Sir ignn
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Hayward Keniston
Appointed Dean of
Literary College
Romance Language Chairman Replaces
Dean Kraus, on Retirement Furlough
Prof. Hayward Keniston, chairman of the Department of Romance
Languages and a graduate of Harvard University, was appointed dean of
the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in a between semesters
meeting of the Board of Regents here Feb. 23.
Prof. Keniston was named to replace Dean Edward H. Kraus who
began his retirement furlough Feb. 24.
Veterans returning to the Univer-
Tanks Roll Into
Tottering Cologne
la,> -
Fascists Riot
In Bucharest
Bands Roam Streets
Unchecked by Police
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Mar. 5-A Tass news
dispatch reported today that pro-
Fascist bands were rioting in the
streets of Bucharest and tearing pic-
tures of United Nations leaders from
buildings in the Romanian capital,
which has been without a government
since that of Prime Minister Radescu
resigned a week ago.j
The Tass report quoting the Ro-
manian newspaper Momentul said
that bands of legionnaires, protected
by Radescu's Ministry of the Inter-
ior, were racing through the streets
in automobiles, shooting up the
homes of democratic leaders, and
spreading panic among the popula-
(A delayed Associated Press dis-
patch from Budapest, filed Saturday,
made no mention of disturbances at
that time.)
The Russian press did not com-
ment, though the situation appeared
worse than at any time since the
Rdssian-Romanian armistice was
Daily Staff'
sity hereafter will pay tuition fees
based on their place of residence, the
Regents ruled. By law the Univer-
sity is permitted to charge the men
non-resident fees.
In other business the Regents ac-
cepted gifts totaling $14,700 and
approved engineering research con-
tracts worth nearly $35,000. The
Regents also approved secretarial
training courses under the direction
of the business administration
Dean Keniston first came to the
University in 1940 from the Univer-
Nazi Armies
Pressed into
Two Pockets
Stargard, Naugard
'aken by Russians
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Mar. 6, Tuesday-Rus-
Sian troops, anchoring their Pomer-
anian flank securely on the Baltic
coast, yesterday wheeled toward Stet-
tin and captured that port's outer
bastions of Stargard and Naugard,
while other Soviet forces to the
northeast cut deeper into two pock-
ets where possibly 200,000 Germans
were trapped.
Stargard Overwhelmed
* Overwhelming Stargard in a vi-
cious street battle that cost the
Germans 4,000 killed, the Russians
pushed on toward Altdamm, east
bank Oder River crossing town just
opposite Stettin and 15 miles west
of Stargard. Altdamm and other
localities ringing Stettin, Pomeran-
ian capital and Berlin's main port,
were reported under Soviet artillery
Naugard, 22 miles north of Star-
gard, also fell as the Russians folded
back the Germans into an 1,800-
square-mile pocket in which the en-
emy was battling with his back to a
45-mile waterline formed by the
lower Oder, Stettin Bay and the
Dievenow River.
Koberg, on the Baltic 65 miles
northeast of Stettin, also was being
stormed by Soviet troops "under cov-
er of a blizzard," Berlin said. The
enemy broadcast claimed that the
Russians had been held in the frin-
ges of the town, site of a large Amer-
ican prisoner of war camp.
Two-Thirds of
Iwo Captured
QUARTERS, Guam, Tuesday, Mar. 6
-(M)-U. S. Marines grimly pressing
Iwo Jima's strongly-entrenched Jap-
anese toward the northern and north-
eastern cliffs made no major attack
Monday but broke up a number of
enemy attempts to infiltrate Ameri-
can positions.
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said in his
communique today the battle lines
remained substantially unchanged as
the three divisions of Marines, who
hold two-thirds or more of Iwo, con-
solidated their holdings elsewhere on
the small but vital island where fight-
ing is now in its 16th day.
A GERMAN PRISONER STRIKES A FINAL BLOW-A German prisoner who exploded a grenade while
being searched by American captors lies dead on the ground (right center). Four doughboys have been
wounded by the blast. One, near the foot of tree at left, is struggling to rise, while the man standing
nearest him is unable to help because he has been badly wounded. The two other Yanks are but slightly
wounded but dazed by the blast.
