love of Righteousness and Truth. "Happy are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" is the at- titude of Faith in the Friendliness of the Universe. "Happy are the pure in heart for they shall see God" is the attitude he calls Dominating Purpose. "Happy are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted" is the attitude of Being Sensitive to the Needs of Others. "Happy are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" is the at- titude of Forgiveness. "Happy are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God" is the attitude of Mag- nanimity. "Happy are they who are perse- cuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven" becomes the attitude of Christian Courage. Had we of the Christian Church taught the Sermon on The Mount successfully, using all of our western facilities of education, counseling, and social science to produce in our population the attitudes Jesus there announced, the San Francisco dele- gates could convene expecting a world order to function. In his "Their Future Is Now", a book specifically developed to set forth the application of his theory of Christian traits, Prof. Ligon ap- plies a series of teaching principles grade by grade for use in teaching these attitudes and m e a s u r i n g growth in religious behavior. In concluding, an article in Re- ligious Education, Nov.-Dec. 1944, Prof. Ligon says, "The laws of char- acter and personality are as inher- ent in the nature of the universe as the laws of gravitation." .In a way the calling of the San Fran- cisco Conference presupposes that mankind has these attitudes and, given adequate social and political instruments, will practice them. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education in, new methods in agriculture were taught, farm co-operatives were es- tablished, and an interest in local government was stimulated. In other words, illiteracy was no longer re- garded as the only cause of the de- pressed condition of the Chinese masses. "Any people in any part of the world are entitled to a minimum of educaion, a minimum of livelihood, a minimum of health and self-rule," Mr. Yen maintains, and his demon- stration centers, backed to some ex- tent by the Chinese government, were well on their way to attaining this minimum when the war intervened. The final expansion of Mr. Yen's ideas is his recommendation of his program "for three-fourths of the world's people because it is a pro- gram for reconstruction which can be carried out by the people them- selves." It is only fair to point out that despite the very tangible successes at the demonstration centers the Movement has had critics almost from the start. Some exponents of popular education in China main- tain that the traditional system of character writing must be aban- doned in favor of a phonetic tran- script in Roman letters of the Chi- nese speech sounds. Others point out that graduates of the Movement's public health, agriculture, and self- schools are not equipped to read Chi- government. Doctors were brought nese books or newspapers: they arc limited to special material written in the thousand characters. Still others argue that many learn the characters only to forget them almost immediately, and that the demon- stration centers operate under ideal conditions which cannot be duplicat- ed throughout China. Mr. Yen makes no attempt to answer such criticisms. His ideal- ism and faith in his program are apparent in his every statement, and the influence of his work upon elementary education in China is generally recognized. Of the future of the Movement in post-war China, Mr. Yen says nothing. Un- doubtedly China will experience a great post-war expansion of popu- lar education under government auspices, but the students will be the youth of China. The peculiar merit of Mr. Yen's project is that it attempts to render adults liter- ate, to transform millions within one generation, and that in its later development it attemps to improve the conditions of life among the poorer classes. On the basis of Mr. Yen's record in dem- onstration centers, it seems only right that he should be given an opportunity to continue his work on a larger scale. -A. L. Bader 4 A- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ;'il SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 134 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hal, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, May 2, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Interviewing for junior positions and for the central committee of Junior Girls project will be extended to next week. Interviewing will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 Tuesday in the Council Room. Those sopho- mores who were unable to arrange for an interview this week should sign up for one on Tuesday. The sign-up sheet will be posted today in the Undergraduate office in the League. State of Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements for Telephone Operator A2, salary $135 to $155 per month, Cartographic Engineering Draftsman I, $180 to $220 per month, Cartogra- phic Engineer II, and III, $230 to $340 per month, Statistician II, III, and IV, $230 to $420 per month, and Law Stenographer A, $150 to $170 per month, have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncements for the following, have been received in our office. City Plan Effectuatorsalary $4,761, Sr. City Plan Effectuator, salary $6,230, Sr. Social Economist, salary $3,750 to $4,260, Prin. Social Economist, salary $4,830 to $5,451, Sr. City Planner Grade I, salary $3,933, Sr. City Plan- ner Grade II, salary $4,761, and Prin- cipal City Planner, salary $5,451. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments.. Senior Engineers, Business Admin- istration and Chemistry: Mr. G. D. Close of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is interested in interview- ing Seniors for positions. He will be in Rm. 218' West Engineering Build- ing on Monday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Thomas Whittemore, Director of the Byzan- tine Institute, will lecture on the subject "The Mosaics of S. Sophia" (illustrated) at 3:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 1, in the Rackham Amphithea- ter under the auspices of the Depart- ments of Greek and History. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture. Dr. Chiang Monlin, President of the Provisional National University of China, will speak on "Educational Problems of China," on Monday, May 7, at 3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater, under the auspices of the Department Concerts Organ Recital: Mary McCall Stub- bins, organist at the First Methodist Church, will appear in recital as guest organist in Hill Auditorium, this afternoon, April 29, at 3 :15 CWT. A graduate of the School of Music, Mrs. Stubbins has planned a 'pro- gram to include works by Fresco- baldi, Bach, Liszt, Howells, and Sow- erby. The recital is'open to the gen- eral public. Student Recital: Betty Jean Huser, a student in piano under Joseph Brinkman, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 7:30 p.m. CWT, Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. Miss Huser's program will consist of compositions by Bach, Beethoven and Ravel. The public is cordially invited. May Festival Concerts. To avoid confusion and embarrassment, the sympathetic co-operation of Festival concert-goers is respectfully request- ed, as follows: The public will please come suf- ficiently early as to be seated on time, since doors will be closed and latecomers will not be admitted dur- ing numbers. Holders of season tickets will please detach the coupons for the respective concerts before leaving home, and present for admission, instead of pre- senting the entire season ticket. Those leaving the auditorium dur- ing intermission are required to pre- sent door checks for re-admission. Parking regulations will be en- forced by the Ann Arbor Police De- partment. The several concerts will take place as follows: Thursday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 C.W.T.)-Ezio Pinza, bass; Philadel- phia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Friday, May 3, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 C.W.T.) - Oscar Levant, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra; Choral Union; Eugene Ormandy and Hardin Van Deursen, conductors. Saturday, May 5, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30 C.W.T.) -Zino Francescatti, violinist; Festival Youth Chorus; Paul Leyssac; narrator; Philadelphia Orchestra; Saul Caston and Marguerite Hood, conductors. Saturday, May 5, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 C.W.T.-Bidu Sayao, soprano; Rosa- lind Nadell, contralto; Women's Chorus of the Choral Union; Saul Caston and Hardin Van Deursen, conductors. Sunday, May 6, 2:30 E.W.T. (1:30 C.W.T.) - Rudolf Serkin, pianist; Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, conductor. Sunday, May 6, 8:30 E.W.T. (7:30 C.W.T.) -Eleanor Steber, soprano; Hertha Glaz, contralto; Frederick Jagel, tenor; Nicola Moscona, bass; University Choral Union; Philadel- phia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy and Hardin Van Deursen, conductors. 1 ,# Exhibitions BARNABY And so, O'Malley Enterprises is fundamentally sound- Er, such phenomena are difficult to explain. Back in 1930a theory of sun spots was promulgated- By Crockett Johnson Cop,,,,,,.,,45. Th NewspapePMI. ~ CPWhen Jake finishes his audit we'll have a clear, realistic, Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture of the Institute of Fine Arts, in the Concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Opening eve- ning May 1, after which display will be on view daily until Commence- ment. Events Today Inter-Guild Council: All members of the Inter-Guild Council are re- .4