SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1945 TE NMICHIGAN DAILY U Hillel To Hear Emily Newcomb; Palestinian Movie Will Be Shown Delegates in Mock Conference Revise CharterDebate Issues Wayne English Prof. To Discuss Literature "Education Against Anti-Semit- ism Through Literature" will be dis- cussed by Prof. Emily Newcomb of the English department of Wayne University at the fifth meeting of the "Workshop on Anti-Semitism" to be held at 7:30 p.m. EWT tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation. A teacher of continental American literature, Prof. Newcomb was edu- cated a Wells College, Columbia University and the University of Wisconsin. In her lecture, Prof. New- comb will emphasize American liter- ature, critically analyzing Clifford Odets' "Awake and Sing" and Jerome Weidman's "I Can Get It for You Wholesale". She will also discuss the treatment afforded anti-Semitism in modern magazines. Missionary T o.Talk At Episcopal Church Dr. Ida Scudder, founder and head of a missionary medical college for women in Vellore, India, will take Rev. Henry Lewis' place in the pulpit in the Episcopalian Church service at 11 a.m. EWT today. Dr. Scudder graduated from Cor-. nell Medical College and went to India in 1901. While in India, she founded an Indian women's college for physicians and surgeons. / Scenes of Jewish Life Are Featured in Film 4, r "Palestine Builds and Defends", an educational movie, will be shown at a meeting of Avukah, student Zion- ist organization, to be held at 8 p.m. EWT today at the Hillel Foundation. Filmed in Palestine and narrated in English, the movie depicts allj phases of Palestinian life including the factories and farms, the army,j the educational facilities and the social life. During the meeting, plans for the coming Jewish National Fund drive will be made, and the San Francisco conference will be discussed. The Jewish people are represented at the conference by two delegates, one from the American Jewish Confer- ence and the other from the Ameri- can Jewish Committee, who have the status of consultants. A petition to these delegates is being considered. Everyone is invited to attend both the movie and the meeting. City's Flying Facilities To Be Discussed Tuesday An organizational meeting of per- sons interested in the development and expansion of Ann Arbor flying facilities is to be held at 8 p. m. EWT Tuesday in the council room of the City Hall. This meeting follows a rally of Ann Arbor airport flyers and aircraft own- ers held recently at the Union during which a committee was named to form an organization of air-minded persons. -" French Women Vote PARIS, April 28.-(A)-France will vote tomorrow for the first time since 1916, and for the first time in the history of the Republic women will be allowed to cast their ballots. (Continued from Page 1) centered around her colonies and territorial influence. No vote was taken on territorial provisions for Japan or the imposition of punish- ment on Japan. During a speech in which he point- ed out some of the controversies which had emerged in the general discussion, Dr. Melvin Tunmin of Wayne University, said that we should concern ourselves, not with whom we shall punish, but with the fcrces in the defeated countries that we know to be democratic." "These forces," he said, "will take care of the fascists for us." He asserted, in addition, that we must encourage the right of self-determination in countries like our defeated enemies. Some of the problems which Dr. Tumin pointed out had occurred in the panel discussion included the re-educability of the German people, especially the youth, whether war is a fight to win or a fight for human- ity, the definition of "Crimes Against Humanity". Charter Amendments Amendments to the charter were voted upon in the evening panel on "Building the Bulwark of Peace". Added to the provision that each member will have one vote in the security council was the provision. that Russia, White Russia and the Ukraine should have separate votes. For determination of action against an aggressor, the conferees decided that a 3 4 majority rather than 2j3 majority should be deemed necessary. Added ,to the section concerned with the world court, was the provi- sion that a 2/3 majority vote in the general assembly can impeach a' judge. The deiegates agreed that the Gen- eral Assembly may make recommen- dations on any matter relating to the maintenance of international peace and security which is being dealt with by the Security Council. The original provision states that the General Assembly should not make these recommendations. Dele- gates also eliminated the use of the words "peace-loving nation" from the clause c_ ±insbership of the security conneil. Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tCory dept., in a summary speech, stated that "if we could 'lave one- tenth of the cooperation shown in fighting the war in the work of pre- venting the war, we will succeed." He said that "one mistake may be ex- cused in the formulation of peace. We have been given a second chance and we will never have another chance. We must set up a charter to prevent the recurrence of these cosmic wars." Liberated U.S. Soldiers To Operate POW Camps NEW YORK, April 28.