New appointments to the senior
staff of The Daily for the spring
semester have been announced by
the Board in Control of Student Pub-
Evelyn Phillips, '45, was reappoint-
ed managing editor while Margaret
Farmer, '46, was named editorial di-
rector. Ray Dixon, '45, who was for-
merly associate editor, was appointed
city editor and Paul Sislin, '46, took
his place as associate editor.
The Board named Dick Strickland,
'45, business manager and Martha
Schmitt, '45, and Kay McFee asso-
ciate business managers. All of the
appointees come from the Detroit
area with the exception of Miss
Farmer, whose home is in Flint, and
Miss Schmitt, who lives in Cleve-
land Heights, 0.
In addition, Mary Brush, '47, and
Lois Iverson, '47, were named full
night editors by the Board and Char-
lotte Bobrecker, '47, Bettyann Larsen,
47, and Annette Shenker, '47 were
appointed assistant night editors.
Dr. Ra*ey Will
Speak Saturday
Dr. Homer P. Rainey, former pres-
ident of the University of Texas and
nationally-known educator 'will dis-
cuss "Education Problems in the
South" at an open meeting at 2:30
p.m. Saturday in thenRackham Audi-
Dr. Rainey was removed from his
post in Texas for alleged "un-Ameri-
can activities" involving his insis-
tence that the Sacco and Venzetti
case be taught in U. of Texas classes.
University President Dr. Alexander
G. Ruthven will introduce Dr. Rainey.
Included in the campus groups
sponsoring the lecti.ue are : the Hillel
Foundation, Michigan Youth forI
Democratic Action, the Inter-racial
Association, Postewar Council, the
Student Religious Association, and
The Michigan Daily.
. . . Literary School Dean.
sity of Chicago. While a member of
the faculty here, he accepted an ap-
pointment to the staff of the U. S.
State Department in Buenos Aires
and was cultural attache there for
two years from 1942 to 1944. Dean
Keniston has taught Romance lang-
uages at Harvard, Cornell and Chi-
Born July 5, 1883 in Somerville,
Mass., Dean Keniston received his
A. B, degree from Harvard in 1904.
He also was awarded degrees of A. M.
and Ph. D. in 1910 and 1911. He is
a fellow of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences, member of the
American Philosophical Society and
the Hispanica Society.
Retiring Dean Kraus was pro-
fessor of crystallography and min-
eralogy and holds the Roebling
Medal, emblematic of international
leadership in mineralogy. He was
born Dec. 1, 1875, in Syracuse, N. Y.,
and is a graduate of Syracuse Uni-
versity, receiving a B. S. degree
the~re in 1896. In 1901 he earned a
Ph. D. degree at1the University
of Munich in Germany. Dean Kraus
first came to the University in 1904.
He served as dean of the College of
Pharmacy from 1923 to 1933 when
he was appointed dean of the Lit-
erary School.
The list of gifts accepted by the.
Regents was headed by a grant of
$3,800 from Parke, Davis and Com-
pany to continue research in antibiot-
ics. Through Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean
of Women, $1,227 was granted to es-
tablish the Florice Holmes Memorial
Loan Fund in memory of the late
University medical student.
The secretarial training courses
under the direction of the business
administration school approved by
the Regents consist of office prac-
tice, stenography, typing and office
management. Heretofore, the sec-
retarial program had been part of
the Division of Emergency Train-
U' Enrollment
Figures Total
Over 8,000
Fewer Servicemen,
More Civilians Listed
Latest but not final University en-
rollment totals, 8,111, reveal an over-
all civilian increase over the 1944
spring term of more than 15 per
cent while the number of students in
the armed forces has dropped slight-
ly more than 30 per cent.,
As The Daily went to press there
were 284 more men and 493 more
women enrolled this term as com-
pared with the 1944 total of the Mon-
day following the first days of regis-.
Because of the reduction of the
Army ASTP program, there Cas been
a net loss of 497 students.
Enrollment thus far includes: men,
1,862; women, 4,043; navy trainees,
1,282; army trainees, 924; total, 8,111.
1944 spring term registration in-
cluded: men, 1,578; women, 3,550;j
navy trainees, 1,241; arniy trainees,
2,239; total, 8,608.
Noticeable increases in the enroll-
ment of the Lit., Graduate, and Den-
tal Schools account for the larger
campus male population.
V-Ball Time Changed To Agree
With WIVIC Curfew Directive-
Complying with the recent War
Manpower Commission directive
which curfews post-midnight revelry,
the V-Ball committee has set the
time for the third annual Victory Ball
back one hour, the dance to be staged
from 8 p. m. to midnight Friday in
the Intramural Sports Building.
In line with the committee decision,
announced yesterday by Paul John,
dance chairman, late permission for
women and naval students has been
correspondingly altered. Women may
stay out until 1 a. n. and V-12 men
will be allowed until 1:30 a. m.
Both these times are one hour earlier
than the times previously announced.
Because of increased student de-
mand, a new supply of tickets has
been printed, and these will go on
sale today, Norma Johnson, ticket
chairman, declared yesterday. Tick-
ets will be sold on the diagonal
Extension Will
Sponsor Talks
frnm i a. m. to 4 p. n. and all day
at the Union main desk.
Departing from usual custom, dance
music for the Friday formal will
be played by only one orchestra, that
of Hal McIntyre, whose combination
is termed the best new band of the
year by swing music publications.
Featured with the orchestra, slated
soon for a six month overseas jaunt,
will be the songs of Al Nobel and
Gloria Van.
British Author
Wyndham Lewis, English author
and artist, will speak at 4:15 p.m.,
tomorrow in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building under the auspi-
ces of the English department on
"TolstoyhHemmingway, and War."
The author of many novels and
books of commentary on the modern
world, Mr. Lewis has been compared
by critics with both Swift and Rabe-
lais. "Tarr," a novel published in
1918, was one of the first indications
of the literary revolution to take
place in the next decade. Other nov-
les, most of which are satires, in-
clude "The Apes of God," "The Wild
Body," and "The Childermass."
Describing his work, Prof. Bredvold
of the English Department said, "His
satire is broad and vigorous, and his
style modern. But he attacks what-
ever he considers nonsense, whether
it is found in the conservative Eng-
lish middle class or in the cults of
the ultra-moderns."
Second semester freshmen or
higher who received at least a C
average during the fall term are
eligible to tryout for the Michigan
Daily this semester. There will be
a tryout meeting ' for news,
women's and sports staffs at 5
p. m. Thursday
Besieged Nazi
City Seen. in,
Allied Gras
Yank Push Forces
Garrison to Retreat
See MAP, Page 2
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Mar. U tanks drove
more than a mile today into the tot-
tering Rhineland metropolis of Co-
logne, seized one-fifth of it, and the
largest German city ever to be storm-
ed by the Allies seemed virtually
within American grasp.
The charge of American tanks from
the north to within two miles of the
big Hohenzollern bridge in the heart
of the city forced the remaining Ger-
man garrison-estimated by one staff
officer to number only 1,000 men-to
fall back.
Other Forces Smash from West
Other American forces were sma-
shing in from the west, and a flying
column began cutting three miles
southwest of Cologne to complete
the encirclement. This. column last
was reported about five and a half
miles from the Rhine south of Co-
Cologne, fourth largest city in Ger-
many, was undergoing a terrible or-
deal of fire, and a pall of smeke hung
over it as massed artillery laid down
shells before the advancing armor
and infantry.
Largest City in Rhenish Prussia
Cologne is the largest city in Rhen-
ish Prussia, normally with a popu..
lation of 768,000 which ran her once-
busy war factories, but most of the
civilians had fled now or cowered in
basements as the battle swirled a-
round them.
Simultaneously, the U.S. Ninth
Army struck into the center of the
shrinking Rhine pocket to the north,
fighting into Rheinberg, one of the
chief ferry points for an estimated
50,000 German soldiers trying to
fight their way to the east bank of
the river.
Seventy Miles of West Bank Seized
American and Canadian armies
had seized control of 70 miles of the
Rhines west bank between Cologne
and the Dutch border, and the Ger-
mans were hemmed into three slen-
der pockets in the remaining 20 miles.