-( P)-Am- erican soldiers liberated from Ger- man prison camps will be assigned to operate prisoner of war camps for enemy soldiers interned in New York, New Jersey and Delaware, the Army's Second Service Command announced War's Soial Affect Stated Dr. Angell Reveas Need for Reform Three points on which his sociol- ogy has been affected by two years' experience as a colonel in the armed forces were emphasized by Dr. Rob- ert C. Angell in a talk at the lunch- eon session of the spring meeting of the Michigan Sociological Society here yesterday. Sociologists should place less em- phasis on the study of values, Dr. Angell believes, and more emphasis on action in the fields of zocial reform. He also stated that his experience overseas impressed him with the dif- ficulties which will accompany inter- national cooperation. Dr. Angell con- cluded by emphasizing that in study- ing institutions, sociologists must re- member that they are dealing with living people. I' today. GIVE MOTHER A PAIR OF PRETTY Bi ..,. First Michigan Man Decorated In Africa Returns to States ;art' NOW IN REPRINT "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" By Betty Smith o- .$1t.49 STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY' By KATHRYN UMPHREY BATTLE CREEK, Mich., April 28 -( P)-Reckoned in lengthy, drawn out war years, the Allied invasion of Africa was so long ago and so much has happened since, that civilians tend to forget the big day when the Yanks first went into action in that theatre. Forget it, that is, until someone like beribboned T5 sOrris Corey turns up,. Michigan's first son to be dec- orated for action in Africa, Corey (rove a jeep through enemy shellfire on the historic Nov. 8, 1942, carrying peace terms to the French. He spent the first two and a half days of the African war as a prisoner and when liberated narrowly missed being killed by his own men who weren't sure the Allies and French had come to terms. Corey, who comes from Evart, Mich., was awarded the silver star for his jeep-driving and Col. Demas T. Craw, of Traverse City, who was killed on the same ride, was awarded the congressional medal of honor posthumously. Just now back from 29 months overseas, the 24 yeai' old blond Cor- poral, who wears five battle stars, remembers every detail of that day. He didn't know until he saw Ameri- can, French and white flags in his jeep that he was going to do a spe- cial job. "When we started toward the town (they landed at Port Lyantey, French Morocco) there was a lot of fighting going on behind us, and our own bat- tleship fire was just missing us as we were curling around that road to the fortress," Corey related, con- tinuing. "I remember seeing those Moroc- cans along the road and Col. Crow- ley said 'Take your first look at your enemy.' They weren't firing at us, but beyond them on the straight road some others started firing. We were surprized but the Colonel said to keep right on going. Then he got hit-killed right away-and they took Major Piedmont Hamilton and me prisoner." The French put Orris in a non commissioned officers' barracks. That was Sunday and on Tuesday one of the noncoms who could speak Eng- lish came tearing in. "He was real excited, kissed me on both cheeks," the Corporal recalled, grinning. "He said we weren't fighting any more --that it wasn't in their hearts to fight anyway." Gen. Truskett later awarded Orris the Silver Star while he was still in Africa. Corey then fought on with the 6th combat Engineers Corp for the next two years-through Africa, landings at Sicily, Salerno, Anzio, up through Naples, Rome, the inva- sion of southern France and into Northern Alsace before he was wounded. He'd still be fighting, he says, if it hadn't been for the Belgian break- through. "They took most of our infantry and we had to retreat. "I didn't expect to get wounded any of that time and I didn't expect not to. You don't ever think about tomorrow. You don't even think you'll be sent home. Ernst Stresses Veterans' Aid "The disabled American veteran faces a period of great responsibility," stated Carl R. Ernst, the newly in- stalled commander of the Washtenaw county chapter of the DAV. At the installation meeting held Friday night in the VFW club rooms, Commander Ernst voiced his policy: "In this community it is my hope that the problems of the disabled veteran will receive first place in our wartime activities. We have a great obligation to the returning disabled veterans and as the official voice of the disabled, the DAV under my term of office will continue to aid in the rehabilitation and welfare of the disabled veteran and his depend- ents." 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Short lengths: 31 to 37.' r . ,r.t 'N f I ((,j/J/J Ir i I I I Handbags Corde Handbags in navy and black, lucite trims. 10.00'to 9: 1-i Hand '''I!! WATCH THIS SPACE UNTIL , ,I , I i II) I i