Amos Hawley
Will Address
Baha i Group
"There Is No Superior Race" will
be the subject of an address to be
given tomorrow at 8 p. m. in Lane
Hall by Dr. Amos Hawley of the
University sociology department, un-
der the sponsorship of the Ann Ar-
bor Baha'i Assembly.
Dr. Hawley, who has participated
in panel discussions on Post-War
Problems and plans for reconstruc-
tion, will consider the re-education of
the peoples of the world to rid thei
of false ideologies such as the belief
in a superior race as a possible plan
for future peace.
Rex King, who has traveled
throughout the country on Racial
Amity and has addressed two pre-
vious Baha'i assemblys on the sub-
ject, will be chairman of the discus-
sion which will be open to the pub-
Topics To
Family Life
Be Discussed
Chinese Government Awards
Scholarships to Mitchell, Booth
Mary Anna Mitchell and Phyllis
Booth have been awarded the first
two scholarship sat the University
granted by the Chinese government
for the study of Chinese civilization.
The scholarships pay $1,500 and
may be renewed if satisfactory work
is done for a total of three years.
Their purpose, according to the Chi-
nese Embassy at Washington, is not
so much to train Americans for work
in China as to acquaint foreign lead-
ers in this country with Chinese civil-
From Six Universities
Only six universities have been ask-
ed by the Chinese government to give
the scholarships: Michigan, Harvard,
Yale, Columbia, Chicago, and Cali-
Although it could have given five
scholarships this year, the University
felt that only two of the applicants
met the high standards it intends to
maintain for these awards. Miss Mit-
chell, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Miller of Flint, is a senior on
campus and has taken Chinese, Chi-
nese art, English and sociology.
Grad Student
Miss Booth, 1216 Prospect, Ann Ar-
bor, is a student in the graduate
school. She was born in China at
Chefoo, Shantung province which
now is occupied territory. Her par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Booth, who were Presbyterian mis-
sionaries in the Orient. Miss Booth
knew Chinesebefore she did English
and considers herself a product ofj
Eastern and Western civilization. She
came to this country when she was
17. At the University she has major-
ed in Oriental Civilizations.
"The American Family Today," a
marriage and family life institute,
sponsored by the University Exten-
sion Service together with more than
50 Detroit social agencies, will be
held today through Monday at the
Rackham Educational Memorial in
Highlighting the five-day confer-
ences dealing with "problems faced
by young people and adults in every-
day wartime living," will be Dr. Mar-
garet Mead, author and anthropolo-
gist, Captain Dorothy C. Stratton,
director of the Spars, and Dr. Homer
P. Rainey, former president of the
Texas University.
Morning programs will be held to-
day starting at 9:30 a.m. with an ad-
dress by Dr. Mead on "Patterns in
American Family Life."
Topics for conference meetings to
be held from 10:30 a.m. on are:
"Physical and Emotional Needs of
Children," "Religion in the Home,"
The Older Adolescent and the War,"
and "Inter-cultural Attitudes and
the Family."
Kelso Receives
Court Judgment
University Prof. Robert W. Kelso,
Director of Curriculum in Social Work
in Detroit, Institute of Public and
Social Administration, yesterday won
a State Court of Claims judgment
against the State, awarding to him
$2,500, according to an Associated
Final Week Vows Forgotten as
Spring Flies Over Ann Arbor
Joe Fisher Predicted Japanese War
"Next semester comes the revolu-
tion," was the frantic wail heard all
over campus during finals. This was
usually accompanied by frenzied vows
of studying eight hours every day,
doing outside reading and term pa-
pers as soon as they were assigned,
and keeping two weeks ahead in e.
Coeds declared they would never
fact, similar comments were still
prevalent as late as registration.
But with the dawn of the first day
of classes, a more potent factor ap-
peared on campus. Unfortunately,
spring sprung, without warning or
announcement. Coatless coeds boun-
ded along the diag, chattering of
clothesnand men, tennis and dates,
vaca~tionnd rV-Ball.
Accompanying his lecture, "Land of
the Maharajahs," with color films,
Joe Fisher, international traveler and
Sultan of Johore, who in solemn cere-
mony christened Fisher Singapore
tures were originally the product of a
habby. He recorded every interesting
place or unusual event that came his